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  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited August 2012

    I have not heard that mentioned in Mass recently, and I have been out of school for a while. LOL. I'm 55. However, I do remember it and would bet it is still taught.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Camillegal--thanks for joining us. Please come when you can---I have a tendancy to be bossy so ignore me if that seems to be. Thanks for your intention. It is postedWink 

    . We will be doing ST JUDE and ST ANTHONY next scheduled is a request of  mmm5 who has asked for Mary of the Miraculous Medal.

    Theresasp60 what is the current teaching on Purgatory, I know it has changed , but don't know facts

    PatMom beautiful thought

    Dunes fixed your intention please check

    To all Many have asked that Frank be in their specific intention. I put a phrase for Frank in each members intention that I could remember.  His intention is the first after the universal intention. In reading intentions you will be reading each members intention.

    If in looking at the intention list if you see any usual posters missing PM them with a reminder >>>have them PM me their intention

     Please forgive me I'm running on allot of adrenaline---thank you Lord  for taking my addiction to caffiene from me otherwise I'd be calling the squad


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    This is the link to the Archives page I will bring the novena here tonite.

    Please review your intentions for additions and deletions.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited September 2012

    Aug 11, 2012 02:27 PM, edited 26 minutes ago by sas-schatzi

                                 Novena to St. Peregrine August 14th to August 22nd

    History of st. Peregrine-- read only once to become familar with why St Peregrine is the Patron Saint to cancer an other illnesses

    St. Peregrine Laziosi is the patron saint of those suffering with cancer, HIV and other chronic illnesses. Cured of cancer after praying at the foot of a crucifix, St. Peregrine Laziosi holds a special place in the Church as well as the hearts of those individuals who either suffer or who have loved ones suffering from illnesses.

    Legend says that St. Peregrine Laziosi had stood for the better part of 30 years as penance for his slapping a priest during an anti-papal rally. The priest - who later became St. Philip - reacted, not in anger or by punching him back, simply offered the young man his other cheek to strike.

    This action so impressed Peregrine, that he not only converted to Catholicism, but entered the order of the Servites after seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary. He choose the penance of standing whenever he could after his vows into the order were heard by the same priest who he struck years earlier in Italy, Philip.

    Because of this special relationship that St. Peregrine has with the church, an abundance of novenas exist to this protector of those with diseases. A novena is a prayer with a special request. When said for nine days in a row your special requests are said to be answered. The word "novena" itself comes from the Latin word for nine.Various forms of novena are available to you if you've adopted St. Peregrine Laziosi as your patron saint. The following is a novena that is especially tailored for those suffering with cancer - the same disease that St. Peregrine Laziosi developed. The prayer is meant to be said for nine days in a row.


    St. Peregrine Novena- Said once a day with intentions for 9 days.

    Oh great Saint Peregrine,
    you, who have been called "The Mighty"
    and "The Wonder-Worker"
    because of the numerous miracles
    which you have obtained from God
    for those who have had recourse to you.
    For so many years you bore in your own flesh
    this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being,
    and who had recourse to the source of all grace
    when the power of man could do no more.
    You were favored with the vision of Jesus
    coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction.
    Ask of God and Our Lady,
    the cure of these sick persons whom we entrust to you.

    (State your intention here...)

    Aided in this way by your powerful intercession,
    we shall sing to God,
    now and for all eternity,
    a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.



    Dear God---May all, of many Faiths, come together in prayer and support of each other. ST. Perigrine Interceed upon our behalf for healing. Jesus Christ,Mother Mary , and the Holy Court of Heaven, hear our prayers for all the sisters and brothers of BCO in this there time of need. Strengthen them and their families and let them not despair. Heal them if you will, or guide them to understanding and acceptance of your plan. SAS

    Frank that his chemo challege works. That his cancer go into remission or be healed. For his Princesses and wife.

    Chabba-that my brother who has esophageal cancer, for healing and relief from complications. For Mom with MS

    Anne1962-for her son to regain his belief in God

    ChrissyB- for Marge and Wayne., they buried their son and DIL --Scott and Cindy. They were both murdered a couple of weeks ago. May their souls reside with you

    Teeballmom- for the strength to not make BC my every waking thought and that at the end of my treatment, I am cancer free to watch my small children grow up.

    Nancynow-for Dad ED G.'s repose of  his soul. aug21st. That the family be joined in faith through their belief in you. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Badger-for Chillipadi for the repose of her soul. That the beauty of the sunlight I look at each day with Chillipad in mind continue to remind me of such a wonderful person in my life.

    Kita-for my next chemo to shrink my growing tumors, and for my friend Shifali who is not doing so well with mets everywhere.

    Graceembraced- May our Lord Jesus, who is a compassionate healer, hear and answer our prayers.

    justjudie-for my son, Justin, a young man who has a serious chronic medical condition.

    Theresap60 and Skip- for Skip's brother in law whose bladder cancer returned and he too is on aggressive chemo, and Tom who has advanced melanoma.

    Redwolf8812-Thank you all for your prayers! for clear brain MRI. Healing for my liver and intestines from evidence of disease.  For Brooke 19 died of advanced breast cancer tis week. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Squidwitch-- working again on getting some balance. I am in the process of "Calling back my spirit."

    mmm5-For good health and wellbeing for my family and myself. For clarity professionally and for immediate financial support! Benign findings for all health issues for myself and and children. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing. Angela F to your prayers, late stage colon cancer with young children.

    THEFUZZYLEMON-I intend to battle the wicked, use all my strength to flip WRONGS.....and these actions literally need acts from God. I would like my sisters to have holy arms around them and holy hands to heal them. Keep my family in light and love and protect them from harm

    Kayb for peace and comfort for my friend L's mother, who just entered hospice, and for L who has been such a devoted daughter. Also for my friend K, who has begun a long and aggressive chemo regimen for advanced melanoma. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    NativeMariner- For continued healing of her cancer. Return to health, For those learning from her how to care for others that they be guided by her wisdom.

    Denise-G-heart damage from chemo - praying I can getback on Herceptin and heart will heal...

    Michello13-That the good Lord will continue to give peace and strength to everyone here and all others affected by cancer in any way. For everyone traveling this summer...that Jesus may protect them and return them home safely.

    Rabbit43-For Yvona and Tom and Anne-Marie. Yvona and Anne-Marie is battling BC and Tom is battling metastatic cancer.

    Cherilynn64-For Frank to respond to his treatment and be healed of his cancer"... For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Sas-schatzi- For sister who needs transplant, For myself to return to normalcy mentally, emotionally and physically. For DH 's repose of his soul, 2nd anniversry of his death Aug. 20th. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing. 8/12 Jose new onset chest pain/super elevated BP, in denial sent, him to ER. That LuvRVing be guided to an answer.

    Galsal-For healing and strength of body and soul following difficult surgery, that all future interventions be uneventful. For DS's safe army depoloyment in near future. DS's GF Bridgett, her Mom Donya with CA and recently deceased stepfather. That all receive healing and your bountiful strength to care for each other and recover from their grief.

    Mumtobe-Help me St. Peregrine to beat this BC and come out the other side cancer-free, with the chance to see my baby grow up, the greatest gift that God has given us. Please protect me and my family and wrap your healing arms around us

    Candie 1971- for my dad, 89 y/o, diagnosed with squamish cell skin cancer. For my mom, 83 y/o, was diagnosed with stage 2 BC, now NED. They both have agressive forms of their cancer. May the Blessed Mother keep her arms wrapped tightly around them. For this we pray.

    dogeyed GG, that the President keep close counsel with the Lord God Almighty, as he always does, for he has been given the voice for peace, the harmony for the earth, and the rhythm for the weak. That a special happiness fill the fine hearts and minds of my husband and my mother. That mercy be given to all who suffer and that the whole world be drawn together in spirit.

    Kindone please intercede for me though our Lord Jesus that my tumor marker come back normal, in Jesus name I ask

    HanzieDZ-  rosary and time spent before the Blessed Host in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. For all those here,on BCO,and especially my husband Matt (Stage IV) . St. Peregrine hear our prayers and through your divine intervention answer us!

    elmcity69- For Larry, Nathan and Elisa, Deb, Tricia, Uncle Jack, gratitude for my health, cancer free life. May it continue for many, many years. Prayers for all of you

    JanetinVirginia-Our Father in heaven, thank You for this day and for all of our many blessings. We know miracles and healing come only through You. We pray for a cure for the terrible disease cancer. Guide the hands of cancer researchers all over the world. Open their minds to understand the mysteries of cancer so they may discover the cure in Your name. As You have taught us, we believe with all our hearts that You need only say the word for this to come to pass. (Taken from her last prayer no longer active, but outcome good at last posting)

    Ruthbru-Dear God, I pray for all people struggling with treatment decisions. Grant them and their doctors wisdom as they make their choices. For jane struggling with BC. Ginger newly dx'd BC

    DiamonGirl- For continued imporevment in health and Le, For the repose of the soul of my mother, And the strengthrning of my family and sisters.

    Prayersareanswered -no longer active . Outcome unknown. Let her be within your arms Dear Lord, held tightly to you

    mkkjd60- for my Mom to ease her suffering from the last stages of BC. For me to find you Dear God, you strengthened me always, please return to me.

    msphil-God Bless All--for family and friends Salvation. Lift up my husband to be Restored back home and to set him free of his demons of alchohol. For my friends with cancer battles. For my nephew who has mental illness to be set free in Jesus Name. The Lord be with Us All.

    LittleFlower-For all the women in the world diagnosed in the past or currently battling this dreadful disease, may we find renewed strength on the days we feel our weakest, joy on the days depression threatens us, and peace in knowing that there is a better place awaiting us all, with our Lord awaiting with open arms.

    Tiger Blood-Pray for ease of fatigue. Pray for elimination of my brain mets

    Sagina and family, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed problems be revealed and treated. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Tinkertude and ALI, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed problems be revealed and treated. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Dunesleeper, that her depression be lifted and the joy of life she seeks be returned to her. Her special intention of prayer for Debbie, and Dorothy. That she and friends be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. That the answer to their undiagnosed or diagnosed problems be revealed and treated. That Dunes retirement goes well and her needs are met. For her Mom. Thanksgiving for Shells NED diagnosis.For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    For Wilson33--who will be lighting a candle for all suffering, pain, misunderstood, waiting. All emotions but mostly I shall be praying for understanding of God's will and healing through prayer, offering everything up for God - Gods blessing and prayers for the ladies and gentlemen here, on BCO, families, and friends

    For Ellendou In her battle with cancer, that her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness'

    EmilyinOntario, that her depression be lifted and the joy of life she seeks be returned to her. That she obtain the housing she wishes.

    TeresainTucson, that God's path for each of us to be clear and for each of us to have the courage to follow it. Whatever happens with our living arrangements that it goes smoothly and as stress free as possible. That each persons trust in your guidance to bring them closer to You Dear God through their acceptance of your wili

    For Kay1963, that continued recovery after surgery and conquering her LE. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness.

    For Apple,that her brain tumor responds to treatment and no other tumors grow. That her brothers Lymphoma stablizes and or go into remission. For Jenn3 that she be strengthened and cancer into remission. That Apple and Jenn's whole families be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness

    mnmom,That her financial situation improves. That she and her children are kept safe from abuse. That her whole family be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    Laura E& beaglesgirl-that they return to us. That they be strengthened.  That their work life be less stressful. That their battles with LE be conquered. That their families and friends be drawn together in belief, spirit and wellness.

    For the Moderators, that they be strengthened in their mission on BCO. That their personal lives are blessed with health, well being, love, contentment.

    lovemyfamilysomuch- will pray for all my sisters and brother Frank. Please keep my family and me in your prayers, for the strength to know and serve the Lord as He deserves, and to keep God and our Blessed Mother first in our lives.Tears of sadness and joy now for all my strong and beautiful bc sisters, and Frank, even for those days when we don't feel strong or beautiful. Praying for humilty, love of neighbor, poverty of spirit (freedom from material) obedience and piety. The fruits of the Joyful mysteries

    Torigirl- I pray that the treatments we have all received have done the job of eliminating, eradicating, and destroying every last cancer cell/malignancy in our bodies...that the any treatments we continue to take (or do) will do their jobs of preventing any recurrences or any new malignancies....that those treatments will not now or in the future cause us any damage...that we all be cured and healed from the evilness that once had invaded our bodies, and that we all live long, happy, healthy lives with all those we love...being the best versions of ourselves in the honor and glory of our Lord. I ask for blessing upon our families, that they are happy and healthy and living a life in accordance with our Lord. I ask for blessings upon all those that suffer needlessly each day...I ask for blessings for our military that do so much to keep our freedom ours...Bless my husband as he is deployed bringing him home safe and sound...bless our marriage, our love and our commitment to each other...I ask this in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN-For teeballmom, That she have a healing from her cancer.That she and her family be blessed with health, well being, love, contentment.

    nonijones- for continued health for them and family. That they be blessed with health, well being, love and contentment

    Rohanna-- whose life and beliefs are in need, whose dear friend Marsha, went for a simple procedure and contracted staph and has passed away. For her friends, family and Ro that grieves for her. That they find contentment and peace through you Oh Lord.

    PatMom--Please be with all of the children and young adults who are starting a new school year, especially those who have a parent currently struggling with cancer treatments, and those who have lost a parent to cancer. Help them to find the support that they are missing because their parent isn't able to be with them the way they used to be.

    Camillegal-for the Healthof all young people. For Frank and all that come here in your name St Perigrine for healing.

    whippetmom- Heavenly Father, please give hope and encouragement to those who are suffering so under the burden of this terrible disease. I pray for Frank and for all of those impacted by breast cancer. Please let them come to know You through their travails and to know how much they are loved by You. Amen...

    Sagina- For those afflicted with illness that God protect them as His humble children from those employers that don't understand the transformation that occurs and that they can be patient as the ill heal. For all my BC sisters that have lost their employment due to cancer.

    Crog234-Thanksgiving for surgery and therapy that improved ability to walk after complictions following BC. Now facing more surgery, strengthen me to cope. it's been along journey and I need you.

    SimpleyAudrey: For my mom Hilda who has been gone awhile. I still talk with her. She always calmed my spirit and continues to do so. Her belief in you was an inspiration to the whole family. Dear God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Mom Hilda keep be strong in my battles against those earthly things that will harm me.

    Redwolf8812:for MaryB for >14 years fought this cursed disease. She lives a life of giving to others, to help them face the troubles. Always guiding to ease someones fears. Look now upon her with your benevolent heart and guide her gently.

    bcbarbie10pray for me for courage and physical strength to finish chemo.

    Lovetocook:God you've known me long, I've lost sight of you, I need to find you again, let the doubt be gone, I will trust in you to guide me. For all that have a crisis of faith and changes of conditions

    DianeEssa prayers for deep and abiding peace for all sisters

    She-For Thanksgiving for remission  BC problems, safety for trip, DS's well being. Healing for bCO sisters/brothers


    Thanks be to God for each moment of grace that comes from His love every day, all day.

    Thanks be to God for the opportunity to share His love every day, all day.

    Thanks be to God for the courage and strength to carry out His will for us every day, all day.

    Thanks be to God for those who have gone before us, have shared their love with us, and showed us how to live the way Christ asks us to live.

    For Unity of Belief in God through praying , That our individual Faith be strengthened by our coming together.

    Jewish "Daily Prayer for the Sick"

    Mishebeirach Avoteinu m'kor ha-bracha L'imoteinu.
    May the Source of Strength Who blessed the ones before us, help us find
    the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say, Amein.

    Mi shebeirach imoteinu m'kor ha-bracha l'avoteinu.
    Bless those in need of healing with refuah shleimah, the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say,

    Please accept our prayers for Frank and all other members who need our prayer assistance.

    ronqt1, sgreenarch, Voraciousreader


    Rememberance of a of all our Deceased sisters and brothers-Dear God Hold them in your cloak, they are released from this life to enter eternal life.

    Catholic intentions thread

    Catholic discussion thread

    Catholic Archives thread

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2012

    Sas u typed all of this---I would have been up all nite doing this.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012
    Camillegal, I started last tues and I'm sure glad I did,  Allot is C&P too. I'm just finishing notifying everyone that's listed. and it's 1;35 am. WE will storm heaven with our prayers. So glad you joined usCool sheila/sassy/sas
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2012

    Well u really put u'r heart into this --u'r quite a woman

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    Thank you for all your hard work Sheila. I have listed our Novena on the intentions tonight at People from all over the world are praying together, and I asked for everyone to bless us as we ask for a successful Novena to St Perergrine.

    And mmm5 and I are private messaging about a day this/next week during the Novena that we can take the intentions to the St Peregrine shrine. When I went there the 2nd time, I put my intention in the miniature Wailing Wall which we can do with our intentions. So happy we can do this for everyone!

    Thanks again to Sheila for all her hard work cooridinating and typing those all up!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Thank you ladies, And a turn around thanks to cherilynn and mmm5 for taking The intentions to the shrine. Cooperation one and all. Right now there are 60 people on the list if I counted correctly. And many Faiths represented. Laura E's  ecumenicism in action. Also, many different threads,but we will not be able to post notifications on the threads except our own in the future, spamming rules.  Mods notified me the other day. So, we will deall with it. ANYONE wanting something altered PM me. Off to bed.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    When John Kavanaugh went to work for 3 months at "the house of the dying" in Calcutta, he was seeking a clear answer as to how best to spend the rest of his life. On the first morning there he met Mother Teresa. She asked, "And what can I do for you?" Kavanaugh asked her to pray for him.
    "What do you want me to pray for?" she asked. He voiced the request that he had borne thousands of miles from the United States. "Pray that I have clarity."
    She said firmly, "No, I will not do that." When he asked her why, she said, "Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of." When Kavanaugh commented that she always seemed to have the clarity he longed for, she laughed and said, "I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. So I will pray that you will trust God."

    I heard this on the radio this morning, so I pray for trust for each of us. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Sagina, Re: Mother Theresa, That follows according  to what was revealed from her letters after her death. Nice story

    To all made revisions and additions pm'd to me. Back to sleep. Forgot to take phone off the hook and mutual fund guy called.  will check again when I get up

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012

    Hello all,

    I want to thank Sas for inviting me to this Novena.  I will join you all in this Novena.

    I think of you all often and you are ALL in my prayers.

    May God Bless us ALL and our prayers answered.

    Peace and Love

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Helloooo Diamond girl glad to have you back. I know you work long hours and it's hard in those circumstances, think of you often miss you. Squid checked in about a month+ ago. Said she was ok and trying to find balance in her life. Theresa was professed as a Lay Franciscan in June in case you didn't know. L&H&P's sheila

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2012

    Hi Ladies and Gentlemen!

    I have posted links to the Two other Catholic threads on BCO above:

    Prayer Archives and Prayer Intentions:

    Thanks for the idea SHEILA !

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    Wow... it's difficult keeping up with so much activity on the thread!  That is good!  Sheila, I'm glad you sent me a ping as I was thinking the novena started on the 16th.  It's tomorrow!  Skip is driving as we speak to Seattle.  I couldn't take all that time off of work, so I am flying out on Friday and we will drive back together.  I've never seen most of this beautiful country, so I'm kind of excited and nervous.  His Mom sold her house quicker than she expected and is moving into a retirement apartment, so all the kids have to come and get stuff.  I wanted Skip to fly and pack a POD, but noooooo.  He wanted to drive his truck and haul a U-Haul trailer back.  So I'm excited and nervous, needless to say.  We will not have sight-seeing time.

    So much goes on in my little, cramped mind all the time.  I've made so many stupid decisions in my life, that making the littlest decision seems to take me forever, then I doubt myself. LOL  We are so close to cashing in our chips and giving up the big careers, but it's very stressful too.  That's when I have to pull on God... He has seen me through a lot worse and will continue to send His blessings.

    Well, I did take myself off of Tamoxifen and found a couple of surprises.  The good news is that my brain fog completely lifted.  But my bloodwork for the fatty liver is still showing fatty liver and my uric acid is still up a tad, so she still wants me to see a doctor for arthritis. I thought the weight would drop off, and it didn't.  I thought my joint pain would go away but it didn't. I was blaming a lot of my ailments on Tamoxifen and it wasn't the cause... except the brain fog.  I see my Onc this month and she's going to not be happy.  I'm not sure what to do at this point... drugs are a blessing and a curse.

    One of the paths that I've been walking down with St. Francis is the terrible and awesome path of perfect joy.  Perfect joy for us is not praise, knowledge, clear paths, etc.  Perfect joy is suffering. "Above all the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit which Christ gives to His friends is that of conquering oneself and willingly enduring sufferings, insults, humiliations, and hardships for the love of Christ. For we cannot glory in all those other marvelous gifts of God, as they are not ours but God's, as the Apostle says: 'What have you that you have not received?' But we can glory in the cross of tribulations and afflictions, because that is ours, and so the Apostle says: 'I will not glory save in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.'"

    That's a very hard pill to swallow! But it's true.  We must do everything, good or bad circumstances, for the love of Christ!  That is all we have that is OURS.  We own it.  What do we do with it, but turn it over to Christ who will refine it in gold!  I was thinking about a particular suffering and it dawned on me that if I conquer that suffering, offer it for something I may have done in the past, then it will be less time suffering in purgatory!!  I've heard it before... suffer on earth for your sins and others so you will have less time in purgatory... makes sense.... there is a purer soul going to heaven at that point.  The Saints knew it!  That's why suffering to them was not a bad thing.  Purify me now while I have loved ones to help and encourage me!! Just like confessions.  "Hey, God forgave me and I did the penance Father gave me, I'm good to go."  No, you're not!  You do penance that Father gave you as reparation for sinning against God.  You still need to make amends!  That's just like purgatory.  We still need to make amends.  Like dropping a glass of milk on the floor.  You can say you're sorry and be forgiven, but you can't walk away without cleaning it up!!  Wouldn't that be a horrible thing to do?  That's childish and selfish.  We have to get down on our hands and knees and carefully pick up the broken pieces of glass and mop up the mess we made.  We do it while we are on earth, or we do it in purgatory.  Do it here!!!!  Even offer it to those poor souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them!  It would be like a fresh, spring breeze and cool water for their weary souls.

    God is GOOD!  Pax et bonum!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Theresa Love to see you Did that answer the earlier question about the churches current stand on purgatory.  Sweetie hate to tell you this as I can tell, that you are screwed up on dates Today is the 14th. The novena starts today. Your last post re:family I put in as your intention. L&H&P's sheila

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2012

    Thank you sas for starting this novena this day. I am here in prayer for you and all others who suffer. Through the intercession of st. Peregrine, may God relieve their suffering and bring them peace. Gods love to all. Mary

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Laura Thank you so much for the link to the other two. For me I knew there was going to be alot of travel between the three doing the novena work---inspiration, put it in the header, next inspiration put it in the inspiration WRITE laura. Remeber all the time we wrote posts on how to get to the other two. Duh, now it seems sooooo simple. I smile and giggle about it.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2012

    Shiela, thank you for the note about Frank and the novena. Like Mary, I have been experiencing a crisis of faith. But this news has brought me back to the thred. I will be doing the novena and praying as hard as I can for Frank and all the other intentions. I have a few friends on some of the other threads who have also had some disheartening news on their cancer. Please add all of these to the intention and also those of us who are experiencing crises of faith. God bless all of you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    LTC--if you can get me their first names --it will be done .

    LTC I will write the intention tocover both circumstances, Actually the first intention does ,except for crisis in faith. But i'll do it and then may be you can have their first names back by then

     b/c of the post below I'm going to just leave it alone. The first intention covers our condition changes. I will add the names when you bring them .I think the answer you were seeking has been given.

    Edit 3:26 my dear friend long edit just wiped out by windows update with no warning to save , I suppose just as well. Let's just say Namaste I know you remeber well when we used it Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    LoveToCook---I wrote as you asked, my mouse has had trouble making tbe bold button work for the last couple of hours, but worked on my last post on another thread just before I came here. I tried to bold your name multiple times , wrote the intention, got stuck at the word gone as to what to write next. Thought of Sagina's post earlier re:the story of Mother Theresa saying to the man who prayed for clarity. Mother Theresa told him to trust.I said a short Mother Theresa help me. I typed the word I and it was in bold, I retryed to bold your name. several times. Went back and the words came out in bold, retried to bold your name nada, finished the "in you to guide me". Tried to bold them several times--- nada. I'm not going to try again. Make of it what you will.

     The following is a C&P from the novena intention.(.EDIT I just answered a pm. I didn't need to bold something did it just to try --worked at first try)

    Lovetocook:God you've known me long, I've lost sight of you, I need to find you again, let the doubt be gone, I will trust in you to guide me.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Mary, you have given inspiration to LTC to come here and she is bringing others to be prayed for. I think LTC saw your post on the previous page b/c their is no mention in the above post of a crisis of faith. You and I talked of Mother Theresa. Sagina built on that and gave us a story of Mother Theresa talking of what someone should pray to God for and that was --Trust. LTC saw your words and decided to come--those are her words.  Then another story occurred in trying to meet the need of  LTC and out of that came the word --Trust. In a very short span - Trust has become a very BIG word. Our novena  to ST Pereigrine is being watched over by Mother Theresa. It makes sense. She lived her life helping the suffering, while she had lost the feeling of the presense of God in her life, but trusted him to guide her. She comes here knowing that we all question why? When we question why, we are really questioning a loss of trust in a belief.  Then we come into crisis. I believed. What I believed no longer seems true. If what I believed no longer is true, then was my belief false.

     So, why are we praying. If we do as Mother Theresa did, once she lost the feeling of the presense of God. She fell back to a trust that her beliefs were true, but that she didn't feel his presence. She moved forward on trust.  She brings to us that our answer to our crisis of faith is ---we must trust.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited August 2012

    Sassy - have been so scattered, did not get to the novena in time to start.  If I can be added a day late but not short, then please place for me "deep peace" that is all for me and for all of us.  Deep peace.  Thank you.  Diane Essa

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Dear Essa it is done, changed it a little, but I have to go back and look---deep and abiding peace  for all sisters --For some reason those two words go together--the bible, a poem, something--okay ? Love to have you here  Thank you  L&H&P's sheila

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Sheila!  Needless to say, I need to reel myself in and know what today's date is! LOL 

    I guess I'm not sure about the earlier question about the Church's "current" stand on purgatory.  I can't go back and look.  I don't think the Church has changed her stand on purgatory.  I think the teaching has always been the same.  We can never be pure enough to enter God's purity in Heaven, so we spend time repenting here on earth or in purgatory until we are crystal clean.  Here, the Catechism of the Catholic Church can explain it far better than I can!


    1030 All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven.

    1031 The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire:

    As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire. He who is truth says that whoever utters blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be pardoned neither in this age nor in the age to come. From this sentence we understand that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come.

    1032 This teaching is also based on the practice of prayer for the dead, already mentioned in Sacred Scripture: "Therefore [Judas Maccabeus] made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin." From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead:

    Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2012

    Praying with all of you on this 2nd day of Novena. Welcome to all we are blessed to be here together!

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2012

    I'm here everyone, in prayer and thanksgiving tonight with all of you. So thankful for sas and everyone who has encouraged me to push through with trust in God. Love to cook! So happy you are here with us. I close my eyes and picture all of us holding hands lifting up all our cares to Our Lord. Take them,Lord, they are too heavy for us. God bless all of you.Mary

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    Wth you , Mary, WE will rock heaven

    Michelle- blessed  tobe with you. Thank you for all the guidance in the PM's. Truly makes it easy to have a "go to person" with questions.

    Essa So glad you joined us--intention in and resent instructions

    Theresa---glad days are straightened out. I tried to say it as gently as possible. You and Skip really thinking about retiring. WOW.

    It's really nice seeing old friends here, Diamond girl, LoveToCOOK,Mary, sagina/PatMom/Michello  Now we just need to see torigirl/LMFSM/Tink/dreaming  Laura popped in and was gone, but oh so thank her for the link in the header. Frank hasn't checked in since More than a week. All we would need to make it complete would be Squid to come and share an Angel story. Who have I missed? Ah Cherilynn thanks for all your help too. Dunes Camillegal, Redwolf :)

     Thanks to all Participating , it is a joyful time together in the sence of unity of prayer for all those offering intentions. In the spirit of Ecumenicism--so many Faiths coming together to prayer for our common problems.

     oops thresa you'll laugh at this I'm off time track need to say novena, can'tremeber if I said it in the middle of last night , think so, but will redo just in case.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2012

    Still praying. God bess everyone and thank you for te encouragement.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    LTC----L&H&P's sweetie>>>>>Think Trust----I could tell the story to Mary b/c I saw a biography of Mother Theresa's life, happenstance that I was there to respond, but I did not know about the trust that she based the rest of her life on. Sagina read the response>>>happenstance that she heard the story that day on the radio about the "Trust"story for prayer. She posted. I saw her story. You posted, happenstance that I was there to respond .  The two stories of her life together, makes total sense, why she responded to the young man to pray that he trust in God. The young man didn't know that she had a crisis of faith that existed for the remainder of her life (50-60 years). She trusted that God would  guide her, even though , she didn't feel his presense. Sounds like allot of happenstance to me. WE all came together at the right time, in the same place, when a need was present. Not just us 4 were involved , but many. Mary and you could have PM'd me. I would not have reposted to the thread. Sagina wouldn't have known Mary"s story,and perhaps wouldn't have thought to post what she heard. I wouldn't have made the connection between the two stories, to be able to respond to you. AND that's why I believed it was guided. It's changing me, dear friend Namaste sheila