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NOLA in September?



  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Warrior - NO PINS AND NEEDLES!  Maybe you should check on that and no sweeling severe enough to look pregnant, better call and see.  Feel better soon,

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Sparkyhammerjigsaw - Please tell your wife we're all sending her prayers and positive thoughts. So glad the lymph nodes are clear! But sorry you have to wait on the path report - frustrating!

    Warrior - Thanks! I really do feel better about this after hearing from you gals. Gee, I got this great gift from tamoxifen, too! And then Evista, as well. Stopped that med about a month ago and the ovarian cysts disappeared, but the thickened endometrium remained - and now more "complex" they tell me. So I have the procedures next week Friday. I'd like to keep my ovaries and uterus in exchange for the inside of my left breast, which was troubling enough with the anti-cancer drugs, and more worrisome without. I just need to figure out what to have her stuffed with and where to get it from! I already know where I'll have the re-stuffing done!

    Re: pins and needles - that sounds to me like the swelling is compressing the nerves and causing that sensation - like when your foot "falls asleep." My guess is that once the swelling is resolved (by the dominatrix outfit - LOL! And I love the way it's crotchless), the pins and needles will resolve.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Hmm...I only wore my domantrix outfit for 2 weeks after Stage 2.  And no pins and needles for me. 

    I had my PET today.  It took 3 doses of xanax for me to be able to do it.  That totally wiped me out.  I came home and slept for 5 hours.  I still feel like I am hungover and am getting ready to head back to bed despite being up for only a couple of hours.  It's why I prefer Valium for anxiety versus Xanax, but they said Xanax helps relax the muscles more for a better scan.  I almost walked out.  I don't have cancer.  This is just baseline and follow up for my damn genetics.  Anyway...I put my big girl panties on and did it.  

    Will post more tomorrow.  xoxoxo

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Mel...I left message for Dr. M. But, it sounds like you may be right on Minnesota. So, you are on Tamoxifen and plan on staying on it? Are you  pre or post menopausal?? Its weird, I have been OFF Tamox for nearly 6 weeks and had the cyst burst anyway vs go down. I am due to start it up again on New Years Day...makes me a bit nervous now but then again, I like my ovaries! lol  Its a pain trying to know what to do....

    Plainjane...I like too much and take it off! lmaooooo  So great you had lunch with Teel and that you two are close enough to see each other!!

    Sassie...just checkin on you and seeing how are you doing?? Any news from airlines?

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Warrior - I was on tamoxifen for about 2 1/2 years, then had bleeding and endometrial thickening. So my onc immediately took me off it and switched me to Evista, saying it was not as likely to cause the thickening. Unfortunately, it did the same thing. I was pre-menopausal, no signs of menopause at all prior to the cancer -  my periods stopped the same month I started the tamox. I recently had a hormone test and they say that it does not indicate I am quite menopausal yet. I think my ovaries are still wanting to do their stuff, despite these drugs! I don't plan on re-starting either of those drugs. In my case, they were recommending - out with the ovaries and uterus - because of these irregularities. I'm hoping the drugs caused both problems, and without the drugs they won't recur. In that case I could keep both organs, but then the risk for the breast goes up - hence my considering the PM. They are telling me that since I did not have invasive cancer and my nodes were clear, the tamox and Evista are purely for prevention in the other breast. If the other breast isn't there, then I won't need the drugs. Yes, it's a total pain now knowing what to do! I'm very, very sick of trying to weigh the risks and the costs. And here I sit on my petite derriere, tho only needing a petite breast, but not wanting a flat derriere!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Yikes on all the hormone stuff!  I so feel both of you Minn and Warrior....and so far feel like I've been very lucky, not w/o my share of symptoms......the moody- Sorry if this is repeat- crying simultaneous w/ very irregular or absent periods that had previously been clockwork, I skipped one then started this crying , then crying every day, then couldn't stop crying, sometimes for a reason, sometimes for absolutely NO reason.....started Effexor, started and still see counselor that is MUCH better mostly....I no longer burst into tears when people look at me the wrong way! LOL!  But I think I DO GET and empathize more w/ how women feel going thru menopause....or having their hormones manipulated..........In August I did have the cysts 2 and 3 cm and clear.....endometrium was not thickened but she couldn't get the  probe in to do an endometrial biopsy BUT apparently transvaginal ultrasound and endometrial biopsy are  indicated now yearly for those of us on the drug.......That was all pre stage one because I just wanted to know all was well before proceeding w/ the big deal...... Another thing I've noticed and I think I read on the Tamoxifen thread vision...OK I know it is NORMAL to need reading glasses and I'm 45 BUT.....truly it was almost like I could wing it w/o them in 2008 but NO WAY now....I did see the opthalmologist and he said 'normal presbyopia' BUT said come back to him yearly now not just optometrist because now I have 'history!'.

    I've still not even completed my first year of 5 on Tamoxifen.  Started mid February 2009.  I haven't been able to bring myself to ask what happens after the five years to my med onc....HEY it will be my decision anyways!....Dr. LaGarde(BS who did the mastectomy at Nola) asked me what the plan was after 5 yrs of Tamox and I just sort of looked at her and said "I don't know, honestly don't want to know.  Right now I can only handle one thing at a time".  I'm due to see the med onc and GYN to recheck the ovarian cyst(there was only one smaller one at October recheck) in Feb....GYN said she'd recheck ovaries/cysts every 6 mos to one year.  And I think I will be ready to get a better idea of what the current thinking is now from the med onc. I'm 45 GYN did do the bloodwork too to see where I am- perimenopausal or ?  and my bloodwork indicated I'm not menopausal/perimenopausal....which means providing all goes well(God willing) if I complete 5 years of Tamox I'll be close to 50 and then if I am the average american woman I should start going thru REAL menopause.  My bone density...was OK....lumbar was just above osteopenia tho and premeno Tamox is not bone density friendly.

    I was Soooo happy to find my GYN because it seems like she was the only one who listened and DID take into consideration ALL the side effects and potential issues from hormonal manipulation and side effects of hormone therapy which really should be called "anti" hormone therapy. 

    Seems like  last year about this time it seemed like both the BS and med onc were just so into following a protocol know... if this- then are this- so that!  There is just MORE to it!  I refused Tamoxifen when I was diagnosed w/ ADH in 2006 because of the really bad documented side effects...yes they are rare BUT I have heavy family history of stroke, DVT and pulmonary embolism and the BC sister is one of those. So we DID have a come to Jesus talk and my med onc DID order yet aNOTHER expensive test to make sure I didn't have Factor 5 leiden.....a clotting disorder before I started Tamox.

    I know ovarian suppression is the hot treatment too for hormone positive AND considering the clinical trial was in phase 2 or 3 last year the study reps were indicating that it would probably become standard of care for premenopausal women.......that did NOT excite me because again it is very abrupt comes w/ the same side effects as basically surgically induced menopause....and to me YES quality of life is important....such a fine line...Of course I don't want another hormone positive I don't have breast tissue BUT supposedly they can form elsewhere...But I also don't want to be miserable treating something that may NEVER become a problem.  Just a dilemma!  treat one problem or attempt to and get aNOTHER!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Oh yeah-Mississippi queen!  Welcome to the other side!  Yippee!

    And Trishia....who cares if it is just baseline!  Congratulations!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Ok, last post this am promise!  Minnesota I know the docs tell us not to go grow fat BUT...I think it was Melanie and Warrior who went out for ice cream almost daily and whose friends took them out to dinner so much prior that just the little extra gave them enough.  Of course I am really just jealous- petite  derrier......But I just know they can salvage and do it for you! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Wow,  I am over 80 posts behind!

    Hope everyone had a Nice Holiday.  Mine wasn't great...But that is how it usually is anyway.  Didn't make it to my Dads on Xmas eve because of the Terrible weather.    

    Sassie- That is terrible what that man did to you.  I do hope you will follow through & press charges.  The Flight Attendant never should have said who wanted the music turned down!

     Warrior- Wow- that is not how your Holiday was supposed to go.  Im sorry you were in the ER & in so much pain.  My dd had a cyst burst & ended in the ER.  I know it really hurts.   I hope you call in to Dr M & see about this swelling....And the Tingling- Hope it is gone by now.  I have that on my Thigh (since SGAP) & my chest since my BLM. But yours is new since the ER- right?  Temporary- I hope like Minn Says.  

    Sparkyhammerjigsaw- Glad to hear your Wife is home & Doing good.   

    Well tomorrow is 8 weeks for me.  I still have DITA my Drain in the A**. 

    I have an appt to get it out tomorrow.   It has been causing extreme pain for over a week now.  My Thigh, groin & hip...I could hardly sit, move or walk all during the holidays. Im pretty crabby from all the pain.

    I cant wait to have it gone!!  But it is still draining anywhere from 50-100ccs a day.  : (  Sure hope I dont get a seroma.

    Sorry I missed some of you...Im always thinking of everyone : )


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    A Few Questions.

    For those that had SGAP.  how long did your back/ donor area hurt?   I am 8 weeks out & was hoping the pain would be a little less by now.  It still hurts to touch.

    For those that had Implants before your Flap- Do your flaps Flex still (like the Implant/Muscle flex thing)    I was told that would not happen after flap surgery.  I can flex my Flaps & I am not happy about that.  Hopefully with time it will go away.

    Anyone else still flexing...or not & when did the muscle flex go away?


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Pam, I flex a little, but not like with the implants. My theory is the fat adheres to the chest wall, and when the muscle flexes, the fat does, too. Same with the butt before surgery. I'll live with it. My SGAP donor site never hurt. I had a few hard spots that made it difficult to lie on the floor (sacrum area and hips) but deep tissue massage helped resolve that for me.

    Minnesota, it's a true quandary about meds vs breast. Having had bc in BOTH breasts at different times, I understand all too well. I had my ovaries removed at 45 because I couldn't tolerate tamoxifen, and needed an AI. Menopause has not been horrible for me--minimal hot flashes, bye-bye to migraines (but also libido! Maybe I need some Trishia toys?) Stage 2 took away my meno-belly. BUT--if I'd known then what I know now...PM would have been the way. LCIS puts you at risk for disease in both breasts. I'd be heading back to NOLA rahter than lose the ovaries. As for "flat butt syndrome" post GAP--it was scary at first, but now 8 months later, it looks pretty darn good back there. Stage 2 helped that, as does Pilates and weight training to target the glutes.

    plainejane, Effexor helped me so much after my diagnosis. I ultimately changed to Zoloft, and it will be part of my chemistry for life! BIG warning about Effexor that you may not know--DO NOT stop it cold turkey. You must taper slowly or you will have withdrawl side effects that are nasty.

    Time to get out of my robe and pj's. Spent the whole day in them yesterday, popping sudafed, blowing my nose, and drinking hot tea. My third cold since Thanksgiving. I blame surgery for whacking out my immune system. Today--eff it, I say. I'm going to the climbing gym, snotty nose and all.

    Later, babes,


  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2009

    Pam, I had BMx and SGAP stage 1 on 3/31. At 6 weeks I was starting to feel a little bit human. At 8 weeks I felt a whole lot better, but still had stiffness and some pain. At 12 weeks I was paddling with my dragon boat team, feeling great. Because I was not allowed to bend over during those weeks my back got really stiff and it did hurt to bend over once I was allowed. But the exercise really helped work it out pretty quickly. On 11/12 I had stage 2. No real pain but discomfort for a while. I see my doc next week and I expect he'll release me to do whatever wild and crazy thing I want.

    Other stage 2'ers - I sure know what you mean about the mixed feelings. I'm in awe of what the PS has done so far, but it kind of hits me sometimes that I even had to go through any of this in the first place! This week I'm kind of having a tough time b/c I'm seeing my various oncs and surgeons starting tomorrow and through next week. Just that 'reminder' call from the appointment office has put me in a flump - it's just another reminder that I'll have to be followed for quite a while, especially since they found LCIS during the BMx. Plus, when you've had a recurrance like I've had (even though it was stage 1both times) there's this 'thing' waiting to mentally tap you at unexpected times. My poor DH got an earful last night...

    Tamoxifen sisters - My BC was 100% ER/PR positive, so was put on tamoxifen without them ever having tested the endometrium. A year later I ended up with endometrial cancer - so  oopherectomy & hysterectomy for me! Still, they caught it early and my huge night sweats disappeared with the Tamox. So the instant menopause wasn't as bad as the tamox side effects were. Now that I can think a bit more clearly I'll ask my doc tomorrow to at least have my hormone levels tested to see where I'm at with all that. My treatment now is low fat diet and exercise.

    Speaking of, for those of you trying to lose weight a healthy way, please check out After my hyst I started putting on weight as well & unable to lose it no matter what. Well, my internist told me about Dr. Ann and I followed her plan, which is totally healthy. I lost 40 lbs over the course of 5 months with 25 of those lost before my stage 1. Plus dropped 40 cholestrol points! You are never hungry and you never experience the afternoon sleepies. Her book is awesome and easy to follow but she has little video clips plus cliff notes on her book on the web site. I highly recommend this eating plan. If you follow it without fail for 2 weeks I guarantee you will see results - 5 people in my office lost up to 7 lbs each by doing so.[sorry I sound like a damn info-mercial!] So it wasn't just me (except they fell off the bandwagon - LOL - not tough like us BC sisters!) Right now I'm 5'7" and 130 lbs. Just need to work on muscle tone some more!

    Well, gotta go and actually do some work! XXXXXXXOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXX

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    trainertam - I will see you there!!!  I am there a couple days before you... so far staying at Homewood suites after surgery but looking for maybe a cheaper alternative.... (anybody know anything about the other 2 bedroom suite hotels on the center's list?)  Hope Lodge before surgery for sure.... hope to meet you and lilmismuffit.. looks like we 3 are teed up for after mardi gras...

    For those of you on Tamoxifin... not to be a Debbie Downer... but look into the test to see if you are metabolizing it well.  I was on Tamoxifin for 15 months and a new cancer grew while taking it (on the opposite side).  Then they tried to give me Lupron to shut my ovaries down (so I could take Arimidex) and the Lupron failed me too... after 3 months of shots it didn't shut my ovaries down.. my estrogen level remained normal so Arimidex was doing nothing..... so finally I had to have my ovaries removed to guarantee immediate menopause so I could take an AI.  Maybe I was the Queen of Estrogen and a very very rare case... but ask if there is a test to make sure you are a good metabolizer of Tamox (I believe there is but no one offered it to me) and if you are on Lupron, ask them to check your hormone levels to make sure it's working (sometimes it doesn't and they don't automatically check... they didn't on me).  Telling you this not to scare you ...but since people are discussing it...just  be aware and be proactive....I guess these drugs work for many many people but not all....don't assume anything....  I hope Arimidex is working for me now!!  Ugh!!  I have only a few female body parts left!! (hoping to gain 2 more in Feb though) Laughing

    Minnesota.. I just realized I did have a D&C because while on Tamox my uterine lining was very thick and they worried about uterine cancer so they wanted to do a uterine biopsy.. I totally forgot I did that (!!!).  They put me out for it... and recovery was a piece of cake... nothing... just a little cramping/bleeding...

    Taking my tree down today and it's not even New Year's.... how badly do I want this year to be over... VERY badly!! lol.  I am fast forwarding through the rest of it ...!! lol

    Dejaboo... so sorry about that drain.... you will be so so happy when it's gone... Smile


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    I wanted to ask you girls something....When I had my follow up appt with Dr S after my surgery 2 weeks ago, they gave me a copy of my CT scan results. On the front page, it said to give it to my primary doctor here. Well, I got to reading it and it said that there was a .4 cm nodule that showed up on my lung. The report said that is it most likely post inflammation but given my oncologic history, I need to have another scan in 3-4 months. They didn't say anything to me while I was at NOLA, I thought that was weird, and it kind of has me freaked out! I went in for my Herceptin treatment Monday and gave the report to my oncologist nurse. My onc is on vacation this week, so I didn't get to talk to him. Has anyone else had nodules show up in CT scans? I am sure this is nothing to worry about and if it was, Dr S would have talked to me about it.

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Thanks to all the girls who responded with advice and well wishes.  Smile

    Warrior I am so sorry that you are laid up. I hope you are up and about soon.   It looks like you and I have more than our share to deal with.   Yes, I saw   "In Living Proof". In fact the week that the show aired my friend Val had a consultation with the man that discovered Herceptin.  In fact my friend Val has been the poster child for Herceptin.  She flies out every 3 weeks to Houston to get her Herceptin.  She has been on it for 3 years.  She did not go the route that most woman go with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.  The most aggressive type of BC.  She did not have a mastectomy and she did not do radiation but did do Chemo and Herceptin.  She lost a lot of weight and exercises religiously and is on a strict vegetarian diet _ NO SUGAR.  She is doing very well.

    Today I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon.  He took xrays of my neck and spine.  He said I did not have a fracture or rupture on my spine.  But he says I have a bad whiplash of my neck.  ( The headaches just won't stop)  So he gave me 3 scripts.  One is Robaxin a muscle relaxer, and a Steriod Packet to bring the inflammation down, and 6 weeks of physical therapy.

    I wrote Jeanine (the nurse at the CENTER) today to ask if any or all of the above is ok at this point Post Surgery.  Haven't heard back yet.  I had surgery on the 19th so that will be 2 weeks today.

    I have called the police department that took the report.  THEY HAD DONE NOTHING.  So we got the head Sergent and now a detective is on it.  I have tried to contact two lawyers and they don't seem interested.  Basically, unless the man hurt me to the extent that I am permanently disabled then they will take my case.  They tell me they are in business to make money and they get a 1/3 of what I will get and they have to make it worth their while.  So if he had killed me they would have been very happy to take the case.  Do you believe this!!!

    What are you ladies doing about the nipple guards?  I take them off before I shower and then the glue on the tabs don't work anymore.  Then I have to tape them on.  I don't know if all this pulling off the tabs is great for the breasts?  How long do we have to wear the nipple guards?  They really didn't give me very many to carry me over.  How many times are you supposed to use them before discarding them?

    I am still bruised and puffy.  I have not lost any weight either.  In fact since I have been so immobile I have actually slid up a lb.

    CCbaby I don't know if you remember what happened to me just before I went down for stage 1. They did the needed chest xray and a nodule type showed up on my lungs.  So of course once you have had breast cancer everything sends up red flags.  So I had to run back in and get a CScan of my chest.  The shadow or nodule was actually an artery.  Follow up -  but remember these tests are flawed and that is why they tell you that you can get a false positive.   As far as NOLA is concerned they figure that is an area that is taken care of by your oncologist.  My thoughts are with you.

    Happy New Years To All


  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies - Thank you for the very informative postings- they have helped me a great deal as I decide what breast reconstruction I will be scheduling in 2010.  Right now I am leaning towards a bilateral SGAP (one side reconstruction, one side augmentation) with Dr. Massey (Charleston/NOLA).  Since my initial consult with Dr. M, I have so many questions.  Today, I am most concerned about all of the scars.  This will be a delayed reconstruction (mastectomy w/ radiation 5 yrs ago) - and I am worried about having a breast that looks like a patch of skin as well as having large, noticeable scars on my backside.  Do the scars eventually fade to the point where they are less noticeable?  Do you see the breast scars when wearing a swimsuit (say a 2 piece top)?  I am new to this board and would greatly appreciate any feedback. 

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2009

    The nipple guards given in Charleston by my PS are different than what you all have - they aren't temporary and consist of a hard plastic rounded piece with air holes in it and there is a soft rubbery flat 'donut' shaped thing that attaches to the bottom of it. The hole surrounds the nip and the rounded piece protects it. I had to use paper tape to keep it from sliding around and remove it daily for showering. I ended up wearing it for over 5 weeks because my doc took off a few days when his baby was born & for Christmas. I finally emailed his nurse and got the OK to remove them. SOOOO glad that's done!

    Tamox tests - wish to goodness that I had known there were such things. It didn't seem to work for me either; not only did I get endometrial cancer but also had a BC recurrance after 2 years. But, I do know that this drug helps many people, so it would seem that the oncs should automatically run tests. I'll certainly ask my onc surgeon tomorrow as he's head of the dept.

    Do any of you know the names of the tests that check hormone levels? I'm apparantely an Estrogen factory also, even without ovaries and stuff so I'll be pressing my doc tomorrow on that as well. Any info in this area would be appreciated.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sparkyhammerjigsaw - our best wishes to MississippiQueen! Glad to hear she is well.

    Liz, About the scars - I had breast reduction years ago and at first the scars are red and angry, and then over time get lighter, then thinner .I ended up mostly with thin white lines. I am hoping that is what I have on my belly and butt this time from the Stacked DIEP Lumbar. However, whatever it ends up being is better than the implants I had. THOSE DROVE ME CRAZY being under my pec muscles. I will gladly exchange some white lines on my skin for those! I hope you will feel like having breasts back will be worth a few lines on your skin??   Are you sure you want an implant? Just saying.... You could do a bilateral GAP with her in NOLA, no? Will she put it under your Pec muscle? I would ask. (made be bats).


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    If you are on Tamoxifen, ask for the CYP2D6 Test. This tells you what KIND of metabolizer you are. Majority of woman are extensive 70%, which is excellent and then there are 20% that are intermediate, which means you carry one gene that does NOT metabolize and 10% are poor metabolizers, which means you carry neither gene to metabolize it. I tested and found out that I am an intermediate metabolizer. Drs aren't too sure what to tell me at this point...its working somewhat..but how much is unknown. Why can't things ever be simple? lol  Anyone else out there an intermediate? What was your plan of action?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Warrior, I never knew about those percentages, and here I was thinking the me being "extensive" was something special. HA!!! Majority are. I did not realize that....

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Ok, after all this I've decided I'm asking for it(CYP2D6) in Feb.....I swear if I have to explain or show my Mayo prepared med onc an article she is SO fired....BUT she wanted me to take zoloft w/ Tamoxifen last Dec....and when I questioned it she blew me off so I went to family practice MD w/ articles about CYP2D6 and not prescribing SSRI's and a number of other things w/ Tamox and got the effexor script from him.... I'm also grilling her on my risk of recurrence(w/ no breast tissue) w/ history of a 5 mm tumor plus adh....absolutely NO idea where they get that info?  Anyone here know where to scout out such info? the only predictive info she gave me which really was encouraging.... was per adjuvant! online last year....but that was following lumpectomy.....I do remember waaay back at diagnosis being told 'survival' was the same for me lumpect vs mastectomy.....which I think means recurrence would've been higher had I not ultimately traded in the time bombs...................OH man....sorry not sure why so hung up.... My new breasts/body are waaaaaaay better looking and bring much more peace!

    Rec'd a gift from Nola today-Brown tape and mederma!  not for use for at least another 8 days tho.  Trying to get a back to work plan and decided it's not happening next week.  Still have 8 more days of 10 lb restriction and a drain.  Did get the ok to start doing more from PT....and going back to a vitamin supplement that seemed like it made a difference post stage 1.  I've been slower than almost all of you and didn't feel like I turned a corner until 6 weeks post stage 1.....hoping for 4 weeks will be the magic number post stage 2?  We'll see!.......Would love this drain out monday or tuesday...everyone think positive thoughts ok?  still hanging about 30cc/day and YES did feel the lightening bolts in the abd plication w/ nose blowing/sneezing w/o dominatrix this am so I guess it really DID happen and I really should follow the restrictions.....Just not back to me yet girls! 

    I need a measure here......Spring you had the whole enchilada too!  Are you back to your normal?  almost?  are you back at work?  or do you have extended holiday?  How much time off from work for you?  I know I'm closer just not quite to the home stretch yet.......OMG won't it be great when we can all say " WE'RE BAAAACK!  and we look even BETTER than we thought we would!"  It's coming I KNOW it is!  I can feel it!

    warrior what's the latest on your tummy and the pins and still in bed?  Have you watched any good movies?

    Pam...sorry about the drainage situation/ WILL get better....our new mantra!  : " Better than back to ourselves again in 2010"

    Or maybe we should resume our affirmations..... Now lets flashback to SEPTEMBER/or was it august?  OMG and Spring's affirmations:

    ......wear a bikini like Marcia

    .....Hang out on the beach w/ Marcia

    ........I forgot the last one but has to do w/ bikinis and Marcia!

    Yikes...I'm stuck in august....oh well...I think I went from complaining about heat and humidity to complaining about something else!  LOL!..............Unbelieveable that we're about to turn the calendats to JANUARY!!!!!!!  OMG!

    Anyone have any new years resolutions?

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    PJ - my new years resolutuion is for my DH to get healthier!  Lose a few pounds but more importantly, get his body and heart in better condition.  We will see how that goes.  I want to do a bible study of some kind, I am not very disciplined in bible reading....ARRGH! 

    And last but not least, my daughter and I are going shopping for a NEW wardrobe for ME!  As soon as the swelling is all gone, then thats what we are doing.  My little Courtney is so excited about it.  She is 14 and way more stylish than me, (since I have ZERO fashion sense).  I have to tell you, I am a little nervous about a 14 yr old dressing me.  The only thing that I have that is even remotely "nice" are golf outfits....cause it is so important to look good on the course!  (grin)

    Oh and I called the center today about my itching, finished the meds yesterday, am better, but still itchy.  They said try benydryl and cortizone as a topical. I have been unable to put anything it cause then the nipple guards do NOT stay on AT ALL.

    YES PJ is correct, I ate like a horse for the entire summer, LITERALLY!  I gained 10 pouinds for it and I have to tell you, if I had not, things would NOT be as "sweet" as they are right now.  But going back to a normal eating plan is a little hard after shoveling for 3 months. 

    Ok, off to take care of DH, and pamper him, he is sick with a sinus infection. Goodness knows he has pampered me enough for the last nearly 2 years.

    OH - One more thing, CCBABY -  Yes I had something show on my CT Scans before I left for stage 2, basically the nodes under the arms looked suspicious BUT the report said it could be due to the stage 1 that I had in Sept.  Best just review it with your normal Doc, that way you will feel better.I know it will be nothing though.

    Trishia - glad you got thru the scans!  Sleep and rest well!

    Sassie - glad you got yourself checked out!  Best wishes for a speedy recovery.  And I only got 4 nipple guards as well.  I think my instructions said to wear them for 3 weeks, better check your written instructions for your specifics.  Yes I have to use the brown tape, in a "X" like fashion crossing in the center of the nipple, and use a rather long piece of tape so you can get some "leverage" to hold it in place.  This works like a charm, but only if completely DRY and NO OINTMENT ANYWHERE NEAR THE TAPE. 

    Warrior - glad you have a call into the Doc!

    PJ - Heres to a wonderful new year, with you feeling and looking MAAARRRVELOUS!



  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2009

    I have been lurking and not posting for a long while because I didn't want to be a downer for the honesty of some of you the last few days has helped me reach out. I had an S-GAP with Dr. M and D with a flap failure in August. It didn't fail until the day before I was to come home so I was in NOLA for over 3 weeks...Back to back long surgeries and the need to heal from both butt and abdomen made for an extra long recovery.

    The good news is the new flap (stacked DIEP) looks great. However the opposite breast never was o.k.--massive fat necrosis (7 in) and an open wound that I finally had closed mid-November. It opened up again on Dec. 23 and is still draining. I put off stage II to let things settle down. I really had hoped to be all done in 2009, but I'm not even close.

    I decided I needed a fresh start and am having a consult with Dr. Sullivan about what to do on January 6. From my pictures he said I might need another flap (not sure where they would take it--not much left except thighs and I know they don't do TUGS)--I'm not sure I can face another stage I, given my experience--this has been so hard on my body and my spirit.

    Anyway, please send good thoughts and prayers my way. I am hoping that Dr. S can get me on a path that will help put this all behind me. I wish you all well...


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sara, that is so hard. Sounds like you have a game plan though with Dr. S. I am sure all of us can relate to your wanting to be DONE. 

    PJ, I was given 4 weeks post op off work for my stage 2, stacked DIEP Lumbar - and I'm needing all of it. I am still sore and very tight. (remember, I had my ab incision lowered significantly, and the ab muscle stitching from navel down - so a lot of work). I am just recently out of all compression garments and so started some very gently yoga stretching last night - about 10 -15 minutes. I recently started wearing a bra again, and my back hurts! not sure what this is about.... 

    I know I will feel better in another week or so, and at 2 months post op, I should feel pretty good. This is how it was after stage 1 anyway....


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Oh Sara~I am so sorry honey.  I wish you nothing but speedy healing and a positive outcome.  I love Dr. Sullivan.  I hope that he can find a solution for you that works. 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009


    Im sorry to hear you are still having problems.  I hope Dr S can come up with a good plan.

    I will keep you in my prayers.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Well, I was going to celebrate being drain free on New years..>Was about all I had planned.  LOL

    Instead I just heard from Dr M & she wants me to keep the drain in another week & then see where my output is.

    Im not very happy about this.  I was looking forward to less pain & no drain.  I know its better then a Seroma.  But It still sucks.

    Besides this drain has no stitches...So the Tape holding it is making my skin pretty irritated : (


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Sara, I'm glad you checked in here. Your story, as horrible as it is, is a sobering reminder to all of us that these surgeries we choose are no guarantee, no walk in the park, and not without some significant risk involved. I think when things go well (or we only hear the success stories) we can easily get complacent.

    The open wound thing is quite disturbing. I hope you find in Dr. S the answers you need. Is there any conflict or concern because he is partners with the others involved? I'm also wondering if Dr. Allen may be an option for you, at least for an opinion--he's got the most experience. Just a thought.

    So it's been six weeks for me since stage 2. I bought new bras to celebrate. I climbed today without my compression garment, and it felt so good to stretch my body like that. But I was more than happy to pull the high Spanx back on afterward! I figure a few more weeks...


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009


      I am so sorry about your long journey (understatement I know!). I had infection and incisions problems with my stacked DIEP...I remember being freaked out wanting it to be all "fixed" and it seemed to go on forever. I can sympathize with you.

      This all said when I finally got the right mix of antibiotics/proper nutrition (Loads of protein)/ and started gentle exercizing  (after 2 additional surgeries to clean things up )things began to go uphill in a hurry.

      I just know you will have what you want just might have to find some more patience with the "process" which I know has been long and difficult.

    I just love both Dr D and Dr S (dont know Dr M) and I BELIEVE in them and their dedication and willingness to make it right,

    Gentle hugs to you,


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Sassie and Melanie....I have doing some reading about those nodules on this website and I googled it too. Most of the time it is inflammation because of chemo and/or rads and nothing to worry about. I will be anxious for my next CT scan in 3-4 months to find out for sure.

    Sara...Welcome and you are not a downer.  Dr S was my surgeon and I am sure he will take good care of you. I will be thinking about you on Jan 6.