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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

     ccbaby~Dr. S suctioned the holy heck out of me!  My awesome new torso and ab....compliments of Dr. S!!!  He did my thighs and back too!!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Trishia....I saw your pics on the pic forum...YOU look so GOOD!!!   Did you have to 'ask' him to do any extra areas?

  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2010

    Sorry I haven't posted since my stage 2 surgery.  I wanted to read all of the posts I missed first but I never got the energy so I'll just post anyway since some of you were asking about me.  To my surprise, my stage 2 turned into a mini stage1.  My left breast had allot of fat necrosis that had to be replaced with another flap which was taken from my abdomen.  In stage 1 my flaps were taken from my hips.  So I had half a Diep, a tummy tuck, some breast revisions and very little lipo.  As of today, I only have one drain left.  It's been 2 weeks.  I'm not bruised at all but my abdomen is definitely sore and I still need to take pain meds.  I get tired very easily and don't do much except some necessary things around the house and rest.  Today will be my first day out since I got home on the 23rd.  The recovery is definitely more trying this time than my first stage 1.  I still have to go back for some more breast revisions and lipo after I heal.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    ccbaby~No!!!  I was going to, but I didn't need to.  He took out the blue marker of magic and just went to town and then asked me if that was okay!  LOL!  I was like FANTASITC! I know that all my exercise has helped, but he laid the foundation down perfectly! Right after surgery I was like "HOLY Sh!T!  Look at my torso!  This rocks!!"

    WPLD~Wow!  So sorry you had to have another mini stage 1!  But I am glad you are resting. Be sure to listen to your body!  You have been through a lot.  I hope you are happy with your new breats.  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Jennifer, I believe my onc uses Adjuvant Online's site.  I was told prior to my surgery that while survival rates would be the same for me with lumpectomy & rads or mastectomy, recurrence risk was higher with the lumpectomy.  

    I did a huge wardrobe purge last year, and shipped clothing and housewares to a church in New Orleans which hands them out--directly to homeless people/Katrina victims.  I didn't want to give them to a charity that would sell them, so knowing that they'd go straight to those who needed them most, I willingly paid to ship about 4-5 huge cartons of stuff.  I need to do it again, as I've been putting things in a big plastic bag to send off.  I can post the church information if anyone is interested in helping out.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Sassie, I have one set of nipple guards and they've lasted me for over six weeks now.  There's no need for more than one pair.  I think these nips started to shrink at about three weeks.  I know that last time, they were really flat when I had the tattooing done about 14 weeks later.

    I had DIEP, and Dr. D did a lot of lipo to my trunk, lower belly and inner/outer thighs during my first surgery in NOLA.  Then when I went back for the second surgery, I told him that I felt my butt was way out of proportion to the front of me, so he said, "Let's take a look" and I just about died when he lifted the gown up from behind and he started drawing.  I was flipped during surgery for lipo on my lower back and butt.    I got back to Hope Lodge the next day, looked in the mirror and nearly jumped for joy when I saw that half my butt was gone!   Giving us the gift of very generous lipo is something that Dr. D and Dr. S are known and loved for.  You may only have one shot at the lipo bonus, and I know of one patient who told Dr. D to "get out the shop vac", so don't be shy about it!  It's definitely like having a fairy godmother waving a wand over your problem areas.

    WPLD, so glad to hear from you and know that you are okay. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    I told the doc, "I am not afraid of lipo" and that was all I needed to say, HA!  

    WPLD, I know, i had a lot of work done too (not another flap, but incision all the way around, back and front, and lowered significantly, tight as a drum!) and had drains for 3+ weeks. Just ditched the compression garments, and feel much better lately. But I am still very tight and sore! 4+ weeks, but no pain meds needed for about a week.... Hang in there.... 

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010

    How do you post to the photo forum? Where exactly is it?I would like to post my results too. I want to help anyone who needs to make an informed decision.

  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2010

    Happy--I have had some success treating the fat necrosis with cold laser therapy and would recommend it to others...but I have so much of it, it's slow going. I'm hoping with time, more treatments and some lipo I might be able to avoid another flap...however that breast used to be bigger than my other one -- and now as the swelling goes down and the necrosis softens it is much smaller so I'm not sure what would be left and whether with fat injections on one side and reducing the other I might "meet in the middle."  Dr. Allen's office was adament with me that he would NOT do the surgery, even if I needed a TUG--which was a little frustrating. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting Dr. S's take on it.

    Minnesota--Massey was my primary surgeon.

    To All: Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep you posted after my consult next Wednesday...

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Hey Spring...I will use that line too!!

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Well I am back! Too much to get caught up with. I have been fighting a really bad case of bronchitis since Thanksgiving which has really sapped my energy. Not much fun to be coughing non-stop on a new diep tummy. My ribs were bruised and causing a ton of pain but I am finally on the mend. Had a great Xmas with the kids, so wonderful to see my oldest son walking on both legs(post car accident) with just the one crutch. Youngest son had ACL surgery on the 30th and seems to be recovering well with my nursing. 2009 was a year I was happy to put behind me.

    Wow so much going on the board.

    Welcome to all of the newcomers and hope recoveries are going well. Someone posted about CT scan stuff. I too had a few abnormalities show up. My Dr suggested an US instead of CT scan. Didn't see the point to expossing me to more radiation. I do feel that the CT is like an MRI in that it pulls a high false positive, but important to follow up.

    Jennifer the holidays are difficult sometimes but just think of what you have been through. You have had 2 major surgeries in such a short period of time. I decided to wait until March for my stage 2 since I had soooo much personal stuff going on with the kids that I knew it would really set me back. Take it easy girl! In a few short months you will be feeling and looking like a new hot babe.

    Warrior sorry to hear about your set back on Xmas day. Hope you are feeling better. Did I miss the news clip you did or when are they releasing it?

    Ladies thanks for posting all the pics. Nordy you look great and Sandy you are the "Nip Girl" amazing.

    WPLD sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it. Hang in there things will get better but it is important to get lots of rest. Just think how great your body will look like with that new flat tummy as well.

    MargitN looks like you are starting us off for the New year. Good luck with your surgery on the 4th and speedy recovery.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Question.  Does anyone think I might be able to go on a beach vacation one month after a Stage 2?  My friends want our family to join them June 18th for 10 days.... but my stage 2 is at the end of May... your thoughts... am I delusional to think I could go?

    Good luck Margit!!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    MargitN~ I hope everything goes wonderful tomorrow.

    I am going to ask Dr. S. this at my pre-op but I have a question in regards to the donor scars and the difference that I have seen on the reconstruction site.  How do they determin how long the incision ??  I honestly think that all of the gap surgeries done in NOLA look wonderful but I am curious about the different sizes.  Is it because of the amount that is needed, the perferator's location ???  I am pretty sure that I will have scars on my breast like trishia and Nordy's but at the donor site how do they determine how long the incisions need to be ??  I know it's a silly question but I am curious now.  I got to see a Diep surgery on-line I wish I could see a S-Gap also.... 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Good Luck to you tomorrow Margit!

    Jaimeh- I dont know how they determine the length of the Incision for the SGAP.

    I do know that the Hip Gap (Like Nordys)  Seems to be pretty much from your side hip bone to a few inches left with no incision in the center back.  That is where the Bunny Tail is.

    I have 1 long incision  (not 2) as Dr M spent some time during my stage 1 on my bunny tail.

    When Nordy has Stage 2.  I am pretty sure she will end up with 1 long incision...At least from other Hip gap stage 2s I have seen.


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Welcome back Stephanie!  Thanks for the kind words....I know it IS a lot.....feel as tho I'm turning the corner and seriously thinking I will be Drain free in the next 2 days....and that will be AWESOME....really tired of the padding it to prevent blisters between me and dominatrix.

    Jamieh, or holtbolt? I think wait and see how much you're having done for stage 2 and even then see how you're feeling..... or take it VERY easy re beach vacation.  I know you probably won't be going topless BUT they say no sun for a year to scarred areas too.  Very sorry if I sound like a buzzkill.....I'm just one opinion tho.

    Sandy thanks for getting back w/ that info.

    As for incision....I understand that the biggest determining factor is WHERE the vessels are that they are harvesting...the length probably has more to do w/ closing up as neatly as possible w/o disfiguring?  I'm guessing but thye have to be able to get in there and dissect the arteries/veins and fat flaps...ask, they can probably tell you after they do your CTA?

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Trishia - I have complicating factors with Tamoxifen, too. Caused uterine cysts and endometrial thickening. Glad I was able to take it as long as I did - 3 1/2 years. But I get to have a D&C on Friday and they'll also take a closer look at polyps in the uterus that were not there at the last transvaginal ultrasound. So if I just look at bc cancer risk, it might make sense to let them take my ovaries and uterus and continue with the tamox. But I have a family history of heart disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's. So I'm pretty nervous about losing my main source of estrogen - not to mention testosterone and its impact on sex drive. It's very hard to weigh all of these risk factors and percentages - and also when so much is unknown. I wish someone could just tell me what the h... to do!

    Sandy - There you go bragging about all the raw material you gave Dr. D. to work with. "Half my butt was gone!" PPLLLBBBTTTT! Give it to me!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2010

    Good luck MargitN on your surgery. All of us girls are praying for you.

    Minnesota...Good luck on Friday. Keep me posted on which direction you may end up going. We are very similiar in the fact that my family history is strong in heart disease so I, too, am trying to keep my "insides" yet don't want anymore cysts  I have an appt with two different ob/gyns tomorrow to discuss my future since I have cysts still on rt side...we will see!!

    Spring...missed you girlie!! Can you PM the name of that dr that you said will discuss my supplements needed over the phone? DOes he just charge it as an office visit?? TY

    And 15 minutes of fame in the USA Today has yet to be published. I will let you girls know when its out. It should be somewhat comical since I was 5 days post op Stage 2 and was swollent since I was laid on my belly...oh well....its the voice that is more important than the messenger! lol

    Have a great week warriors!! xo

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Minnesota, there's still enough there to give you a flap.  I offered, if they find a way to do acellular fat transplants, so get your doctors on board for that and I'll give you half of my spare fat!  My sister needs the other half.

    What are our docs up to this month?  I know of one stage II on 1/13.

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    I just spoke with the Center and Holtbolt and I are scheduled on the same day--Feb 23.  I was told they do 2 surgeries a day regularly.  How's that for stamina?  hahaha!!!

    Would anyone mind if I post a list of questions?  I'm sure they've all been answered on this thread and I want to go back and read the whole thing from page 1.  Unfortunately my computer is in the shop and I probably won't get it back til the weekend. 

    Thanks for all of the info, support, well wishes, prayers and understanding that flows out from this site and especially this thread every single day!


  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    The docs here in Charleston actually did a sister-to-sister DIEP and it was highly successful. Both sis's were happy with the results. My sister offered to help me out (haha), but we're not identical twins, so pbffft! I went SGAP and as you will all discover, as I have, when you lose weight after surgery, the new ta-ta's will also lose weight. The good news is that if your donor tissue is the area most prone to keep the weight, that will remain the same regardless of its new location. So my PS tells me (my butt usually holds the weight so I'm crossing my fingers - hah!)...

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Hello from CT-Go FOR IT!  Ask away!  we love this!...after all there are 81 freakin pages to attempt to dig thru!

    Today-MORE progress!  almost 2 miles on the treadmill, not too fast, but faster than last week.  HR stayed about100. And my PT motivated me to DO foam roll stretches to help improve flexibility in shoulders/chest rather than just talk about them!  Mostly just feel a bit more energetic...I can last all day w/o a nap AND stay up past 9pm! It's the LITTLE things!  Need to get used to being on feet for 8 hours. The drain has only had 15 ccs/day last 2 days BUT want to see what tomorrow am produces as I had therapy and have been more active....Praying it does not go up based on that- but the trend is less.  

    Nordy called me last pm....she has been hostessing  a lot of family and said she was intimidated by the number of posts she had to catch up on.

    OK better go be responsible and push some papers......NOT my gift or pleasure.........MAJOR cabin fever/social isolation.  Probably back to work next monday then it will  probably be like learning to drive again! LOL! 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    PlaneJane....I thought we could get rid of the drain when it goes under 30 cc's a day? Mine is right at 30 and I was hoping to pull it soon!

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2010

    I was just reading some of your comments about being out of work for 2-4 wks after stage 2. I have 7 weeks off for stage 1, bilateral Sgap . I'm hoping they will do some of the Lipo at stage 1. any of you NOLA gals had the "extra" lipo done then? I'm also thinking of NOT having the Nips done at stage 2, just 3D tatoos, so I'm hoping the recovery time will be much shorter, I'll only have a few days for stage 2 recovery.

    I'll be there 2/25, so look me up, my best friend Cathy will be there with me.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    TrainerTam... I should be at the Homewood Suites 2/26 or 27th through 3/2... but my surgery is at St. Charles on 2/23... maybe we will cross paths?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Oh, MY Gosh.... It is going to take me hours to catch up... I have skimmed through, but am certain I cannot appropriately write anything of substance until I catch up. Maybe tonight at midnight???

    Spring, can you change my stage 2 to March 25th? I needed to push it off for a few reasons, mostly involving my kids and my sister-in-law's kids and trading watching kids while we take turns going out of town. Thank you! 

    I hope everyone had a great holiday!!!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    ccbaby-I went to pull my post op instruction sheet(but mine is for stage 2)....It says "Call the office before drain removal to verify that criteria for removal are met."  It doesn't have an amount.......I just know I was told 20cc actually for stage 1 and  for stage 2......Clarify w/ your nurse when she calls you...maybe donor sites have slight different acceptable amounts....sorry to muddy the water!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    PJ...Maybe you are right, it depends on the donor sight? I remember they told me 30 cc's during my discharge and also I talked with the nurse from there last week to confirm, but I am willing to wait until under 20 cc's because I definately don't wait a seroma.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Or could depend on MD?....I would stick w/ what they tell you.....I think where I work they use a general 30cc guideline(but we don't do breast stuff).......5cc=1 tsp so really it's not that much. different? But I'd follow their guidelines.....

    OK, I have finally joined facebook but need to get some pics if any of you get friend requests from a stranger it might be me!  I don't understand nor do I participate in that farmville stuff.......

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Question to anyone:

    If you still want a little revision after stage 2 is that option open?  This would require a little more lipo for the fat injections for one side.  Has anyone gone back for a second stage 2?


  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2010

    Thank you all for sharing so much information on NOLA.  I am in the process of scheduling a bilateral simultaneous SGAP with Dr. M and would love to have the procedure at NOLA.  Has anyone pursued a "network gap" exception with their insurance company - that would treat the "out of network" physicians and hospital as "in network"?  Once it is approved, does it really cover everything above and beyond the deductible/out of pocket maximum?   Are there any hidden surprises that I should be aware of (other than travel, hotel, etc) - such as the difference between "reasonable & customary" and what the doctors charge?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.