
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    I'm a yankee cheesedoodle dandy!


    A. I am moved....yea! We are wall to wall boxes...but I love the location of the new place...we are literally on Broadway. I feel younger and more alive after just 6 hours. I will miss living across the street from a 100 year old family owned bakery.

    B. I am now middle aged....my mom took a fall down the stairs Tuesday, and has been deteriorating. I have never been involved with her health care or called one of her doctors, but I did today, just as we finished unloading the car... we need to put her in a rehab facility. It's amazing how in one week we switched roles. Also apprently one of her doctors thinks she is dependent on pain meds and has cut her off. I have to wonder if this led to the fall. She's only 70. The timing is awful, I can't visit her until Thursday at the earliest.

    C. In the middle of packing my arm started to swell..especially one egg sized portion near my arm pit...I thought for sure I had developed lymphedema, but was able to go to a LE specialist this morning. She strapped me to some sort of electrode thing, and it was a 2.8 which she said meant is was not LE. Still nobody knows why I have a swollen egg under my arm which puffs when I bend over!!! And since it's a holiday weekend, I will not know for a few days.

    Faith I have nick- named it Egg Harbor...(NE Wisconsin humor)

    That being said I love the 4th of July, I love all the non-religious holidays we can all celebrate together....have a very happy holiday. I hope someone gets to be in a boat parade!!!!!

    Cookie out!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Trying to catch up on all the post. I missed my girls! 
    We've been on vacation. Wish I could have taken all of you with us. Mom and Dad splurged and took us with them on a cruise. We visited Mexico, and western Caribbean. Had to high tail it outta there due to Hurrican Alex tapping on our back door.  Had a fantastic time, but catching up since we have been home has been hard. It didn't help that my youngest DD called me as we pulled up in the driveway with the news that she had accidentally gotten her nose broken and was on her way home from the hospital. She had it reset on Friday so we are laying low this weekend as she recovers. 

    Miss you all!  

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    Thanks all for the pre-bday wishes!  May you all have a great time enjoying the fireworks set off in honor of my birthday every year!!!! (I thought that until I was about 8) Embarassed
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Yikes Paulding! How's she doing today? Has the bruising started?

    Eph, my DH's birthday is on May 24, a firework holiday here in Canada. He used to think the same....secretly I think he still does! hehehehehe

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Have a safe and happy 4th everyone.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    To Joni happy birthday to you.  lalalalalaaaaaaa

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Happy Birthday BABY!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Happy 4th to all!  Cheetos--FINALLY something that I feel like eating! 

    3jaysmom-one anesthesia person put the little IV it while a second one and my mom distracted me.  As soon as it was in she put in a slug of medication that apparantly started relaxing me pretty quickly, since I don't remember a whole lot after that!  Someone who knows what they are doing is a God send in the IV department!  Also, I had found some research that indicates that IV and blood draws under hospital controlled situations do not seem to really add to the LE risk, at least for the few months they followed the small number of women in the study.  

    desdemona--praying for a B9 end result (((hugs)))

    cookiegal--go scream at your Mom's doc--IF she was/is dependant on a pain medication the doc should have followed a protocol for gradually reducing the dose--AFTER VERIFYING THE SOURCE OF PAIN NO LONGER EXISTED!!!! Elders have pain just like everyone else, and you don't just cut them off BECAUSE they are at so much higher risk of falling and getting hurt!  The doc should be paying for the rehab, by the way.  

    Pauldingmom--hope your DH recovers quickly!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Native! Great to hear from you! The risk of needle pricks is because of infection and in a hospital setting that risk should be lower than normal. So you'll be fine.... glad to hear it went well.

    So....have you peeked yet? When is the big reveal (if you'll pardon the pun) Wink

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Des, we'll be standing by to hear what the findings are (and may they be B9.)

    O.K. where's the Birthday Girl?  Eph, I would have had it ready by lunchtime, but I had to run out to the fireworks tent and get the special decorations.  Please don't try to blow out these candles.  I'd hate to have you singe off any of that coveted re-grown hair.

                      Big Birthday Cake Sparklers Indoor Fireworks Pictures, Images and Photos

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Wow!  Now that's what I call a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the wishes & thank you for all celebrating my bday in your own wonderful ways.  (Even you folks who don't have the 4th as your Independence Day).

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97
    CoolHappy July 4th To all My Middle Age Sisters!, Hope you all have safe & Blessed weekend!

    I am so sorry I haven't posted, but I do check in Regularly & read & Pray & Cheer & Cry with all of you!I  What a great bunch we are, we still need to a Get together!

    Does anyone have sternum bone pain after mastectomy? Mine may be due to the infection , Cause I am still having Sternum Bone pain from last surgery in March I am Still having problems with some abnormal labs. Was at Oncologist last week. I go back July 22nd to oncologist for repeat labs, to see if my calcium , Vit D & low Iron is improved! I am still dealing with this rt ugly breast because I lost mt TE due to the infection & lost reconstructionin in march, I waited 2 month to get an appt with a new Plastic surgeon ( This is the one my Oncologist recommend & She was actuaclly my 1st choice back in Jan, but could get in soon enough) the day before my appt last week the office called & said that she was Moving out of the country in Sept & wanted let me know it was not fair to me because she wouldn't be able to get all the reconstruction done before she left.In Sept.! .So now I am Back to the starting gate ugh! Also  not much energy after working full time again! It so frustrating not be able to do what I use to. But I need to be Patient. Thanks for your Support .  Thanks again. Have a great Weekend & Happy 4th!  ( I had to work all weekend & back tommorrow on  Mon., I will be off tues & wed ( weekend in the middle of the week~LOL ,}  So have some fun for me!{

    {hugs}}} Gina


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    It looks like the bakery made a mistake in personalizing your cake, Joni.

    I asked for the full polka-dot treatment.

    Give Audrey a piece and cut the rest of the cake for us.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Girls-between the 9 1/2 gallons of ice cream and all this cake, plus I know my mom has a cherry/apple pie waiting for me after my requested birthday dinner of porkchops, potatoes & gravy, applesauce & corn on the cob, you might as well just roll me into the firework mix, cause I'm most likely gonna EXPLODE!!!!!! And wow, will it be colorful!!!!!!!!!!!!  Have a good rest of your day!!!

    My DD gave me a Johnny Depp triology DVD-"Edward Scissorhand", "Bennie & Joon" & "From Hell"-can't wait!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Cherry AND apple pie! Sounds amazing!!!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    It is!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    NM am so glad your out, and well. my surgery is Tuesday..went to all those parties, brought cheetos in meeces name. we had fun. hope your recovering well...for preadmin., i have THE best anethieast ! he doesnt do it, but he hand picks my iv nurse, and does the same thing you were talking about..as soon as the little iv goes in, a little versed push, and im happy, happy...a little mopre before or, and  see yaa...its great, im scared till i get that iv. then i know (for me) the worst is over. i had another dr. for my port, was wide awake to or, and had a severe panic attack. i hope this surgery is it.PS says no recon for me. im sad a little about that, but he's "cleaning up" from orig..dog ears will be gone. i hope to give the same good news you had. Happy 4th everyone..that firecracker cake is awesome !!
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Psssst-FB says today is ReginaR's birthday!  We are just an exploding group of women!!!!  Happy BDay Regina 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh my!  The house is getting too virtually hot with all the virtual cake baking lately (or could be yet another hot flash.)  I hope Regina doesn't mind that I stopped at the bakery to get her this "picnic cake."  Can't leave this cake out on the patio too long.  All that frosting realism is sure to attract some real picnic ants!!!


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Happy Birthday Joni and Regina!  My, My I ate way too much virtual cake and can't hardly move! 

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Just a little more sugar.

    In case you haven't had enough.

    Regina. Celebrate the whole month!!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Happy Birthday REGINA!!!!

  • KeepingtheFaith
    KeepingtheFaith Member Posts: 17

    I am new here. I am still learning all the terms and abbreviations and still don't know what alot of it means. I found a lump in my right breast and went to the surgeon for a biopsy on June 17th. On June 29th I went back to the doctor and he told me I had breast cancer but that it was very treatable. He said treatment would likely consist of surgery (either lumpectomy or mastectomy) and then radiation therapy everyday for 6 weeks. I don't know any of the specifics yet. Tomorrow morning I go in for lab work, a mammogram and ct scan on my head. Then the following morning I go back for ct scans on my abdomen and chest. I am fortunate to have a large network of family and friends for support. I am here looking for advice and information on what I might expect each step of the way. Oh and I am 57 years old, married 37 years with 2 grown children and 8 grandchildren.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome KeepingtheFaith.   All of us here began just where you are now, pretty dazed and confused, just hearing that "C-word" in the diagnosis.  I'm just gonna jump in and ask why all the CT scans?  Does the doctor feel that you have a very aggressive cancer?  Are you having other symptoms in those areas?  Do you have the information from your biopsy about the kind of cancer you have, and also what size was the lump? 

    I hope you will be able to get some of your questions answered tomorrow.  There is a ton of information on the BC.org website, so you might want to check out the "Just Diagnosed" thread too.  You are lucky to have support nearby; and we are happy to help if we can also.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Happy Birthday to our two firecrackers Joni and Regina! 

    NM I so glad to see you posting, how are you feeling? I know it is a really tough surgery but now you will have beautiful TaTa's and a flat belly too, and I am jealous. I was going to do the DIEP last August but let my BS talk me out of it for now. Anymore biopsies and my breast will be empty.

    Hope everyone had fun yesterday I just vegged out until it got dark and then watched the neighborhood fireworks. Don't tell E but I am going to mention the weather briefly (:  I can't wait for winter to be over but I forget how summer brings on the worst hot flashes for me I even have to switch my coffee over to iced, even in the air conditioning!!!!! So, now I can't even tolerate the beach so whats the point of living 15 minutes away? Has anybody found anything that works well besides the SSRI's? I have some wierd metabolic thing that can't handle the serotonin uptake.Have a good week girls.

    Oh I forgot to tell you the important stuff, my DD is having a boy the first one in our family for 63 years ( if I said this in an earlier post forgive my dementia) I am a little shocked, but a boy will save me a little money in clothes, and trucks aren't as expensive as doll's.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    KeepingtheFaith: Elimar mentioned it, but I too am wondering about all the CTs.  Ask questions tomorrow; take someone with you for an extra paiar of ears....that's very important!  Remember, no question is a dumb question & you will keep having them, so write them down so you will remember to ask! 

    OmahaGirl: good to see you. Wow, 1st boy in a long time.  I have friends going just the opposite for probably close to that many years;genetics are amazing.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    KeepingtheFaith.....Ihad several scans but they were all done after my lumpectomy.

    I had bone, abdomen pelvic and chest scan. But not brain scan.

    I thought that was done routinely. Don't they have to rule out if its metastasize or not?

    Good luck tomorrow.


  • KeepingtheFaith
    KeepingtheFaith Member Posts: 17

    When the doctor was telling me that I had cancer he had said that it wasn't an aggressive cancer and he said it was the size of a grape. I asked if there was other material around it then, because it felt much bigger than that to me. He asked me what i meant and I showed him where I could feel the borders. He then felt again and said Oh, I wonder why that didn't show up on the sonogram. I didn't say anything, but I have an idea why it didn't show up on the sonogram. I think it is because the sonogram operator found a lump and then quit running the sonogram "tool" over my breast. She didn't do the entire breast. I am afraid that he has ordered all the scans because he thinks it might be elsewhere too. He conferred with an oncologist before he ordered all the scans. I am keeping a brave front, but truth is I am scared. If it is in the breast, I will deal with the surgery and the treatment, whatever it may be. Won't like it, but will deal with it. I am so worried that it might be more extensive and what if it has gone too far and they can't stop it.

    I guess it will do me no good to worry because worrying won't change anything. I haven't told anyone of my concerns because I don't want to worry them. That is why I am so thankful to have found you all. I can tell you all my deepest thoughts and worries without feeling I need to protect you.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    Sheila, my understanding (which could be way wrong) is if there are 0 lymph nodes involved then no mets.  Would one of the nurses please verify that for meSurprised
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    joni....I had no LN involvment. But all these tests were ordered by my oncologist after BS was done with his part.

    On these boards most women had an MRI which they never gave me one. Go figure out.