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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited March 2011

    Hello everyone.  And a very happy birthday to you Traci!   Hope you will really enjoy your day.  I hope everyone is doing well.  That is wonderful that you feel so comfortable with your doctors Sandy.  I do think that is very important.  I have an appointment with a breast surgeon on Thursday.  I hope I will be comfortable with her.  They left a message confirming my appointment on my answering machine today.  Thank goodness I saw it before my kids.  After the appointment, I plan to tell them what is going on.  I am hoping I know what is going on at that point.  I feel a bit like the old song from Laugh In right now, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.  So far all the news has been bad.  The breast was cancer.  They saw a suspicious lymph node at the ultrasound and that was cancerous.  At the biopsy, they saw another suspicious lymph node, or possibly a second mass, and that was also cancer.  The cancer is high grade.  I am hoping that's the end of the bad news, and the next time they check something the news will be better.  I feel like whatever it is, I'll be able to deal with it though.  And I really thank all of you in this thread and some other threads here for that.  I'm not sure what's in store for me, but whatever it is, I feel like I can handle it.  Hope everything is going well for everyone.  I was happy to hear some of you say that you can get vocal when something hurts.  I had been feeling kind of bad because when I had the biopsy of the lymph node, I just started to feel a really bad burning feeling and the one doc said it's almost over, hang in there, but I couldn't.  They had to take the needle out and give me some lidocaine before finishing.  I tried to hang in there, but I am not very pain tolerant.  LOL.  Sleep well tonight, I don't think I'll be back again tonight.  But you'll all be in my prayers.  God Bless.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Kay - how old are your children? My experience is that children are a lot more resilient than we give them credit for.  Teenagers can be a bit tough, though. :-)  We had a lot of cancer in my family when my children were younger.  They witnessed up close and personal my brother's demise from pancreatic cancer.  I was a single mother at the time and the only one close enough to help my Mom care for my brother.  The kids and I moved in with him for several months until he needed hospice and we moved him to my Mom's house.  They're going to have a lot of questions and they want to see their parents strong through this, as I'm sure you are.  You have lots of support, I'm guessing, from family and us here to listen to you vent or cry or whatever your release is! :-)  When I got cancer, my daughter and her two little boys were living with us.  So they got to see Grandma sick and in bed and lose weight and lose her hair and get gray curly hair! :-)  Now Grandma is sort of back to normal, still with curly hair but colored now and they like to get me exercising so I'll be healthy and play ball with them.  Again, the oldest one asked questions and I answered them (I'm sure my daughter did too) and the boys helped their Mom take care of me by bringing in drinks and food and medicine. :-)  So it was a learning opportunity for them - people we love get sick and we can help take care of them so they'll get better quicker.

    It just dawned on me that I am the first cancer *survivor* that my two children have seen.  After my brother's death, then their grandfather died of prostate cancer, then their grandmother died of a brain tumor.  They were older when my Mom died (18 & 19) but it hit them really hard.

    God bless you... you'll be in my prayers on Thursday!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011
    "To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood.
    When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue,
     the more her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the
    more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could
    actually be written in terms of the level of its women."

    -Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2011

    Hello ALL, I too am born and raised Catholic, attended 12 yrs of school with all nuns, and I also pray for us ALL, and I ask God to keep us in HIS Loving ARMS, In JESUS Mighty Name.  Amen.  msphil

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    KAY..I am so sorry your nes was not good. We are all here to support you and love you. Theresa is right it is a little different with teens, both my kids are teens and my daughter didnt handle it as well as my son did.... whaterever we can do to help you through this journey we are here.. I will keep praying

    msphil welcome.. you will find much inspiration and support here. I too am a product of catholic school for 12 years nuns and all :)

    THERESA..God Bless you for being a survivor in your family..I am so sory for all the losses your family has had to endure! Sounds like you have a wonderful family that supports eachother...

    God Bless you sisters

    namaste to all!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    First---HAPPY BIRTHDAY SQUID______L&H&P Sheila

    SANDY---go with it, if i read it right you have 2 docs willing to work on the same day---yes. You can't believe what I went through for that to happen with a neurosugeon clearance and get it done in three weeks. ------------------------------Go GIRL Jump on it.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2011

    Dear Traci, 

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday....Happy Birthday to you!!! (you need to sing it)...and Many More!!!

    birthday cake

    birthday cake

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited March 2011


    Feliz Cumpelanos!!

    Happy Birthday!  (and many,many, many, many, many, more!!)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Betty- Apple--is it a closed or open wound--------treatment can be much different----please keep close contact.....................L&H&P and nursing support sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    You gals that know how to make pictures happen--------WOW___________WOW SQUID(AKA TRACI) so nice-----we alll keep you in our heart, but some people can express by internet stuff and have a b_day cake appear. Paula your amazing

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Misphil---please you came for more than what you said-------stay ---share---and let us be with you namaste

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    Happy Happy Birthday Traci!!! hope it was a wonderful day filled with many blessings!

    Love Maria

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    Thank You ALL for my Wonderful Birthday Wishes!!

    I am grinning from ear to ear. I fell asleep much of yesterday, a sort of slumber that only bears know, and well, sleepy people :)

    Had a great day, filled myself with CAKE! Had nice talks with family and friends, and then Sheila, this ones for you SPLAT on the couch, never got back up to say hello to my sweet Sisters. The procedure was also a piece of cake, swore just once, and only the B word and that was during the lidocaine. Never felt the actual needle. I was a tad sore, and felt a little ill last night...resolved!

    and I saw four Nurses that I used to work with. They are part of my First Family in Nursing, and it is always so lovely to see the people that helped shape my career.

    so that aside, I will get a chance this evening to really absorb your post Theresa, pretty powerful words, Love it, and made me want to garden.

    and Kay..We are here with you, standing ready. You will persevere. You will get beyond this, and God is aware of ALL. You are loved and cherished here and in the Spiritual Realm. We have no idea how much of our lives are guided and protected, those who come into our lives at certain times. You are Blessed, and we are here for you.



  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011

    Good Afternoon Sisters,

    Traci - I am so happy your birthday was a very special one and that your procedure went as well as could be expected!

    All my other sisters,

    I hope you are having a blessed and beautiful day. I NEED your help and PRAYERS so much now! The docs office called earlier this morning to tell me my NS/PMX has been rescheduled from March 21 to March 18 due to a scheduling conflict.

    Yesterday, I posted about the original date and my feelings regarding the PS. I have not yet spoken with the BS but he is highly recommended and I think I will like him.

    My problem is so simple - probably why I have no answer to this so I really need you lovely sister's thoughts.

    Is God telling me something? Go now for you are treading on this ice and it already has crakes in it? Am I rushing? Or am I just simply having a hard time accepting a gracious gift from Our Blessed Lord - an earlier appointment - as a gift he is extending to me to protect me?

    Love to all, and Hugs to all,


  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011


    Thank you for your words of wisdom and comfort to me RE: PS! I also have children and most of the gals on this thread seem to as well. With children, it is certainly difficult to tell them the information they must have at a time when they are ready to receive it.

    You will find the "right time and the right way" to talk with your children for everyone on the thread is praying for you and will continue to do so. I am so sorry the news you have received thus far is not good but am praying you have received the very last piece of bad news!

    I pray all your news is now much better!



  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2011

    I feel for you in terms of trying to make decisions and it's difficult to give you advice one way or the other.  If you feel rushed, slow it down & take your time deciding, esp. if this is for preventive surgery & no indication of cancer right now.  The docs aren't going anywhere!  Sounds as though an MRI was recommended?  If so, you could get that locally and have results sent anywhere.   The more answers you have ahead of time, the better.  Or, if that's not an issue and you tested positive for any of the BRCA tests which led to decision for preventive surgery or if it's a question of finding best PS & most experienced expert in the type of reconstruction you want, that's a different set of analyses.   If you've already done your homework & comfortable in your gut/intuition, that's the time to act.  I do think we are led on certain paths.   When you're comfortable w/decision, you'll know it.   You don't want any nagging little doubts.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    A warm welcome to you :)


    Janet put it very well. It's o.k., you have time. Take a deep breath, and let God talk to you. I would imagine this decision would be very hard for our brave sisters going in to prevent getting BC based on genes/family history. You deserve the time and space to be ready and settled in your decisions. I wish you peace and comfort in this process.

    and now I am going back to read more from yesterday...

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Sandy - ditto for me.  Give it to the Lord in prayer, by doing so, release your anxiety, talk to the new BS so you'll have a better feeling, and the answer will come to you.  March 18 vs March 21 seems like a long time, but it's really Friday vs a Monday.  Will having a weekend following the surgery be helpful?  If after that, you still have doubts, then they should understand your desire to wait a bit. 

    This sounds silly, but do you know what I'm dreading?  The colonoscopy.  I was 50 last year and put it off, now I can't do that.  I have an consultation appt in April, then they'll schedule the procedure.  I don't know why that procedure gives me the willys!  Everyone I talk to says it's nothing.  I remember having something like that when I was in my 20s or 30s and being awake and being very uncomfortable.  AND I have to make an appt to see a dentist, which is something I put off last year too. :-(  It's all catching up to me!  Oh, and I've put off the dermotologist too.  Swell.  Boy I cheered myself up tonight! Not!

    Time for tea.  Prayers tonight for you all.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    Alright, I just read more about Dr.Salzberg sp? That's pretty wonderful calling you and talking. I too am one of fate and letting things flow like water (and expression I use a lot.) Water always wins, can move mountains, replenish life, and will find a path through rock and can be gentle and healing. So the flow of life to me is just that...the other question is, can this happen in the end of April with such coordination? Where would the MRI be done and read?

    just a few little thoughts...


    I am planning to plant many seed this summer, and so I like the analogy of nurtering God's will within ourselves. Or that's how I read it.

    How many times have things gone differently than I would have expected, or wanted. But they always have had a rhythm and a heartbeat of their own. Today I was walking along, wondering if I would have the same faith that my patient's seem to have. Many have this deep faith and gratitude in the face of what appears to be very little. Or they keep going when I surely would feel despair. So they are my gifts. Many are my teachers.

    Paula, how are things with the job? We are all pulling for you!

    May we all be blessed with what we need, and to be able to care for those people in our lives who depend on us. May there be food on the table, a roof over our heads, safe passages throughout our days and nights, and the light of Love and Peace glowing brightly in our auras and emanating from our Hearts.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Oh - Msphil - welcome!!!!

    Maria - I like your new Avatar!  Are you a spoiled brat? :-)  My daughter's husband calls her a spoiled brat in fun and she always says, "Someone had to spoil me, I didn't spoil myself." (hehehe)  My Mom spoiled her.  I spent her growing up years trying to unspoil what Mom spoiled!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    Theresa... no not its a joke that started on another thread I am on for women on Tamoxien. One of the ladies there  always "feeds" us with pics of food and dessert.. I have a sweet tooth and started putting in requests lol.. so now she sayd I am a spoiled brat BUT she loves me anyway because she said she made me that way... we have a fun time on that thread/// lots of laughs all in good fun... she found that pic for me and suggested I change my avatar to it and I said sure why imortant in the middle of all this to stop and laugh even at ourselves :)

    Thinking of all my wonderful sisters and hoping and praying tha you are all feeling well anf having a good day..

    love and blessings to you all


  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited March 2011

    Welcome to all our new sisters and much love to all of you.  Thank you for offering me a place of love and support. xo

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011

    Dear Sweet Sisters,

    I would hand carry my last 7 yrs of mammy film, and my MRI (all the last few are digital and are Diacom Comp) with me. My written records are being sent tomorrow. I would arrive in NY on Tuesday evening March 15. I woulld see BS and PS as well as meet anethesiologist on Wed, March 16. An MRI would be done at the cancer center of hospital there to be certain I am still clean.

    If I am not, we would have Thursday to talk about other options I might want to consider but I would not be locked into a Friday surgery if something is discovered of which we are not currently aware. If all is clear, I would have Thursday off to do whatever I want.

    My surgery would be on Friday and I would spend at least one night in the hospital but probably two nights and be dismissed on Sunday afternoon if I am doing well.

    Then to the hotel to rest. On Tues., I would see both the BS and PS for follow-up. If all is well, I would then have until Friday afternoon "free" to do whatever I felt like doing. On Fri. afternoon, I would see PS again to have drains removed. I would need to stay in NY through Sat. to be certain all was well or to have drains removed if they hadn't been removed on Friday before traveling back home. If everything looks good, I would come home on Saturday - Sunday if drains were removed on Saturday.

    There is a local PS - not the one I did not like here - who would be on call if I need anything here on an emergency basis.

    I also feel like things flow like water and water is strong. It is so symbolic in our faith. I have prayed and have asked for a feeling of peace. I am beginning to feel quite peaceful about everything. I am no longer afraid.

    I don't suppose it is impossible for things to be coordinated as well in April except for one new thing which has happened... The April appointment is no longer available for I believe it was meant for someone else for it was scheduled early this morning. There is one in May with the PS but the same BS will most likely not be available for he is currently scheduled to speak at a conference.

    Another thing of interest, I was speaking with Beth, Dr. Salzberg's nurse today, and she asked me if Jerry would also like to speak with her to clear up any concerns he had. I said actually he would like this very much and handed him my phone. 

    They chatted for about 20 minutes and he asked all sorts of questions and she patiently provided answers. After getting off the phone with her, he hugged me and asked if I was ready for him to book the flights.

    He frequently talks to "The Big Man" as he sometimes describes his prayers and conversations with Our Lord. He said he had talked to him a great deal lately about this and felt he had no reason to do additional research. When I asked why, he simply said there was no need to do any more for we had found the right one. He is a research nut... 

    So, even though I feel peaceful, I still request all of my dear sisters to continue praying for me to maintain this peaceful easy feeling I have now. I think I will sleep - not worry - tonight.

    I will admit I would love to see a yellow butterfly tomorrow but it is too cold! I will remember all my dear sisters tonight in my prayers.

    Hugs and Sweet Dreams,


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited March 2011


    I cannot believe Lent starts tomorrow...I will be thinking of all you and offering your prayers up when I go to mass tomorrow...

    Sweet dreams and Gods blessings to all...


  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2011

    Hi hi,

    Whew, been so so busy the past few days.  In-laws moving truck arrived on Sunday, the guys unloaded their possessions, furnitures and 300 boxes of stuffs.  No kidding, one bedroom was stacked up to the ceiling and you stop at the door way, can't even walk in!!  Then they arrived yesterday late morning, and we haven't caught our breath yet.  

    Today is DH's birthday and we all went out to dinner.  Got home past 10:30pm and it is very late for the kids.  

    Thank you for for well wishes on my job hunting, no official word yet, but the person that recommended me hinted that they may have offered the job to the other girl.  It was between her and I.   Oh well, not my time for it yet.

    Msphil, a warm welcome to you here.  

    Kay, so sorry about your bad news.  I pray for your strength and hope to fight this.  You have us here with you.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    You will be in our prayers. I am glad that you are at peace as well as Jerry. Do you think Jerry would be willing to come online and let us know how you are doing? Give yourself plenty of time to recuperate, and heal.


    I think I missed a post about your in laws moving in! Wow, big changes, and it sounds like you all are going to be busy busy "for a minute" which is an expression I learned through my work....tickles me. You sound fine about the job either way, so that's super healthy too. Don't over do it, with lifting etc...and having been through rads and some truncal lymphedema. 

    Would anyone like to share anything about lent, or it's personal meaning?

    Have a Blessed Day all...

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    Hi all

    Just returned home from Mass and receiving ashes... it was wonderful to see the church packed with people... hope it continues...

    sure I will share... I approach this Lent different than any other . My life is in aplcae it has never been before. I approach Lent in a way that I may offer up all that has happened the pain emotionally and physicaaly and offer it up. To think about those less fortunate than I am on this journey and continue to thank God for all the blessings He has given me,

    Namaste... my wonderful sisters!


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Hey Traci -

    I think Lent means so many things for different people depending on where they are on their journey to God.  Just take for example the three readings for today's Liturgy of the Hours (below).  To me, the first one is demanding almost... like God is trying to grab our attention and some of us need a vigorous wake up call like that, to repent of our sins and do good.  The second one is more gentle "return to me and I will return to you."  Stop following what everyone else is doing and follow the Lord of Hosts.  And the third one is telling us how to break the cycle of sin, calling those of us who are following the Lord to take it further and SERVE the Lord.  Repent, return to God, serve the Lord.

    My Lenten journey is to break my introspective, contemplative, leisurely cycle and serve the Lord... I need to get out there and SERVE. Gotta make some phone calls to see who will take me. :-)

    What's everyone else doing, if you don't mind sharing.


    Mid-morning reading (Terce) Ezekiel 18:30-32
    Repent, renounce all your sins, avoid all occasions of sin! Shake off all the sins you have committed against me, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why are you so anxious to die, House of Israel? I take no pleasure in the death of anyone - it is the Lord who speaks. Repent and live!

    Noon reading (Sext) Zechariah 1:3-4
    Return to me, says the Lord of Hosts, and I will return to you. Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the prophets in the past cried ‘Turn back from your evil ways and evil deeds' but they would not listen.

    Afternoon reading (None) Daniel 4:24
    By virtuous actions break with your sins, break with your crimes by showing mercy to the poor, and so live long and peacefully.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited March 2011

    I am so mad at the archidoeces of Philadelphia for covering up (Again!) the crimes of priests who have sexually abused young people. Have you read the grand jury report?  Then Rigali said a few weeks ago that all were moved and today reports that 21 more are to be named.  This makes me sick. xo

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited March 2011

    The beginning of our Easter Season.... the most humbling of all seasons.....

    I wish you all a devout Lenten Season....

    The long walk to Calvary.. the walk to our Salvation...