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  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited October 2010

    Praying with my sisters, I think our Lady is happy we are praying!  xo

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Hi sisters.  I was praying at 10am sharp (didn't think to log on!).  I really like the follow-up prayers you posted - just finished those too.  I can't wait to hear from Michelle about how it went on her end!

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Welcome Hood1980-come and stay with us. This was a most important day. We hope for an answer to all the intentions and others we added while praying. Our prayers may be answered in a way not known to us now. But in time they will be revealed. Blessed are those that joined us today.

    Namaste-- I salute the God wihin You all who are here and all the quiet visitors all about. May everyones heart, mind, soul, and body feel a healing as God wishes. May we accept his plan. May we offer any pain or suffering  we feel, for the souls of others, either facing death at this time or the souls in purgatory. St. Gertude with all the intentions for the souls in purgatory, I offerred multple prayers for your intercession on their behalf. May we contiue to support each other. May our Angels stay close to protect us from harm. May the Novena to Mary of Quadalupe, bring an end to  the trials of some, and ameliortion of difficuty to all, if complete healing is not in His plan. Protection of all of the America's by you intercession, through the Prayers offerred each day during this time Amen Sheila

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Michelle:  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  I said a full rosary (Joyous Mysteries) this morning on the way to work also.

    Ladies:  Thank you for praying this morning! 

    Tori: Thank you for the additional prayers! How are you doing this morning?  Did you feel safe with the angels?  Mother Mary is nice to have around too.  It's nice thinking that Mom is in the house.  I'm a fan of St. Joseph too.

    Hood:  Welcome!!

    Paula: Nice angel story. Like Traci, I wish I had thought of it when I was younger.  I was the youngest of 8 and teased by my siblings for being such a baby.  Brothers and sisters prepare you for the real nasty world! (Just kidding)  I truly appreciate them now.

    Traci:  I'm happy to help out when I can.

    Peace and all good... Have a blessed day!!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Dear Dear Ladies-

    I am just overwhelmed with Gratitude for all of you and this experience. I am going to write about the whole experience so bare with me on the length.

    I woke up this morning with much anxiety and I was upset because I wanted to have a clear heart and soul for this mornings sitting. As Many of the older ladies on this thread know I struggle with anxiety off an on with the aftermath of bc. I have been struggling with much anxiety and woke up with a weird feeling like reflux and just was so bummed to have another symptom to deal with and worry about. So instead of being clear I was ruminating about stupid bc and how I don't feel good and worried about it.

    We arrived right at 7 and my 3 boys and I knelt in prayer and the first thing I noticed was the more I prayed the less anxiety I was feeling and the less distraction I was feeling. For example I get restless and my friend was texting me about working out this am and I was thinking well I could leave a little early and make a good work out too. The more I prayed the less I was worried about answering her and just wanted to sit there in the presence of the image. The image was about 7 feet tall and beautiful just exactly like you would expect it to look, simple, antiqued, and beautiful. I so wanted to touch the image and was sitting with another lady (whom I didn' t know) and was worried to touch it in front of her as she looked to be very serious and maybe would reproach me . I felt such a calling to touch the image I could not resist and so I did I got twice during prayer and just touched the image and prayed for miracles. I put the typed intentions in the box near her for our intentions and just felt all of your presence.

    The thing that came to me over over and over again was that we all are praying for peace and when we are working towards that result we need to EXERCISE our spiritual muscles, just as we would to get a taut physical body we would exercise daily and eat right, same here we need to sit in prayer and worship daily to exercise our spiritual muscle to be filled with light and peace.

    I mentioned your intentions over and over again and said the rosary and felt miracles were coming for many.

    When I left at 8am the lady that was watching over the image with me stopped me and was so wonderful (remember I was worried about what she would think of my touching the image)  she complimented my boy's reverent behavior and asked what I felt while praying and I repeated what I am saying here, we need to exercise our spiritual muscle and continue on ....miracles are coming.

    Much Love to all of you!


    We will complete Day 9 tomorrow and would love to hear from each of you what is happening in your life as you pray this novena and your thoughts. 

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010

    Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for your leadership of this group - I am very grateful and find this discussion thread truly is helping me to "cope" with post-BC active treatment - altho I am still on femara for at least 5 years.  I didn't really "deal" with the BC stuff in a  spiritual way - was too busy going through surgery, chemo, rads and coping with the SEs so most of my attention was on the physical part.  Plus keeping the brave face for my husband and children and family - trying to allay their fears and concerns.  And, trying to still work, keep my health insurance, income, etc.  But, I realize that BC is not like a broken leg where all is fine once active treatment is over.  This novena is helping me to lay my worries, fears and anxiety at Mary's feet, whom I believe hears us and understands.  I find great comfort in that and really need to do it for my own sanity, my preparation for my eventual passing (whether from BC or something else) and my immortal soul.

    I only wish I could contribute more to support you and other other wonderful women active and passive on this thread.  Namaste and love back at you!


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    I have to tell you that your prayer for your Grandson really jumped out at me today, you are doing a wonderful thing with so much love in you heart I can really feel it and you are being blessed. By being part of this group and honestly opening up and sharing you are giving more than you know, your true humility and devotion to your family is uplifting to me.

    God Bless you! 

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2013

    Hi All,

    OK  - freaky deaky!  I opened my work mail and got a thank you letter from one of my co-workers who was active in my work for Community Day at my college last week (connected to the fundraiser I worked on Friday).  And, what does that person say?... "Namaste - I honor the place in you where the whole universe resides. I honor the place in you where, if you are there in you and I am there in me, we are one."  This co-worker quoted from Mary Southard - a St. Joe's nun.. and the card was printed by the Congregation of St. Joseph.  I don't work at a Catholic college, but this co-worker is a former Catholic high school teacher (like me).

    I had never heard of Namaste before I came to this thread.  Maybe it's catching on in the world.  I LIKE IT!  Namaste sisters!



  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Michelle!  I'm so happy you posted... I've been waiting to hear how it went.  So special!!  And to have your boys with you... they'll carry that with them the rest of their lives.  Anxiety?  I'm your twin.  I have had real problems with anxiety forever, which is why I prayed for peace of mind.

    A couple of thoughts:  I've been complaining about having a job that's not fulfilling and have been waiting for God to lead me.  I make a GOOD income and health benefits and all those stable things that keep men and women, like me, in jobs they hate.  I found a job opening at at Catholic college that I'm not really qualified for, but I think I might apply.  A good friend of mine told me to GO 4 IT!  What's the worst that can happen?  At worst, it will give me practice at job hunting, resume building and cover letter writing.

    A few days back I wrote that my husband received a not to happy email from his oldest son.  He waited a couple of days to respond so that he got past the psychological emotions of guilt, then anger, so he could write back more balanced.  To make a long story short, the two reconciled and are excited to be communicating again. DH's sons lack of communication over the years has weighed heavily on his heart.  We will be traveling out to Seattle to see him and his wife at Thanksgiving.

    Pat: Truly... God works in mysterious ways!  Sometimes called freaky deaky. ;-)  Yes, this thread is helping me also cope with the spiritual side of my BC.  The mind is taking care of treatment, doctors, family, job.  The soul is leading me here to commune with you all on our journeys home.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2010


    After praying with you all this morning, I was feeling well enough to still go on my morning walk and offer another rosary up for us and our was such a beautiful morning to be with God.

    When I got home the mail was already here and I reached in for it..

    I got my first "chemo angel" letter...My chemo angel is Catholic as well and sent me a rosary from Medjugorie that was present at the time that Our Lady appeared.  

    Tears filled my eyes as I brought the rosary to my heart and felt such a presence of the Lord and His Blessed Mother...

    How blessed to be a part of these 2 wonderful events today...

    Peace, love and prayers to you,



  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    I am trying to stay online today to answer all that post after our prayers.  I am thrilled about the reconciliation of your Husband/Son, this is truly the most important part of our journey, our relationships. I am with you on the job, I quit a very very LUCRATIVE job as VP in a fortune 500 company after dx, it took me about a year  but life has been better. I recently went back to consulting and I just don't love it. I think we have to listen closely to God's message on this and do whatever we can to do something that helps us care for our families but also our souls. I am just so on the fence about this but really encourage all especially us that have been through so much to find something to do that brings energy and passion to your day.

    Blessings to you Theresa and I sometimes wonder if anxiety is at the root of bc as I meet so many that have struggled with this.

    I hope we can continue to talk about it here.

    May our Lady of Guadalupe, intercede on your behalf. 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    WOW Tori

    This is really quite amazing, I think again the echos of what I heard that we need to keep praying without ceasing and exercise the spiritual muscle and we will continue to hear of the miracles. 

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited October 2010

    Exercising! :)

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    I am just now able to be online.

    As I prayed, at 9, I can say i felt good. I also woke up at 8:30 and was not in pain... so I was able to get right out of bed and begin our prayer.. I smiled.

    I smile a lot... but it is not always real. This felt happy.

    How awesome for you Michelle...AWESOME!

    JOYCE/HOOD...... Hi lady! Are you recovered from I think it did me in.. I have been a physical mess every since... but I DID feel pretty good in Vegas... and for that I am thankful.... GREAT to see you!

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Michelle ~ thank you for sharing your time, prayer and experience with the image of Lady of Guadalupe.  I am reading the posts with tears of Joy and Gratitude!

    Theresa ~ I'm very happy for you and DH that he has reconciled with his son :)

    Pat - Namaste, what a beautiful sign that you've received.  Not a co-incidence at all :)

    Tori ~ also a beautiful sign that you recieved a Medjugorje rosary :)

    These are all signs that our Lord God is aware of our fears and our intentions, he is answering us one-by-one, in His way!  Sisters, just keep your awareness and sense His answer to your prayers! So beautiful !!

    Namaste ~ God Blees You all, Amen !

    Read:  Psalm 95 v. 1-7

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Many signs that prayers have been heard!

    I kept watching the clock all morning - couldn't wait for 10am to get here!  I tried to visualize you Michelle in the chapel or main church with the image, the silence and lit candles.  Very peaceful.  Our Lady has always been a refuge for me.  I 'talk' to her all the time.   I used to travel a LOT in my career and the first thing I did on every flight before take-offs and landings was say 3 Hail Marys.  And, for those of you with sons or grandsons - Mary understands all about raising boys!!

    It's a good day, sisters!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2010

    Ladies, Good afternoon, AS I was praying for all of us on these broads to our Lady and God I wonder if I am worthy to pray for all you wonderful people.  I know that sounds strange but I think I hope I am good enough for God to here my prayers.  Do many of you feel like that, or am I just lacking in something?  I pray with my whole heart and soul and I know Jesus works in my life and dose Our Lady.  I think I am so touch by all of you and your faith, I so love being here with you.

    Michelle, Thank You so much for letting us be apart of this novena to share our love for the Mother of God and all our faith. 

    Michelle I have always felt my anxiety was a source of my BC since I suffered with it for years and have all ways been on medication, Its has been almost all gone until BC but now its  a different kind that we all understand.

    Estepp Thank you for starting this post so we may all pray together.  I know our prayers are being answered.


  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168
    edited October 2010

    Yes DiamondGirl , I was in Vegas!  I am Joyce....sitting next to my sista Linda54!  I read here often & don't post as often as I should!  I wasn't feeling well this morning...just got back from a BIG meeting & needed support from the Holy Father & found it here with all of you wonderful people!  God Bless You All!  Did you know this weekend we have a new Saint.  Saint Andre was a Brother with the Holy Cross.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Betty ~ please know that we are ALL worthy of God's love, and definitely you are worthy of lifting your prayers to anyone.  Please don't judge yourself that way.  xoxo

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Joyce ~ a warm "hello".  Can you please post more about St. Andre?  I hope that you are feeling better, we will lift you up in prayers today!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2010

    Paula Thank You for your response, I needed that.  Love


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Betty - I don't feel that exactly, but something similar..  When I start to pray for myself, I begin to feel selfish or guilty because there are so many people all over the world in far worse shape than me - the poor, people in wars or with no place to live or starving, etc.  I read some of the other threads here in BCO and just want to put my head in my hands I feel such angst and suffering going on. It's a lot easier for me to pray for someone else or a larger cause than for myself if that makes any sense.  I know that's silly and I'm working on it !   We can work on this together :)

    Hood - so nice to have you here!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    God wants us to pray to him about EVERYTHING, don't feel bad about praying for your self if you are praying it will put the issue at peace and that is much better than walking around worrying about it in our heads and using up energy on something God can handle. The more we give God our issues the more open we are for others...I promise I just know this. We need to pray every day for our needs and the needs of others but we cant' be clear for others unless we unload our baggage, and who better to unload to???

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Betty:  compared to God, none of us is worthy...

    I was thinking about the support we provide each other at Mass this weekend ... I think it was the first reading where Moses had to hold up his arms in order for Joshua to defeat Amalek (if Moses kept his arms up, Joshua won, if he put his arms down, Amalek won).  Moses got tired, weak, so others had to come and support his arms so Joshua would continue to win.  We can't do this thing called LIFE without support and prayers of others... heaven and earth.  We have too many battles to wage and how can you have a celebration unless you have others there to celebrate with?  Some folks are further along the path than others but none of us is more worthy to be on that path than the other.  God brings us along in His time and is well aware of how much we can handle.  We just have to be open to knowing Him and we know Him by reading Scripture and praying and doing good works. 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010
    Amen Michelle.  Think of it this way ladies... would you not feed yourself nutritious food because you thought it better to feed others or you felt guilty for taking a piece of bread?  If you did that, then you'd get weak and die.  You need to pray for your intentions b/c God will give you the food you need for your mind, body and soul.  He's waiting for you to come to Him with your needs.  Likewise, He enjoys hearing the choir of our prayers for others, i.e. your prayers in union with the rest of us and those in heaven for other's needs.
  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited October 2010

    I must wear God's ear out. I pray for others, I pray for myself. I pray that I learn to pray better. I pray that through my prayer I teach others to pray. I pray that whatever God's will is, I am strong enough to accept it. Today at the grocery with my youngest son an ambulance passed by. He stopped walking and crossed himself and started praying a Hail Mary for whomever needed the ambulance. It made my heart smile. Prayer is for us all.

    There was a thread about stress and breast cancer somewhere - I really believe it weakens our immune systems sometimes and lets those nasty cancer cells do their dirty work. Prayer is a powerful antidote!

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010

    Hi Betty,

    I totally understand how you feel....I am in awe of many of the folks on this thread - such true spirit and warmth.  I can't think of an original prayer - can't quote the bible verses - and don't know the saints very well anymore.  But I can speak with my heart and I don't think God needs to hear certain words or a certain style of saying those words.  So, I understand where you are but know that each of us is worthy in our own way and God loves each and every one of us - with all our weaknesses and strengths.  So, I am glad you are here and hope you stay with us in prayer and support. You belong!



  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Geewhiz......Laughing out Loud...LOVE your post, me too just praying for everything all the time.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2013
    Thank You Ladies, I will ALL WAYS Pray for you ladies and myself and my family.  I know God is listening to me.I guess wanted you to know how I feel sometime. Love Betty