
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    ((((Cookie)))) So if you are moving in 1 week anyway & the job (for you) is in another city, is there anyway you both can just move to the new city? Or is that not something you would want/need to do?  I hope that you get this straightened out soon.  It sounds very stressful.  I will be sending you rays of energy (feel them yet?)

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    I will get a room/house share/cottage in the new town and come home some weekends. He will stay here and visit me in the hills.

    It's not perfect but we were long distance our whole courtship and the first 4 months of our marriage.Thanks for the rays of energy....my take out came 15 minutes early!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i 'll take two stix..only cause i like deaconess hosp..im putting this thread on email alert till we hear from her..only, been sick in bed for 2 days, just cking e mail time to time.. am mad at gi dr. so really enjoyed the last discussionn.  got the no cancer from gi, so am happy. then, she THOUGHT i didnt need any follow up, and cancelled the appt. i made... so,  i insisted and Will figure out a follow up plan 2morrow. see u then        light and love,    3jaysmom

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Hello  Gals, Sure Have miss not being able to keep in touch! Crazy busy, back working full time & still Trying  to keep enough energy up.

     Robin & I Walk in our County Floyd,Co Indiana Relay for life this past weekend!( on Robin Birhtday -how Special is that) I tried to get the pictures of Robin & I on here several time, & could only get these small one, But if you click , I think the will enlarge. Robin & I had an very awesome time, was emotional at times, but it was all so beautiful. We had our family with us, Only thing better was to have our Middle age Thread Family with us. Do hope we can all get together soon ( Maybe Indy ).Robin & I live in New Albany In(outside of Louisville,ky) we meet here on Breast cancer .org so cool.

     I am still dealing with this rt  ugly breast because of the infection & lost reconstructionin march, I am so happy for all that are done with the exchange, way to go !!! maybe one day I'll get there. I waited 2 month to get an appt with a new PS ( My Oncocgist reccomend & She was actuaclly my 1st choice back in jan, but could get in soon enough) the day before my appt last week the office called & said that she was Moving out of the country in Sept & wanted let me know it was fair to me because she wouldn't be able to get all the reconstruction done before she left.In Sept.! .So  now I am Back to the starting gate ugh!

     I think of all of you Pink Sisters so much,, sorry  I havn't been on much!  Prayers for all that are going thru Treatments & recovering . Love ya & Hugs to all!

     PS If you want to see all of our Relay for life pictures, Please go to my face book page it is  under Gina Kaufman Robinson

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Packing is really not much fun.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Cookiegal - THAT'S an understatement! Packing is one of the most torturous activities out there. Right up there with removing wallpaper. I also hate unpacking. Nothing makes your stuff look like the useless crap that it is like unwrapping it from packing paper. Hang in there! Soon you'll be hiding in your new location... Are you at least excited about where you're going to be living?

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Regina that stinks.  My thoughts go out to you and hugs.  Hang in there. Glad to see you were able to walk.  Missed our relay as my youngest brother is home from New Mexico and we had a wonderful picnic at my Mom's this weekend.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    am re reading posts 2day, and catching up. done w/ tests. no cancer found yeah !! is that what NED means ? sure would like to dance with him if i can, for awhile. all kinds of tummy troubles from chemo..duedunumitis, gasritis, leeding ulcers, and still the list goes on.. but, if im cancer free a long time, ill be happy, get it all as much as possible. for now, im chuggin mylanta..            cookie gal, sorry your having such a rough time. i hope you can get together w/husband alot. job is good, has good ins..what kind of work do you do? im sending all that healing white light your way..  good to hear from ladies that came along before

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    am re reading posts 2day, and catching up. done w/ tests. no cancer found yeah !! is that what NED means ? sure would like to dance with him if i can, for awhile. all kinds of tummy troubles from chemo..duedunumitis, gasritis, leeding ulcers, and still the list goes on.. but, if im cancer free a long time, ill be happy, get it all as much as possible. for now, im chuggin mylanta..            cookie gal, sorry your having such a rough time. i hope you can get together w/husband alot. job is good, has good ins..what kind of work do you do? im sending all that healing white light your way..  good to hear from ladies that came along before

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    NED- No Evidence of Disease

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    I am very excited about the neighborhood, the apartment is just so-so, but the location is wonderful.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It's been good news/bad news for me today...Heard from GYN that my PAP is still not normal, so I continue on six mo. checks for that.  That's the bad.  No biggie.  I can't lose sleep over that. 

    The good is my PCP was very amenableto switching me off of Cymbalta.  I brought in the internet printout that showed the interaction with Tamox., which he then read, and then we both blurted out another alternate drug at the same time.  Now we are on the same page again and I am trying one called Savella in a couple weeks.  

    For the couple of other women on here with fibromyalgia, Savella is a relatively new SNRI, but it blocks the norepinephrine at a ratio of 3:1 to the serotonin.  Meaning, it's less an anti-depressant and more a pain blocker.  I'll comment on the effectiveness in a few weeks for those that might be interested.

    (SO, it just shows my PCP (who has a good, caring attitude) can err from time to time. Like I said before, it doesn't hurt to double-check your meds. or info. from your doctor EVEN IF you really like him/her.  You might catch somthing that they miss)

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Can someone tell me how to post pic's on here? I've tried & tried several time, but just can't get them to come through. Please list step, by step, by step. Just in case I'm missing something. I click on the insert image, then the image url and put in my pic. #, then description, I do not know what to put in alignment, then demensions, don't know what to put in border, vertical space or horizontal space. So if someone could please tell me I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. I even tried to just cut and paste and it will not even let me do that. THANKS AGAIN. Leisa

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-love the new header picture!

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    As usual...I am off-topic. After 8 years and 12 days my 26 year old son is now medically retired from the Marine Corps!!! Doing the happy dance!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'll do the Happy Dance with you smithlme, cause that's good news and I like to dance.

                                                        Doing A Happy Dance Pictures, Images and Photos

    By the way leisaparis, I got this pic from Photobucket by clicking on the pic, then copying the HTML code.  After clicking the tree icon, I just pasted the code into the URL space and clicked insert, and didn't worry about size.  Once the pic is inserted into your post, you can click on the picture and drag the borders around to whatever size you want.  If you are doing that and it is not working, I'm not sure why not.

    If it's your own picture, I think I just right clicked on my own pic to get to "properties" and you can get the code from there.  I hope it works for you.  I don't know that I am that good at explaining it.

    Edit: p.s. -- Or you might have to upload your own photos onto your own Photobucket account.  I've forgotton what exactly I did when I put up a few of my own pics.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Sorry Im trying so hard to post a picture from my FB to here.

    Faith did it for me. Its driving me crazy I know it must be a simple exp why I cant do it.Yell

    Now i will go back google something and post it.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    And i keep googling images until i get the real thing. TAHITI>

    Good Night

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    If only we could be on that beach in Tahiti right now...all of our B/C troubles would be washed away in that turquoise water (and we'd get so much vitamin D, the B/C would never return.)  

    And in my fantasy, the manservant is about to emerge from the hut with a tray of assorted frozen beverages!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    OMG!!!! I want to go to that hut in Tahiti and hang with the cabana boy!!!!! That's GORGEOUS! But instead, we're going to drive for 15 hours to go to a brown lake in Georgia. Almost as fun.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326
    ok, I guess I'm just retarted cuz I've tried & tried and still can't get the dang pic's to load
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Hey, gang, quick update--

    The anesthesiologist was as good as her word--started one small IV to put me out with and the resident kept me so distracted I didn't even notice!  Got marked up by Dr. Tobias, got a quick initial by Dr. Pories, then I was wondering if I'd get to see Mom once more before they started.  Next thing I vagulely remember is a bunch of people shouting at me to stay still, and a lots of people comeing in and "checking" and "dopplering" things and being told I'd go to a room later since surgery "went a little long."   When I was finally able to ask and remember what day it was it was Wednesday. My surgery went 18 hours and 45 minutes.  The radiation that I  knew screwed everything up had "tangled, blocked, and shredded" most of the blood vessels in BOTH breasts (I supposedly only had radiation to the left).  I got back home this last Friday and am VERY gradually gaining energy every day.  Moving is getting easier, but the emotional rollercoaster ride is kicking in--ah, well, guess a girl can hope for a perfect recovery! 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I'm so glad to hear from you NM.  You've been in my thoughts and prayers - OMG almost 19 hours???  Glad the IV went in well and very glad that you are getting a little better everyday.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    NativeMainer - Eighteen hours?  Yow!   I've heard of alien autopsies that took only half the time!  I don't know, but maybe you now hold some kind of reconstruction record.  On this thread at least.  Good old radiation, still making a mess of things, huh?  Well, it's done.  You did it.  They didn't turn you into a pincushion with needle sticks (and someone other than me won in the betting pool.)

                                         ccchhheeetos' Pictures, Images and Photos

                         I'm making a Get Well floral arrangement for you right now.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It was me...I won the pool.  Glad you are back and well, NM!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Meece wrote:

    I say she had a super special person start it up and they did it right the first time.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    NM-welcome back!!!  We've missed you.  Now, take it easy & let your help, help!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OMG....love the cheesedoodleplant!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Cookie, did you call them cheesedoodles?  That's just wrong!   Wink