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  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Zaranth, I think we all feel kind of like we got cheated at first. I went through the same lists of good behaviors with my oncologist (minus the health nut one) but all the rest, not a drinker, not a smoker, blah, blah, blah. My oncologist just looked at me and said, "the two most risky behaviors breast cancer patients do is being a woman and getting older. If you could have avoided those one of those two things you'd likely not be sitting here." So there we all sit. Check out the "starting chemo" boards as well. I'm sure they will help answer any questions you might have. Any board I've been a part of has been a real help to me, not just in answering questions, but in the fact they are, or have been, where you are now. Welcome, and wishing you all the best

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Zaranth, welcome! For what it's worth, I put off reconstruction for various reasons, and now it has been 5 years, and I really can't imagine ever doing it. It is definitely an adjustment, but you'll get there. As for Greece, make the trip! Dh and I went to Paris between my 5th and 6th chemo and it was great. Besides, you can visit me! Be happy to show you around.

  • Kayla250
    Kayla250 Member Posts: 125

    I total agree with you Zaranth, it is an unbelievable injustice that we are all here. I too, had to go through the stages of grief. For that matter, I still go through them from time to time. Allow yourself to do this, it is your right. But know you are not alone and people just like you are here to find a safe place to fall. I had a lumpectomy because I wasn't able to reconcile a mastectomy, three years later I am facing a recurrence and am regretting that decision. Recurrence is not comfirmed yet and I pray it isn't so, this is why I'm on these boards, because no one is my "world" quite understands my fear, my anguish, my anger, except maybe you. Hang in there

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Hi to the new members. I share your rage. I had regular mammos, but my C was never detected because it is "occult, amorphic" which means hidden, without shape. You can't even see it on digital mammos. The only way it was dx'd was thru dye infused CT scan. So, the beast had been living in me for God knows how long, and by the time I started having crippling back pain, I was too far gone. C is now in my spine, hips, pelvis, ribs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, abdominal wall, etc.

    Pissed is the understatement of the century as I did everything right too. I had to quit a job I had for over 20 years because the pain is too much now. I'm only 58, but I feel like I'm 88. I have lost 2 inches in height because cancer has eaten up my spine, and I have to use a walker and canes to get around. I've also suffered several compression fractures in my ribs and spine.

    Despite this living hell, I'm still here after almost a year. I just returned from Joshua Tree National Park (even tho it took a lot out of me and I had to camp out in my La-Z-Boy massage recliner for 2 days after), and I'm trying to make the best of whatever time I have left. Hopefully I will live long enough to see my DD graduate from college. No boyfriends on the horizon yet, so I might not make it to her wedding.

    Pondering my compressed life...


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    kkuziel - yes, there are quite a few of us on Prolia. There are several threads with details & questions & stories on BCO. I just had my second shot the first of this month. I have no discomfort or SEs from the shot. I did research and had any major dental issues taken care of before I started, and I understand I shouldn't have an extraction or an implant w/o waiting 6 months until the drug is out of my body. So far, so good. Of course since we can only get a DEXA scan every 2 years, I won't know for awhile if it's working. It's my understanding that the benefits/results take a while to show up anyway.

  • Kayla250
    Kayla250 Member Posts: 125

    Lita57, I don't even know what to say,wow? I hope your pain is controllable,I hope you continue to have the strength to do as much as possible. You are an inspiration to me, to say the least. ,

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Omg, if we could just drink water why do they make us drink that radioactive crap!

    It's like at my 2nd pelvic ultrasound the tech says to me, oh honey you don't need to drink as much water as they tell you. You are too full! Sheesh!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Kayla, thanks. Pain is getting worse. Next scan will tell the tale in 2 weeks. hope things aren't growing too much.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lita- you are my inspiration 👍. We have all been cheated! I was 43 when first diagnosed. Today is 3 days since my chemo number ten. I ache all over and my skin hurts over my entire body. Feels like a really bad sun burn. My fingers are stiff but I am determined to finish the scarf I am crocheting for my little grandson.

    Zananth- do you know what kind of chemo you will be doing? I am on Taxol indefinitely 😢.

  • Zaranth
    Zaranth Member Posts: 4

    Momine, I can't imagine travelling in the middle of chemo, good for you! I would probably catch some bug like I usually do on a long international flight. I will get to Greece some day, but it's going to take longer than I thought.

    Lita57, you are amazing, and I don't think I would have the same courage or perseverance. You are an inspiration.

    Kkuziel, thanks for putting it in perspective for me, you are right, cancer doesn't care what kind of life you live it will still pick you. My surgeon had a sense of humor about it when I complained about the not drinking/smoking he just laughed and said maybe you should have, then added "well maybe not the smoking".

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Diana...Taxol is pretty rough from what I've heard. Have a Zometa infusion tomorrow. They tell me to take an antihistamine 1 hr b4 because I've had weird se's (left side of my face goes totally numb-rare but it does happen with Zometa).

    Starting to get a little tired of this because it's coming up on a year now. Still grappling with the fact that this is the way it's going to be for the rest of my life - infusions, joint pain, mind-numbing fatigue, and my ever faithful companion, Mr. Diarrhea!!! 😥😣

    Take it easy everyone, and try to be grateful for whatever little joys in life you can find.

  • stellamaris
    stellamaris Member Posts: 313

    KKuziel..i have been put on Prolia because my bone scan showed osteopenia in my hips and osteoporosis in my spine. I have had one shot, and will have the 2nd in May. I wouldn't even have known about the osteoporosis if i hadn't had the bone scan, which was only prescribed because of having to take the letrozole. So far no side effects. I am also taking vitamin D.

  • stellamaris
    stellamaris Member Posts: 313

    KKuziel..i have been put on Prolia because my bone scan showed osteopenia in my hips and osteoporosis in my spine. I have had one shot, and will have the 2nd in May. I wouldn't even have known about the osteoporosis if i hadn't had the bone scan, which was only prescribed because of having to take the letrozole. So far no side effects. I am also taking vitamin D.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    You ALL are my inspirations! Peace!!!

    (Love the topper E!)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Zaranth, the onc who took care of me had a mantra, which was "live your life!" She is the one who OKed the trip. But even if you don't take vacations during chemo, keep in mind that the last week before the next infusion, you usually feel pretty close to normal. So, I scheduled the fun stuff for that week.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Zaranth! Sounds like BC ruined the holidays for you this year, but there is just NO good time to get BC, believe me. I know everything about the treatment sounds daunting, but you'll manage just like the women here and we are a wid range of normal ladies, not superwomen. You can do it. Life does not stop for your BC. You will be able to take part in some things, but just do not overextend yourself. Pick and choose how to use what energy you have. It does help to get on a chemo thread with others go through it at the same time. Comparing notes helps a lot. We will be here for your questions and for support. Let us know which chemo you will be on...and best of luck with it.

    Welcome, Kayla250!

    LIta57, I know you will keep us posted about your scans. Hoping for the positive on them. Also, hope you can get the pain under control. LIke your pic at Joshua Tree!

  • Zaranth
    Zaranth Member Posts: 4

    Thanks elimar, I'm still in the middle of the shock of the diagnosis and surgery. It all happened quite fast for me. I'm sure the dust will start to settle. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself when it comes to what I get accomplished each day, but I hate being inactive, and all I'm doing is sitting here worrying about what the affects of the chemo might be. Got started on a quilt project today, though, maybe that will distract me some.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    went yesterday to have my naphostomy tube changed out. Was shocked when he said the dye went through and we can cap it off and if things go well take the tube out in a week. It is capped where it comes out my back and if it doesn't work I can attach a tube and bag myself. After 6 months it sure felt good to sleep without a bag strapped to my leg. Had to get up twice to pee but not complaining 😎. Now to work on bladder control. Good news is the Taxol must be working. Today is day three since chemo and all my skin from head to toe hurts to touch and feels like a bad sunburn. Weird dam side effect. Hope everyone is doing great

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    D-rose, I just bet it did feel great to ditch that awful little leg accessory. Bad enough all the stuff they do to us in surgery suites and treatment lounges, but those "carry-out" treatments that we take home attached to our bodies are the worst! Good riddance, I say.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Piss on that "carry out". Hope all goes as planned!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sunday morning and still peeing on my own 👍. Doc says if tube comes out in a week it will take two weeks for the hole in my back to heal. Hot bath with some lavender epsom salt just might be in my future. 😎. Fatigue, body aches, skin sore and dry mouth are my chemo side effects right now. Biotene works for all of 5 minutes. Any suggestions on a different product. My tongue is the worst.

    Not sure if I posted this yet or not (chemo brain) but I am going to take all my recipes and publish a cookbook. I would love to have a section of favorite recipes from my friends here on BC. If you have a favorite recipe you would like to include PM me and I will give you my address to mail it to. My friend is going to help me put it all together. I already have about 50 orders. Should be fun. DH came up with the idea.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Diana, I think that is a great idea about a cookbook. Would it be just bakery items or the full gamut of food stuffs?

    I have been practicing a GF, DF, YF, SF (gluten, dairy, yeast and sugar free) diet. ha ha leaves very little food, I know!

    This thrust is just staying around where it is not wanted!!! Gone on a stronger med (just diflucan) to kick it's butt!

    But it has killed my taste buds and eating has lost it's joy. So I am on to reorganizing, rearranging, and revamping! I feel like I have been asleep for awhile and just woke up and looked around and said oh my gosh, look at this place it's a mess!

    eph, you crack me up!

    I shared that meme because I printed it out and pasted it onto the door to my mud room so I see it as I am leaving the house. A little inspiration for our days!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Mac- the book will have a little of everything. My diet is the opposite of yours lol. Just had a pop tart 😎

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Hooray for progress on the tube front!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Having a bone scan and CT scan this morning. I get really stressed having them. Feel free to join me and bring snacks. Lots of snacks! No restrictions 😎.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Diana...Good Luck, the munchies are here...Nerdy

    Image result for sugar snacks

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


    Getting ready to go to work, so for me it's breakfast time!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Diana, how'd it go?

    keeping you in my prayers!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Scans went ok. Still hadto drink some kink of chalk shake. Snacks were great! Thanks! I hurt all over after and came home and went to bed. I think being stressed and lying on the cold hard tables didn't help. My back really hurt and hoping it's not due to my spine met. Will get results Thursday before chemo. Also will be doing a tumor marker Thursday. I know everything must be better then the last ones as I can eat and pee now. Never would have thought I would be excited about having to get up in the night to pee again lol.

    Native Mainer- hope you stay warm and cozy for our two day snow ❄️ st