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  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Amen. I'm so glad to be praying this with all of you. The timing is so perfect and I needed it so much as I know all of you do as well.

    God's peace and blessings on us all,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012
    DAY 2 ----June 2nd
    Hear me O Lord, and have pity on me.
    Prayer: Father in heaven, Your love for us never falters in spite of our transgressions and failures. Please show Your mercy for me in my difficulty (mention your request). Through the intercession of St. Francis and for the sake of Christ, Our Savior, have pity on me. Amen.
    Your offering today: See the suffering Christ in someone around you. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace (top of page)
  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2012

    Thank you for including me.  As I read through the prayers, I'm struck by the diversity yet the similiarity we all have in some aspect.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2012

    Sheila you are awesome...thanks so much for thinking of me, I am here and joining you immeditatly!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2012

    I just went through all of the names and their personal intentions holding you all up in prayer, it felt so good and I felt so connect to you all! Bless you Sheila for putting this together.

     My Husband and I just went through Cursillo, have any of the rest of you done a Cursillo weekend throught the Catholic Church? It was wonderful and so uplifting and really brings you closer to the church and to Christ!Look into it at your parishes it is a wonderful experience! 

    De Colores! 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Michelle! Good to see you! I have not done a Cursillo weekend but Skip attended several when he lived in Idaho and still speaks fondly of them. He said you can't explain how spiritual it is and like you said... uplifting.

    God bless you all!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012
    DAY 3      June 3rd
    Lord, be not far from me.
    Prayer: Loving Father, You are not far from any of us since in You we live, move and have our being. Increase my awareness of Your presence and through the intercession of Saint Francis take care of my pressing need (mention your request). Amen.
    Your offering today: Throughout the day, give your cares to the Lord. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace (top of page)
  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Give our cares to the Lord.  This brings to mind two things:

    1) The readings from Mass today:
    Second reading Romans 8:14-17
    Everyone moved by the Spirit is a son of God. The spirit you received is not the spirit of slaves bringing fear into your lives again; it is the spirit of sons, and it makes us cry out, ‘Abba, Father!' The Spirit himself and our spirit bear united witness that we are children of God. And if we are children we are heirs as well: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, sharing his sufferings so as to share his glory.

    Gospel Matthew 28:16-20
    The eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw him they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.'

    2) And our dependence on God for everything, just like a child.

    As I watch the interaction of my grandchildren with their parents, I think about our relationship with God.  They bring all of their cares to their parents.  Whether they've had a bad day or a good day... and I see the parents try to coax information out of them in order to help them. "Teach them to observe all the commands I gave you." Isn't that what a child is supposed to do? As adults, do we think that kind of relationship is childISH and not for us? But isn't that what Scripture, what Christ, calls us to do? Absolute dependence.  Just like a child in a loving family.  And just like all families, we share in the bad and the good.

    And it's funny to observe too the act of intercessory petitions.  Grandson #1 will want something but knows Mom and Dad won't give it or allow it, so he gets Grandson #2 to ask for him!  That almost NEVER works b/c Mom and Dad see right through that kind of manipulation.  However, Grandson #1 was being good and quiet reading and wanted to stay up a little longer and was petitioning Mom for that gift, and Grandma interceded for Grandson #1 and said what a good boy he was being and I would vouch for him while he stayed up a little longer.  And Mom said yes!  Dependence, intercession of the right kind, observe all of that he commands.

    God bless!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Give our cares too the Lord:Brings back a memory. Two weeks before the brain surgery, knowing all indicators said B9, I still had a 5% risk. We have all heard / been through these risks. We know what we held in our hearts, even though we kept up a front for family and friends. Inside we were bleeding. Perhaps hemorrhaging -emotionally. There was a moment , I don't remember what caused it, but a thought came too me to give it to God. At that moment, I prayed and gave the worry to God. A feeling of calm,unweighted shoulders that were so heavy, relaxed, peaceful. I went into surgery believing that I could handle whatever the outcome would be. Even death. All affairs in order. The last, before I went in was to apologize to my son, for anything that I had done to bring him sadness and that I was as proud as any mother could be for the young adult he has become.

    I remember well when our mmm5 - Michelle brought these words to us more then a year ago "give it to God". She uplifted many with these words when her life, was by her words falling apart. But she kept repeating "Give it to God". She lived St. Francis's direction may be knowing it, may be not , but she gave each of us a strength through her belief.

    This is my first novena to St. Francis. The words each day call us to an --action of some nature. Then to be followed by the " Prayer for Peace".  The prayer put in the context of the call to action is humbling. Let us all feel the solace of these prayers. Let it be. Namaste

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Theresa- beautiful -sheila

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2012

    Just got back from mass, and had the same readings Theresa, and beautiful music tonight!

    Sheila I am so moved that I was able to help anyone at all, thanks for reminding me as I never feel as I bring much in the ways of spiritual guidance. The best thing tonight was singing in the teen mass full throttle and having my 11 year old next to me belting it out (not a singers voice) and people turning around to look at him and he didnt care just kept belting it out.Wink

    Day Three of the Novena and already feeling even more spiritual. I wanted to remind everyone of something that I learned in my Cursillo. Keep Holy Water near, I got a bottle and have been blessing my children with it and you can put a drop in their water etc. It is very healing! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Michelle, dear one, if you go back in time and read , you told your story of troubles and how you decided to "Give it to God" to take care of you and family,  and described your troubles. Obviously, I have never forgotten that. Plus, here you never despaired. What happened in your personal life outside of here , we don't know. Based on all your writings --despair is not in your vernacular.  You are a survivor, different than the usual discription. -------What I read is that your family has come to the other side of trouble. I attribute that to your strength and you attribute it to God>> there is a trail there.

    If the son loves to sing-------get him singing lessons----know it sounds trite, but a voice can be taught. MY own son won't try. I asked if I would pay for lessons would he try, so far he won't.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    DAY 4-June 4th
    Make Your ways known to me, O Lord.
    Prayer: Father Almighty, Your ways and purpose are often hidden from us. Guide me now and through the intercession of Saint Francis of Assisi, I beg You, in my sorrow, and by Your power, to let me know Your will regarding my special need (mention your request). Amen.
    Your offering today: Consider today how you can do God's will. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace (top of page)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    That's so true, Sheila! :-)

    On our retreat last year, Fr. Sam (Franciscan of course!) was having us think about God's will in our lives and how we get so wrapped around the axle with it.  It's so simple, yet so hard to do.  God's will for us is love.  We are to love.  Love each other... whatever task we do, no matter how boring or exciting, do it with love... that is God's will.  He doesn't want us to be puppets.  If we're given a chance to go down one of two paths, just ask, which path would I joyfully serve the Lord best?  Think about where Jesus came to us.  Very humble.  Very mundane life... His foster father was a carpenter, his Mom was a housewife.  Everyday life with family, extended family, friends.  He lived the life of love.  He calls us to live the life of love.  What does it mean to offer our sufferings... can't do that if you're bitter because that isn't love, same with anger, that's not love either.  But we can do it with love... your headache, offer it with love to help someone with a brain tumor or head injury.  You know if you have loved ones and you see them suffer, you often say, give me the pain, Lord, so they don't have to suffer so much.  He gives us that chance daily with our daily minor and major sufferings, to offer them up with love.

    Sorry... I didn't mean to be so preachy.  Just saying.  God's will for us is simple, yet so difficult at times! :-)  Just like Sheila said!

    Michelle - you are always an inspiration.  Everyone, no matter what you write, you are an inspiration.  It's like listening to Scripture during Mass.  Sometimes just a little phrase will set off a lightbulb.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    DAY 5--June 5th
    O Lord grant safety to those who long for it.
    Prayer: In You Heavenly Father, I confidently place my trust. In your hands, I leave all my anxieties with faith in Your care for me. From You, and through the intercession of Saint Francis of Assisi, I await relief from my present distress (mention your request). Amen.
    Your offering today: For God's sake, help some person whom you may not like. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace

    (To be said after every day's Novena)

    Lord, make me an instrument of peace
    Where there is hatred,Let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    And where there is sadness, joy.
    O Divine Master grant that I may
    Not so much seek to be consoled
    As to console;
    To be understood,
    As to understand;
    For it is in giving that we
    Receive, it is in pardoning that
    We are pardoned.
    And it is in Dying that we are
    Born to Eternal life.

    May 31, 2012 09:37 PM, edited 5 minutes ago by sas-schatzi

    Combined intentions for St Francis of Assisi Novena--June 1st to June 9th,2012 Sisters and friends of the Catholic thread. All faiths are invited to join. All novenas are said for 9 days. This novena has an initial prayer followed by a daily prayer. A rosary may be added , but is not a requirement of the novena. The entire novena is on the archives thread. A synopsis of each intention will be written, in reading , if this does not fulfill your intention , I will modify--PM me sheila.

    For Theresa,that her Profession as a Lay Franciscan, fulfill her trust in your guidance to bring her closer to You Dear God through the work she will do as a Lay Franciscan. May it deepen the love that she has for Dh Skip as they take this journey together. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. Dear St. Francis, hear our prayers and bring them to the feet of our precious Lord! For this we pray.

    For Sagina and family, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed problems be revealed and treated. For this we pray.

    For Tinkertude and ALI, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed problems be revealed and treated. For this we pray.

    For Frank, that his new treatment protocol results in a return to reduced tumor size and control of growth. That the new symptoms that he is experiencing -stop. That his whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray.

     For Cherilynn, that MW gets the help he needs, for him to realize I will always be willing to help him. For my mental health so I can move soon and start a new life. For this we pray

    For Dunesleeper, that her depression be lifted and the joy of life she seeks be returned to her. Her special intention of prayer for Debbie, Shell, and Dorothy. That she and friends be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed or diagnosed problems be revealed and treated. That Dunes retirement goes well and her needs are met. For this we pray.

    For Wilson33--who will be lighting a candle for all suffering, pain, misunderstood, waiting.  All emotions but mostly I shall be praying for understanding of God's will and healing through prayer, offering everything up for God - Gods blessing and prayers for the ladies and gentlemen here, on BCO, families, and friends. That they be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray.

    For Ellendou In her battle with cancer, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness, for this we pray

    For LauraOntario, that her depression be lifted and the joy of life she seeks be returned to her. That she obtain the housing she wishes.That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For Nancynowthat the answer to undiagnosed or diagnosed problems be revealed and treated, especially, for Sagina's daughter, Laura, Cherilynn, Tinkertude's daughter Ali, LauraOntario. Gods blessing and prayers for the ladies and gentlemen here, on BCO, families, and friends. That they be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. I pray for all of those struggling at their jobs while dealing with breast cancer, and for all of those who seek employment. Finally, since St. Francis of Assisi is the heavenly watcher over animals, I pray for the well-being of our pets, all those needing to be adopted, and all strays. For Nancy MOM who had a "Sudden Death Event" Sucessful resusitation, surgery and now recovering in the ICU on a respirator. May she survive this event and return to her family whole and healthy.For this we pray.

    For TeresainTucson, that God's path for each of us to be clear and for each of us to have the courage to follow it. Whatever happens with our living arrangements that it goes smoothly and as stress free as possible. That each persons trust in your guidance to bring them closer to You Dear God through their acceptance of your will. That all be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness.  For this we pray.

    For Kay1963, that continued recovery after surgery and conquering her LE. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For Jo1955, that continued recovery after surgery and that drain sites heal properly. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray.

    For Apple,that her brain tumor responds to treatment and no other tumors grow. That her brothers Lymphoma stablizes and or go into remission. For Jenn3 that she be strengthened and cancer into remission. That Apple and Jenn's  whole families be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For TheFuzzyLemmon, that her strength of conviction be supported, the tribulations she faces at present will resolve. That the joy of mental health be returned to her. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For mnmom,That her financial situation improves. That she and her children are kept safe from abuse. That they recover from their recent accident. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For sas-schatzi, that family are healed from their afflictions. That her mental and physical health improves. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For Paula, Laura E, and Squid, beaglesgirl-that they return to us. That they be strengthened. That their mental health be returned to them. That their work life be less stressful. That their battles with LE be conquered. That their families and friends be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For this we pray

    For mmm5, that her family situation continues to improve, financial difficulties resolve, the growth and mission of "Mother's Grace" thrives. For friends Megan and Richard who are having difficulty with a twin pregnancy.For this we pray

    For the Moderators, that they be strengthened in their mission on BCO. That their personal lives are blessed with health, well being, love, contentment. For this we pray

     For SpecialK, whose gift of comforting others in so many threads is recognized. That she and her family be blessed with health, well being, love, contentment. For this we pray

    For lovemyfamilysomuch-  will pray for all my sisters and brother Frank.  Please keep my family and me in your prayers, for the strength to know and serve the Lord as He deserves and to keep God and our Blessed Mother first in our lives. For this we pray.

    For Torigirl- I pray that the treatments we have all received have done the job of eliminating, eradicating, and destroying every last cancer cell/malignancy in our bodies...that the any treatments we continue to take (or do) will do their jobs of preventing any recurrences or any new malignancies....that those treatments will not now or in the future cause us any damage...that we all be cured and healed from the evilness that once had invaded our bodies, and that we all live long, happy, healthy lives with all those we love...being the best versions of ourselves in the honor and glory of our Lord. I ask for blessing upon our families, that they are happy and healthy and living a life in accordance with our Lord. I ask for blessings upon all those that suffer needlessly each day...I ask for blessings for our military that do so much to keep our freedom ours...Bless my husband as he is deployed bringing him home safe and sound...bless our marriage, our love and our commitment to each other...I ask this in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN-For teeballmom, That she have a healing from her cancer.That she and her family be blessed with health, well being, love, contentment. For this we pray

    For TigerBlood, that the MRI shows shrinkage of mass in the brain. That she and her family be blessed with health, well being, love, contentment. For this we pray

    For nonijones and Michello- for continued health for them and family. That they be blessed with health, well being, love and contentment

    Candie 1971- for my dad,  89 y/o, diagnosed with squamish cell skin cancer.  For my mom, 83 y/o, was diagnosed with stage 2 BC, now NED. They both have agressive forms of their cancer. May the Blessed Mother keep her arms wrapped tightly around them. For this we pray.

    For msphil, for bco members, for those suffering around the world for peace, for my family to be set free. For myself and husband and strengthening of our marriage. For this we pray

    FOR Rohanna--  whose life and beliefs are in need, whose dear friend Marsha, went for a simple procedure and contracted staph and has passed away. For her friends, family and Ro that grieves for her. That they find contentment and peace through you Oh Lord. For this we pray.

    Galsal--who is preparing for BC surgery, That all is uneventfully completed. For this we pray.

    For dogeyed GG, that the President keep close counsel with the Lord God Almighty, as he always does, for he has been given the voice for peace, the harmony for the earth, and the rhythm for the weak.  That a special happiness fill the fine hearts and minds of my husband and my mother.  That mercy be given to all who suffer and that the whole world be drawn together in spirit.  For this we pray.

    Intentions for all BCO sisters and brothers an for our quiet friends, that we find healing of mind , body and spirit through our novena to St. Francis. This we pray.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    Beautful, Sas.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2012

    Day 5

    I always love to return for these novena's as you know I really lean on them  in  my life! Sheila you did a BEAUTIFUL job of posting the intentions, as I read through each one each day I can really feel our common struggles and start to begin to feel peace around different intentions. I really felt Peace today while praying for Frank...I hope you are doing well Frank!

    Ladies really take the time to set aside 10 minutes a day to pray on these and hold each other up individually it is such a blessing and I love the little action required at the end of each day, it has really forced me to be thinking through a positive step towards the novena.

    God BLess all of you!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    DAY 6--June 6th
    O Lord, do not chastise me with Your anger.
    Prayer: Merciful Father, You know my weakness and disobedience. Yet, You are ever ready to forgive and be gracious to me in my trouble. In Christ's name and through the intercession of Saint Francis of Assisi quickly come to help me (mention your request). Amen.
    Your offering today: Banish from your mind and tongue unkind words and thoughts today. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Oh  my, what this novena to ST. Francis asks--to forgive those that have hurt us....... those that seriously hurt their words or we count the ways?.....And now by this novena , we are challenged to forget and forgive. I believe this is the hardest. Please Lord give us the strength to follow this command in this

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    Sas, it is a great reminder to let go of my resentments over harms done to me. It was kind of funny. As I was reading the Prayer for Peace, my mind started fighting some of it, telling me I shouldn't be a door mat and they need to understand that. At that point, I hit:

    O Divine Master grant that I may
    Not so much seek to be consoled
    As to console;
    To be understood,
    As to understand; 

    I kind of had to laugh at myself. Then I went back and did the prayer again. Innocent

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    DAY 7--June 7th
    The Lord is a stronghold in times of distress.
    Prayer: Father in Heaven, You never reject those who seek Your help and are ever ready to comfort the sorrowful. Through the intercession of Saint Francis and in Christ's name, I implore You to have pity on me in my needs (mention your request), and to rescue me from all afflictions. Amen.
    Your offering today: In imitation of Christ and St. Francis, do good to those who may dislike you. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace (top of page)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    God's restful peace to you all.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2012

    same to you Theresa!

    Prayers for all of you!

  • michelleo13
    michelleo13 Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2012

    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I missed out on this Novena. Will definitely try to catch the next one.

    Frank, so very sorry to hear about your setback. You are in my prayers.

    I don't post often these days but do think of you all and pray for you daily.



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Michello, You can start at the beginning and just keep going for the nine days if you like. I put an intention in for you. So, you have been being prayed for sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    DAY 8--June 8th
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.
    Prayer: Your goodness, Heavenly Father, responds speedily to our sorrow. In my distress I call upon You to hear and answer my prayers (mention your request). In You, O God, I will continue to trust despite everything. I ask this request in Christ's name and through the intercession of Saint Francis of Assisi. Amen.
    Your offering today: Help someone you know who is in need of your friendship and support. Conclude with the Prayer for Peace (top of page)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Good morning sisters and brother!  Frank, I pray you are tolerating your treatment well.

    Tomorrow is the big day for me.  I'm excited and nervous.  I spoke to my formation director this week to go over the ceremony and she said Father is very excited  that we asked him to say Mass.  He's never done a secular Franciscan profession Mass before... so it will be the first time for both of us! LOL  I pray that I can live up to the vocation.

    I want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, especially you, Sheila for doing this novena for my intentions and for all of our intentions.  We all have heavy crosses to bear but with each other, it lightens the load a little bit.  Even though we've not met face to face, we have our own fraternity with each other for support and prayers.  We can come here to pray, support, educate and vent!  That's fraternity... that's family.

    Know that I will be praying for all of your tomorrow, that the Lord will grant your petitions and bring you peace.

    Pax et bonum!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Sas~ I love you and all you do for us here.

    Theresa~leading us in prayers I always know where to turn to in the mornings when work has crawled out and tried to bite me each day.

    Michelle~I am a music minister, and started leading choirs at the age of 15.  When I was that young, another high school kid was in the choir and played the viola (beautifully). His singing voice was so off key, so loud, that we would ask him to play instead of singing.  He went on to college for music, ended up taking voice classes, and now leads the local opera house as one of the three tenors highlighted!

    My own music story was when I was in 6th grade, Sr. Angele said "God gave you that voice, and that's what He wants to hear."

    Dunsleeper~So true and such a powerful reminder.

    Frank~continued prayers for you. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2012

    Hope no one has signed off Nancy Mom had a "sudden death event"was revieved by bystanders .It Happened at UcLA MED office buildiing. In ICU now __Has had surgery already Nancy asking for prayers. Posting now 10:39
