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  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Michelle ~ thank you for posting todays prayer :)  I will be here at 7am Monday.

    Janet ~ I will change the title for you and you are most welcome!

    Traci ~ First I wanted to clarify, Michael did not have medical intervention, the nurse was just there because he was puking and having diarhea (like a flood gate).  She just changed the sheet and his diaper and I was holding a towel to catch-all.  He did have an IV from since day 1 in the hospital and that episode happened around 5th day or so.  The puking thing happened without warning.  But honestly, he looked like he was going.

    But Traci, that is such a powerful encounter.  I teared up while reading it.  Very touched by the genuine concern of this lady (angel) and the very words that she said to you (follow your heart).  Oh yes, Lord Jesus knew and he sent you the angel to give you "the Word".  Glad it came through and you took it to your heart "to follow your heart".  

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Such beautiful stories, such beautiful sharing.  Divine intervention indeed...Sheila, Paula, Traci... it was all God, it was all from God.

    Paula, thank you for explaining your exam.  I can imagine it's weighing heavily on your shoulders.  BUT, if you don't do as well as you want, you can take it again in 30 days and will have the first exam behind you so you can ace the second.  I have a learning disability (Dyslexic) and have a difficult time memorizing -- never could memorize the multiplication tables, so I had to always cram for tests the night before b/c knew it would be gone.  So I think you'll do just fine if you choose to do it now.

    Michelle - I'll set my cell phone alarm for 10am EST on Monday to pray with you... even if I have to lock myself in my office and pretend to be on a telcon! :-)

    Ok, I'll tell a story that only a few people know, because most people would think I'm crazy, except those people who believe in God and the Holy Spirit.  This has happened to me twice, but I was in my twenties -- I'm 50 now.  So I wonder what I'm doing "wrong" that it hasn't happened again.  I used to work on a working historical farm, dressed in period clothing, worked in the fields, etc.  I wasn't married at the time - probably 22 years old.  A handful of us were working in the fields ... I was weeding the okra plants.  Just lost in my thoughts at the time, but I don't remember what I was thinking.  It was getting to the end of the day.  Then I felt this "presence".  The only way I can describe it is a breeze or breath.  I turned around to see who was there and I was totally alone.  Everyone who had been working with me was gone.  Then I felt absolute peace.  It lasted an instant, but was consuming... no earthly comparison.  A few years later, I was talking to my spiritual director about the incidents... it happened again, but I don't recall the circumstances around that one, but the one working on the farm is still vivid.  She said it was the Holy Spirit ... like an embrace or kiss.  Scripture describes the Holy Spirit at times like a breath or breeze.

    I would love to be embraced/kissed by the Holy Spirit again.  Even though I love God totally, I wonder if through all these years of a bad marriage, raising kids, single motherhood, second marriage, materialism, affluenza, death, cancer have all separated me from what I could have had, had I chosen another path... as I had once considered becoming a nun.  But I know I can't look back at the what ifs.  As I have felt the absolute peace of the Holy Spirit, I have also felt the dark night of the soul and it's pain.  I have felt like God completely abandoned me, felt angry and frustrated and orphaned.  I remember boxing up my Catholic things, never wanting to see them again.  But eventually, my soul broke down and sought relief.  At my husband's prompting, I went to confession and bared my soul.  I walked out, teary eyed and received Holy Communion again. And its been good since then.  Still mountains and valleys, but the scary dark night is over.  I don't ever want to see it again.  Maybe the cancer helped me to cling to God.  Maybe the cancer helped me to reconcile and put things in perspective more.  Walking with St. Francis has helped too. :-)

    Traci: I know the feeling of an unfulfilling job.  I have it now.  I'm the main bread winner and the one who holds the health insurance, so I can't go off and smell the roses just yet.  But I'm praying that God will show me the path He wants me to take and if that path is to continue the one I'm on, then to have the grace of peace of mind and acceptance with joy.

    Yes, I think Dann is living life to its fullest and when his body gets tired from the treatment, he'll have to rest.

    Peace and all good tonight.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2013


    I was referring to medical intervention as the IV, antibiotics...the routine parts of treatment. I do think the beautiful peace and calm that you experienced after calling for Jesus was absolute Divine Intervention, and no amount of medicine can produce that :)

    I think our stories have similar themes, along with yours Theresa. The no earthly comparison and we are trying to explain it. But we have (and I believe most of us have) experienced it. It is glorious, and I have had a few blips over the years of a feeling of peace and happines. Mine have never lasted more than 5 seconds, and unlike you Theresa, I have not had a sense of a presence, but wonderful to experience no doubt. Can you imagine feeling like that all of the time?

    When you describe it as Holy Spirit, how is that different from God? I'm just curious..

    Bless you for sharing your dark night of the soul, and feelings of abandonment from God and the Church.  I have had many dark nights of the soul as well, and deep deep depression. I have yelled at God many a time, at the unfairness of life, and the hurt that we all experience, just by being human. You must have hurt terribly to pack up your Catholic things, and to come back a huge triumph. Pretty wonderful that your husband was a guiding force in your return. I think there are many of us who have had crisis of faith and sharing your story may help bring someone back that feels abandoned and does not know where to turn. I agree with you that cancer has impacted me. It has caused me to go deep within to choose how I want to finish my life here. Sort of like the dress rehearsal is over, and it's beyond opening night, and hoping for a long run, but we can also shut down prematurely.

    I do pray for you to be able to find a more fulfilling job, and that God opens a window for you. I sure do understand the importance of health insurance, and staying the course. Have you developed any special coping mechanisms to help you in your day to days with work?

    Well, I am off to take the kiddo out again...prayers, then sleep.


    I forgot to ask you, is it 0700 eastern standard time on Monday?

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Thank you Theresa, I just finished reading your story.  Doesn't it bring a smile to your face when you think back on that wonderful "breath of spiritual encounter"?

    At one point (post near death), I was searching for answers.  (I'm supposed to tell you about an author, and I'll jump back to that late).  All the things that was happening with me, having a heightened sensitivity to things.  In one instance, I was sort of half waken by the sound of my DH dressing up to go to work.  We lived at the edge of Orange County, CA and his job was in L.A.  A 2.5 hours drive each way to work.  He had an early meeting so he was dressing up probably around 5am.  I was asking him if he heard the name of the airline the news anchor was talking about because I couldn't hear the name.  He said "what are you talking about, go back to sleep".  (You see I am a news buff and loved watching news and reading newspaper.)  He said "besides the TV is not even on, you are dreaming, go back to sleep"!  By that time, I sat up and told him that on the news, it was told that another airplane had crashed and they were about to say which airline.  He said "yes, that happened a week ago, that's old news".  

    In the afternoon, the Breaking News headline was flashing.  It said "Alaska Air, blah blah blah, had just crashed at Port Hueneme", NTSB is on its way to investigate...

    So I picked up the phone and called his cell phone.  He whispered in it saying he's still in the meeting.  I quickly told him, a plane had just crashed in California and I told you I was listening it to it on the news this morning.  

    So, this is just one of the very many instances when things (an idea, a feeling, an incident that just happened or will happen) comes through in my head.  It has no word, it's not in text, not sounds or pictures.  It is a sense of thought and it gets translated into the understanding instantly.  I have been talking about this with my father-in-law.  He was a licensed hypnotherapist and he's versed with the bible and the i-ching and other different theologies.  I learned alot just by talking with him.  We talked a lot about what was happening with me.  Frustrating on my part because I can sense them as they happened or had just happened.  Not much time to warn people, or not enough information because I would get them in bits and pieces and I was simply too novice to figure out what was to be deciphered.  Just imagine you know something but being a mute and it's just couped up inside you.  Sometimes for fear that people will say that "you are crazy".  So I just blocked them for the longest time.  And yet, everytime I see my f-i-l, he will say to me "open your mind and don't block them".  He's even tried to send me messages and I got them.  One time he was chatting with me (about 2 years ago), and I started laughing and told him "don't hynotize me".  He had this silly grin on his face and said that he wasn't.  He was definitely sending me messages.

    OK, jump back to the main thing I was going to tell you, especially Traci (I meant to write this a few days ago when you started mentioning Angels, but I forgot to write this).  Because of what was happening to me, I was hungry to find out what I could do - whether it be talking with someone that could give me guidance or find it in books etc...I found Sylvia Browne who writes about Angels and Spirit Guides and she talked about Heaven.  It was at least 6 years ago so I don't remember everything.  But I find her depiction very intriguing and honest.  You might be able to find it in your library.

    And yes, one of my girlfriends asked me, if I knew about it early in the morning, why didn't I call the airline.  I told her the problem was that just as they were about to say the airline name, I was awaken.  (I couldn't possibly call each and every airline and told them, hey, I had a dream of a plane crash, please be careful !)

    More to share next time....

    Love you all!

    God Bless, Amen! 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    I have written the the time down on my calendar Michelle..... I am in Missouri..I THINK if it is 7pm where you are..... it is 9 pm where I am.. BUT I MIGHT BE WRONG... please correct me before Mon.


    I am dealing with some things..... so I am not online like I normally am. If anyone has tried to contact me.. I am sorry... I am praying with you all......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Squid-- I love your story. I believe in the Thiness and thus angel stories. While I may  not describe them what I write as angel stories. I believe we meet people in moments of time that quite influence our behavior or action. But I do believe I have a good angel on one shoulder and a bad angel on the other. They-the angel and the other--- in times try to influence my response. A psych person would describe this as conscious. I have never heard a Psych person describe it this way. Yes, No, yes, no Yes. Only I think a Catholic would get it, but that could be arrogance.

    I was troubled one Christmas when a young mom with a 4 month old did not have Christmas off and I did. My Angel and counterpart were on either shoulder. Angel-- work the day for her so she can celebrate with her first child. Counterpart said ---No you have the right to be off, you worked last 2 years. I finaly couldn't stand it and went to the young mom and said I would work for her on Christmas. She said" We don't celebrate Christmas--It's fine". She was Phillipino. Their religion and celebration days were different. So, my Angel won!!!. Be damned the other one on the other shoulder. I didn't know. If I hadn't asked if she wanted the day off ----too this day I would have felt guilt. That I did what was in my conscious the right thigh to do, and I still had the day off. WOW. Cool.

    I wrote a Pm to some one who is very adept at computers, I asked if she could copy it here, as I am not adept at cut -and paste. If it appears hear then I will be very happy. If it doesn't I will rewrite the thoughts. But I will be patient.

    AT Mass this afternoon I offerred prayers for all of you. 

    I'm stuck on Lurkers

    WE have to come up with a name other than LURKERS for those that are reading ,but not posting. They are coming here in to many numbers. They are religious.   Lurkers, does not suit them. They are praying for the majority, only a small minority are judging, and a smaller minority are studying . Since we our accepting of other beliefs. AND willing to express whatever to the community by posting. Can we come up with something different than Lurkers. I'll offer Namaste Friends. Since Karlas wonderful translation from the Sherpas means... I Salute the God within You---Each time we say Namaste Friends we are in affect blessing them. We would have to repeat this every x number of pages. Because we couldn't assume they would go back x number of pages because BCO is growing very fast. If someone has a better idea please post it.

    Thank you all for being here. The support we give each other without judgement as Laura stated she experienced on other sites. is important to our mental health and our beliefs. God is our Basis, Mary is our Mother, Jesus Is, the Saints interced. But if their is someone out their that has a different belief, comealong join us, let us learn of your belief. If that is not acceptable start a forum that encompasses your beliefs.

    But 20,000+ people looking and not posting. If you all joined this post oh my, trying to keep up with posts and names. But It's doaable in the sense that we have each of us have each other in our heart, we can figuire it out. So, jump in and post. God is our Guide. Jesus is his son, Mary his his mother. But each of us has expressed beliefs brought from different cultures. If you Namaste Friends have reviewed the past pages. The best word to describe us is- Ecumenical. 

    John the 23 rd would have been proud , I think, But I might have to get an ecclessastical opinion on that. 

     Namaste I Saute the God within You-----And our friends L&H Sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Sheila ~ well put my dear!

    There's one thing that I've noticed.  I've put up a thread called "starving cancer".  It had lots of reviews and I found out that each time I go in to look, it increased the count by 1.  

    For this thread, I come in and look at least 6 times a day.  I don't know how many times you ladies come in, but I'm thinking that each time we sign in to look, it counts also.  

    OK, I just went to check, we have 28,202 views and 3007 posts.  Let's do a real count starting now, since it's 12:15am in east coast.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Lurker is a simple, online term that everyone knows. It is used anywhere on the Internet where others read, look.... learn without posting. Is has no offence to it at all.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    WELL laura I agree to apoint, but there are so many comiming to this site . In my heart i object to them being called lurkers. But i did ask for input. So I will let the discussion flow where it will. namaste Sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2013


    You'll laugh, but I have Sylvia Brown's books (bought a set of three years back.) I have been on a quest, I tell you! Many more line my shelves too. So Paula, the question I think becomes more of do you want to explore your abilities? I think it's important to have a strong spiritual life (which you do,) if you choose to be more open to the thinness as we have talked about. Some of my many books are by authors such as James Van Patten and this is mentioned almost like an athlete cross trains, and works out for hours a day. Where are you now on these gifts? Would you life to open this "portal" back up? Oh, and on a different tack, I bet you know a lot more than you give yourself credit for in regards to your exam...and it might be nice to get a practice exam under your belt if you think you may need to re-take it due to all the other stuff going on, like a little pesky cancer treatment. We'll cheer you on!


    I'm good with the Namaste friends, if anyone else wants to weigh in. Cancer is life changing, and I'm sure it can also bring a crisis in faith, either way. I have read posts from people who have moved away from God after being diagnosed. For some, there was no crisis, as God was never part of their lives. Others, describe the crisis saying they left the Church or God because of the messages that God heals one and not another, therefore the person who is not healed is somehow not worthy of being saved. This construct is used as an example of why they don't support religion. I am paraphrasing a bit here, and that's what I took away from it, but to me this is not representative of anything I have ever heard in Church. Honestly it is not. This exists somewhere, but I don't practice that belief, or in that Church. It's just not that simple, or black and white. Again, this is my opinion only...I would imagine it would be very hard to revisit one's spirituality if that was what I was taught or practiced around me. There have been many discussions about when bad things happen to good people. I don't know, to me it's what I do with the challenge that makes or breaks me, not the health insult itself, or the broken heart, financial ruin etc...  That's a challenge I have not always "won." This time, I don't want to walk alone, and I see that I don't have too. Even if I was being carried the times before, I want to be part of my spiritual rescue.

    Yes, Sheila, even if we all practiced the same religion, we would still bring our cultures, upbringing, personality, and a whole host of other variables to the table. That's what makes it fun, so the more the merrier :)


    I hope things are alright with you? I sincerely hope and pray things will go in the direction that you want, and things will ease up for you. Take good care of yourself. We'll hold down the fort in the meantime.

  • tobyj
    tobyj Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2010
    Blessed surprise to see this post.  Thank you!  I keep a handwritten note in my desk at work - from my Dad.  He wrote, "I want you to have this prayer card to St. Peregrine as he is the patron Saint for cancer.  I pray for you."  God bless you all.
  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    I just did not want you to feel bad about it Sheila.. so I posted its meaning for you.

    Paula is correct in the counting of the views.. but, there are many who read here daily that do not post... I think that is such a good thing , too. Many want to feel peace and they want God during this HORRID time in their lives... we all do. I am humbled to see all the views...humbled to pray with you.


    Thank you those praying for me privately also. You are beautiful.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited October 2010

    So many new faces and voices! I send love and blessings to all of us.  I Jesus and Mary so much and our sisterhood warms my heart.  xo

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    So nice to see you post! Estepp began this thread due to her strong connection with St. Peregrine, and I think she may be online right now. I love that your Dad gave that to you. Please feel free to share and join.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Blessings to you as well lovemyfamilysomuch, and your sweet little one in the pic.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Toby....... I am so happy you found this here. I have a strong connection with St. Peregrine... Squidward is correct..:)...... I hope you will find peace here... and that your BC journey... is a SAFE one, full of HOPE! Laura

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Peace, tell me all , are we responsible only to our own posters, or do we have any responsibility to those that lurk.

    What bothers me about the Lurkers is the why?. Why are they Lurking.  I mentioned three above

    1. THEY ARE PRAYING (BUT AFRAID TO POST) . Even though invited



  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010
    • Laura ~ nice avatar, is that taken in Vegas??  I pray that whatever you are dealing with will go smoothly.

    Traci ~ I'm smiling <wink> <wink> I read John Edward, I especially liked the part where he talked about waiting to get a sign from his mom.   I've read others too but didn't really like them.

    Talking about a sign, the most profound one was when my best friend Richard passed away (DH knows him too).  He had called our home via long distance from Hong Kong.  He was actually calling from the hospital but we had no clue.  He was coughing badly (and we had no clue he had lung cancer, we weren't told), he spoke with my husband and I was just in the background, I came home from work and was pooped out.  Husband talked to him briefly and his coughing was so bad that he had to hang up so I never got to talk to him.  Fast forward a week or so, I have to attend a 2-day seminar for a 16 hours CE course, so I had to go to bed earlier than usual so I will be smart and bright the next day.  During the morning of the 2nd day, I woke up awfully early and I vividly remembered my dream.  I was back in Hong Kong sitting across the office of my friend Richard.  He said some things to me (which I couldn't recall), but what I can recall was the last sentence "my dear friend, please take good care of yourself".  It could be thought of as odd and yet not really, because each time he emailed me, he would finish by writing, take good care of yourself.  But the odd part was that he was dressed in a white suit (like a white tux) and for no reason, I had him in my dream. The date was Nov 11th, 2006 around 5'ish am.  My other feeling was, why was I dreaming such a dream and woke up so early, I should wake up an hour later.  Sometime later, I sent Richard an email asking how he was doing.

    Fast foward to December 30th, 2006, I opened my email from Richard.  It was from his wife telling me that Richard had passed away on Nov 10th at 3:30am.  That's Nov 9th at 6:30pm here in the States.  She wasn't able to contact me earlier because she didn't know my email address, but luckily saw my email as she was starting to clear his emails and close the account.  I  didn't celebrate the New Year's eve too well, I cried so much that my eyes were like golf balls. 

    Richard visited me in my dream to tell me "good-bye" and to "take care of myself".  He was like a brother to me.  I believe that when they cross over, they are no longer suffering and back to their younger, healthier self.  

    Traci, I'd love to explore more but without good spiritual guidance it is not going anywhere.  Where am I now on it? It fluctuates.  

    What other books lined your book shelf?


  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Tobyj ~ warm welcome to this thread! I know you will feel the caring and comradery of this group here.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    I , Laura will let it go and not mention it again , Other than  a prayer directed at LURKERS which if you have looked at previous post I have done. You yourself have done the same thing. I guess if I want to say Namaste I Salute the God within Lurker Friends. It carries the same message As I salute the God with You.

    The point is acknowledgment. There are 1000's reviewing this site. What  I'm saying is to not acknowledge that would be disingenious(sic?). 

    They're is  for some reason known only to them. They cannot bring themselves to post. I was once there. The freedom posting brings to your well being is so, so up lifting .WE WANT you here. WE WANT to collectively pray with you. We want to help you through this . So, if you need us Post without fear. Read The history of this thread , you will see that is all encompassing. The only controversy is getting you lurkers in here. If your not comfortable coming . We will still continue to pray for you . Whatever your need is follow it, BCO has a thread on it.

    Namaste I Salute the God within You Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Well my my that was intense wasn't it ---Sheila

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010

    Good morning Ladies:

    I have been following your posts these past few weeks but I've been keeping pretty much to myself and enjoying the prayers I read.

    I'm going through a slight depression after my DMX and T/E's on 9/20. I had another surgery this past Thursday for incision problems but they seem to be ok now. I go back to PS tomorrow morning.

    My main concern is the oncotype test which I have been waiting almost 18 days for since the specimen they sent was not enough and they had to send more GRRRRR....I'm supposed to get these results tomorrow and it is weighing VERY HEAVY on my mind.  I don't want to go through chemo but if I must, I must. 

    Please please pray for my depression lifting and a low oncotype test score.

    God Bless You and May Our Lord lie his healing hands on each and every one of you.


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning Jan

    I pray for you today and your depression, God is watching out for you too, and try to let go a little about the ONCOTYPE because even if it comes back higher than you wanted, remember your original prayer is to be healed and perhaps that will be God's way of healing you and letting you know you need chemo. I think one thing I have learned is not to focus on each step of treatment, but the outcome .... I want to live and raise my Children and do something good for this world so God Please take me down that path that allows me to have that outcome. I had intense treatment. I started with a DCIS dx within weeks I found out I had an invasive component and oh by the way a very aggressive bc. I went from thinking no chemo to having 1 year of chemo, then shutting down my ovaries and Femara, and a clinical trial. I have has so many issues but I am here, alive and raising my boys and starting my own very personal project that honors God and has been in the works for over 8 years.

    I understand so much where you are now but want you to try and pray today for the outcome you want that honors God and leave the rest to him. Chemo really really is not fun but you can do anything if you have to for good results. God Bless you today Jan and know you are not alone.

     Gals- My Opinion and (just mine) on Lurkers is that let them lurk, we are here to support and pray together and if they want to join, great if they don't' they don't it is a free country and we are putting it out there. We just need to stay focused on what we do best here pray and support! If we continue to keep it that simple we will have no issues here and we will be doing God's work and not our own.

    God Bless all of you and am so looking forward to tomorrow, if you have additional intentions for tomorrow please PM me today.

    Much Love and Peace to you Michelle 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010
    I reread My post on top of this one and want you to know I didn't mean to be preaching on this, just know we are all praying for the most positive outcome for you. And I too wish you a low oncotype.
    Many prayers for you today. 
  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010


    Thank you for your insight and support.  I read a blog earlier that kind of put it into perspective..8 months of inconvenience for 20 years of life. 

    God Bless!


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Just read this on  We have a new saint (and the first for Australia) - Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop and her miracle was curing a woman with cancer!

     excerpt -

    "The Catholic Church credits her with miraculously helping to cure a woman named Kathleen Evans of cancer. She took to wearing a piece of MacKillop's clothing pinned to her nightgown and asked her family and friends to pray for MacKillop to intervene with God on her behalf. Her cancer disappeared, Evans said in a statement."

    Dear St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we rejoice in your sainthood.  Please pray for the women in this fellowship that we may have God's healing.  Amen.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Good Morning Ladies (late to bed, late to rise!)


    I want to say hello to your first, as you have been on my mind and I noticed you had pulled back a bit. Which is perfectly fine, and I do understand. I have a phone call or two to make today for the very same reasons. One lady is also a BC survivor, triple neg and we met in chemo. I have had such a bumpy ride since I saw her, that I did not want to scare her. She also lost her sister to BC. Well she called yesterday and told me about her depression, and I was so glad she shared that with me. I didn't want to bring her down, but I think depression is part of this process.

    I am sorry you are in a tough space, and that you had to have to have another surgery for incision problems. Then having to wait again for your oncotype score! Incredibly I am going to tell you I just took a very deep breath, because I was thinking about what that must be like. May I share with you to try and take a few deep slow breaths?, and breathe in God's light and wisdom, blow out anxiety and stress. Give your anxiety to God. I will find a psalm that I recently read concerning giving over your anxieties to God. And welcome back from your short hiatus :)

    ((((((((((((((((BIG GENTLE HUGS ))))))))))))))))

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Thank you for posting about Saint Mary. I know we all are praying for BCMomof3, and wondering if we may have a shared prayer to Saint Mary today for our Dear Sister? I'm not sure if you have a special way of praying with Saints, or to them, so I am all ears.

    Thank you again Janet!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    Usually when we pray to the saints it involves a "novena" similar to what we are doing with our lady of Guadalupe. Earlier on this thread is my favorite Novena to St. Jude for desperate cases, when all seems hopeless. St. Jude always comes through for me and I call him my Patron Saint.

    You can pray to the Saints to intercede on our behalf. There are many and there are a lot of good "saint" books out there but you can always get them individually on little prayer cards as well.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited October 2010

    With regards to lurking...I AM ONE :D

    Faith is a journey. Maybe they are searching, but dont know yet what they seek. Maybe they join later, and maybe they don't. Maybe they read a post that puts the peace of God in their heart for that moment...and that to me, makes it all ok.

    I too am a cradle Catholic. However, that hasn't meant much to me until the past year of fighting for my life. I can tie in one of my angel stories sure sounds similar to others here!

    It was right after I had been diagnosed this time last year. Prior to surgery, we had a week. My husband and I flew out to the desert and went on sunrise hikes in the mountains. I had this terror with me...couldnt sleep much, eat etc. I was scared of surgery, chemo and radiation...and even more scared of leaving my 3 young children. But we pushed forward. One morning as we walked in the cold dark in silence, I felt this presence...a warm wind, a breath. I turned and I saw myself in an image surrounded in gold sunshine lifted off the ground. I KNEW at that very second, that everything would be ok. The sun rose moments later. My husband just stood there looking at me..."He said "Where where you just now, such a peaceful look came over you". I didn't even tell him. But it was so real, so powerful. I never shared this story because it sounds crazy to those who haven't felt it.

    I have a few other kooky stories along these lines that I will save until later so that noone calls the men in white trucks after me!