
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hey, those chocolate fountains are pretty popular, now all you need to do is poke toothpicks into the Cheetos.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That would just slow the process Meece, we can hold them carfully at one end and dip the other!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    PatMom, The Tamox. testing probably does boil down to finances.  Also, I know what Kleenex said is also true, that some doctors say the results are not that reliable.  (As I have been going through all this, I've found many instances of disagreement among medical professionals.   No wonder we are urged to get second opinions all the time.)


    I haven't been able to jump on the chocolate Cheetos bandwagon.  As much as I love the Cheetos, as much as I love the chocolate, I'm just not feeling the combination.  Not saying I would not give it a try.  If I could try a chocolate dipped insect, I'm sure I could get a Cheetos curl down.  I'll tell you what does sound delicious to me...chocolate dipped giant strawberries.  A handmade candy business makes them here.  Oh so yummy!

    There used to be a thread somewhere on here devoted to the love of chocolate, but I have not seen it lately. I don't remember what forum it was under.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

     Hey friends,

    Well My Oncologist appt went well, She was very caring & supportive. we will watch left breast closely. No chemo needed ,she did labs & Rx for Tamoxifen.

    My Husband got thte Rx fill & Iam just staring at the bag. Iam just Not sure i want to take it, Side effects ugh.

    Please let me know who on Tamoxifen & how you are doing ?


    Hugs to all !


  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Hi Gina,

     Been on tamox since July, I have hot flashes, not awful but daily, some night sweats, lately I have had a few issues with anxiety which is very unusual for me, letting lots of littel things get to me or worry about.  I talked with my ONC last wek and he said it could be the tamox, once I understand where it is coming from it is easier to deal with, but frustrating al the same. 

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Speaking of onc appointments, do any of you wonder why you're going?  I saw my onc today for my three-month appointment, and all he does is take my blood pressure, temp and oxygen levels, listen to my chest, and poke around a little bit.  The whole appointment - from entering the front door, to the waiting, weighing, undressing, exam, redressing, payment and scheduling my next appointment - took about 30 minutes.  I mentioned that I am still very fatigued and that my chest feels heavy, and he said that I should check it with my primary care doctor.  So why am I going to him every three months?  It seems like I can do a BSE and monitor myself for any changes, and see my PCP for anything that is troubling.  I'm sure I'll still keep going every three months, but I'm wondering if all the anxiety that leads up to these appointments is worth it, if he's going to refer me to my PCP for anything that is bothering me.

    Sorry for the rant...I'm just frustrated that I don't seem to be taken seriously.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    carolinachick--don't apologize for the rant, that's part of whay this thread is all about.  I think your question is an excellent one.  I asked my onc about this back at the beginning of my hormonal treatment.  The every 3 months appointments were primarily to watch for long term/permanant/late onset complications of chemo.  Since I didn't have chemo, I asked how that affected my care, and she said she wanted to see me every 3 to 4 months to monitor for side effects of arimidex (and since I had to have a lupron shot every 4 months I was going to be there anyway).  My PCP doesn't prescribe the arimidex. I don't know if any of these situations apply to you.  I'm also a big fan of calling up and asking questions like this.  We pay them, they OWE us explanations of why they are taking our money.  You could also say you don't feel like you are being taken seriously.  If your PCP should manage a symptom, your onc's office should call and make an appointment with the PCP for that reason. 

    gina--I was on Tamoxifen for a while.  I didn't have ANY side effects, and that scared me so much I insisted on having my ovaries shut down so I could go on Arimidex.  Many, many women have very mild or no side effects at all.  I know it's crazy of me, but I prefer having the hot flashes I get from the lupron/Arimidex.  At least I know SOMETHING  is working and that gives me a feeling of security.  (Before anyone says anything--yes I know this isn't logical or scientific, but, for me, it's better than taking tamoxifen and wondering if it's doing anything at all.)  You can always try taking it for a week and see how it goes.  You can always stop and go to an alternative if the SE are too much to handle.  You are always in control of what goes into your mouth!  (not that that fact has helped me with my weight, but you understand what I mean!)  

    cookiegal--you sure are living up to your name!  I think the idea of the dipping Cheetos into dark chocolate in a chocolate fountain and then rolling them in pink sprinkles is absolutely wonderful!  I bet we could make a small fortune!  

    PatMom--I agree with your analysis, but would like to add one thing--Arimidex is due to go generic this coming June or July.   It shouldn't take long for the price to come down, making Arimidex more or less comperable with tamoxifen.  Of course, the cost of the drugs used to shut down the ovaries of premenopausal women will still be pretty pricey.  Still, I would think that the insurance company would rather pay out for something that IS helpful rather than paying for tamoxifen and then paying for treatment of a recurrence or met another treatment could have prevented.  But then, since when does logic apply to health care decisions today?  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    carolinachick, I think you and I had doctor's appts. on the same day once before...well, I also had my 3-mo. check with the Med-Onc.   They took blood to do the CBC and chem. panel screenings, plus I gave some extra for my aforementioned Tamox. utilization test this one time.   Then I saw the nurse practitioner and he was asking me how I felt after taking the Tamox. for three mos.  (ReginaR, I have some mild hot flashes on a daily basis, no biggie, and I was feeling moody once for about a week.  That's it.)   Then, we talked of my bone density results, my Vit. test results and theories of supplementing, and also everything already mentioned on here about the Tamox. utilization test.  You would not believe me if I told you how many times I start my conversations with the clinicians with, "So, I'm in this online support group..."  That is usually met with some degree of eye-rolling, but before too long they are jotting down notes.  Ha-ha.  No lie!

    Then, on my way home I stopped at the store and they had giant strawberries for sale.  Got choc. chips too; and I know what I am making on Valentine's Day.  (I did get a bag of crunchy Cheetos also, so while I am at it with the strawberries, I will give them a try.)  

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Gina - I have read on the surgery thread or somewhere that often being active can lead to more cc's in the drains and a longer time with them annoyingly attached. I think it's time to catch up on Real Housewives episodes or whatever your mindless TV addiction is... or read a book...

    I have been taking Tamoxifen since Dec. 1, 08 - about 14 months. Not too bad. Periods still come, but about 44 days apart (I'm 46), with two can't leave the house days and then three nothingness days. Flashes come and go - they're exacerbated by large meals and humidity. I didn't have them before Tamox. Libido has left the building, overall energy level is kind of low, and my eyes are dry, which can periodically drive me nuts. I think I'd rather deal with these things than the anxiety of NOT taking it, though...

    Once a few years ago, a friend and I dipped Dove Ice Cream Bars into that dip with the Velveeta and Rotel. I'm thinking that it's got to be similar to the cheetos/chocolate thing. Wasn't too bad, though I haven't ever done it again and we never speak of it. But y'all don't know me in real life, so I'm safe, right?

    I know we're not supposed to talk about the "W" word, but good grief! We had over a FOOT of snow in the DFW area, and actually had a SNOW day today! Gorgeous and beautiful. One east-coast transplant friend of mine wondered when the plow would get to her street, and I had to tell her that Mansfield is Plow-Free, and she'll be waiting for Mother Nature to clear the snow.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Thank you all so much for your post! I appreciate all your input & concern. You guys really did help me , I finally stop staring at the RX & took my 1st dose. One big step for me1

    Well I suppose to go to PS Monday Feb 15th, to get drains out if under 25ccc. It seems to be draining less today, so I am feeling  good about it . my appt is at 11:15 am on Feb 15th. Only problem we are suppoe to get 4-8 inch of snow sun night thur monday! Just my luck! I am praying  we  don't get that much. I live In New Albany,Indiana,which is right out side of Louisville,ky, My Doctors are in Louisville, so we have to cross the bridge to get there. My Husband hate driving in snow & They aren't letting me drive yet!

    How are all you guys doing? Any one else getting lots of snow, it seem like it everywhere this winter! I can't wait til spring!!

    Thanks again.

     Happy Valentine day! Have a great weekend!



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You guys are so cute! Here in Barrie, 8 inches of snow is a "dusting". Last winter we had snow piled up in mall parking lots right up to the power lines (25 feet). We use snow as insulation in the winter. I haven't turned my furnace on in three years!!!! (And we get to way below zero!)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The Cheetos Report...(breaking news)...

    Spurred on by reports of Japanese snack technology outpacing the U.S., one local woman recently took to her test kitchen to produce the highly prized, highly sought after, practically mythical, chocolate dipped Cheetos.  When asked to comment on flavor, she responded that it was very similar to a chocolate pretzel "only cheesier, of course."  Regarding the difficulty to make, she repliled, "I imagine the average woman (chemo-brain notwithstanding) would find these extremely easy to prepare."

    This news comes on the heels of reports that the Japanese import Cheetos have a tendency to "stick" onto fingers, resulting in a large number of keyboard typographical errors, texting mishaps and five or six mis-dialed phone calls.  A massive recall is rumored to be imminent.  At close Friday, the Nikkei saw share prices plummet for the largest Japanese chocolate supplier.  Conversely, on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Nestle showed a sharp rise in large part due to their Toll House brand in foreign markets.

    Neither Nestle nor the entire nation of people in Japan could be reached for comment.  Locally, one taste tester went on record saying, "I love me some of those chocolate-dipped Cheetos."



  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    After my frustration of yesterday, I woke up to three beautiful inches of snow this morning.  I took my camera out and snapped away.  It certainly helped my mood.  I'd share them if I could figure out how to post them!

    One more blip about my onc appointment, then I'll step off my soapbox.  Since I'm triple negative and don't have any post-chemo drugs to take, I don't even have any bloodwork done.  And since it's grade 3 and I was diagnosed at a relatively young age (44), my worry level is very high.  I guess I just need to scale back my expectations of these appointments and take my concerns to my PCP and BS since I feel that they both take me more seriously.

    Thanks for your support, NM.  And congrats on us having another appointment behind us, elimar!

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    carolinachick, I certainly understand your frustration with the onc.  Just had my bloodwork done and all is good-hope that it is accurate.  Worry is my middle name-does my PCP really know warning signs or does he just turf to the oncologist???  Can't decide if having labs done just makes me worry more, what's a woman to do?  Let's have a good worry and get it all out and then move on to something better like maybe cheeto's.  I wonder who the un-named woman was that tried the chocolate flavored ones????  

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-you should receive an award for your creativity girl!

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97







  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    elimar:  ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good for you, girl!

  • Elimar,   You should be a journalist....you really are good.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Good job, Elimar!

    I missed the call from Japan yesterday (i'm so bummed) so I couldn't confirm my order for the Cheeto's brand treats.  My phone won't allow me to call Japan, I have to be the receiver of the call.

    Carolinachick, as you know I am TN, Too.  I still go to my Onc every six months.  I sit down with my NP and we discussed my general health, concerns etc.  Then my Onc comes in and we all three go over things which might be relevant to my health.  I get a CBE, have blood drawn and schedule mammos, mris or anything else needed then or before the next appointment.  I feel good that I am able to ask questions and have them answered. The NP is taking notes in the computer the whole time. I also like to go because I have developed a pattern, if I only go when I think I need to, I could start putting the mammos off etc.  I could have started going annually last year, but I opted to continue every 6 months. That next appointment is when the newest abnormalities were discovered and the followup testing and biopsy was scheduled.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    elijmar--great photo at the top of the page!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


                                            Hello My Funny Middie Valentines!

    Hope this day finds you all able to put B/C to the back of your minds and have some quality time with your loved ones.  Whether that's the case or not, please enjoy my special audio valentine of a song that lets a woman know she is loved and appreciated.  Those of you who are old enough to remember it probably have not heard it in a long time...


    p.s.  I've had a hobby for the last month where I have been finding videos on You Tube of soul music from the 60's and 70's.  I kind of have a web collection going now, and like I have always said, the best collection is one that never needs dusting!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Elimar, thanks for the hook up, I am a Soul R&B girl 100%. My DH is a big ACDC fan so you know we don't have that in common LOL.

    Speaking of DH's my guy has areas that need improvement but he try's real hard to be a good gift giver! Every year first comes Valentines Day on the 14th my birthday on the 19th and our anniversary on the 22nd so I usually receive a very nice gift all rolled into one. This year it was a pink Coach bag and his response was something like "because you have had BC" LOL  ahhh the pinking of America my daughter bought me the BC key fob from Coach last year. At least they have good taste (:

    I know many women now detest pink but it was always one of my favorite colors and I have decided not to let BC take that away, but come October I must admit it is ad nauseum.

    I woke up this morning and realized that Spring is right around the corner.............

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Oooh, spring can't come fast enough!  I'm so tired of the snow, rain and cold that we've been having.  It's been an unusually harsh winter in South Carolina.  Bring on the daffodils, my birthday (the first day of spring), Easter chocolates and sandals.  Can't wait for that first pedicure!

    Meece, it sounds like you're getting very good care.  I see my onc every three months and my BS every six months.  My BS schedules my mammograms every six months on my bad boob and yearly on my well-behaved one.  I don't get any bloodwork or scans, and I don't think I'll have the option to keep seeing my onc more that once a year after I hit the five year mark.  I'm considering changing oncs to see if I can get one who actually listens to me rather than rush out the door after spending precisely three minutes on my exam.  A little bedside manner would be nice.

    I still can't quite wrap my head around the whole chocolate-dipped Cheeto thing, but my DH brought me Kindereggs back from Canada and I enjoyed one of those yesterday along with the Ghirardelli chocolates my mom sent.  I'm trying to stay away from chocolate today, but the kisses on my desk seem to be calling their siren song...

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    ELIMAR!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!

    I went away for the weekend, and didn't see the cheetos until now!!!!!!!!

    Were they yummy?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    People, I will tell you this:  The Choco-Cheetos are only the tip of the Cheetos flavor iceberg!  The latest "limited edition" flavors on the Japanese Cheetos market are "Kim-Chee Cheetos" and "Wasabi & Mayo Cheetos."  


    We better get crackin' and come up with some new ones of our own!   What about peanut butter Cheetos or grape jelly Cheetos?   Don't laugh, some Frito-Lay employee is reading this right now and he'll get a big raise for presenting the idea on Thursday.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    okay - time for me to jump on the cheetos bandwagon.  When my daughter was younger, she would eat her cheetos dipped in (wait for it)   KETCHUP!!

    She loved it - me, never tried it.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    Just home from my first actual "retail therapy" session since my BILAT surgery.

    Found three different blouses that will be perfect for the camoflage I now feel is "helpful."

    We leave for the beach tomorrow morning!!!!

    My surprise Valentine's gift.... we'll spend the rest of the week walking the sand.


    Everybody have a great week!


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Have fun Faith, walking on the beach sounds like a little bit of heaven, as it is snowing here again.

    I don't think I will try any of the new cheeto's especially dipped in Ketchup, kids LOL think everything tastes better with ketchup.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    heck with the cheetos...think red wine and thin mint girl scout cookies!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    karen1956,  Oh Karen, Karen, Karen, please tell me it is not only the Japanese who know the Zen of the Cheetos.  Sure, some people here love 'em.  Sure, some people experiment with them.  However, the main purpose of the Cheetos is to set us apart from those uppity foie gras nibbling threads.  Cheetos just sets a tone, creates an atmosphere, if you will.  I say, "Viva Los Cheetos!"  (My Spanish speaking friends will notice I use the masculine article "los" and I'm sure that would be correct after the pic Faith shared with us a while back.)

    Believe me, the red wine (in the bottle or in the box) and the G.S. thin mints are ever dear to our hearts as well.  Do you dip them?