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  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2013

    I felt " something" when I saw today was the feast of St. Jude... Ladies... I wonder which of you, if not all, realize.... how huge this is. If Michele had NO idea today was the day... and she said she did NOT..... then this Novena is VERY important. I cannot stress that enough. PLEASE, do all you can to do this and beg for healing and miracles for the above. I am going against what I said yesterday.. I now.. AM DOING the novena with you all. I will not be in a Church... but I have been called to do this anyway.

    All praise and honor is yours Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever.

    Michele... have I told you lately how sweet you are! I do not need the Medal... but so sweet of you to open the doors for us all to receive this from you ! To give is the GREATEST reward on earth... :) I do however want you to send me your brouchure again... I have to see what you are doing... it is killing me,..,:)

    Janet... LOL LOL... trying to get hooked up with Skips brother...ROFLOL... you go girl!


    Untied and United..... Laura

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    YAY Laura!

    Can I ask another question? Where do we say the names on the Intentions list in relation to the prayer?

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010
    Laura so glad you are joining us, I am just so freaked that this is the day and If you look back I kept saying I would get this posted and it took me 4 days because I have been slammed with work and it just so happened that I could squeeze it in today. I am thrilled, I have always loved St. Jude and now I am just soooo moved. 
    Hey Laura will send it to you, sent it to the other gals tonight and they opened fine, I think it was just because I did not covert it to from a MAC file for you.
    Just click on the PDF 
  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Can you tell me where you are saying the names on our Intentions List...I didn't see a particular place in the prayer (sorry, novice.)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    o,k, that was embarrassing, I rolled right past that part about the intentions. Sigh, I got it together now :)


    So far so good, I am so glad you have done so well. We will keep you in our prayers that the node is negative.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Michele!

    Squidward... you are so funny..... :)... you help me smile.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Laura--you could see all the post about how floored everyone was. It had the same impact on all of us I think. It was like a encouragement to go on and do it well and have faith.  You do need to explain Untied and United. The storey is a little gift I think.

    PrA-ditto on the node. 

    My sleep plan is not going as planned, But back to bed

    Tonite they had a special about the miners. I hope they repeat it.

    Untied and United:) Sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    (my post was missing, so I'm retyping this)

    Theresa ~ please tell Skip that I enjoyed and appreciated his story, and it was read with tears flowing.  Thanks for the affirmation that we all need to pray, faithfully.  The prayers are answered, it's just that one must be aware when the request is fulfilled.  At times it may not be obvious, but we are responsible to watch out for the signs.  The good outcome is never to be miscontrued as a coincidence.  Whether the improvement is great or not so great, we must still need to be thankful. 

    I would like to share my triumphant stories today, but I am very tired.  I will continue with this tomorrow.

    Finished 11 rad treatment out of 33, still have 22 more to go.

    PrayersareAnswered ~ good luck on the nodes.

    Thank you so much.


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    prayersareanswered:  I was hoping you would post!!  So happy to hear that you're doing well after surgery and we are all praying for your good pathology and healing!

    Yep, it was a fluke that I posted here the Universalis posting on Sts Simon and Jude... completely thought it was known by everyone except me!! :-)  Michelle, it was the Holy Spirit that kept delaying you!  Laura, this *is* going to be a special prayer and I'm glad you're joining us.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    prayersareanswered - glad you're home!  Be gentle on yourself, plenty of rest, and let the healing begin!  And will keep you in prayers that node is OK.

  • SmilingSpirit
    SmilingSpirit Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2010

    Hi, I read somewhere a page back that bcmomof3 had passed. Does anyone know for sure? Is this posted on another thread? I've seen several for her but none about this. Thanks

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Sadly, yes, smiling spirit.  The name of the thread is something like Kristen Angel bcmomof3 - you could scroll in Stage IV to find it and leave your condolences.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Good Morning Ladies!

    It's Friday, and I was thinking since we are all praying the Novena to St. Jude, that we use our time at 10:00 for our Novena? Then perhaps we can re-start after our Novena is finished, next Saturday? I do ask that we pause at 10:00 EST tonight, and say a prayer for the victims of the tsunami.

    Then I was also thinking (stand back, she's gonna blow!) that I would like to bring a little Traci to the table, and perhaps with Theresa's help :) put together prayers to recognize the beauty of Nature, God's breathtaking tapestry. So I will put together the prayers for our first group prayer after our Novena ends, (at a time to be determined by us,) and then we can pass the torch so to speak for each person to bring their personal style of prayer, weekly?

    So I'll wait to hear all of your thoughts, and if you want to have prayers tonight, Great!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Sounds good to me

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010

    Squidwicth42: Thanks for your prayers.

    Diamond girl: Yes I have 4 drains. 

    Everyone have a great weekend. Smile


  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Traci ~ per your suggestion, please confirm that I do not need to post the regular prayers for tonight right?  Please let me know ASAP as I may not be able to attend the prayer meeting tonight (but I will pray solo).

    If I don't see you post anything before I go out today, I will just post it just in case there's any last minute change of mind :)

    Sheila ~ I saw my rad onc. yesterday (Thursday), and he said that it's too early for anyone to get LE side effects (my thoughts differ otherwise), and that when I mentioned "Brachial Nerve damage", he said "No, not likely".  Again, his nurse assistant said that "you have such heightened sensations! They have not heard of before.  Rad Onc said he's treated thousands and never heard of people feeling pain during the rad treatment when the beam was hitting.  They try to make me feel I'm the "special one" here - NOT!!!  I don't know, I think I'm just going thru the motion of see the rad onc every Thursday, I don't have the 100% trust with them like I did before, that which is very sad.

    Have a Blessed day sisters.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    I am not try to make you anxiouss or raise concern where there should perhaps be none. But these healers are really pissing me off.

    The number one thing, found out about pain research by the Agency on Healthcare Policies and Research, in the research for the publication for the National Clinical Practice Guidlelines WAS- (DRUM ROLL)------Doctors and nurses are the worst judge of a patients pain, and all the research supported that the patient define the pain, that tools be developed (visual/analog) to be used to describe the pain, and treatment be given to bring pain into an acceptable range  by what ever means appropriate.

    To accomplish the completion of the clinical practices guidlines hundreds of experts were brought to Washington , devlep the research plan, 2.oversee progress, 3.and publish results. The first three guidelines done were Pain, Diabetes, incontinence. This was done to assure that from coast to coast patients could expect to receive the same STANDARD OF CARE throughout the country- from sea to shining sea(ocean). This was accomplished for all three by 1990. Period.

    If you are feeling pain where no pain should exist, it is their responsibility, if they are JACHO accreditated or accrediteted by an agency that use the same rules as jacho,  too find out why you are having pain and fix it.

    If you want to shake some rafters ask for their accreditation requirements regarding pain. Ask to see the patient BILL of RIGHTS.  if I'm forgetting something Squid will catch it.

    I may have scant knowledge regarding radiation therapy. But my knowledge regarding the DISMISSAL of your complaint is strong. They are on a slipperry slope.  Reread the section about docs and nurses being the worst judge--multiple times.  These guidlines have been available for 20+ years. Everyday I hear them being breached. These guidelines are the eqivalent of the Bible for the care of patients. That is how seriously they are taken by accrediting agencies. One phone call complaint to the AGENCY,  causes a review.  It puts the company in jeopardy of loosing their accreditation. They loose accreditation, the won't receive Medicare reimbursement. If they can't receive medicare reimbursement--- Then (DRUM ROLL)---no other insurance payor will pay them either. SO, it does come down to money. But the who cares answer is---You have a recourse to make a complaint, you have a right to make a complaint.

    I suggest going back and make a short diary of each occurence . Date it for the day written---10/29 for 10/01 etc. With this diary from retrospect add nothing , but the facts, if you add how you felt about your treatment make sure you put it below the factual presentation with a leader statement , for example. '"This caused  me to be distressed because:." Then describe.  Then keep a current daily diary of what was said and by whom. The call to the accrediting agency should not be delayed.

    What the docs and staffs answers have been  to you ------are cow cakes.

    They need to be reviewed, so you don't experience any more cow cakes, or anyone after you either. Say everything with a sweet voice, no hysterics or anger --that may be justified, but they would attempt to use it against you. 

    Should you have a brachial nerve damage that they poopooed. Then the diary becomes important on a legal level because you informed them of pain that they did not address. So, You have two reasons to keep this diary. 

    Again the two reasons for the diary are:1. Patient rights according to accreditation  2. Legal

    Sure wish my brain was working right LOL. Non compliance with Standards of Care is obviously a big soapbox item.

    Joke---I was on a rant just like this one time when one of the young nurses asked me what a soapbox was. OH MY what they don't teach in history anymore and it really made me feel ancient. I could envision her thinking i was standing on a singular soapbox of dial

    LookPaula you have rights, And of course it is after 5pm Friday night.  Please no anxiety over this. Put yourself in the Righteous range. Take the attitude the system isn't working and that what ever you can do to make the system work, is what you should do  LOVE Sheila

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    yes Traci

    would love to do the St. Jude tonight together>>!!!!!! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Yes Michelle entirely agree.

    Betty. I know in my distant past , WE only said a novena once a day. What I found today , is I said it 3 x's in church. Each time , I was more deeply concentrated. It was one part of my brain evaluating what the other part was doing.  Until my whole brain was envolved without evaluating. Since I've taught my brain to evaluate always what I was saying , I found this quite interesting. Tomorrow I will time the process. It didn't take that long today --about 20 minutes. Also, today I laid a hand on what I was asking to be healed. It made a difference. AS Skip would say others would say it was a coincidence. As Michelle says whatever gets you there do it (paraphrase). Love sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Mutiple entries by me ==it's friday dinner time---everyone is celebrating the end of the week.

    I would like to suggest that we as part of our novena that we pay attention to what we each are asking for ---either direct or indirect we are praying for health. I said we needed an action plan on sleep. We need action plan on health. Are we eating right, drinking enough water, elevating extremities, Drinking enough wine(ONLY half seriously). Walking enough. We are asking for miricales . We have to be part of the miricale. Squid now has it in her routine that she swims, PRA has been walking while saying the rosary. I could be the worst. BUT having to go these last two days to church, got me up, showered, dressed, and off.  Even a haircut and brows. The point maybe everyone else is in overload, It got me doing more . If your in overload see what can be cut out. Maybe coming to the boards less. Use that time to pray and meditate on health. The Boards are our lifeline. But our lifeline will be here always-certainly in 9 days. During the  time left for this novena, for some it may be healthier to not come to the boards so often. Or if you are a multiple board poster. Don't. Concentrate on your own health, for the moment. When we feel better, we can help others more effectively. So, during ST Jude"s time take time to concentrate on you and your family.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Sheila - "Sure wish my brain was working right LOL"     I would say your brain is working on all cylinders.  Good advice all around.      And one last crow comment:):) - yes - it takes 5 years to raise & educate a crow and the older siblings help the parents with the younger ones - much of their intelligence is learned, not just instinctive. So it would make sense if they lost significant numbers they couldn't pass down the know how. Their brains in proportion to their body size is the same as a human

    Traci, Michelle, Paula, etc - good idea to do novena prayers together for tonight's prayers! 

    Monika, prayersareanswered - hope you are getting along OK.  

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Good evening!  DD and I went to Philly today for my 6 mo Rad Onc appt.  She was very pleased with my progress... said everything looked "excellent"!  I don't need to see her for a year, if I want.  That was good news.  But it took us 5 hours to drive home tonight b/c of the traffic... it took 3.5 hours to get up there.  So I'm zonked.  I might fall asleep before prayer time.  I said my St. Jude novena while waiting to be seen, so that's covered.

    A little humble pie for me... we picked up some fast food on our way into town, I looked at my receipt and the girl gave me a seniors discount!!!!!!  This cancer *has* aged me 10-20 years!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Good Evening Ladies!

    So Michelle, I hear the plan for saying the Novena together at 10:00 PM eastern standard time tonight. I will be here.

    Paula, thanks so much for offering to post the prayers...I bolted out to work before seeing anyone's responses. So I say, let's keep it simple, and come together specifically for the Novena to St. Jude tonight.


    I not only have it in my routine now, but always :) I swim outside 6 months out of the year, then cross train and swim indoors on the weekends during the winter (at least that's the plan.) I was down for the count last winter and spring, and I consider swimming "going to Church." There is a way I look at it, and I make exercise non-negotiable. You know what I mean? There are some things that I may good intentions on doing, but if time slips by, I may start "re-negotiating" saying, I'll go later, just a nap and...then it gets later and you are on to tomorrow. So exercising just IS. I have to be feeling pretty lousy to not go, and that's how my friends know how I am doing....If I have not swam in a week, time to go to the MD!

    So maybe while choosing areas of life you or anyone wants to change..going to sleep earlier, posting less, drinking more suggestion I would make, is to have it BE. Try using the words I WILL, I AM, instead of I'll try, I think, or I want to. Know you are going to, have it be a fact about you, visualize yourself doing whatever it is you want to do, or change or add or subtract.

    I know we all have many things in life that we do not negotiate, such as prayer, Church, exercise, Physical Therapy exercises, so it's building on skills we already possess :)

    Now here is another challenge, to choose a hobby, craft, book, writing, musical instrument to channel your creativity.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2010

    I am here

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    I am here

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    sheila i'm here

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    I am here :)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    I know Michelle is coming, so nice to see you all! The plan is for us to Pray the Novena together..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Until others sign in start a rosary sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    I think Theresa may be sleeping away, so how about when Michelle comes on, we go ahead?