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Wardrobe pics for boobless days



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2013

    Great answer!!!

  • Moremusic3
    Moremusic3 Posts: 3
    edited November 2013

    I just found this forum today, as I'm considering going boobless (I already do at home). I saw some of the pictures on here which looked great. But I have a big tummy, and am very conscious of it when I look in the mirror without boobs. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

  • booblessJane
    booblessJane Posts: 5
    edited November 2013

    I have a tummy too, but I wear lots of jackets, flowing shirts and a scarf draped around my neck! Blouses with ruffles. I am so comfortable going boobless, just wear layers. Even sports bras ride up in front, so I prefer a tank under shirts and blouses. You can find them with lace at the top to fit close to your chest. Walmart has oodles in different colors for just $4-$5 this year. I stock up and match them with every outfit. Go for it!

  • flannelette
    flannelette Posts: 398
    edited November 2013

    I have a big tummy, but go as a uniboober at home with no bra. that's ripped off the minute I walk in the door.

    Some of my faves are "big shirts" - I have 3 old linen ones that have lasted forever, meant to be worn out, with a pocket at each breast. I can wear these out in public, too, with out a bra (the linen has great texture). At home i often wear the kind of tee - long - that has a cascade of knitted fabric on the bias from shoulder to shoulder, so it draps. Does not exactly look perfect, but covers me comfortably at home. often sleeveless. If i need to throw something over I like those "shrugs?" are they? they have sleeves, are knitwear, and hang down, open at the front but covering the boobs, in bias-cut folds, right over the hips - comfy, yet add height and fool the eye. T-shirts with big twisted knots at the bottom of a v-neck front & centre - so many rippples & folds radiating out that, in black especially, someone would have to be looking hard. All inexpensive at places like walmart...and worn over cotton-spandex stretchy pants or mid-calf length with elastic waist.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited November 2013

    I still have my post mastectomy belly. I guess it was really there all along under my magnificent breasts, eh?? I've learned to stand a bit differently and use those wasted abs a bit more. Jackets, layers and busy prints matched with chunky necklaces all work for me. I still wear the same work clothes I did before except the ones made for cleavage. I like to wear sleeveless tops under a jacket. It looks professional and it's a bit cooler than a blouse.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2013

    Ladies - there's another thread around here called "How Vain Are You?" and SunflowersMA shared a great site with AWESOME scarves that some of you may be interested in.

    They come in so many delicious colors and patterns and can be worn as scarves or shawls, depending on the size.

  • Moremusic3
    Moremusic3 Posts: 3
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for all your responses! I did go boobless for 4 years (9 years ago), after my second mastectomy. But I was grossly overweight from steroids- which I was taking because I had a chemo-induced auto immune disease. Photos of me from that time are so awful, making me hesitant to go boobless again. But I'm fed up with bras and prosthesis, they ride up and around (you know the story!), and I do wonder sometimes why I feel such a need to look "normal", to look like I feel I'm expected to look.

    It's so great to see so many women on here who are willing to do what you want, instead of what's expected.

    It IS expected that we either have reconstruction or wear prosthesis. We're almost brainwashed into that immediately following diagnosis. Like the feeling of having to cover our heads when our hair falls out!

    Maybe you brave ladies are bringing about a much needed change of view!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies I'm just posting cuz I thought this interesting and I too go braless with a big tummy, somehow I have 3 hernias that don't help anyway.  I do the layering of course but I love infinity scarfs, especial the ones they show now, they are  long enough and thick around and so many colors--I really like the look of scarves and so does my sister--I don't think we ever wore so many in the winter our whole lives.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2013

    I am "famous" for telling people, "Why should I wear fake breasts to make YOU feel okay??" I am not ashamed of my breast cancer and I wear my flat chest (with all its' scars) as a reminder to people that "No, it ISN'T all over!!!!" I really don't care if I make people feel uncomfortable with my flat chest; I certainly wasn't comfortable with my cancer diagnosis!!

  • booblessJane
    booblessJane Posts: 5
    edited December 2013

    I feel exactly the same way. I want people to be reminded of how easy it could be them and how important it is to keep up-to-date with their doctor appointments. They wouldn't have found mine if they didn't have a decade worth of films to compare! I have no problem going boobless, and I do not care if people are uncomfortable around me. I am proud to have gone through this with a strong spirit. It will never be over. You always have it in your mind if it will return, but it has made me stronger. Every day I live the best I can and often put too much on my plate. But I just want to enjoy every minute of every day and that means not worrying about what other people think! I can't imagine wearing fake breasts! Just proud to be me!

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited December 2013

    Barbe, I use your words as often as needed!! I am not going to live with something digging in my removed-lymph area just so someone else can be makes no sense.

    The only reason to wear foobs is because we ourselves feel more comfortable about how we look. I understand that. But I am ok with how I look these days. I just lost my 62 year old brother in law to cancer...and I am a survivor. It may be uncomfortable, but I am here to smile and talk about it and even teach others.

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2013

    My DH likes me to wear the foobs but now he realizes that I do not give a #### what people think. I have had a few older woman ask me if I am pregnant but I simply explain that I lost my breasts and it makes my belly look even larger. Even my husband has stopped bugging me to wear my Foobs. I am currently on a holiday in Central America and I even forgot to pack them.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2013

    HAHAHA!! Good for you, mum!! Actually, I've met you a number of times and now thinking back, I don't know if you were ever wearing foobs or not when I saw you!!! Were you?? A nice vacation from them anyway....your DH will get used to seeing you without them, too, as you are out-and-about in public.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Posts: 1,118
    edited December 2013

    I love the attitudes here!!  I am just a bit past 4 months out from BMX and have never gone out in public in my bras and protheses!!  I am totally comfortable with my flat chest! I actually would be more self conscious in the bras with foobs! And as time has passed, I noticed people really don't notice that I am flat. As was mentioned, there are a lot of women out there that are very flat naturally with boobs, so who is to know?

    I have 2 sets of foobs, silicon and contact ones.  I haven't tried the contact ones yet as I was told wait 6 months.  I hate the silicon ones!  So cumbersome and uncomfortable.  I just wear a cami and a shirt or sweater.  It is cold here now so often a vest will go over the sweater and a coat too! LOL!  In the very beginning, I always wore a scarf to cover the flat area, but by Fall I hardly even did that, though I have tons of scarves.  Winter here in MT everyone is wearing scarves so mine do get worn now and don't feel I stand out at all.  

    I found some great crew neck sleeveless t shirts from LLBean in the summer. I found one at a thrift shop and liked it so much I ordered 3 more new ones.  High neck and under arm, the perfect coverup.  I see myself out and about in them next summer all on their own.  They are also great to layer under some of my v neck sweaters and shirts.  

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2013

    typical resort wear for me


  • booblessJane
    booblessJane Posts: 5
    edited December 2013

    great pic!  We should all post a pic!

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited December 2013

    I love the attitude here too...(and fantastic resort dress!!!)...The further I am from surgery, the more comfortable I feel flat. My new self image seems to be ok with the flatness. But it has taken a long time (3 years).

    I agree, sometimes now if I wear foobs, I feel everyone is noticing them, or they are in the wrong place :-)

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies, 

    Happy New Year, hope you all had a good nye!

    I just love this site, I've joined a couple of topics and it's all so motivating.  I have a huge belly at the moment.  Fingers crossed I will be able to get some of the weight off now and feel a bit more comfortable.  Having said that, I have decided to go flat from now on for a while and see how I feel but I must admit my confidence is growing every day. I am waiting for someone to ask me if I'm pregnant, not looking forward to that.  Doesn't society provide a rotten stereotype of how women should be? 

    Thanks for helping me with my decision.

    Viv xxx

    I just posted this picture on another thread but here is a pic of me in November at the Dr Who convention.  I have my falsies in but my belly still looks enormous!


  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited January 2014

    You look lovely and HEALTHY!!!!! And Happy!!! Welcome to our group here....I had a double mastectomy 3 years ago, but just this past year do I feel really comfortable going flat. I hear you about the belly, me too, but we are working on getting more healthy, so slimmer days are comming our way!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Awww thanks for those kind words crystalphm.  I've been out and about without my falsies for about 2 weeks now!  I go back to work on Monday so a little bit nervous about going without all the time but I've bought some ruffle front blouses and got some cardigans.  So fingers crossed!  I've been on my treadmill the last few days and walking so fingers crossed I can shift some of my belly!!!!!

    Thanks for the lovely welcome! 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited January 2014

    viv, remember that part of it is the way you stand!! You don't have to offset the weight of your chest anymore!

  • booblessJane
    booblessJane Posts: 5
    edited January 2014

    Just be proud of what you have been through and own it!  So what we are flat!  It is a great testimony of faith, bravery, and self confidence that we beat this!  It is all in the attitude.  I don't mind people knowing I am flat.  Hey, we just have less fat on our body than everybody else!  I lost seven pounds of fat!  Ha Cha Cha! I am so thankful of the research and technology today that is saving lives. So now I want to live life with a purpose.  Each one of us has played a part in helping to find a cure, and one day it will happen!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited January 2014

    I feel that way, too, Jane! I'm kind of proud of my flat chest. I fought the beast and I won!!!!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Actually Barb, I looked at the pic and I'm standing dreadfully!  I never had such a great posture anyway, something I need to work on I think.  

    You are so right Jane, I am getting more and more proud of myself by the day!  I've bought a few more bits and pieces of clothing so when I go back to work on Monday I'll feel a bit more confident.  I've ordered some dresses 3 sizes lower than I am for the summer term so hopefully I'll be in those.  They were all purchased with being flat in mind.  I'm quite excited!!!!  I will post pics as I go! 

    Hope you are all ok and not being too overawed by awful weather.  We have had nothing but wind and rain here so not been out and about too much! xxx

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited January 2014

    I LOVE it! My chest says I fought the Beast and I won!

    I did go to physical therapy recently for my shoulder, and I (begged) him to give me posture exercises too..and I feel I have more confidence now. Also strangely enough the shoulder exercises keep my mild LE completely under control.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    I love it too!! My chest says I fought the Beast and I won!!

    I do notice when I don't stand up straight that my Buddha belly really sticks out.  When I stand up properly, it isn't as noticeable.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited January 2014

    Posture has been the biggest thing for me. We had to offset our big breasts when we had them and we stood differently. My spine grew that way and now I have trouble standing properly. I can take off about 40 pounds just by sucking in my gut. We've gotten lazy....but I truly do NOT want to start a fitness regime! I am walking without a cane or walker for the first time in years and am afraid to tempt fate with some exercise that "normal" people can do, but my back will rebel on!!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Yay I like that 'I fought the beast and won'.  I shall keep that in my mind!  I'm glad to hear that you are walking better Barbe.  Is it an ongoing problem with your back?  My boobs were enormous and since they've not been with me, I've had fewer problems with my back!  

    I've been on my treadmill/walking outside and have covered 7.5 miles in the last few days.  I'm taking it easy though to start with, I don't want to damage anything.  I'm feeling better already!

    Back to work for us all tomorrow so it'll be good to be back in routine.  

    First day at work with the falsies in the wardrobe tomorrow!  I won't be wearing smart clothes tomorrow so my first official boobless day will be Tuesday.  I work in a school and the kids don't come in until then.  I'm embracing it and going forth!!!!!  Hehe!

  • Flounder
    Flounder Posts: 19
    edited April 2015

    Another great thread.  Even though a lot of the pictures are down, it was still helpful giving ideas.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Posts: 5,502
    edited May 2019

    I agree, Flounder. Even without many pictures, there's a lot of good fashion advice for going flat, plus a lot of support. Even though it's an old thread, it's still relevant.