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  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Hi Ladies

    I have been in a whirlwind this week and so busy, but trying to make this a priority is so so important to me. Do you ever come here and read some things and want to comment and really feel like there are things to say and respond to like a lightbulb just went off and then you are busy and forget to do it then lose it . Thats what I feel like I am starting to think of you ladies quite often and want to share things or respond to something that you said that moved me and I can't get to it.Anyway......

    1st- I went to mass Sunday night and the Priest spoke about Prayer and he really summarized one of TRACI's post from 3 pages ago and it was so awesome. But basically he was saying consistent prayer and meaningful prayer with Humility for example one MAN is praying over over and over again for a specific thing but without meaning or heart. Then one man is praying with a simple sentence after clearing his mind and quieting his surroundings and with true humility, Traci it go's back to a post you were writing about from a book quote (they really tied things together)

    Which book was that? TRACI your posts lately have been SO reflective and I really believe you are on to some things, they reflect YOUR sincere reflection. For example the "what you resist persists? Absolutely I have heard of this, it is paramount we must remember it, the anxiety and worry comes from this exact STRUGGLE, when something is there bothering us and we don't face it and deal with it or let it be in peace we face an internal struggle and it creates anxiety.

    2nd I have noticed that this thread has EVOLVED and I love it!! Last night I was reading through and it occurred to me that this is now a thread IN SPITE OF bc (notice I don't capitalize bc) it is a thread of spirituality and growth, and friendship. SO much of what we wrote about in the beginning was all bc, now it is evolving and I love that. Lord Willing bc won't always be on the forefront of our minds so this is a good thing.  

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    NOVENA/Prayer to ST. JUDE

    Novena prayer:

    Must be said six times each day, For 9 consecutive days, leave 9 copies in Church each day for 9 consecutive days. Your prayers will be answered on or before the ninth day and has never been known to fail, no matter how impossible it may seem. It is your faith and belief in St. Jude patron of hopeless cases that help you.


    Most Holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you of that particular privilege given to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (intention/requests) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor to always honor you as my special and powerful patron and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.


    Novena Prayer:

    May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. AMEN

    May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen.

    St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. AMEN, Blessed be the sacred Heart of Jesus, Blessed  be the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Blessed be Saint Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

    Follow with and OUR FATHER, HAIL MARY, GLORY BE 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    If you ladies are ready lets start this NOVENA tomorrow. In answer to your questions try to stop by a church or place of worship to drop copies but if you can't try something else like sharing it with a friend or whatever. God only wants us to do our best, NOT PERFECTION.

    Traci in answer to your question, with regards to work group, YOU ARE above the drama and you don't have to let it touch you. When you give this back to GOD you will no longer have to worry about it and when those at work approach you with negativity or drama you will be in a place where it can' t touch you and they will feel your peace and go away, because negativity and drama can only live if it has life to live on, so when you turn your cheek (because you are above it) it can not live near you. I am adding your intention to the St. Jude Novena

    I will update list of intentions here shortly.

    I know like this seems like much work, but ladies it will be worth it and it is good work, it will help us keep our spirituality and gratitude and prayer living each day. 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    You just made my day!  I am a bit down in the dumparoo's and you gave me a breath of fresh air. We are all going through something incredible together, and there is a blessing in being guided in our work together. I told Paula the other day, I have been able to solve more than one issue in my life by listening to those around me. If I hear a message more than once in a day, usually through more than one person, then I really perk up. (Just like your post perked me up Michelle.) Sometimes it comes to us in a dream, and we see it come to fruition in our waking life.

    I think what I am feeling is the changes that BC brings, and that we are on a Spiritual Journey, that is not always shared by those around us out in the world. I have changed, but some things have not changed around me, and it becomes harder to dwell in spaces of negativity or ill intentions. My Spirit is more sensitive now, and so we come together to keep ourselves on the path.

    I too feel the happiness Michelle, and the excitement of shared ideas and celebrating our differences. So you have given me the strength to go back out there and wear a raincoat for those who only want rain. I will practice turning away from negativity and turning my face towards God.


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2010

    Good morning sisters...

    Have been MIA...kinda...but trying to catch up on posts from uplifting to read.

    Been kinda "bleh" lately...kinda weepy...having the blues...can't quite pinpoint why.  My dad and brother are coming for a visit this weekend, and husband coming home at the same time, so I should be in a good mood...but something seems to be bringing me down.. I dunno.

    At any rate...feeling really good today (physically)...gonna eat some breakfast and head out for my walk and daily rosary...of course lifting you all up in prayer and asking for the Blessed Mother's and God blessing on all of you today...hoping that you all feel those blessings as they are bestowed on you.... 

    Have a  most blessed day,



  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I'm glad you are feeling better today. I'm also really glad that your husband, Dad and brother are on the way. You have been very strong going through this last round of that you know your "team" is on the way home, is there any chance you are getting your guard down a bit, and letting in a few feelings? I only know people from what I do, and what they tell me :) so if I am off, just pass on by. You are almost there though, and you have been a true Warrior.


    Thanks again, I am way vulnerable, so your advice is well taken. I am really looking forwards to our Novena, and thank you for your devotion and the work of putting it all together for us :)

    God Bless you ALL!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Traci - ah yes.  The castle intrigue of "the office."  Have lived that my whole career.  The insight I've gained over the years from some outrageous behavior of co-workers is that it's usually transparent --  boils down to jealousy & insecurity of those causing you trouble coupled with conflict avoidance and lack of skill by management to deal with it effectively.  Try to take the high road.  I'm a believer in karma - what goes around, comes around.  Goodness comes back tenfold and it's the same with the reverse. Also, the perpetrators are looking to get a reaction from you - that's what feeds them in a sick kind of way.   So if you can turn the other cheek & rise above it by simply ignoring it, there is less fuel on the fire.   Easier said than done.  And you're right - life is too short for this nonsense.

    Michelle - looking forward to novena.  Will make my copies today!

    Have a good day everyone - God is near.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Well said and completely true. I try and stay far far away....the part about transparency, reminds me of a comment by one of my MD friends. He says people will always declare themselves. So again, this is giving it over and staying the course. I am going to practice non reaction, and that will include deep breathing. A good lesson for me as well, because there will always be drama, but I must learn to keep my health in the midst. I'll let you know how I do!

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Good morning siters,

    I'm still trying to catch up reading the posts but I feel a need to post this prayer for Traci and Theresa and they are both encountering a similar situation. 

    Prayer for help at work

    Paslm 26

    Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.  Prove me, O Lord, and try me; test my heart and mind. For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in faithfulness to you.

    I do not sit with the worthless, nor do I consort with hypocrites; I hate the company of evildoers, and will not sit with the wicked.

    I wash my hands in innocence, and go around your altar, O Lord, singing aloud a song of thanksgiving, and telling all your wondrous deeds.

    Do not sweep me away with sinners, nor my life with the bloodthirsty, those in whose hands are evil devices, and whose right hands are full of bribes.

    But as for me, I walk in my integrity, redeem me, and be gracious to me.  My foot stands on level grounds; in the great congregation I will bless the Lord.

    Psalm 27 v.2-11

    Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies.  Do not give me up to the will of my adversaries, for false witnesses have risen against me, and they are breathing out violence. 

    Psalm 28 v.2-4

    Hear the voice of my supplication, as I cry to you for help, as I lift up my hands towards your most holy sancturary.  Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who are workers of evil, who speak peace with their neighbors, while mischief is in their hearts. Repay them according to their work, and according to the evil of their deeds; repay them according to the work of their hands; render them their due reward. 

    I hope this will be able to lift you both up.  What you are going through has been around for centuries, it's described in the Bible.  I was once told that as we are heading more towards God, we are actually getting more spiritual warfare.  Let's all join hands each day "in spirit" when we pray, that we are going to fight each and everything that we come across together.  I had a horrible weekend and a worrisome Monday.  But I see that once we ride the big wave, we are in the calm sea once again.  Sisters, just pray and visualize whatever outcome you want and keep your focus on it.

    I will post more later.

    God Bless us All.


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    One thing I  know is that "BLEH" evolves. Just last week ladies I was in a big BLEH, my hip hurt, I had Nausea for 7 days I was so down thinking about what bc has done to my life. BUt coming here and having you all pray for me and reading and just walking the walk has transformed that particular blah. I have felt great this week and am so thankful. Let me tell you I HAVE HAD More than my share of blahs in the last 2 1/2 years, almost desperation but it continues to transform. Try embracing the BLEH time and just feeling it and see if it evolves or transcends, instead of struggling against it and trying to rid yourself of it try to just let it be and check it out and offer it to GOD and see what happens. Life is a roller coaster of up and down days but one thing I know things always evolve so YOU WILL FEEL BETTER

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    You ladies amaze me.  I'm sitting here reading while eating lunch at my desk.  Traci, I feel your work angst. We had that meeting yesterday with the customer.  It was.... interesting.  My nemesis was a bit hostile and talked over the customer.  Our supervisor was there was tried to reign things in.  He said he would talk to me this afternoon... to "download".  Whatever that means.  It's strange.  That's excellent advice Michelle, and I really try to rise above it... numb up... indifference.  My husband told me that I put so much heart and soul into my job (A-type personality), and I'm sensitive, that these "dramas" affect me more than the average Joe.  I have to keep reminding myself to give it to God.

    Traci:  You said, "I have to plant a mustard seed Theresa, and I was thinking what an incredible writer and storyteller you are.  Have you ever thought about working in hospital ministry? I also see that you can talk many languages of Spirituality and Religion, as far as work of the soul. I think you would be able to help people face their illnesses, loss of loved ones, and help them to comfort and peace. There is also Hospice Work, and I am going to look a few things up. Have you ever thought of this as a Vocation?" 

     I've only thought about that once or twice.  I'm a better writer than I am verbally... I'm really a very quiet type of person in public.  I don't really know where to begin with a vocation like that, but I'm willing to discern it.

    Tori:  I wonder if what you're feeling (the blues, crying) is a SE of T/C.  I was like that a lot during those days.  I'm thinking once your out of chemo for a few months, you'll start to come out of that... if not sooner!! :-)  Your spiritual exercises (prayer) and physical exercises (walks) can only serve to help you out quicker.  Plus your wonderful sisters here!! ;-)

    Michelle:  I'm not sure if I can do the Novena!  I'm trapped in the office all day then a 1.5 hour commute each way on roads that don't go near churches.  But I can pray along with you guys.

    Thank you all for the mid-day uplift!

  • yatcomw
    yatcomw Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2010


    I think i posted this a couple of years ago.......but my sister gave me this St. Jude novena when I was diagnosed.  Like you said ---you were to go to church and say the prayer and leave copies in the pew for someone else to pick up.  You were supposed to do this consistently.....9 straight days.

    Well in the middle of the 9 days there was a hurricane here.......but there was no way I was going to break the with huge gusts of wind and rain...the car shaking from side to side by the husband took me to the church....well of course it was closed up.  So I did the prayer in the car in the parking lot of the church and stuffed the wet novenas in the door jam of the church.

    Maybe my persistence got me this far?  (smile)


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Traci:  I forgot to ask what you meant by "I also see that you can talk many languages of Spirituality and Religion, as far as work of the soul."

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    I totally remember this story!! I commented back on it then that that would be me pushing through to make sure I got it in there. 


    Don't worry ladies don't put too much pressure on yourselves we can do our best with this and we will be ok. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Ah Squid. I had just woken up and looked at the your pm before the board.  The question wasn't about me honey it was about you.

    Everyone has given you such great advice. Why does it seem there is always at least one person at work thats a problem to our spirit. I have often asked God that over the years.

    AND then there is the situation of the evil boss, that encourages a split between those that will follow them and for those that won't follow them. The evil boss makes your life hell by encouraging  the evil followers to make your life hell. It may not be direct encouragement, but done passively by not doing anything. Just allowing decension, or not responding when you approach them with concerns of the gossip/mean actions/ or whatever. The evil boss would deny that there actions were evil, and deny the staff problem. The evil boss has so many different faces that they use. One face for their followers and one for the nonfollowers. The evil boss will either directly or indirectly attempt to hurt your good spirit.  It's a microcosm of hell and satan. The evil boss may not even know that there actions are so evil, but after seeing some in the working of their deeds, it is hard to believe that they don't know what they are doing is evil. Then there is the boss that isn't evil, but is oblivious to those beneath them that do evil things.

    Either way it can impact those that just are doing the best they can according to a good conscious with the Spirit of God as their Guide. JV, Paula, Michelles and Theresa advice is solid--basically both are saying stay away from those that wrought evil. Don't give them anything to feed on which only increases their desire for more hateful acts. Strengthen your bonds with those that do good. 

    I have had bosses that ranged from Gods messenger i.e. All their thoughts and actions were without malice to anyone. To a boss who I am sure is a sister of Faust.

    Before Gregs funeral , I asked the priest for the sacrament of reconciliation--confession. I asked for absolution of only two things. One to be forgiven for any anger I had shown Greg over these last months. Two to be forgiven for the thoughts harboring ill will and harm toward my 2nd last boss that was the sister of Faust. She had made my life a living hell. I let her hurt my spirit to the degree that I wished her evil. She had won if you think of it, in that way. I allowed myself to wish her evil. So, she drew me away from the goodness towards the evil. 

    I could not have what I desired most at that moment in life, which was to celebrate the most holy Mass and Communion for Greg's passing. I shared this with some that knew this sister of Faust. Each laughed and said almost the identical thing "Well then I need to confess too".  My reason for telling them , as I tell you now, is-- I recognized that I had been drawn into evil even though I had fought it. I felt that my Guiding hand allowed me to recognize it. It is part of all the divine intervention things that occurred during our cancer journey. That is why I have returned to the church and my spiritual roots. Evil does exist. It does seek to damage our spirit. It does seek to draw us to it's side. What we must do is recognize it and walk away. Grab onto the goodness. As we each here believe the goodness is found in God, Jesus, Mother Mary and the court of heaven. Each here is also tolerant of others beliefs in different religions with different beliefs. We continually invite those of other faiths. Our only request of them is that they pray and be tolerant of others beliefs also.  An example of this, is our quiet friend that told her story of Bernadette. Her religion does not believe that Jesus was the son of God, but a prohet. Yet each here was inviting her to stay and pray with us.  There are those outside this group that would find that unacceptable. There are multiple religions represented here. We seek the goodness through communal(group).  prayer. 

    Squid don't let the evil ones hurt your spirit. The goodness in you knows no bounds. Love

    Its' a good time for Namaste --"I Salute the God within You" Sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    My DH's aunt once told me (and she's a very devote Catholic), she prays daily and holds Bible Studies etc. etc.  That the more that we are turning to Lord Jesus, the stronger that evil will try to persuade you to turn away or do a spiritual warfare.  We MUST suit up and ask God, our Lord Jesus to give us protection, cover us with his Precious Blood and protect us so that we will be able to do good for mankind, proclaim Him and sing praise to Our Lord Jesus. 

    I know it is fate, I got dx with bc, was down and scared (still do from time to time), but I was guided to this website, and with thousands of different topics and threads, I was GUIDED to this particular thread.  And we are able to build this comradery, this friendship.  Everyday I look for you sisters here the minute I turn on my computer.  I am happy when someone tells us when something great happened to them, like their prayers answered.  I am sad and tear up when something sad came along.  We are a great bond of sisters here, and like Sheila said, I do pray that it is forever.  Namaste!

    So, this leads to the next topic, I think we should all start saving money so that we will be able to do a retreat, to visit a Holy Shrine (somewhere). 

    I do not understand, and will not even try to, but the fact that my L arm had that flare up, and NOW I give it all to Our Lord Jesus.  I won't say it's all gone, but it has lessen compared to a few days ago.

    Thank you sisters once again, for banding together to pray for me while I was sitting at the BS's office. My husband brought our iPad and realized we could get internet access at the office :)

    God Bless us all.  Amen!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Michelle, our we leaving 9 copies  of the novena or the intentions? If we are able to get St. Jude prayer cards , can we leave those. The way my fax ran off the novema page --the novena came off in one single page. That worked out great. Now I can copy it, but that will be 81 pages besides the ones posted around the house. How does someone do it if they don't have a copier. Plus the Intentions. Sorry I haven't done it this way before and don't have a clue

    Paula Thanks for the endearmant. So happy your rads went better. Truly amazing difference from last week to this. WE will pray that it continues. 

    Jacqueline your story was very insightful and true.

    A common thread over many days has been how tired we are. Perhaps we aren't concentrating on ourselves enough. This bc thing has really screwed up my sleep habits. I'm sure many of you are in the same way. That has been a positive about BCO. Insomnia---Comes to the boards.  Maybe during the novena we should think about attempting to go to bed earlier at a regular time. It's only for 9 days. If you wake up in the middle of the night don't come to the boards --say some prayers until you fall asleep. I sound like my MOM. But almost everyone if you look at the last week has said how tired they are. WE must take action. -make a sleep plan. I know you are all laughing right now. But lets make it part of the novena plan and see if we feel better. It's worth a try. It's better than bleh.--Sheila

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    Try not to make the actual logistics of the ST Jude hard for you. Theresa just pray in the car, don't worry about the church. Sheila cards are fine and if you only leave one copy it is fine too. 

    I think that if we concentrate too hard on the details of this novena instead of the praying we will lose the great peace. SOOOO just commit to praying each day if you can leave a copy or more at a church great, if you can't deliver several copies one day.

    God just wants us together praying will update prayer intentions tonight. 

    The Prayer is the same daily. 

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Yes Sheila - sometimes you can just feel the presence of evil - always there just waiting for the opportunity to exploit a weakness - whether you're tired or lonely or afraid or sad.   And that relates to your other post about sleep too.  I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm tired, I feel much more vulnerable.  So get your rest sisters!

    Paula - you post such great prayers!!  Where do you get them all?  

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010

    Hi All,

    I've just spent an hour trying to catch up and I realized that I am simply not going to be a daily poster - I just can't fit it in.  I'm so sorry!  I will keep coming to the thread when I get the time to do it but work, grandkid, life, BC, etc. just fill up my days so that I feel I'm always scambling.  I'm not sure I can commit to a daily anything right now but I will keep you all in my daily prayers.  As my strength rebounds, my commitments seem to double!  And, I am having the sleepless nights, revisiting hot flashes, and being tired, tired,tired!

    I hope we can include those who can post often and those who can't in our novenas and intentions!  I don't want to seem to be doing less than others - but am doing the best I can right now.

    BTW, I got a letter from my oncologist that the link between lack of vitamin D and BC (and other cancers) is weak but one worth being concerned about.  My blood test last week had a vitamin D level of 36.1, normal is between 32 to 100, so they are recommending I up my vitamin D to a minimum of 2000 IU daily. I was told to take my vitamin D regardless of wehter I am taking calcium with vitamin D (which I am) since the 400 IU that usually comes with calcium is not enough to keep my levels high enough.   I stopped at a health store today and bought Vit D3 5000 iu to start tomorrow.  What are you all doing about Vitamin D?

    Hugs and love,


    PS I love being a grandma too - am looking forward to trick or treating with my 4 year old grandson (who is dressing as Super Mario) at my old age...I'm dressing as Wonder Woman - my chemo buddy.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    PAT.. my D levels were       4       yes            4.

    SOOOOOOOO I took 10000iu RX for a week....

    now I take 5000 D3 daily.... with mag... my D levels came up to 60.


    Bridget is not starting treatment in AR. for her MM. WELL.... she did a set of full body scans before starting chemo in this new center. WELL... the spots on her spine and pelvis are now......GONE GONE GONE.....

    The new doctors there compared the MRI's and Bone Scans and said those spots were there and were real... well... they are GONE NOW !!! Can we say.. THANK YOU FATHER for this miracle. Now her doctors are telling her she is stage 3.. but a VERY good stage 3.. as hers is about as curable at it comes....

    Isn't this just wonderful...... Thank you for praying for her.

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2010

    I pray the rosary during my radiation treatments.  It is a great way to offer up suffering for others.  Each day I think of who I will offer up my prayers for this day and I head off to rosary in hand.

    My treatment center already knows to shut off the music before my treatments so that I can have peace and quiet to pray.  They are just so wonderful to me.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Laura - OH MY GOSH!!   Amazing news.   I think more miracles happen than we think.  Give her our love. 

    Pat - I should get my Vit D results tomorrow.  Will be interesting.   And, are you kidding?  You just post when you can & know you're in our prayers.  Tell your little guy to have fun trick or treating.   I buy bags of candy and some years a lot of kids come.  Other years, maybe one or two.  And, then I end up eating the candy.  Or did I say that already in an earlier post? - geezerhood may have set in again:)

    My only new news is BRCA test came back negative which was a relief.  I'm still worried enough that I want my daughter to get tested as there is BC on her father's side too.  Still no oncotype results. 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    BRCA neg. GREAT !!!! I was also Neg! Keeps our hearts going in the wrong places...

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Good Evening Sisters,

    I am smiling and reading all of your wonderful advice, and Paula, I really liked your prayers! I know who the perps are...and they can very feisty when they see me "see them." Because I can see their hearts, and become furious for the patients, because I don't think they care (not many are Nurses, but we have our share too.)

    So here is my question (and I know I am going to get awesome advice, Spiritual knowledge and History of the Bible.) I have a hard time believing in evil, (but I just heard the words good vs evil on the TV when I typed that.) freaky. I have seen a few souls that were dark as night. Scared me half to death, and I have seen souless eyes of some criminals. Those who intended harm. What is that? Who are they?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Sleep hygiene! I love it, and you are right, I can say for me I am upside down with my sleep. I have been waking up each night too....but I just watch Three's Company until I fall asleep again. It's the morning that's so brutal! I did catch a second wind today, and my go for a quick swim for my mental health and physical healing. Great Idea.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Pat-pagowens don't even think twice. come here when you can. Catchup with what time allows. God first, then yourself, then family. Whatever happens in the next ring out variable. There was a time I was trouble being pulled in so many direstions. Stephen wasn't born until I was 34. I finally realized what I just said to you because a newborn doesn't give you much time to make decisions. I drew a dot,small circle around the dot. Then a circle around that small cirle then a large circle around that. The small dot was god, next small circle was me, next family, next everthing else. I was the first small circle after God because if i didn't take care of myself in the closeness to God , I couldn't take care of my family.  Everything outside of my family--was just that outside my family. I put that piece of paper on the frig, to remind me should I forget.  That piece of paper stayed there for years. We love you and will keep you in our prayers. Don't worry. enjoy your chemo buddy. visit when you can L&H&P sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Oh my God, this is one of the most uplifting news today, regarding Bridget's scans. A miracle has happened for her, and let's keep on strong with our prayers for her.


    Congratulations!! More good news :)


    We love to see you whenever you can stop by. Wonder Woman and SuperMario, he'll have so much fun with you!

    and I had a bit of good news, that tickled me. I was evaluated for LE today, and it is in the pads of my hand, but a stage 0. I felt pretty confident that my arm was going to be fine, but here is the tickler part. My PT evaluated my lymph drainage, and apparently I am already re-routing my lymph flow, and she thinks it is because of my swimming. She then asked me again did I get radiation? after seeing me without my top on. The skin felt great to her, nice and soft, and she said my plastics did an awesome job. I havn't had anyone to compare myself too, and originally my plastics said I was most likely going to have to have a skin graft due to my skin sensitivity, and I have just a mere shadow where I got hit the hardest. I don't have many things go right, and I just was so happy to hear I'm doing well overall.

    My Ultra sound of the thyroid was a little puzzling, but we are on the waiting plan for another 6 months. I'm really glad I did the PET scan, because I would have had to get one from the ultrasound. I guess there are calcifications in the left lower lobe without any nodules present, but the PET did not show any mets to the area. So this just needs to stay the puzzle that it is, without manifesting anything.

    Laura, I am going to get my sleeve and glove, no gauntlet for me...and I know you have had such issues, and you have been a leader and a teacher for me to be proactive. I am very grateful. So I will be praying very hard for you during our Novena Laura, that you have a turnaround with your LE, your pain and your mobility.

    off to swim, be back later :)

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Awe, thank you Squidward.... that is beyond kind of you. I appreciate it dearly.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Janet & Traci ~ thanks for the compliments, I am not worthy to get them.  I'm just getting them from whatever means I have when someone needed to get prayer help.  Last month, I've purchased a few prayer books (I've evolved to praying) and I wasn't prayerful before BC (shame on me, and I should because) 25 years ago, I was praying daily that I will see my current DH again.  We were separated by our parents then and there was no communication between us.  Well my prayers was answered in 1988, we just celebrated 22 years this October.  I was just telling my #4 sister that this morning about my prayer was answered. 

    I bought Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers, The Church's most powerful novenas, Pocket Book of Catholic Prayers and A Beginner's Book of Prayer. 

    What I typed this morning re: Psalms was straight from the Bible.  It's the NRSV Catholic Bible.  NRSV stands for New Revised Standard Version. I got lucky, I was trying to search something for Traci and Theresa, and I just opened to the right page.  I was guided to that page, Amazing!