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  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2012

    Looking forward to praying with all of you!

    SAS St Jude can be done without dropping copies each day they can be consolodated or copies can be given to others as well.

    Maybe a better choice would be the Miraculous Medal of Mary, which is a powerful novena that we have done before and many have the medals they wear. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Ronqt1  You were on my favs list so we communicated at some point about something. My poor brain as I said is not as good as it was. So forgive me for not remembering why you are on my favs list.There is another Jewish woman that is going to paralell our time frame with her daily prayers for the sick. You could use the intentions list as a source of those that wish prayers to be said. There just seems to be so many right now that are having condition changes throughout BCO. There are also two more Jewish women,  one we talked about the Mi Sherebarch(sic). You may already know them. First would you consider doing the same as the woman who is going to parallel our time frame. Secondly may I pass your name on to her and the other two if I get their permission?. I'm going to C&P this to you  As I said in the notification we are an ecumenical group--respectful and inclusive of other beliefs and religions. This is also stated in the header written by Laura Estepp who started this thread.Thanks SAS

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2012

    Thank you all for your prayers! My brain MRI came back clear. To Him all Honor, Glory, and Praise!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    REDWOLF/penny doing HAPPY DANCE. We all have felt your sense of relief --it's MAHVERLOUS.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    mmm5 and to all--- we have a group of wonderful  Jewish woman that are going to paralell our novena. They have their traditional "Daily Prayers for the Sick".  Their intentions will be added to the combined list. I did send the notification  to many threads, and I don't know how many of you have sent it to threads that you are involved with. I didn't count how many I PM'd it too, but it was 3 straight hours with no break, My point being is we may have many religions present. In light of the fact that this is all about cancer,.( Unless Frank says differently), Perhaps St.Perigrine would be the most ecumenical.

    Please start sending your intentions to my PM. as many as I have received, I will have to start working on it sooner than Sunday.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited August 2012

    RedWolf----So happy !!!  Thank you Jesus and Mary!! xo

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    Redwolf congrats on the amazing news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    Ronna and any other Jewish members in here - I think it's great you all are in our group, and prayers are prayers - we need them all! How awesome you can parallel our Novena with your own prayers for the sick. I say that's two for the price of one and that sounds pretty good to me. Smile

    Glad we are all going to pray together!


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2012

    Happy Happy for Nancy and Penny!

    Looking forward to the novena with all! Please send in your specific intentions I really enjoy concetrating on all of you individually and your needs specifically as I am praying and go through each name one at a time. 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2012


    MNMOM I sent you a PM 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Have started list-- Couldn't figuire out how to make it easy----God's little inspiration thankfully. The list is started in the archives thread.

     Done with PM's that included intentions to date. Checking postings now back To Notification announcement.  Will look at intentions from last novena  and add if they still apply.  Please send intentions to my PM:)

    mmm5 Says she lives near the ST Peregrine Shrine.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    mmm5--Reading back to catch intentions, had missed your post re:supplements. You are entirely right I can be way overboard OCD. Should put an intention in that regard. You'd be on the floor laughing if I told you what recently happened that I couldn't do without going to the PCP/priest/MH counselor, but can't.


     Dunes has had surgery on her wrist for a break, at her Mom's and only access is the library computer, will be going to her home soon(may be today)

    Nancy's Dad not good. It was finely determined that he had a massive stroke during surgery and is not expected to recover. There has been numerous hospital staff errors starting before surgery and happening daily.This has disheartened her greatly. Family holding onto each other.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2012

    YES happy to take the  intentions to the shrine here in AZ! See below for the website.

    looking forward to praying with all of you!! SAS you are funny, but you always poke fun at yourself so you have all the right qualities LOL, if only we could all do that so well! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012
    mmm5 you are so right , I have a lot to poke at, and sometimes it's important to have someone poke meWink
  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    mmm5 - I live in Fountain Hills, have been to the St Peregrine Shrine 3's so wonderful, isn't it? My last visit they let me pick out a prayer shawl. I sleep with it next to me every night.

    The shrine is such a wonderful idea, and you don't have to live here in Phoenix to put your intentions in, but those of us who live here can absolutely take them in person. mmm5 let me know if you want company.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    link to working copy for novena.

    mmm5 and cherilynn, that's super about going to shrine.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited August 2012

    See I'm not the only one with insomnia.  Good to hear about the Novena!

  • michelleo13
    michelleo13 Member Posts: 116
    edited August 2012

    Hello ladies and Frank,

    Sorry I haven't been in touch but we're currently enjoying a California vacation. This is our first vacation since my breast cancer diagnosis last June so it's a big milestone.

    I have been reading your news every day in my email notifications and keeping you all in my prayers.

    I would love to participate in the Novena. Here are my intentions:

    *That the good Lord will continue to give peace and strength to everyone here and all others affected by cancer in any way.

    *For everyone traveling this summer...that Jesus may protect them and return them home safely.

    Blessings to everyone!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Novena notification update: Decision is made The novena will be to ST. PEREGRINE. Unintentionally made it sound as if the novena was just for Frank. Franks change of condition triggered us to want to do a novena. The novena is for all of us on BCO and others that are added by members. The link below goes to the working copy of the combined list of intentions, If those unfamilar with a novena would like to take a look and see how it's being put together. The next paragraph is the first intention.

    Dear God---May all, of many Faiths, come together in prayer and support of each other. Jesus Christ,Mother Mary , and the Holy Court of Heaven, hear our prayers for all the sisters and brothers of BCO in this there time of need. Strengthen them and their families and let them not despair. Heal them if you will, or guide them to understanding and acceptance of your plan.

    So, if you want an intention added for you , or someonelse please PM me any time now. Probably should put this link in your favorites to refer to on Aug 14th.ST Peregrine Patron Saint of Cancer as two members are willing to take the intentions to ST Peregrines shrine near Pheonix Az. By mmm5 and Cherilynn. It is very special to take the intentions to a shrine during a novena.

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2012

    Hello sas and all! Don't know if you remember me. I am Mary whose 72 year old mom is suffering from stage iv breast cancer. I have been absent from this thread for quite awhile and I want to thank sas for the invite to the novena which has brought me back here. Truth be told, I have had a complete crisis of faith as moms condition has deteriorated. I cannot understand or accept sometimes that our Father in Heaven could allow mom to suffer so. She has always been His faithful servant. I have spent months without a prayer on my lips and I am so very sorry that I have turned from Him in this way, I have even been reluctant to fulfill my duties as a Eucharistic minister. Perhaps you all could share with me the ways in which you have kept the faith in spite of your illnesses and losses. When do you stop asking why? I feel that I have somehow failed the test. I went to the hospital a few weeks ago to give an old woman communion. She refused it. Said she was mad at God. Somehow I could understand that. Sorry this is so long. Thank you for listening. Mary

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Mary sending you as much love as I can, it brings tears, We All know your trouble, We have all been at that crisis of faith point. When we experience or see such suffering, how do we cope? Each has her/his own way. The first thing I think of --is hold on. Hold on too something. Did you know that Mother Theresa lost her faith in God sometime , I believe, it was in the 40's. Her statement was that "she no longer felt his presense" and never did for the remainder of her life. But she continued to pray and do her work. This was revealed after death. She dealt with suffering her entire life. Don't want to misspeak, but I think her loss of Faith was aslo related to the suffering she had seen.

     No one gets suffering. No words can explain it, no preaching can make it more tolerable to feel ,see, or hear. In 40 years of nursing, I never saw anyone suffer as DH did 2yrs ago, in the hours before he went into a deep restful beautiful sleep. I still question why? The Rosary, return to Mass, and coming here, especially for our novenas, have allowed me to hold on. Learning of Mother Theresa helped immensely. She held on. Not to sound whatever, I found if I kept asking why , I was paralysed. I still do ask, but have to push it away or else I can't get out of bed.

     I will put an intention in for you and Mom and family. She likely is involved in Hospice. Please, Mary Pm me and we can talk nursing/medical stuff-- best if by phone. Keep praying as Mother Thersa did. We all will be praying with you and for you. May ST. Michael surround you both and protect you from harm. Yours in Christ, sheila

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2012

    Sheila, what would I have done without your blessed post! It was like God looked down upon me and sent me an angel today! I awoke this morning intent on deleting my post of yesterday, not wanting to be discouraging to all those who already have so much on their plates. And there you were! Giving me reason to keep on praying in spite of woeful events. Maybe as humans that is all that can be expected of us- that we keep on pushing through the bad times and in spite of all and everything, give it up to Him, even though we will never understand and maybe never accept. I often think of those who survived the Holocaust, having seen the worst in human behavior and having lost loved ones in the most inhumane way possible. How did they go on? How did they find meaning? Suffering and death are the most inexplicable of human conditions. A woman on another site just posted that her life coach asked her why she thought babies cried at birth. She thought pain, taking that first breath. The coach said it is because the baby is leaving the most secure warm place it has never known. It was so happy in it's mothers womb. Now it must leave. But as soon as it's mother takes it to her breast, strokes it and consoles it, the baby stops crying. I must believe that when mom passes all of her pain and tears will likewise be wiped away in the arms of Jesus and Mary and she will be so happy. Because of you, sas, I will resolve to push through, continue my prayers, drag myself back to faith. That is all that we can do. Thank you dear sas. may God bless you always. Mary

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Mary, your words are humbling to me. I believe their are moments that are guided. I think we shared one today. I was at a point of discouragement and then to read your words, all that I was discouraged about dissipated. We were both blessed today. May you once again feel his presense and thank you for lifting me up too. God be with us , sheila

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2012

    Sheila, can we also include this young girl and her family in the novena?

    Smile Penny 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    REDWOLF---It's added re: Brooke at the end of your intention.   blessings sheila

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2012

    I have stopped believing that God owes me an explanation for the difficult parts of life any more than I expect one for the overwhelming joys that He has blessed me with.  I try to pray for acceptance of His will, and trust that however awful things may seem to me in the moment, they are a small part of His much larger plan, and are helping someone (maybe even me), even if I don't see or know how.

    I wasn't sure how to express my intention for the novena, but this morning it finally jelled:

    Please be with all of the children and young adults who are starting a new school year, especially those who have a parent currently struggling with cancer treatments, and those who have lost a parent to cancer.  Help them to find the support that they are missing because their parent isn't able to be with them the way they used to be.   

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited August 2012

    PatMom, that is very interesting because I was just thinking along those same lines last night. I thought I felt a lump in my other breast and started to freak. Then I just told God that if someone has to have it, let it be me rather than all these wonderful ladies who are so full of life, busy, doing things to live fully.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2012

    Hi everyone--I' poking in this post I read it also, but usually don't post--I am Catholic--schools and church and all.

    But I really liked what was just posted I've never gotten mad at God or blamed him in any way. I'm thankful for the blessings that I've had thru my life and just pray for strength for all the difficult times. I believe that Liife is Life both good and bad and God is our strangth inside. No matter what the outside feel or looks like. I do say my novenas to St. Jude (I like him) and the older I get I notice St. Anthony is being prayed to more. LOL and I still ofer pain and difficulty up for thesouls in purgatory. See how old I am. And I admire u'r requests it's for others so unselfish. U'r all a thoughtful caring group and it's wonderful tht this was started. 

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited August 2012

    Hi camillegal. Wow. Offering our pain and difficulty up for the souls in purgatory is a lovely thought. I have a vague memory of that practice. What a wonderful way of dealing with the - er - challenges life throws at us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2012

    Dune--do they still do or teach that--I'm so old school in thinking. As u know about eveything. LOL