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  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2011

    Good afternoon all,

    Today is Ash Wednesday, Season of Lent

    The Lord calls us to days of penance and mercy.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    R/. Now and forever.

    Remember that we are all dust and ashes, yet by God's grace we have died in Baptism and have put on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Each year we keep those Forty Days with prayer and penance and the practice of charity so that we may come to the Easter festival ready to renew once more the life-giving commitment of our Baptism. Through this Lent we shall gather here to read the Scriptures and ponder them and to intercede with God for our needs and for the needs of the Church and the world.

    then the Scripture is read : Prophet Isaiah 58:5-10

    The Word of the Lord.

    R/. Thanks be to God.

    after a short silence, continue...

    Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth; you claimed us for Christ in the waters of Baptism.  Look upon us as we enter these Forty Days bearing the mark of ashes, and bless our journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth.  May our fasting be hunger for justice; our alms, a making of peace; our prayer, the chant of humble and grateful hearts.

    All that we do and pray is in the name of Jesus, for in his Cross you proclaim your love forever and ever.

    R/. Amen

    each person then kisses the crucifix. All then stand, and then concludes:

    All through these days let us be quiet and prayerful, pondering the mysteries told in the Scriptures.  In the Cross, we have been claimed for Christ.  In Christ, we make the prayer that fills these days of mercy:

    Our Father...

    Let us bless the Lord

    R/. Thanks be to God.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    no candy!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited March 2011

    Hi Beautiful ladies-

    Had a beautiful mass today with the children and it made me cry. Ash Wednesday is a wonderful start to beautiful season and I love LENT. It makes me see the beauty of christ in everything. I thought today what a beautiful gift these kids have to celebrate this day together in mass at school.I rose you all up in prayer today, continuing the prayer for career and financial support and said each or your names in mass. 

    I am giving up all sugar, because I think I am truly addicted to it! I think when anything is such a strong habit it can keep us from seeing more and feeling  more. So I am hoping that this will help me put aside this distraction and really be with God.

    Have a great day! 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2011

    Ladies, saw this posted on my local church's website today. It gave a chill but not in a good way. Your thoughts?

    Dear friends,

    Every day doctors inform patients that they are terminal. Aware that Lent is near, I was pondering what it would be like ‘IF’ a doctor told me – “you have two months, maybe three.” Wow! That would mean that next week is my last Ash Wednesday, my last 40 days of Lent, my last Holy Week and my last Easter. If that bad news were true, then this coming Lent would be a Lent I would never forget.It’s amazing how bad news would get me to focus on my spiritual life. There is no way I would miss getting ashes this Wednesday. I would attend Mass and receive Communion every day. The traditional practices in Lent of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving would get more serious consideration than ever before. Go to a movie, read the paper, watch the news? Forget it. I have more important things to do. I would be praying daily, on my knees, reading scripture and spiritual books, perhaps the rosary many times a day. For the first time in my life fasting might come easy. Even my favorite foods would likely loose their attraction as my thoughts would be on a hunger and thirst for something else. Almsgiving would have a new look that it never had before as my generosity would be evident in grander and more creative ways.Thankfully, my doctor did not tell me I had just a few months to live, so I can relax. What a relief!God bless you all,   

    Father McNamara 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Ellie - I'm sorry to hear about the priest scandal in Phila.  It really makes me want to pray, not only for the victims, but the good and holy priests who get a bad rap because of them.

    Paula - thank you for posting the prayers.  I'm sorry if you didn't get that job, but you do have the right attitude.  It wasn't meant to be or maybe the other person really needed the job more or a better door will open for you.

    Michelle - I got teary eyed too at Mass. Lent is my favorite season for some odd reason.  It really puts my priorities straight.

    Sheila - I feel your pain! :-)

    Rennasus - that's a good self examen for all of us.  What *if* this was our last Lenten journey?  I certainly wouldn't do my awful commute for my stressful job!!  But we never know when it's our time.  That's why Scripture gives us all that good advice about keeping oil for our lanterns for when the Bridegroom comes!

    We have a Lenten day time retreat coming up on a Saturday in April out here, which Becky and I are going to, but I feel like I need a good weekend-long retreat at the monastery.  I need a good soaking for my rose garden!! :-)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    I guess he lost me at the end there. I hear and have certainly experienced the shift of thought and purpose when I was thinking my end was to be within a year. Thanks Be to God this did not come to fruition.

     It is not possible for most people ( I believe) to be in a constant state of motivation related to "bad news" or otherwise. We, as humans also have to be present in our day to day lives, as this too requires vigilance and presence of mind.

    or, better said perhaps....after treatment, I went through a lot of emotions...exhaustion, fear, and knowing it was time to return to my life, work, and well yucky stuff like paying bills, taxes, and credit card debt. If I knew my timeline, I would gladly chuck it all and release myself into spirit, but I do not, and maybe don't have the trust that I could support myself and be fully in Spiritual Supplication (did I say that right?) But I don't regret being brought to this edge of understanding of my fleeting time here on earth. My relief is having time to make more mistakes I guess.  

    So I don't know quite where he is coming from in the last line. Tongue in cheek? Sarcasm? or just a bad ending to a decent realization.

    But that's my take.....anyone else?

    and thank you all for Sharing your Lent, your prayers, and your sacrifices. In my Church, we did not have any Service or recognition of Ash Wednesday, but I remember Palm Sunday way back to childhood, and the Services to honor the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I didn't know what the Palms were for, but I enjoyed bringing them home....ah children :)

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2011

    Christmas & Easter are my favorite times of the year, only in different ways.   Christmas is full of joy & peace.  Lent is an opportunity for deeper reflection - for lack of better words.  And surely the signs of resurrection/re-birth are everywhere in the Spring.

    Rennasus -  the message was good but last sentence could be interpreted as insensitive.  However am sure that wasn't the intention.  In their ministry, priests deal with life/death issues almost as much as doctors.   I was thinking the other night would I lead my life differently if I knew I had 3 years left or 20 years.  I realized the answer should be the same regardless!   Like Squid says, we don't know our expiration dates.

    Kay - am praying for you & your family.

    I had apptmt w/a doctor today who I always thought was Jewish - she had ashes on her forehead!   I commented that it was good reminder to get to Mass.  She said I was the 1st person who had said anything to her all day.

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011

    Good Evening Sweet Sisters,

    We attended the 5:30 celebration of Mass today. The catherdral was overflowing to such an extent the doors were left open for those standing on the sidewalk! We seat over 1000 so there was a large group of worshipers!  (The temperature outside was about 60 so the weather was another blessing given us.) Our Bishop said it had been the same was for all the Masses offered  today. What a great joy to see so many people who felt they cound not miss Ash Wednesday Mass!

    I am not certain why the musical selections affected me so very much tonight. "On Eagles Wings" seemed as if it was being sung for all of us, my dear sisters. Tears of joy were streaming down my cheeks with the song especially the part about "he will lift you up.... and hold you in the palm of his hand." Bishop Choby asked us to spend a great deal of this Lenten season praying for others.

    After Mass, I encountered Father Zack and asked to make an appointment for the Sacrament of the appointing of oil for the sick sometime this weekend. He said, "Let's do it now!" I was annoited and feel so blessed! I am at peace, completely and totally. 

    I thank all of you for your prayers and support. Please continue to lift me up. Jerry is having a problem with his knees and having a hard time kneeling so please lift him up as well. Each and every one of you are and will remain in my prayers.

    Sweet Dreams and may God Bless you all!


  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I think I share a bit of uneasiness over the Priest's letter. Tonight at Mass my priest talked about how we will all die, and laughed offhandedly saying "though, hopefully not in the next 2 years or so". I got a cold chill, and caught my husband's glance...which looked quite unsettled. Of course, no harm was intended. but it sure serves as a I need that!!! I am not big on returning to dust anytime soon. That dusty cross has taken on all new meaning this year.

    I sat behind a beautiful newborn full of smiles, so that helped me through. We hold hands in the Our Father. I held tight to the hands of those next to me as we lifted our prayers up. I love that part of the Mass, I can always feel the energy of us all as one.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited March 2011

    I was at mass this morning too (at 8 am).  It was packed.  They were having two more masses at noon and 7 at night as well.  The priest talked about the 21 priests who were suspended from the Archdiocese of Phila. and the victims.  I think all the priests throughout the Archdiocese were told to talk about it at mass today.  He said he cried going to bed last night.  We prayed mostly for the victims, but also for priests and the church.  It has been headline news here for a few days. 

    I always feel such peace at church.  It's really a wonderful feeling.  Last year I gave up the internet for Lent. It was really a good thing for me.  I'm not really sure what I could give up this year, so I will try to pray more rather than giving something up.  I did fast today (not completely, but just ate very little) and, of course, no meat. 

    I am seeing the surgeon tomorrow, and I am not sure how I feel about it. I guess I am waiting to see how comfortable I feel with her and see what she has to say.  I'm glad I'm doing something any way.  More prayers for you all tonight.  May God Hold You in the Palms of His Hands. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Paula, thank you for such wonderful prayers. Sorry about the job.

    Fr. McNamara meant well, but how many people within his sphere of influence did receive those words today. AS WE all know there is the minute we had before the words and the minute after the words. "You have cancer". Life is never the same --ever. Everything we do and say is influenced by it.

    But I suppose we should let it go. People make remarks each day that may somehow negatively affect someonelse. It's not just cancer. Each person carries some burden.  The Beatles song Hey Jude has some lines in itThat fit , if my memories right----Let it be.

    Kay good luck with PS tomorrow. Don't give up the internet this year, it will be your greastest source of hope other than your faith, family, and friends.

    Squid how did the SI injection go, any snakes fall out of the ceiling? I agree with you when we think about when our time is up. When it happens we may know, we may have time to prepare. Greg's brother died six months before him at 48y/o. It was < 3 secs. Aortic aneruysm. Did he know--did he have awareness it was happening---no.


  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2011

    Wishing and praying for a Holy and productive Lent for all.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited March 2011

    Hello my sisters, I am asking for your prayers as I feel so much anger that pedophiles have been allowed to hurt others, even after they were found to be dangerous to children.  It is making it hard for me to feel the love.  Thank you.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    No snakes, although you bring another priceless medical story. I got to see some of my old "crew,' which was really great. Good memories of super co-workers, who were awesome team players. The injection went well, although that day I was exhausted. Thought I had made it past, but Tues felt ill all day at work, yesterday, pushed too hard. Today, exhaustion and nausea have me waving my white flag. I had to call in, back pain is getting better. Just tired and thinking it's about time I improved my diet. My weight is much better, almost back to "normal" but am reminded I need to stay vigalent, and take better care. I have been doing the typical Nursey stuff, skipping lunch and not hydrating. The opposite of the advice I give out so freely.

    My dear patient does have lymphoma. I knew it before we knew it. I will be able to be more present with him though, having been through chemo.

    enough 'bout me.

    Kay and lovely that your Mass was full and overflowing. I really appreciate hearing you all talk about what Lent means to you.


    Yes, off hand comments hit hard when they hold meaning for the "receiver." I am sure I have had many in the past, and am being shown the other side sometimes. Not as a punitive measure, just seeing both sides. I love how you turned an uncomfortable feeling (may be understated,) into that of joy. I love looking into the eyes of our little ones. It is like looking into the Soul of God. I will sometimes say, "Welcome," to little ones, to honor the journey that they begin. If you get a chance, look at some baby pics of yourself...hard to believe we were all so tiny, and our only life experience being those around us, picking us up, feeding, changing, bathing and playing with us.

    Have a Blessed Safe Day All. 

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited March 2011

    Take care of yourself Squid!! xo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Apple--Betty-dear I woke up thinking about you at 800 am. It wasn't anything  distressing. I had wandered onto that site that appeared to have a lot of bickering , enough that Melissa was taking a poll to get consensus about removing it. You seemed to be trying to ameliorate as you could. I never did get the gist of what it was about and then decided it was no place for me. It made me so appreciate how we don't bicker, and everyone seems to try to take care of each other.

    Yesterday was hard for us all because of the Philadelphia story re: the priests. Since this is the beginning of Lent, please let us pray hard for the Church and all Catholics whose faith is being tested by this. Reread what Theresa posted about the Jewish man who wrote statistics about many denominations having similar problems in much higher numbers. The Catholic Church is the only one making headlines. I'm not condoning the problem. But unless we stay strong, this could be the undoing of Christs teaching and sacrifice. His Sacrifice just beginning to be remembered by the Lenten tradition now. The church as well as the world is in such dire straights. The enormity of the problems of all of humanity make my problems seem small in comparison. I make that statement not to minimize my or your situations. Our lives are as valuable as any, but millions upon millions of peoples lives are in danger from AIDS, famine, war etc.

    The media is hyping the predictions of Nostradamus and Mayans and many other old cultures as predicting the end of the world in 2012.  Do not let these predictions cause anxiety. What the media has done is pick and choose snippets leaving out many things that these old writings have said. It's as if they want to create fear, anxiety, panic, hatred, unrest.

    Yes the Church is in trouble, but that is why our prayers and faith In The Holy Trinity,The Immaculate Heart of Mary are so important that NOTHING causes us to waiver. So many of you are able to articulate much better than I , prayers and scripture that I am I awe of your memories.Your inner strength of your beliefs, albeit may being tested now, but all the saints in Heaven were tested here on earth. So, as many said yesterday regarding what Lent  meant to them. Let the world be part of our prayer and intention as we think of Christs sacrifice. 


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    I read this morning, by mistake (read the wrong office of reading readings!) a moral reflection by St. Gregory the Great on the Church rises like the Dawn.

    He said:

    Since the dawn goes from darkness into light, it is right that the Church of the elect should be called "dawn" or "first light." As it is led from the night of disbelief into the light of faith, it is opened up to the splendour of heavenly brightness just as the dawn bursts into day after darkness. How right are the words of the Song of Songs: Who is she who is coming up like the dawn? The holy Church seeks the rewards of heavenly life and is rightly called the dawn because it deserts the shadows of sin and sparkles in the light of righteousness.

    There is something subtler to learn from this, on considering the nature of the dawn. Dawn, or first light, proclaims that the night is over but does not yet manifest the full brightness of the day. It dispels night, it gives a beginning to the day, but still it is a mixture of light and darkness. All of us who follow the truth in this life, are we not exactly like the dawn? Some of the things we do are truly works of the light, but others are not entirely free of the remnants of darkness. No man is virtuous before you, says the psalmist, and again Scripture says we have all done wrong in many ways.

    This is why Paul does not say "the night has passed and day has come," but night has passed and day is approaching, showing beyond doubt that he is still in the dawn, after the end of darkness but still before rising of the sun.

    The Church of the elect will be fully day only when the darkness of sin is no longer mixed in with it. It will be fully day only when it shines with the perfect warmth of a light that comes from within...


    So, our Church came from Christ and passed down through St. Peter then the rest of the Pope's.  Christ brought the Church into the dawn, where we still are and we won't see the "day" until His second coming, or when we die.  That means, to me, the Church has the light of Christ, but we are all still sinners to various degrees and bring bad things into the world.  The Church is being attacked from within and externally.  The Church authorities are responsible for purging the attackers from within.  I hope and pray this is happening now.  It might take years to expose all of the abusers.  I hope it's almost over.

    Ellie - I know this might be really hard for you to do, but maybe it will help you to do as Christ said, pray for your enemies.  Take the life of St. Maria Goretti - she wasn't even 12 years old when she was mortally beaten and almost raped by a 20 year old neighbor, but she forgave and prayed her attacker.  The young man ended up repenting after having a vision of Maria while in prison, got out became a monk etc etc.  So these men who do these very bad deeds, need prayers too for their conversion.  They could end up becoming Christ's beacons.

    Here are links to St. Maria Goretti's page:

    Alessandro's testimony is very powerful for today, so I'll post it in a separate post.

    In the meantime, I will send prayers up to St. Maria for you. :-)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Alessandro Serenelli died on May 6th, 1970 in the Capuchin convent of Macerata. He left the following testimony, dated May 5, 1961, as his spiritual legacy:
    "I'm nearly 80 years old. I'm about to depart.
    "Looking back at my past, I can see that in my early youth, I chose a bad path which led me to ruin myself.

    "My behavior was influenced by print, mass-media and bad examples which are followed by the majority of young people without even thinking. And I did the same. I was not worried.

    "There were a lot of generous and devoted people who surrounded me, but I paid no attention to them because a violent force blinded me and pushed me toward a wrong way of life.

    "When I was 20 years-old, I committed a crime of passion. Now, that memory represents something horrible for me. Maria Goretti, now a Saint, was my good Angel, sent to me through Providence to guide and save me. I still have impressed upon my heart her words of rebuke and of pardon. She prayed for me, she interceded for her murderer. Thirty years of prison followed.

    "If I had been of age, I would have spent all my life in prison. I accepted to be condemned because it was my own fault.

    "Little Maria was really my light, my protectress; with her help, I behaved well during the 27 years of prison and tried to live honestly when I was again accepted among the members of society. The Brothers of St. Francis, Capuchins from Marche, welcomed me with angelic charity into their monastery as a brother, not as a servant. I've been living with their community for 24 years, and now I am serenely waiting to witness the vision of God, to hug my loved ones again, and to be next to my Guardian Angel and her dear mother, Assunta.

    "I hope this letter that I wrote can teach others the happy lesson of avoiding evil and of always following the right path, like little children. I feel that religion with its precepts is not something we can live without, but rather it is the real comfort, the real strength in life and the only safe way in every circumstance, even the most painful ones of life."

    Signature, Alessandro Serenelli

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Lots of wonderful, though provoking posts lately!!!  I pray everyone is blessed by the Holy Spirit on their Lenten Journey!

    Can we have Lent-specific prayers for this Friday's prayer meeting to help each other along our Lenten journey?  We can pray for Sandy's surgery next Friday.  Anyone else coming up for procedures next week?  Need special help?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    I would like to add a dear friend of mine named Juile I just found out she has been in the hospital with a breathing tube.. she is in the final stages of this beast of breast cancer...

    Thank you ladies


  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011

    I would like to also add as a prayer intention, Debbie's Motner, and the entire family in Louisville, KY. Debbie's  Mother has had a severe stroke and has developed pneumonia. The docs have told the family a bit ago that things do not look good at all. A DNR has been signed.Would all you wonderful kind ladies please pray for the entire family and ask our Blessed Mother and Our Lord to bring comfort and peace to all of them?

    Hugs to all


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2011

    Sheila - you crack me up about snakes falling out of the ceiling!

    Theresa - you are a born spiritual guide!  I so appreciate your posts.

    Traci - and you have a gift for visual images!

    Maria/Sandy - prayed for your intentions.

    Ellie, Mary, Betty, Sandy, geewhiz, Rennasus, Michelle, Paula, Laura, Kay, msphil, tori,thrmine, prayersareanswered and anyone I forgot -- God bless!  (Our little ministry is growing like weeds.)

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited March 2011

    Saw the surgeon today. I liked her a lot.  She has a air of confidence and calmness about her that eased my fears.  Going to see an oncologist tomorrow.  Hope I'll like her as much.  I'm going to get chemo before surgery, hopefully starting next week.  Today was the first day someone said something positive.  She said something about the cancer being receptive to estrongen and that was a good thing.  It was so wonderful to hear something wasn't the worst about this tumor.  I think prayers are being heard.  Thanks very much. 

     Went to mass again this morning.  Again much talk about the priest scandal.  I don't know if it is being talked about as much outside of Phila.  The priest is very upset.  He asked for everyone to pray for the victims and for priests and for the church.  A very hard time for priests in Philly.

     My brother in law has stage 4 melanoma.  He is hoping to get on an immunotherapy trial.  Please include him in prayers.

    I love the story of St. Maria Goretti.  Thanks for posting.

    Sorry I seem to only be asking for things and not giving much, but I promise you I am praying for you and will continue to.  Love and peace.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Janet & Kay -- I appreciate you all for being here for me on my learning journey.  The outside world isn't too receptive of Catholic contemplative thought! :-)  I just pray that I'm not too overbearing.

    Kay - that's good news indeed.  My tumor was hormone positive.  Now that surgery, chemo and rads are over, I'm taking Tamoxifen to keep those tumors away.  It's good that you feel good about your doctors.  I'm so sorry about your brother.  Yes, I will pray for him.

    Hi Apple (Mary!) - I hope you are doing well.  I bet you're getting busy with Easter liturgial music coming up.  I am SOO moved by the music.  O Sacred Head Surrounded just tears me apart!  It really brings you to the moment.  Skip will be cantoring for the first time with this new choir at St. Bridgets this Sunday.  I know he'll do great.  I miss not hearing him play the guitar, though.  BUT, the priest at his St. Joseph Covenant group told him to bring his guitar next time -- he learned the St. Joseph Novena chant from a monastic nun's recording on the Internet, so they will open the meeting with that.

    Sheila - I agree - I appreciate how we all support and care for each other.  It's a precious gift in this world of me first.

    It's bedtime for Bonzo.  Good night sisters in Christ!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2011

     Kay, of course I will pray for you and your brother.  You are not asking to much that is why we are here to support each other.

    Traci, hope everything is ok with you getting your shots.  You are a very strong woman in all ways.

    Sheila, Thanks for thinking about me but I don't think I am the Betty on the other thread.  It must be another Betty.  I don't know what that thread is about either.  No bickering here.   But I did want to tell you I went back to my PS today to show him my redness in my implant and he said it is vascular and it will go away with time. So that is three doctors that looked at it and none are concerned. I guess that's good.

    All you other ladies I prayed for you all today in the chapel

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Kindone Betty and Apple Mary --everyone with two names ----sorry , but it does lead to a trivial pursuit question. In which film was there a character named Apple Mary. She was considered the main characters good luck charm and he had to have one of Apple Marys --apples. I bet Theresa will come up with it.

     Betty So happy your redness is considered to not be a problem now-----yeah!!!!!

    As to the snake story which sounds made up , but this ambulatory surgery building, I used to work in was off an old orange grove.. We had this new nurse in orientation. She was present when the snake fell out of the ac duct onto the patient stretcher , but not on the patient. Next incident, she was taking a patient to her car in a wheelchair, she went around the corner to the sliding glass door by the area that excess wheelchairs were kept. She saw a Pygmy rattler wrapped around the arm of one of the chairs------she kept on moving. There was a third snake incident that she was in close proximity, but I forget the details. The joke was it all happened within the first 2 weeks of her orientation. Everyone else was so used to the snakes, but her experience was concentrated and stark in comparison. We were surprised that she stayed. The problem with the snakes getting in was the sliding glass doors and other routes we weren't quite sure of. Florida what can I say. At least we had no gators. Twice I gad to put a patients head down on a stretcher moving through a hall so they wouldn't see a spider with a six inch diameter--make a circle with the thumbs and long fingers.UGH! ------One fellow worker made a workers comp claim for psychological distress caused by opening the back door and this snake crawled up his leg (nonlethal)--it was being chased by a bigger black indigo(protected). Next day I was bitten by a spider and had to make a similar report. It took six months to heal, but wasn't as bad as a brown recluse. Oh those were the days-90's.

    Theresa--overbearing -NOT----I have learned more from you in the time we have been together than I ever remember learning in 12 years of Catholic school-----was I asleep? or was the teaching not there?

    Kay-prayers for your brother too


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Tink and Sandy--prayer intentions for your friend Tink and Sandy. Having just been through the death of my husband in August. Your support  by phone contact and visiiting over the next few months will be important.  Watch for mail piling up, weight loss, other out of character things. It's 7 months and I'm still pulling out. I'm not saying this to make you or anyone sad.  But unless someones checking on the person left behind. They can be lost for days and weeks and no one knows.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Theresa --would you please put the prayer from St Greory the Great into the prayer thread.----Tell skip good luck with his new role Namaste sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    Prayers for All and Calling for all Angels to protect and tend to those affected by the Earthquake.

    Please keep everyone safe and protected on the West Coast and other areas under Tsunami warning.  Please help those already affected or injured in Japan, and Please help stablize and render harmless all affected Nuclear Facilities.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Sheila - done... and bless you for your kind words.  Actually, I have many "opinions" about why many of us were poorly catechised back in the 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond.... but I'll hold my tongue.  Learning about Christ is a lifelong endeavor, though and we can't really grasp it in school as youngsters... unless God gives us His grace and we are saintly.  I'm not among that elect! :-)  I am grateful (yes) for the cancer in that it brought me closer to my Creator and for St. Francis who founded the Secular Franciscans.  Their way of life and discipline has taught me about the discipline of "prayer", reading of the Divine Office, humility (I'm still trying), service, poverty... all so many lessons to learn!  And when I find some tidbit that gives me an "Ah ha!" moment, you all are so gracious to allow me to share.

    Traci - yes, indeed, prayers for those suffering from the earthquake and it's consequences!

    Betty - wonderful news about your redness.  God be praised!