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  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Anne - thanks, but I have a long way to go to be anything like Saint Therese ... I have been known to run a tight ship at work and have a reputation... maybe because I don't back down from scary, big engineers and managers.  It's like I have this aura of toughness ... not saintliness.  LOL  I think I had that aura as a child too... my sisters always made me play the mean nun when we'd play pretend school!  Even though I never had a mean nun teach me, I guess I was good at it by listening to my brother and sister's stories!  Ruler and everything! :-) ... oh that's funny to remember... I was the youngest and they called me Mother Superior ... I wasn't Sister Theresa but Mother!  Smack with the ruler on the desk!  I guess they didn't know that they were training me for my current job!

    Yes, thanks, I am feeling a bit better.   My legs are still sore, but I forced myself to walk at lunch. I'm going to hit the hay very soon.

    Sheila - thanks for the job kudos... I didn't accept it.  I couldn't stomach going back to 16 days paid time off with my health, etc.  But something good might come out of it at my current job, so I'm still hoping!

    Kay - yes indeed, you can pray for a miracle!!

    Here is what the Society of the Little Flower says about the Novena, said for 9 days ... we can begin tomorrow and add intentions anywhere along the way:

    Is there a Novena I can pray to St. Therese?
    The most loved and repeated novena to St. Therese is the "Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese" found on the St. Therese prayer card. [That's the one I'll post... and the Rose one].......

    A novena prayer is usually nine days. These prayers are powerful. Sometimes, just a long personal talk with St. Therese, in your own words and from your heart, is just as powerful. Therese proposes and used a very simple spirituality. While some people have proposed that certain prayers must be said at certain times and before certain hours, and connected with other prayers, this is not Therese's "little way". She took seriously Jesus' request that we not use lots of words, but rather pray to God our Father in simple, hidden and honest ways. Because a certain formula, place or time works for someone, it should not be canonized as the way to pray. Some people do a real disservice to Therese and her devoted friends by surrounding her and devotion to Therese with superstition. It is not important or even significant that a certain novena prayer be said before a certain hour or in conjunction with other prayers. This is nothing but superstition, not piety, as are chain letters, etc., which seem to be popular.

    Pray to our saintly friend St. Therese with the honesty and love of a friend and the simplicity of a child. This is what she taught us. These novena prayers are very helpful and express the devotion of many hearts.

    I have the prayer card and here is some history from it:

    Therese Martin entered a Carmelite convent at the age of sixteen. As Sister Therese of the Child Jesus, she lived a hidden life. She was just twenty-four when she died.

    The world came to know her through her autobiography, "The Story of a Soul."  She described her life as "a little way of spiritual childhood."  She lived each day with unshakable confidence in God's love.  What matters in life is "not great deed, but great love."

    "My mission - to make God loved - will begin after my death," she said.  "I will spend my heaven doing good on earth.  I will let fall a shower of roses."  Countless lives have been touched by her intercession, and thousands have imitated her "little way."  She has been acclaimed the "greatest saint of modern times."  Everywhere in the world the roses conintue to fall.

    Here is an excerpt from the same website about her being proclaimed a Doctor of the Church
    Pope John Paul II, Homily 

    Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face is the youngest of all the "Doctors of the Church", but her ardent spiritual journey shows such maturity, and the insights of faith expressed in her writings are so vast and profound that they deserve a place among the great spiritual masters. In the Apostolic Letter which I wrote for this occasion, I stressed several salient aspects of her doctrine. But how can we fail to recall here what can be considered its high point, starting with the account of the moving discovery of her special vocation in the Church? "Charity", she wrote, "gave me the key to my vocation. I understood that if the Church had a body composed of different members, the most necessary and most noble of all could not be lacking to it, and so I understood that the Church had a heart and that this heart was burning with love. I understood that it was love alone that made the Church's members act, that if love were ever extinguished, apostles would not proclaim the Gospel and martyrs would refuse to shed their blood. I understood that love includes all vocation.... Then in the excess of my delirious joy, I cried out: 'O Jesus, my Love ... at last I have found my vocation; my vocation is Love!'" (Ms B, 3v). This is a wonderful passage which suffices itself to show that one can apply to St Therese the Gospel passage we heard in the Liturgy of the Word: "I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes" (Mt 11: 25).

    Ok ... so I have Kay's and my intentions ... bring 'em on!  Day 1 = 4/20, Day 9 = 4/28.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Absolutely count me in with the novena to ST. Therese.  My intentions are that none of us have a recurrence of BC. that is my prayer for us every night.  Also for my children to live a happy, healthy and Christ like life.  Thank you.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Has anyone ever heard of going to the Seven churches on holy Thursday?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited April 2011

    Kindone I have heard of it but have never done it

    Please coumt me in for the novena too!

    Thanks JAnet sent you a pm

    llove to all my sisters


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    I am going to cut and paste into a word doc and take all our intentions to the Basilica ~ funny that I work about 5 minutes away from there.....What day should I take them?

    Janet~I'm not a nurse. I work for a construction company going on 10 years now.  They have been wonderful to me through this. 

    My intentions: That the healing hand of God touch all those that suffer in any way, that they may know His love from the deepest of His Sacred Heart.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    Please we are excited --that all things seem to be coming together. Gina that can take the intentions, Theresa that has written the history, but can  we time it to be after Easter. with the recognition of the Resurrection. And it allows for everyone to get ther intentions in. Plus if we could do the timing that it ends on our friday night of prayer. Which someone please figuire it out , It may be Tues----------lets not rush towards what we want. it would be beautiful to end the novena 2 fri. "s from now on our night of prayer.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011

    Very excited about Novena!

    will be back after dog duty..will noodle on intentions.

    I know I would like to ask for my nicotine cravings to cease and to not overeat as a way of dealing with these very difficult feelings, including loss (yes I know this sounds a bit dramatic, but I am white knuckling and missing my little chewy friends...I gotta wait for my brain to recover too....(gotta look up the actual receptors for nicotine and when my increased numbers will go back to normal.)


    oh, didn't someone have a prayer for dealing with quitting smoking/nicotine addiction before? I think it may have been Paula, but I may take a little looksy...

    so nice to see so many faces, truly.

    Hi Geewhiz!

    hope we hear from Beagles soon

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    We Have all the intentions of others who are not posting here , but have posted on the INtentions site. So perhaps we could post our intentions here as a group and then C&P to that site and then have gina print it off. The only reason I say this is I ran off the wound healing site that I worked on. AND 2 pages here translated to 22 printed pages----------thats a lot of ink------thats not cheap---so let us figuire how to condense. MIchelle was excellent at that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    Squid it was me and nicotine----------God has been kind in so many ways ,but my addiction to nicotine continues. It's on the list.

     The point of the intentions list was when we want to do just as we want to do right now there are the others that we have prayed for in the past and now we have new intentions. Please reread the trhead header. AT ANY given time we may want to run this off for  sending for prayers.

    WEll that's what we want to do. So unless someone has an objection. I say put our intentions on the INTENTIONS site . It will include current intentions and past> THAT was the point of the INTENTIONS thread --------we didn't want to forget people....

    Keep intentions short and to the point -------like Michelle did when we did the ST, JUDE novena

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    that's my chemo headedness....i didn't even realize there was an intentions site.  I will gladly print them off (at work - big machine- no problem) and take them to the Basilica.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011
    Apr 17, 2011 03:15 am, edited Apr 17, 2011 03:19 AM by sas-schatzi sas-schatzi wrote:

    catholic prayer intentions-----a companion thread to this . It helps us keep track of whom we are praying for--beagslegirl --don't forget to add your prayer request there Blessings

    Another companion thread is a prayers listing. It's got many standard prayers and then things written by members.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    Gina ------the first hyperlink is to the prayer intentions site----Have no clue why the other site didn't turn blue which causes an automatic link to the site , but you can get to it through the spritual forum. But when you read the thread description you will undertand. It's meant for just what we want to do this next week. Bless you for be willing to take it to the Basillica. Provedential.-------------Namaste sheila

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Provendential! I love it.  I was able to send my daughter to a Catholic all girls high school, Providence!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    okay I corrected the spelling----and yes your right all is falling into place, so there once has been a guidance. Does anyone remeber when we started the ST JUDE novena on his FEAST day. WELL. when is St Theresa's day  If we are doing it again, without knowing HMMMMMMMMMM.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited April 2011

    Looks like her feast day is October 1.  My mother's birthday.

    So should I go add my intentions to the intentions thread or not since Theresa already listed them here?

    Also hoping Beagles girl stops back in.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Sheila - two Fridays from now still has us starting before Easter (tomorrow).  We can start on 4/28 and end on Friday 5/6.  Friday 5/6 is the Feast of Sts. Marian and James, 3rd century martyrs, Friday 5/13 is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

    I think the Intentions thread has many intentions that are old and have not been removed.  I think I'm guilty of that.  But we can do whatever makes most sense.  So far, I have intentions from Traci, Gina, Betty, Kay, and myself.  But I agree, we don't have to rush it.

    The Novena prayers are simple:

    Miraculous Invocation to Saint Therese

    O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need of body and spirit from the Heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you 'Prodigy of Miracles... the Greatest Saint of Modern Times.' Now I fervently beseech you to answer our petitions 

    List Petitions

    and to carry out your promises of spending Heaven doing good on earth...of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith, to see the Face of God in the people and experiences of my life, and to love God with full confidence. St. Therese, my Carmelite Sister, I will fulfill your plea 'to be made known everywhere' and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen.

    Novena Rose Prayer

    O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.

    O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hands... (petitions) 

    St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did, in God's great love for me, so that I might imitate your "Little Way" each day.


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited April 2011


    Thank you for taking our intentions to the are mine:

    I pray that the treatments we have all received have done the job of eliminating, eradicating, and destroying every last cancer cell/malignancy in our bodies...that those treatments will not now or in the future cause us any damage...that we all be cured and healed from the evilness that once had invaded our bodies, and that we all live long, happy, healthy lives with all those we love...being the best versions of ourselves in the honor and glory of our Lord...

    I ask for blessing upon our families, that they are happy and healthy and living a life in  accordance with our Lord.

    I ask for blessings upon all those that suffer needlessly each day...

    I ask for blessings for our military that do so much to keep our freedom ours...

    Bless my husband as he is deployed bringing him home safe and sound...bless our marriage, our love and our commitment to each other...

    I ask this in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited April 2011

    Rosary on Good Friday...

    Sisters...let's all try to say the rosary on Good Friday...between the hours of 12pm-3pm...offering our prayers and petitions to our Blessed Mother...

    Pass it on to as many folks as you can...prayer is so powerful and our Blessed Mother is so deserving...


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011

    hellooooo i just messed up the chord 2 my keyboard so i am going letter by letter on virtual keyboard beautiful novena

    i am going to rewrite mine....i am asking for help to start caring about myself, and i choose to treat my body. i pray for help to join my mind body and spirit, to have freedom from my addictions with food and nicotine.

    long but needed if you all don't mind ....

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Tori - wonderful intentions!  Absolutely yes, count me in on the rosary on Good Friday!!  The hours between noon and 3 are so sorrowful!

    Traci - I really like yours too ... we all need help to take care of ourselves.  It seems we get so busy helping others that we let our own needs slide.  I'm on the food addiction bandwagon with you.  If I see it, I eat it.  I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I am overweight and some of the blame is menopause and tamoxifen, but some of it is that I just like food.  For so many years I suffered with IBS and couldn't eat and now that I can, I want to enjoy it!  But it puts on the pounds!

    Prayers tonight, right?  Weren't we doing a special intention?  I forget.

    In the office of readings this morning, we read an excerpt from St. Anselm since it's his feast day.  It was very good and I hope to post it later, but I have a meeting in a few minutes.

    God bless you all.  Safe travels. (Our commute has been a breeze this week - only an hour+ - since so many people are off work!)

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited April 2011

    Dear Ladies

     I have been absent this week because I came on and saw that our Dear Sweet Jeannine had passed and it was just too much, I can't stand it. She was one of our founding members here and she was so so sweet, she loved the Lord, very faithful, positive, loving, and just believed in Gods will. She was someone to look up to, I always felt like I need to work on my complete faith after reading her posts. RIP Jeannine!

    See my intentions below and they are posted on the intention site. I pray that I can find peace with all of this, in this week alone I have heard of 4 new cancer victims, a 14 year old boy with Hodgkins, my Doctors sister with BC who has 5 young kids, another friend with bc, and worst of all a 50 year old women with 13 year old twins just dxed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, during the week she found out her Husband had a massive heart attack and is in intensive care.

    Some days it is too much



  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited April 2011

    Good Morning Sweet Sisters,

    Holy Week is my most favorite time of the year! I am no longer surprised to see how it affects me each year for it is always a bit different than before. I think this year, it is even more special for I am thankful about so much! 

    My prayer intentions for the novena are that my children feel an irrestible pull they cannot resist to become closer to Our Lord, the Blessed Mother,  all the Saints, and our faith.

    I also pray my children will have continued good health, good jobs, happiness, and will select a Godly mate for their marriages.

    I pray my relationship with my husband will continue to flourish and strengthen as God intended.

    I pray for all my sisters here and all over the world who are facing cancer of any sort. I pray they have strength to fight this beast and win their battle. I also pray there is not a single one of them who must go without proper medical care that is affordable and easily available. I also pray they never feel they must walk this road alone.

    Hugs and Love to All,


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011


    I hear your pain...I want to reach out to you knowing I cannot change what is.

    Would it help to witness our have a special service for her here [question mark] perhaps we can honor her contributions and share or archive some of her posts.

    There was a tribute to our lost Sisters in another thread where they went outside and held their flashlights up to the night sky sending light and love to them. just a few thoughts, and you are in my prayers [[[[[Michelle.]]]]]


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    This is an excerpt from the full reading this morning.  Even the Saints have trouble perceiving the presence of God and rely on hope that in heaven the desire will be fulfilled! 

    From the Liturgy of the Hours:

    Saint Anselm was born at Aosta in Piedmont in 1033. He entered the Benedictine Order at the monastery of Bec in France. While he quickly progressed in the spiritual life, he taught theology to his fellow students. He went to England where he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury. He fought vigorously for the freedom of the Church, and for this he was twice exiled. He has achieved fame for his writings, especially those on mystical theology. He died in 1109.

    From the Proslogion by Saint Anselm:

    The light in which you dwell, Lord, is beyond my understanding. It is so brillant that I cannot bear it, I cannot turn my mind's eye toward it for any length of time. I am dazzled by its brightness, amazed by its grandeur, overwhelmed by its immensity, bewildered by its abundance.

    O supreme and inaccessible light, O complete and blessed truth, how far you are from me, even though I am so near to you! How remote you are from my sight, even though I am present to yours! You are everywhere in your entirety, and yet I do not see you; in you I move and have my being, and yet I cannot approach you; you are within me and around me, and yet I do not perceive you.

    O God, let me know you and love you so that I may find my joy in you; and if I cannot do so fully in this life, let me at least make some progress every day, until at last that knowledge, love and joy come to me in all their plenitude. While I am here on earth let me learn to know you better, so that in heaven I may know you fully; let my love for you grow deeper here, so that there I may love you fully. On earth I shall have great joy in hope, and in heaven complete joy in the fulfillment of my hope.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Intentions so far... starting the novena next week or week after?

    Anne:  Praying  for our children that they  will have continued good health, good jobs, happiness, and will select a Godly mate for their marriages; praying that our relationship with our spouse will continue to flourish and strengthen as God intended; and praying for all who face breast cancer and for their care.
    I would also like to add personal intentions.

    Sandy:  my children feel an irrestible pull they cannot resist to become closer to Our Lord, the Blessed Mother,  all the Saints, and our faith.
    I also pray my children will have continued good health, good jobs, happiness, and will select a Godly mate for their marriages.
    I pray my relationship with my husband will continue to flourish and strengthen as God intended.
    I pray for all my sisters here and all over the world who are facing cancer of any sort. I pray they have strength to fight this beast and win their battle. I also pray there is not a single one of them who must go without proper medical care that is afordable. I also pray they never feel they must walk this road alone.


    Tori:  I pray that the treatments we have all received have done the job of eliminating, eradicating, and destroying every last cancer cell/malignancy in our bodies...that those treatments will not now or in the future cause us any damage...that we all be cured and healed from the evilness that once had invaded our bodies, and that we all live long, happy, healthy lives with all those we love...being the best versions of ourselves in the honor and glory of our Lord...
    I ask for blessing upon our families, that they are happy and healthy and living a life in  accordance with our Lord.
    I ask for blessings upon all those that suffer needlessly each day...
    I ask for blessings for our military that do so much to keep our freedom ours...
    Bless my husband as he is deployed bringing him home safe and sound...bless our marriage, our love and our commitment to each other...

    Traci:  i am asking for help to start caring about myself, and i choose to treat my body. i pray for help to join my mind body and spirit, to have freedom from my addictions with food and nicotine.

    Gina:  That the healing hand of God touch all those that suffer in any way, that they may know His love from the deepest of His Sacred Heart.

    Betty:  My intentions are that none of us have a recurrence of BC. that is my prayer for us every night.  Also for my children to live a happy, healthy and Christ like life.

    Kay: That my brother-in-law, Steve, be cured of cancer.  That I be cured of cancer and it never come back.  That my sons, Matt and Ryan be cured of depression, return to God's friendship, stay out of trouble and have a good life.  Also, for my mother who has Alzheimer's and by sister and brother who take care of her to stay in God's care.

    Theresa:  That our NJ home will finally sell, bank accepts short sale.  All our children return to the church.  Surrender to God's will in my life.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    Yes, Michelle, I think I understand your feelings too.  I think it was when Becky told me that Audrey died that I went into a slump this week.  It seemed like it was yesterday that she told me she had cancer and now she's gone.  Plucked out of the garden to be used in a heavenly bouquet.

    And yes, it seems like a week doesn't go by when we learn of others who have been marked with this beast!

    But gratefully, we are here for each other, to build each other up so we don't dwell in the slumps.  We have to mourn.  It is our nature.  But we have to rise again, our daily sacrifice, because Christ showed us how.

    Yes, it's my favorite season also!  The sorrow just penetrates into my already groaning soul and fuses with Christ and Mother Mary and Mary Magalene, and St. John and I feel Peter's anguish when he realized what he did.  It's all so human and so real and we live it daily.  But now we know that we are not eternally damned... Christ saved us from ourselves... there is Mercy.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011


    I feel lucky to be reading all of ur posrs in real time today  so beautiful the image of being part of a heavenly bouquet

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited April 2011

    Sweet Sisters,

    Today is a hard day for me. It is the second anniversary of the death of my Mother. I have been thinking of her all day and pray she is finally at peace with Our Lord in her eternal home. I hadn't planned to mention this on this Holy day for I do not want to detract from the meaning of this day in our faith. 

    Finally, I felt I just had to ask for your prayers and support. She did not beat this beast.

    Hugs and May God Bless Each of You


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    Dear Theresa, I just feel we shouldn't start before Easter. It just seems our minds ought to be concentrating on the meaning of Easter.

    And my Brain is to clogged to think further than that SO, what ever is decided I encourage.

    My intention 1. That my sister's health improves.  That she be given the in sight to do what she has to do to accomplish that. 2.That we all heal in mind and have strengthened spirits, as well as bodies, inclusive of all, my family that have cancer at present 3. That my friend be kept safe in her overseas assignment and come home without injury. 4.That Jeannine, Audrey and Michael are at peace and their families are strengthened. 5 That hate and hurtfulness be eradicated.  6. That Greg and all my family that have gone before, our at the side of God.  Namaste, Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2011

    Theresa re: the Intentions page --I thinking technically all those on the intentions list are still supposed to be in our prayers.? Sheila