
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    No more contact from Medical personnel today.  I hope I find out more tomorrow.  I've already had to take Monday off without pay.  At least I could squeeze in a couplpe of more appointments.  Thank you for the hugs.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK Meece, I am sorry too that you are having to go thru this crap!  If I were you, I'd PM Nativemainer, give her the #'s and turn her loose!  NM-Kleenex is the one who mentioned she had a list for you, but I think I might too.  I keep getting calls from my "fabulous" doctors offices who have been paid mucho dollars thru my insurance and they are all threatening to send me to collections cause I can't give them each more that $10 a month-there's about 10 of them.  As I told them in my letter, cancer is not the way to build your savings account. l'm behind in everything and no winning lottery ticket hitting my palm!  I need some cheetos with my whine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Eph3_12:  In Maine a health care provider can't send an account to collections as long as there is a regular payment being made.  I'm still paying $1 a month on a bunch of accounts just to get some satisfaction of costing them more to process the check than they get out of it, but they have to credit it to my account. I'll bet there's a similar regulation in your state.  They made my life miserable and this is the only way I have to get back at them, since they won't listen to me. 

    Don't you just love the "compassionate" care we get when it comes to the financial part of cancer care?  

  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41

    Kleenex - I couldn't have said it better!   Have a great day all of you wonderful women!!!!!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Gina - Some women find that they have to sleep semi-upright in a recliner until they're farther along with the healing process. Do you have some way to sleep somewhat upright?

    NativeMainer - I think perhaps we have an idea here that could bring you big bucks! People could pay you to use your... assertiveness to get things done - or at least communicated - for them! Still working on my list. A friend of mine has some family issues lately: mother sick and irrational, sister in denial, brother not talking to sister. Do you handle fruitcake family members, or are your services just limited to dealing with bad customer service? Sealed

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    NM, I could use your services!!!

    Called my ins. this morning.  They have no pre-authorizations for any procedures in line for me.  Called Dr. office back about the MRi, and I was told they must not need the authorization.  And...Daisy is away from her desk and will call me back this afternoon about the other procedures.  This is the same Daisy that forgot to put my Dr. orders int he system in Sept for my bx, and gave me the wrong radiology dept to call to schedule the bx.  She's a flake!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    kleenex--I'll take care of doc's offices, scheduing appointments, and filing complaints with state and federal agencies, but NO WAY to do I deal with insane family members!  Being an obnoxious patient advocate is one thing, trying to deal with crazy familly members can get me hurt, and I'm morally opposed to pain! 

    Meece--Oh, dear, Daisy is truly a flake!  I'm thinking it's time to have a chat with her supervisor, or at least to be talking with the office manager or doc, daily, until all this gets squared away.  You might want to start going to Daisy's desk after every appointment and sitting/standing there until she takes care of everything properly.  It absolutely fries me that any of us have to resort to this kind of effort to get people to do their job properly.  

    Oh. my, I need a drink.  I'm going back to the drinking thread!

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Hi Gals, Thanks for the post.I feel so Blessed to find this site,I appreciate what everyone says & have learn alot from all of you.I haven't posted much lately due to crying spells.

     I went to Surgeon today, I did get one drain out but still have one that still drainge is 50ish in 24 hrs, So He won't do 1st filler until both drains are gone. I go back next week. I been very boo-hoo today some may be cause of being 3 week post-op & still haivng gotten my 1st filler & I am still having  bad rib pain from expander & sleeping on my back is hard.  I am just not recovery as fast as I want. Have to get back to work soon my vac is running out. Plus I am now on Tamoxifen ( for 5 years) so it may be making me moody.

    I hope all of you are doing well, feeling stronger every day!

    Prayers & Many Thanks .Gina

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    (((Gina))) you can boo-hoo here any time.  We get it.

     I had a breakthrough this afternoon.  Daisy called with the approval for the MRI (She left a message and asked me to call if I needed anything else)  DUH! The other approvals!  So I called and believe it ort not, in just 30 minutes, she had the approval for the CT Scan and the CT Lab called me to schedule.  I am in for Monday afternoon, and I can have the bloodwork done right after the MRI in the morning!  Three appts in one day!! Hurray!! Well, Daisy, how about my Mammo?  Hmm she didn't look for that one.  Oh, yes, she found it and because it is diagnostic, I can go ahead and schedule it without the Approval.  I also got my Onc appt. rescheduled. 

    Now all that is left for this month is the mammo, my PS follow-up and an appointment with an allergist.  I feel a bit less stressed even with this schedule looming.  NM, tell me more about this drinking thread....

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Woot woot, Meece!  That's great news!  Let's find that drinking thread and toast your good day!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Somebody please tell me where the drinking thread is.  I love a good party.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have had a migraine the entire day thanks to Cymbalta.  I tried to take my mind off of it by watching the Winter Olympics, and it was one of my favorite events today:  Curling.  Men's curling.  Right off the bat I'm gonna tell you that I will watch any sport with men holding brooms.  (They actually look more like Swiffers now but so long as it is a cleaning implement...)  Since I rarely see that in my real life, I find it riviting.  I could watch for hours.  You know this sport/game had to be invented by a man though.  A woman would be like, "What!  I have to sweep?  That sounds like work"  

                                 150 Pictures, Images and Photos

    Meece, glad things are finally moving along; and ReginaR, my Tamox. did make me tearful but only for about a week. Lack of good sleep and constant pain in the ribs would make anyone cry.  Hoping you can hurry up and heal!

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97
     Hey Gals, Thanks for all the great post. But I have a ? for any of you that had drain tubes after surgery. The Surgeon took 1 out yesterday ,left  the other cause it was 50cc -(24hrs) & then this Morning I Got 70cc, 20cc more than yesterday. Is that normal? I wondering if it because  he took the other one out ?

     Thanks for letting be vent!



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Gina, it's pretty common for the levels to fluctuate based on your physical movement. I found when I did nothing they drained better! Go figure. Maybe when we move a lot our body absorbs more? Undecided

    As for the last one draining more, did you have a bilat or uni? I had a bilat, so my drains were quite separate.

    Keep it in as long as possible! The buildup of fluid after can be quite uncomfortable if it's taken out too soon. My skin didn't adhere to my muscle properly and I have mild tuncal LE where I had a seroma.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Regina--crying spells are actually normal for those of us in this club.  It's 1 month shy of 3 years since my diagnosis and I still have crying jags at times. Try not to worry about them, hard as it is.  Me, I used to do anything I could to avoid crying in public, now I just assume that I'm going to cry at every doctor's appointment--in fact I'm aiming for a record of crying at every doctor's appointment for 5 years.  I've got just a couple years to go! 

    Meece--Yipee!  Things are finally falling into place for you!  It's about time, in my book.  

    elimar--I'm so sorry you had a migraine on the Cylexa.  I used to have migraines, but they stopped when I got my blood pressure under control (I had really high blood pressure).  I hope that passes soon and doesn't come back. 

    For everyone who is intersted in the Hot TaTa Lounge, where the TaTaTenders, Pants and Jocks can mix any kind of drink imaginable, will bring them to the pool or hot tub, keep the mimosa fountains full, give great massages and generally treat us like queens--here's the link: 


    Welcome, ladies!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    NM, they must have begun falling into place because word got out I was gonna sick you on 'em!  Amazing that Daisy couldn't get approvals in the past 5 weeks, but when I nailed her down yesterday, she got them in 35 minutes.  Go figure.

    Going to be busy this weekend, so if I don't get by here later, have a great weekend, everyone!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611






  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    LOL seyla!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Daisy is Dizzy, too.  Mary, however followed up very well today, as she is the one who had to arrange for my meds because I am allergic to iodine contrast.  She called me to tell me she hadn't forgot about me, she also called to tell me exactly when she call the rx in, and gave me further information as well.  Maybe there are notes in my file now.... "Meece can be pushed just so far."

    Like a ational Mexican fast food chain restaurant tonight,  We were tired and wanted to grab a bite on the way home.  Ordered and 25 minutes later our order still wasn't up.  We had to ask for our money back.  I called their "hotline" on the way home and they don't take calls past 10 pm CST. They'll hear from me tomorrow.  A National Seafood chain heard from me several months ago and ended up comping us a couple of dinners.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm noticing a trend here...customer service just is not what it is supposed to be.  We kind of accept it from the minimum wage fast food teen workers, but when you come across that same inattentive attitude among health care providers it's even more disturbing.

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    elimar -

    I took Cymbalta for chronic back pain for about 6 months and it really does help with aches and pains.  I suffered no side effects other than being a little spacey for about 2 weeks, but it wasn't anything bad.  I was still able to function.  That went away soon and I felt just fine.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Thanks d-222b, I hope it goes something like that for me too  The migraine is gone today.  I do feel the spaciness, but not much.  Dr. started me on 30mg., supposed to go to 60mg. after a week. 
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My saga continues.  My dr. called in two rx for me for my CT on Monday.  i went to my pharmace and asked for them, and he told me in broken enlish that there was only one.  I told him absolutely not, and he said absolutely my dr. did not give them a rx for two.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Luckily they had the one I am to take 24 hours in advance.  There's no way I can get to the pharmacy on Monday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Oh. boy meece, it never ends, does it? 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I guess it doesn't.  I have to leave at 4:30 am fro my appointment, so I guess once I get there, I can contact my drs office and see if they can get me the rx at that time.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Elimar, what is the picture of for this weekend?  I can't figure it out.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's a poor-quality pic of a Salvador Dali painting called "The Metamorphosis of Narcissus."  Just one that I like.  Narcissus is from Greek mythology.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    Sending hugs & encouragement, sweet sister.

    Keep breathing.

    I saw a "Ziggy" cartoon this afternoon, the caption was a list that read:

    1. Inhale.

    2. Exhale.

    3. Inahle.

    4. Exhale.

    5. Inhale.

    6. Exhale.

    7. Inhale.

    8. Exhale.

    9. Inhale.


    You get the idea.

    One foot in front of the other.

    Ya-da. Ya-da.


    Strength and courage.

    Strength and courage.

    Strength and courage.

  • Ainm
    Ainm Member Posts: 362

    Hello, just popping in to say hi. I had a busy weekend, DS and DD both home for the weekend and I was looking after mum too. Just having a cup of tea and relaxing before bedtime.  Cold here - but the fire is lighting and I'm sitting toasting my toes!!