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Wardrobe pics for boobless days

I know there must be many women who have gone through the struggle of finding new wardrobes after their mastectomy surgeries. Wondered if there would be those of  you who could actually post pics showing examples of your outfits. Its just so much easier for those of us still trying to find our new wardrobes we could see the outfits or how you layer things on those days when you don't wear the forms. Thanks for any help with this.



  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2009

    Hi there,

    Here is a link that a lovely lady put together; I think this will help you. The only pics I seem to have with no forms are bathing suit pics. bah.

    Here you are:

  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    Thanks Raye I will check it out.

  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    Great pics, I especially like the layered one and hopefully there will be some more gals who can post pics to give us all ideas on how to dress on those flat days. I know there has to be more women out there who have faced and hopefully conquered this problem before. Your pics would be very much appreciated by this fashion challenged poster and many other newbies as well I'm sure.

  • ddlatt
    ddlatt Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2009

    every day is a boobless day for me!  i have lots of photos of my clothes since surgery on my blog:  i love, love, love not wearing bras anymore! 

  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    Just went to your site but didn't see any pics or links for pics. Just something about a blogger site doing maintenance. Did I miss something?

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited July 2009

     i am always totally braless  (but never say never).  i have one little boob but it hardly shows. 

     i start with a loose silk tank...i've found many at thrift stores for nothing. wear a loose linen t shirt cut, light overshirt. (FLAX)   i have old raggedy ones for housework, and newer things for church and going out.

    i usually look a bit bohemian but you can iron it into high society acceptability if you must.. a pair of capris, narrow pants, a skirt.

    i also am comfortable in a more androgynous look..

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2009

    When I first had my mast (had proph mast a year later) and before I had been fitted for my form, I would wear a loose fitting, but fitted (does that even make sense? ha) blouse over a pair of capris or fitted skirt. I was very small breasted and would flatten my remaining breast with a tight cami under the loose fitting shirt.

    The other night, I went to the gym and after was hot and didn't feel like putting on my bra and forms, so I wore a slim fitting pair of capris with a loose but shortish white blouse and met some girlfriends out. Couldn't even tell I didn't have my bra and forms on and it was soooo comfy and cool.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Here is a link to my FB page with some pictures I have taken, I need to add some more and will soon and share.  Living in Fla in the summer -  layering is really hard, the fewer the cloths the better - LOL.  It was hard at first,  cloths shopping is a bit more of a challenge than it used to be as now I do need to try most tops & drresses on,  but I am finding I can wear  a lot more than I thought I would be able to,  I still wear my foobies once in a while - but 98% of the time  - I am boobless.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2009

    Raye, that post with the lady showing herself both ways was what cinched me into not getting reconstruction! I studied her pictures over and over and decided I could pull it off! I have, and am very proud of myself. I even wear tight tops now and don't even remember to care. I figure that anyone looking can figure out it must be cancer. NO ONE has said anything except one guy I used to work with who said, 'That's not natural. Curves are part of a woman's shape.' What I SHOULD have said was, 'Yah, and big penises are part of a man's shape!', but I didn't. I said I had enough curves everywhere else and still felt very feminine.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2009

    Here's what I mean about busy patterned tops...

    ...and here's where I've stopped caring to care!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2009

    Found another one from way back in April....layering.

  • dreaming
    dreaming Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2009

    I t was a  year before I had my reconstruction,AMC had a booklet about tipf, aldo I do all my shopping on line there is abig diference on price for bras and other items.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Barbe's top with the little tie ups in the front work awesome and look great and very in style right now, I have a ton and here in Fla you can find dresses made that way also.   it is so much easier as time goes on. 

    I do not mean to offend anyone,  butttttttttttttt my dear friends we do not look any worse and I say far better than the VERY LARGE BREASTED WOMAN whom choose to walk around in tops that are clearly way to small and every bit of their chest is screaming let me out -  those IN YOUR FACE  chests that we have all seen and go "HUH"  "CONFIDENCE & PRIDE!!!!"  You will be surprised at what you really can wear and look great in  -  Just try it on,  do not limit yourself to the "MASCECTOMY PATIENT" line of clothing -  .


  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2011

    Barbe - you look magnificant!! Gorgeous! You have some great fashion sense. I cannot even tell you are not wearing forms. You know - that thread you mentioned that I posted above (among other things) inspired me to have my prophy mast.

    Cathi - darn it - I cannot get into your page as I am not a member of Facebook. Also, I have to agree with you about the small busted or no busted - JMHO, but I prefer to be small, I've always been and I would really look silly with bigger breasts, while some woman look lovely with them. I am a more sporty build.

    Ok - I am going for the gusto. Bathing suit top pic below (WARNING), which in my opinion, is the worst wardrobe piece to find for girls like us. I have all kinds of these sports bra tops for swimming, somtimes I wear with forms, sometimes w/o as in the pic below.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Raye here are a few pics from my FB,  this bathing suit I bought right off the rack at our local Fla Dept store,  I am completely boobless, just enough padding in it to give me a very small boob look,  it is spandex so fits nice and snug - no slipping around.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    This suit came from WAL*MART - this is the one I put shoulder pads in the pre-slit top,  this suit just needed a "little" something,  but totally comfy and the shoulder pads work great.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Completely WITHOUT THE GIRLS, tops like these and the ones Barbe showed -  just work great, 

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Ok so now I know I look like a nut 9I AM) but here is another top boobless, it is slightly gathered at the top so gives a bit of an image that there is a LITTLE SOMETHING THERE - VERY LITTLE!!

    Again,  I just have to say - try cloths on - you'll be amazed at how GREAT YOU LOOK!!!

  • Erica
    Erica Member Posts: 237
    edited July 2009

    1 Cathi,

    Thank you so much for posting these! And Raye and Barbe, thank you too! You all look fantastic. You're almost giving me the courage to go for it.

    Cathi, I spend half the year in Florida, where it's boobs everywhere. I would love to try some of the tops you're wearing. Can you tell me the brand and/or where you got the first swimsuit you show? Just a little padding would be enough for me. I agree with Raye that swimsuits are the biggest challenge.

    I hope others will share their pics. They're really inspirational.


  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    Just have had my first chance to pop in and see the pics. I know if I passed you guys on the street with those outfits I would never guess you were boobless. So maybe I just worry too much if others are noticing.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Hi Barbra,

    The first suit I bought at BEALLS (not the outlet -  the actual Dept Store), the Brand Name is Mystic Bay, its a great suit,  actually the one from WAL*MART works just great too.  When the warm weather first started here I was VERY OVERWHELMED ,  discouraged and sad,  thinking  I would have to wear big frumpy shirts,  I'll be honest it was my DH who just one day said lets go suit shopping,  it was an all day adventure for sure,  I think we hit 7 stores  and I tried on countless suits,   and I didn't try on several that now I think would have worked very well. 

    I am now in the mind set if I see something I like -  I just try it on,  it might work it might not,  but I am surprised at the things that really do work.


  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009
    Mom, I still worry sometimes, that someone is "looking" at me,   just natural I guess,  and I am always asking Ed when I put something on if he can TELL,  well of coarse he knows the change,  but he's right a stranger would not -  and if they do - REALLY  - WHO CARES. Laughing
  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited July 2009

    I find ruffles also work well to deflect the eye. Today, I'm wearing a shear white top that has ruffles on the end of the sleeves, around the neckline, down the front, and round the bottom. The ruffles are edged with black eyelet embroidery. I have a white camisole underneath...and that's it. Well, I do have to wear my black sweater occasionally in my office as the A/C kicks in.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2009

    I've used ruffles too! Works great! Just lately, I've been wearing flat tops to work and not really caring. I'm just careful not to buy or wear ones that have the space for boobs, if you know what I mean (darts, extra fabric, etc) otherwise they droop.

    Scoop necks, cowl necks look good. I imagine turtle necks wouldn't. I sort of care to not offend anyone's senses, but hey, there are a lot of small breasted women out there and the people at work have seen me flat for almost 7 months. It's my new customers every day that have to deal with it, and I usually don't see them again. I do have a lot of loyal fans, though I don't want pity.

    I think it's all in the 'tude. I do my hair and makeup and wear pretty clothes just as much as if I still had breasts. I find when I slob around the house it seems more obvious...Embarassed

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2009

    Cathi - those pictures are beautiful. You look great. Wowweee! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the Walmart bathing suit and the top in the bottom picture; always wanted to wear that type of top, but they of course would not work with my mast bra. I think I might go flat wearing one of those and feel it out. Thanks for the inspiration. At home, I never wear my forms, if I do, my husband asks me why do you have those on today? Good man.

    I will see if I can rustle up some pics with no forms - I don't have many on my computer, but I'll see what I can find.


  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    Raye when I first got my forms I had intended on wearing them 24/7,  but some other health issues arose and my DR advised not to wear them if possible,  I do on "SPECIAL FANCY OCASSIONS, and I also have a homemade job, real bra with shoulder pads I fit in for once in awhile,  but 98% of the time - I am flat.  And honestly I just can not begin to imagine wearing them in this Fla heat and humidity,  I have comfy MX Bras and my forms are nice,   but stll think they would be VERY  uncomfortable this time of year.  At first I am sure you will think the ENTIRE WORLD is looking at you and knows you have no breasts,  it just takes time,  the more you go out,  the more you realize noone is looking,  the world is full of all BODY TYPES, big and small,  Barbe is right its the 'TUDE" that finally takes over the anxiousness,   I don't even know when I had my forms on last it has been so long.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited July 2009

    Hey all look great. I go flat around home, but when I go out, this is what I wear. I order it from TLC. It's pretty comfy, but it does get hot in our summer time heat.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited July 2009

    I get up and put on my bra and pop in the prosthesis.  I cannot go about with only one boob.  I wonder how I can make one for my bathing suit.  It is the only time I go with only one boob and in the deep end, no one notices.  I wear a t- shirt over the suit.  I would love a suit that covers the dog ear in the back and had its own filled in space in the front.

  • 1Cathi
    1Cathi Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2009

    The first picture I posted (black suit) has some built in padding (minimal but enough) I am not sure dreamwriter if something like that would work for you,  as far as looking the same on both sides. If your remaining breast is on the smaller side -  it very well may,  the other thing like I mentioned in I place a shoulder pad in another suit I have - just becuase that one needs a little something, maybe an option for your MX side.

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2011

    Dream - can you sew a little pocket into your suit and perhaps put either a scrubbie or a prosthesis in? Also, I believe Barbara mentioned something to use as padding, but cannot remember.  I say pocket, because one of my proths escaped from my non-pocketed sports bra top as I was doing, of all things, the breast stroke. It floated, so I was able to retrieve it, with some embarrassment.

    Cathi - I agree about having to get used to the idea. I wear form fitting tops and sometimes there are some bones that show through, which makes me self conscience. I will try first with a flowy top like your brown one above.

    Coonie - that is a cute top - what is the material?

    Here are the few pics of bathing suits that I was able to find here at work - I might have some more at home.

    In Florida - bandeau top with a tiny tiny bit of scrubbie in.

    In florida with short tankini style with an even smaller bit of scrubbie in the top.