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  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Squid- there was a time I wouldn't even say outloud the word evil. But just as you have said you have seen it. The only way to take away it's power is to recognize that it does exist and rail against it.

    Laura and jv ---found out i was deficient in D 9-10 monthe before bc found . Prescription strength d 50,000 units a month after inital treatment. Recent controversy in research says we should be in the high end of normal. MY endocrinoligist warns that too high a dosage can affect the kidney. So, don't trade one problem for another. Stay on top of the literature. More research coming in all the time. My endocrin's statement was don't you ever go outside. Nope-- not in florida betwen 10-5. To much uv. There is a vita D thread. The first dose of d 50,000 units,  felt like warm chocalate melting all over my body--niravanha............ Great news for bridget---miracles upon miracles.

    Squid there you are. Only us nursey nurses would call it Sleep Hygiene. A call to action---WE MUST SLEEP. Its going to be hard, but no later than 2300 better 2200. Then stay put, Until work time wake up. I know you and I frequently are up until 1 + in the morning. WE have work to do with the novena in the next 9 days. WE have to be fresh and rested to do all that praying. Hygiene not withstanding. ARE YOU READY GIRL. CAN YOU DO THIS.

    Did you know that many catholics are ignornat of bible verse because in the early church, the leaders within the church wanted to be the interperters of bible verse for the followers. It is only in very recent time that catholic individual study of the bible started. Amazing ,but true. 

    Paula yes we need to do a journey to a sacred place. I did think that maybe it was a sign about bernadette of lourdes in MD when there were so many bernadete connections, But that could be far for some. Apple is in the middle and there has to be a shrine in the middle. AND then there is st pregrines's in Portland.  It Just making a choice. Plus I think it is a big factor of how do we do this and not fly. Flying has enough research behind it to support it as a problem/ source of LE , why risk it. A sleeve is , but a sleeve. It's only a few years old, not enough history medically to say it will protect you really in a flying situation. Look at how many years the country got boondoggled into believeing margarine was good for them, butter has been around for thousands of years. TED stockings have been purpoted to prevent Deep vein thrombosis since the 70's, recently has been debunked. . I say ground travel . So, we need to be in the middle, so at least everyone has a chance to come. SAS

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    MORE GOOD NEWS.    Lauren (the friend of my daughter who is BRCA+) got her biopsy results today - BENIGN!   Thank God.  She is moving up her plans however for double mastec/ovaries probably after 1st of the year.  No longer waiting until she's 35. 

    Traci- that's GOOD news on your scan.  Way to go!!!

    Lord, thank you.  Amen.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Pat:  I know it's impossible for you to come here and post every night.... I have the grandsons tonight and only have a few minutes here.  I can imagine what little time you have.  You are always in our prayers.

    Traci:  I have a link for you to read from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which discusses and explains evil far better than I can.

    Satan (yes, he exists) really wants us to not believe he exists or that evil exists, so I'm really happy that you're asking.  "I sought whence evil comes and there was no solution", said St. Augustine... so you're in good company!!  In its simplest terms, evil is rejection of God who is the source of all good... it's a free choice to reject good to go against God's plan, from angels (fall of Satan) to humans... we're not talking about mental illness but someone with his/her full faculties who knows what the right and good thing is, but maliciously chooses to do the evil.  It's pretty hefty reading, but if you take your time and absorb it, it's pretty awesome, and it has footnotes to take you to scripture.  That being said, no one should judge another human being as evil, as condemned, because that job belongs only to God.  Every one of us has the opportunity to repent until we take our last breath.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited October 2010

    I love you guys! xo

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Vitamin D.... yes, mine was 20 something, so I am on 2,000IUs a day.... plus multi-gummies, plus calcium and magnesium and B12.

    I'm still taking the Effexor, but followed my sister's advice and am taking it at night.  I still get a bit of nausea and intestinal issues, but hopefully that will go away... maybe I'll lose some weight!  I don't know if it's coincidence, but my joints don't ache me as much and my husband even noticed that I was moving more freely.  Still having the hot flashes, though.

    Ok, Michelle, I'll do the novena in the car!!  Maybe DH will do it with me.

    Laura:  wonderful, miraculous story!!!! 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    I have waited to say this... as I was seeing how I could do this until today.

    I will not be able to do the novena to St. Jude with you all. I know you said we do not need to be in a Church.. and you are probably right. I just cannot get past that part. I personally have to be in the Church. This is just me. So I will have to step back on this novena. I will however, being asking St Jude to pray for all the intentions here. That I promise.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Good evening sisters,

    Lots of great news today!! So happy for y'all.

    Traci asked the other day, why pray the Novenas for 9 was the origin in anciant Rome as times of prayer for the dead over a 9-day period and were prayers of mourning and commendation of the soul to the mercy of God.  In the Middle ages it became ways of preparing for great liturgical events, especially Christmas.  One novena became linked to the antiphons of Vespers, which begin with the vocative "0" nine days before the celebration of Christ's birth.  This custom came from the Advent hymn "O come, O come, Emmanuel", which in fact was the first antiphon of this novena. It may also have been related in people's minds to the 9 months that the infant Savior remained in his mother's womb.  For this reason, novenas began to be associated with Our Lady, particularly in France and Spain.  Later, the novena became associated with the 9 days from Ascension to Pentecost. 

    The author also wrote about the Novena Problems to Avoid : (from The Church's Most Powerful Novenas)

    "Like all things, novenas can have their problems. They can be overly sentimental; or in a misguided attempt to control this tendency, the prayers may be very theological to keep them from being sentimental.  The Miraculous Medal Novena had it all - it was succinct, scriptural, theological, written in English a bit more polished than most of us ordinarily spoke, and it held a beautiful benediction at the end.  Unfortunately, it finished on an over-sentimental hymn with very poor theology - "Good night, Swwet Jesus," sung by candlelight in the darkened church. 

    Another problem with novenas is that they can give rise to superstition; that is, things people believe because they need to believe them. My impression is that modern life is filled with far more medical, scientific, and political superstitions than religious ones.  Religion is probably one area of life that has fewer superstitions than others, because at least religious people are on the watch for superstition.  The simple fact is that no prayer - whether it be a novena or anything else - can change in him at all. But, as we have noted, Christ tells us in the parables to pray and suggests we importune the Lord like the widow who harried the unjust judge.  "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you" (Lk 11:9).

    Novenas are nothing more or less than forms of insistent prayer. God does not need nine prayers or even one prayer to know what we really need, but mysteriously, Christ tells us to pray incessantly and assures us that God will give his Holy Spirit to those who ask him. He also tells us that he will provide what we really need, not merely what we simply want. 

    It is worth mentioning that a particularly annoying form of superstition was associated with novenas in the past. That's the "chain novena", often proposed by letter and now by email.  Some devout soul is misled into thinking a certain prayer is said by none people and each engage nine other people so that x, y, z will happen. That's superstition, and such letters or emails should be quietly destroyed or deleted, or the originator should be warned.

    For Laura~

    I'm curious why you need to say your Novenas in a Church, I've never heard of it or read about it.  I know it could be your personal preference, but can you explain why it needs to be done that way so that we can learn about it? 

    Good night all.  God Bless and sweet dreams :)

    Peace and Love

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    JV Lauren breast bx was negative---wow. Tears are flowing --wow.

    My bc was found when I was being worked up for an elective bmx. Brac 1+2 neg. but 2-3 aunts with bc 7cousins bc 1 with liver ca and 1 with something she won't tell with the uterus or ovaries All on the paternal side. A total of 12 women out of 21 with ca of somesort(didn't mention all). If I hadn't been going for the elective, it probably would have been too late. The mammo was clean in august 08. No imperative for next step. Got mri done because it was dec and I didn't want to wait till jan because of deductibles. Two days later I got the call. Couldn't get bx scheduled until jan23rd 09. Mri of head 2 days before breast bx. Day of bx nurse calls and says dr_____ wants you to know you have a brain tumor. Bx pos. BS says need neurosurgery clearance see you in 2 mos. I pushed buttons and was on the table in <3 weeks.  went from grade 2 to grade 3 in3 weeks. Guiding hand I think. So, If I had waited the year for the next mammo a tumor growing that fast would have been way beyond control. The surgeon then asked are you sure you want a bmx. I said these are nothing but time bombs--off with them. Kind of like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland

    Laura and all this is where I need to make a plug for the INTENTIONS THREAD page. WE are praying for so many people. We need to keep it straight , organized, and failproof  as to who we are praying for. Certainly Laurens on the list, but her time is going to be long Thankfully in a good way, I forgot Bcmom3- I think- don't remember and she is passing. Apple thanked us about DANA well I remember him so I didn't feel so bad. But when someone comes back and says thanks for the prayers, it would be nice to say yup, I helped with that instead of I don't remember. I would like to work on the language of it with Laura.. I see it as using her same language as  to how she started this thread, but adding instructions that it be for intentions only no discussion. ONly intentions, so we can quickly follow who we are trying to pray for. When I proposed it, the whole thing got diverted because someone took offense, then blew out of here. Everyone -plus me went chasing after her not to take offense. The whole suggestion got lost except that Michelle immediately said she would start the novena. Thank You Michelle. WE are going to be praying for alot of INtentions for along time. We also are prolific writers. Someone who needs our prayers can be forgotten quickly because we all have memory issues. I believe in concensus, I also am on a seriously high soapbox on this issue. LOve sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    JV Lauren breast bx was negative---wow. Tears are flowing --wow.

    My bc was found when I was being worked up for an elective bmx. Brac 1+2 neg. but 2-3 aunts with bc 7cousins bc 1 with liver ca and 1 with something she won't tell with the uterus or ovaries All on the paternal side. A total of 12 women out of 21 with ca of somesort(didn't mention all). If I hadn't been going for the elective, it probably would have been too late. The mammo was clean in august 08. No imperative for next step. Got mri done because it was dec and I didn't want to wait till jan because of deductibles. Two days later I got the call. Couldn't get bx scheduled until jan21rd 09. Mri of head 2 days before breast bx. Day of bx nurse calls and says dr_____ wants you to know you have a brain tumor.Breast Bx pos. Not agreat day, brain and breast tumors.BS says need neurosurgery clearance see you in 2 mos. I pushed buttons and was on the table in <3 weeks.  Went from grade 2 to grade 3 in 3 weeks. Gods Guiding hand I think. So, If I had waited the year for the next mammo a tumor growing that fast would have been way beyond control. The surgeon then asked are you sure you want a bmx. I said these are nothing but time bombs--off with them. Kind of like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland

    Laura and all this is where I need to make a plug for the INTENTIONS THREAD page. WE are praying for so many people. We need to keep it straight , organized, and failproof  as to who we are praying for. Certainly Laurens on the list, but her time is going to be long-- Thankfully in a good way.  I forgot Bcmom3- I think- don't remember and she is passing. Apple thanked us about DANA well I remember him so I didn't feel so bad. But when someone comes back and says thanks for the prayers, it would be nice to say yup, I helped with that instead of I don't remember. I would like to work on the language of it with Laura.. I see it as using her same language as  to how she started this thread, but adding instructions that it be for intentions only no discussion. ONly intentions, so we can quickly follow who we are trying to pray for. When I proposed it, the whole thing got diverted because someone took offense, then blew out of here. Everyone -plus me went chasing after her not to take offense. The whole suggestion got lost except that Michelle immediately said she would start the novena. Thank You Michelle. WE are going to be praying for alot of INtentions for along time. We also are prolific writers. Someone who needs our prayers can be forgotten quickly because we all have memory issues. I believe in concensus, I also am on a seriously high soapbox on this issue. LOve sheila

    The above delete was because i somhow made a double entry of same material

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    I'm going to sleep promise!

    I would like a way to remember our special friends, family too. I am open to an Intentions thread, unless we have a dedicated copy and person thath would be in charge of updating. I do have a question, and that would be on an Intentions thread, would there be a way to consolidate names, perhaps on a weekly basis? as eventually it would read as a long list of separate posts again. Please correct me if I am not seeing it right.

    So either way, we would need so sort of schedule for upkeep to make it easy to read. anyway that we can effectly keep a list would be wonderful. We have our BC sisters, and then so many of us have family and friends going through cancers as well. (sadly)

    Sheila and Theresa, thanks so much for helping me in my quest for knowledge. I will also read the info you posted, and get back to you Theresa. I know this takes a lot of time, just as Michelles Novena's and Paulas prayers so I am truly grateful for your efforts and dedication.

    on a sad note, BCMomof3 passed, and there is a tribute to her if you want to add your sentiments. Very hard to accept.

    well, love you ladies (as Ellei says :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Theresa-- Where I disagree with you,  is when you observe a person doing intentionally wrong things that go against the good and right thing. And that person is fully aware of what they are doing. There is no explanation for it except that the person has chosen to do something that is unjust. When it is blatantly seen by all, that these choices are being made. What word would you use to describe their action?  I'm not being confrontational. Remember there was a word I would not use aloud because it's conotation in and of itself was to strongly of a bad nature.  So how would I describe the sister of Fausts actions. By what word? I haven't condemned her, but I did leave to avoid the venom.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Paula, the St. Jude's Novena is traditionally, as Michele reminds us, to be said in a Church.. and then left in the Church, the novena prayers... of St. Jude.

    This is just the way I choose to follow the tradition.

    Our family practices in the Norvus Ordo ( New Mass). However, Our son when to Catholic School in the St. Pius Society., Traditional Catholic. Many of the teachings, I still follow the tradtional Church.

    This is not what this thread is about ( talk about the differences in the traditonal and new Mass. So I won't go into talks here, as I do not choose that for this thread...... but just wanted to answer the question.

    I just do not have the time, this week, to do a Novena to St. Jude in the form I choose to follow. BUT WHATEVER you all choose for yourselves.... is NOT wrong for you ! I love you sweethearts. I do!

    SHEILA... I THINK I know what you are saying about the separate thread on pray intentions... I THINK...LOL..... Let me know more about what you are talking? I would NEVER ever feel bad if any of you choose to open a separate thread for ONLY intentions.. and keep this as your... keeping together in friendship and novena thread.... Let me know... ((((love)))))

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Lauren... Wonderful...............YEAH!!

    Rest in peace, BCMomof3. God bless you and keep you...........

    Ladies.... more good news.... EBANN ( a BCO sister) her bone lesions were not seen as these by her doctor today... so no biopsy needed to be done.. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now... she is needed to have another MRI to check out one more area... but the ones they WERE going to Biopsy.. now see to not be there either..............WOW................

    Ladies... I am so happy with all these miricles....

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2013
    The Intentions are below and we can add to them today if I have forgotten any or you just have new to add:The Ladies of this Catholic Thread and their specific intentionsPat, her Grandson's well being and CouragePrayersareanswered, success of surgery, health upon surgery, and positive prognosis of PathologyTheresa, Peace of mind and Health, for her 4 children to return to the FaithLMFSM, Health and Safety of her family Financial supportPaula, Return to health, relief from fatigue. For her Mother Terry's return to health, and for her Husband and children as wellMichelle, return to health, intentions for Husband Rick, and family. Support for personal spiritual project. AMG!Laura, for her son Taylor and her friend on BCO here that needs support, and relief and healing of her LE Kindone (Betty) for her Husband's return to health, successful outcome of her upcoming surgery,speedy recovery, and friend Debbie that is dealing with brain cancer. Patty and Steven, healing from Cancer For Sheila support to quit smokingTraci, a complete return to health and her pain addressed, complete resolve of Symptoms and Issues from bc treatment (LE, Thyroid nodules)for her disabled Father, and for her Sister to find the true spirit. Torigirl, for complete response to surgery and therapy and complete eradication of bc.,for her brothers and sisters and all here on needing healing and support, end of bc for good.  PatMom, for her brother's eternal peace and the healing of her family Emilie and EBANN ..Miracles BCMOMOF3, for her family in their time of loss.For all of the ladies here: Laura, Jeannine, Apple, Carol, Barb, Judy, Sheila, Jan, Janet, Traci, Nita, Betty, Nancy, Pat, PatMom,Camul,NoniJones, YATCOMW,Pure.Paula..........and prayers for an end to breast cancer!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    Please start Novena tomorrow if you can with above intentions, it was so great to update the intentions and be able to remove a few that had come through.

    Ladies please do not get caught up in doing this Novena "RIGHT" the rules on a Novena are man made and God just wants us to do our best, if you can you can if you can't you can't there is no guilt, no pressure, and please approach it from a place that makes you feel closer to God and a persistent, consistent prayer to St. Jude 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Wow Laura I am just wowed by the positive things happening here. Ladies lets start together again tomorrow please share as you pray. Remember St. Jude prayer is the same each day.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Laura- thanks for a description of what your rational is.I respect your position. My Uncle left in his will that if any of the grandkids wanted to enter the St Pius seminary that the first direction in the will was that their entire education be paid. 

    Please look at my post on pg 113 . It described two suggestions. 1 re: novenas  2. re:an Intentions thread.  It effectively would be an adjunct to this thread. The difference again being is we would discourage discussion, it would only identify Intentions. It's an idea, but a draft at this point. Details would have to be worked out. It's not something that will be done in a day or a week. I see it as something that will be with us a long time. There is something similar on Exchange city, where postings of important dates for people on the site are made. Squid did ID a problem as to keeping it from getting over long. But having the ability to edit a post at anytime is a benefit on BCO. I have gone back an edited posts from a long time ago because of noticing a spelling error. So, we could keep it from getting overlong that way. If you wanted to go in and edit your topic thread you could. I have done it on my topic thread in the just dx'd section several times.So, a possible solution to that would be that several posters here could take turns entering intentions. So, after you read pg 113 post we can talk. I did work very hard at making it clear. But it is a work in progress.

    One thing I found out today when I ran off the novena is that it automatically cuts out the screen names and avatrs which in this use of a thread is good, but I idn't notice if it took out names of attached signatures. , but that could be fixed by unchecking the attach signature box.-- SAS

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Sheila ~ great suggestion.  I like what you said, keep it for intentions only and no discussions on it.  I want to sound off from your suggesion and continue with "just like how some church/priest do it.  Collect the names and intentions in a box and pray about it".  [Suggestion] = We print the list of names off of a printer and either place it in a box in our home (each one of us will do that), or just print out the list and while we are praying the Novena, place one of our hands on it.  I'm sure our Lord knows we are praying for the list of people. 

    Just a thought :)


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

     Well squid you went to bed. So much for my sleep plan. It's 144 am off to bed. SAS

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Ebann's news...yes, a miracle. I am kinda emotional about this, and truly happy.

    and may I ask my Usual Question? I am holding my St. Jude book mark (I'm high end here.) It starts O glorious Apostle St. Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant....and continues later Pray for me that I may receive the consolations and succor of Heaven in all of my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings particularly (requests here)

    Do I have the right prayer?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    That sounds good too...(printing off) in addition to the Intentions Thread. So a big Yes! from me.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    Yes that is the prayer, but the "novena" is a bit longer and adds the repetition and format of OUR Father and Hail Mary too, I posted it on previous page you can highlight it and copy and paste it to  a word document then hit print.

    I am up early today getting ready to begin and will go to mass this morning and start the novena, Ladies please feel free to send me any additional intentions. 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Michelle! I will go back and get on the right page :) I am PM'ing you now.

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010

    Good morning ladies,

       Thank you so much for your prayers. I was released yesterday and I am in the comfort of my home. The pain comes and go , but I know it is part of the healing process. :) 

       Dear Heavenly father, thank you for all the opportunities in my life. I want to thank you for one more day. I want to thank you for my husband ,kids and my mother in law. She is truly a blessing in my life. Thank you for my friends and the wonderful people I met in this thread. Please continue to protect us and keep us safe. I ask this always in your holy name. Amen. 

     SmileHave a great day ladies. 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I pray for your continued healing, that you pain becomes less frequent, and diminished as you heal. For you to be free of any complications. It is really nice to know you are being cared for so well, and your wonderful appreciation for your loved ones.


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Sheila:  What would I call the sister of Faust?.... Hmmm.  I'm not an expert on evil or Catholicism or anything really.  I try to look at things, people as God's creation.  Everyone, creatures, flowers, all created by God for God's pleasure.  And as God's creature, we have a part of God within us... big part, our soul.  So, like your Namaste, a inherently good person can say Namaste to his/her fellow human being.  There are inherently evil spirits and they tempt, persuade humans to do evil (lack of love) things.  That does not necessarily make them evil.  They are still God's child and until they take their last breath, we cannot say they are evil.  They may choose to do evil things over and over again... they are choosing evil at that point and time... they are not Namaste.  We need to pray for them... that they stop choosing evil, that they choose love - God's goodness.  For instance, say you have a daughter that you raised in a good, moral home devoted to God.  You love that daughter, but she gets hate in her heart for a boy who broke off their engagement.  Hate is the opposite of love.  Love = God.  Say she kills the boy out of spite.  That's an evil deed... a mortal sin.  Is she an evil person?  Not necessarily.  She could repent deep in her soul, renounce her evil behavior and be reconciled to the loving God.  How would you feel as her mother?  Horrified at what she did, probably.  Hate her?  I'm guessing not.  If you had God's love in your heart, you would probably be praying for her soul.  Not enabling her to continue with evil behavior... allowing her to hit bottom until all she can do is look up to God.  It breaks my heart to hear stories of parents doing harm to their children... knowing full well what they are doing.  They are choosing to do evil deeds.  Same thing with people who do evil deeds against animals.  So, long story short, I guess I wouldn't call the sister of Faust anything name wise because that would be judging... I'd say she's a sister choosing to do evil deeds against her siblings.  Sounds like she needs disciplinary or judicial action, but we know many poeple like that who continue to do bad things and "get away" with them here on earth.

    But that's why I gave the link to the Catechism.  I know what I've learned and observed, I don't have formal theological/philosophical education, so I'm not necessarily correct.  I know you're not confrontational.  You're seeking just like the rest of us!  There are so many things in this life that just don't have a black and white answer.  I think evil is one of them.  Heavy topic! :-)

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Updated Prayer list (on top) feel free to keep pM-ing me new intentions.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Sooo sad.... Kris BCMomof3

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

     Peace and consolation to her family.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    * my post went away, so I'm retyping (LOL)

    Monika ~ ditto to Traci, so glad that you are home.  Do you have drains?

    Sheila ~ BIG YES to group gathering, I understand what you mean by LE/flying, so scary.  How about Grey Hound (for those who doesn't like to drive long drives alone), just an option. When the 2nd Ta ta Sisterhood had a reunion in Vegas, I was in awe that all the ladies made such a commitment and I applaud them.  Most of the ladies went through way lot more than me so I think I would definitely like to give the effort, God willing.

    Traci ~ I've wanted to answer your question about "evil" and have been thinking about it.  I think my take on "evil" happens when let's say, there's a freak accident that's so bizzarre that it is the evil at work and caused havoc.  Or a house has been possessed and the people inside gets haunted or possessed to do really bad stuff. My take on evil doers will first have to be possessed. Or even a machines.  There are machines that never worked properly from day one. I think there's a Discover show (not sure now) that showed that there are cars that were possessed, or that it was never working right since day 1 when it got off assembly line.  My DH used to call some computers, "Friday machines" meaning that it was rreeeeaaaallly badly made and possibly made on a Friday and the workers weren't paying attention.  I hpoe I'm making sense.

    Namaste! God Bless!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Today is the feast day of Saints Simon and Jude

    St Simon, Apostle

    Simon is eleventh in the list of the twelve Apostles. He is known as Simon the Zealot, but nothing else is known about him. His other name of "Simon Cananaeus" simply adapts another Hebrew word for "zeal" and has nothing to do with the town of Cana.
    St Jude, Apostle

    Jude, also called Thaddaeus, is the apostle who at the Last Supper asked the Lord why he showed himself only to the disciples and not to the world. For many centuries he was scarcely venerated because people confused him with Judas Iscariot. He is the patron saint of lost and desperate causes.

    Theresa - Stage 1A: T1, N0, M0. Lumpectomy 2/2010, SAVI 3/2010, Taxotere/Cytoxene 4 (April-May 2010), Tamoxifen