
  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    NM, Welcome back from Sleepyville! Cheetos are back! YIPPEE!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Meece, Ha-Ha-HA-HA-HA-!  You are right on the money!  Money mouth

    People, if you do buy and eat generic, we don't wanna know about it.  Here they are all Cheetos.  It's the same principle as Kleenex and Band-Aid.  They all spent mega-gazillion dollars to make their products into household names, so just go with it.

    Do you think I am being too adamant on that point?  One of the biggest Cheetos eating holidays is coming up fast, so I'm probably a little more sensitive right now. I got a bag at the store today (yes, ate some already, but not in the car driving home as you all are probably thinking 'cause I was too busy texting and I didn't want the buttons to get all orangey) and my thoughts were, "Pick up a bag for the 4th," like one bag defenseless bag is going to fend off eight greedy hands for five days.  We are two-fisted eaters in this family.  I already see myself going back for more.

    I did stock up on multiple boxes of my other (seasonal) addiction:  Edy's All Natural Fruit Bars.  Unlike Cheetos, they are absolutely useless for decorating projects even tho' they have a nice range of color, but they do outshine Cheetos in the calorie department.  Plus, 4 out of 5 of the ELAB thread women prefer Edy's.  (Oh, you say, did I conduct a survey and make an in-depth statistical brand analysis over there?  Of course not.  But then, our dentists have never been surveyed about toothpaste in their whole lives either.  You didn't know?  Ooops, sorry.)

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i must be related, also. been trying for  months!! maya and a alot of you use google, tell me how 2 get pix, p;ease from google. also, i read on another thread that phobucket crashed alot of pcs..u guys have any trouble? mines a 3rd hand computer, so im leery to do photobucket..thanks by the way, elimar, i love the new pic ! its always interesting to see what itll be everytime i come to the site.  happy dance has started in s. fla. also, (u just cant see it like elimars) thanks, meece, i guess im dancing with ned right now, cause everything came out no cancer..lots of stomach troubles from chemo, but bottom line  NED!! he's real welcome in this house...lol  light and love, 3jaysmom  of course, i was reading on the previous page grrr.. just wanted to say hello to NM, and am so glad shes home & ok. prayers are up in sunny fla. girl, lots of energy coming your way. God is good...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Ladies, I'm 58 and was dx'd in 2003 and again last yr with mets in the bones. Had rad and now an on Arimadex. Coping reasonably well on this but am getting some weird pain at the base of the ribs so when I see my GP in a couple of weeks I will need to mention them.  My Grandchildren arrive next week to spend a week with me while they on school hols, (I live in Australia).  Am really looking forward to seeing them and I love the fact that my almost 13 and almost 15 yr old grandsons like to spend time with me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome chrissyb!  The treatment of radiation gave me some rib soreness that is still lingering a year later.  You might be experiencing something similar, and I hope it is no worse than that and not related to the mets.  What was your original kind of cancer?  You left that out of your tagline on the bottom.

    I am guesing that your grandkids are on a break that us Northern Hemis get around the time of our winter holidays.  Do the kids there go to school for 9 mos., with a long break during your summer then?  (We might be asking you cultural exchange questions from time to time.  And please tell me you know what Cheetos are, or you will find some recent posts to be just senseless.)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    So, you all might be interested to know that our Albertson's store had a sale last Friday night on Dreyers Ice Cream-2 1/2 gallon tubs, for brace yourselves------------------------$1  !!!!!  Yes, you read that correct.  Only hitch was a limit of 10.  So I have 10 (actually 9, I gave the Butterfinger to my mom) very colorful tubs here for craft projects, when empty.  They include: Lemonade Swirl (very yummy), S'Mores (need I say more?), Root Beer Float, Carmel Swirl, Double Fudge Chocolate, Summer Peach Pie, Berry Sherbert, Double Vanilla, & Cherry Chocolate Chip!!!!! Trust me, DD & I are making a valiant effort to eat ice cream after every meal (berry sherbert for breakfast Laughing), but it's not going away very quickly.  What was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    All that ice cream wouldn't take long to be gone at my house.... from the freezer that is!  Unfortunately, it would take forever to get it off of my body where ever it decided to lodge!!  I would just loooooove the cherry chocolate chip!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Mmm Cherry Chocolate Chip for me, too.

    Thank you, Elimar, for so eleoquently stating why there is nothing other than Cheetos...the cheese that goes..CRUNCH!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It ain't easy being cheesy

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hail, Cheese-ar!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh you guys...what started this cheetos thing? obviosly b4 my time. elimar, im so jealous..its been 3 days since ive had ice cream.. this gastritis thing seems to kick up with dairy, and me, addicted to breyers coffee ice cream, im dyin here !!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I live pretty close to the Dreyer's Plant and The world's largest Frito Lay factory...But they don't make Cheetos there!!!  What a waste!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Cheetos are comfort food at it's finest.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    While the hubby is out splitting wood I'll bask in the powdery cheesy glory. Splitting wood, you say? Yes! It may be summer time everywhere in the US but along the north coast we still build fires. We're having several friends up for the long weekend and we want to have plenty of firewood to keep them all warm. It's in the 90's and 100's where they're coming from and we don't want anyone going into shock from the cold!

    Ice cream???? Aren't we all supposed to be hitting the gym, watching our calories and living healthy??? Let me grab my bag of Cheetos, gallon of chocolate chip ice cream, a margarita and think about that...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    3jaysmom, If you ever have three hours to spare, you can read this whole thread and then have the complete retrospective on the Cheetos.  I guess the shorthand version is that it all started back when the talk was about a glass of red wine being beneficial during radiation (antioxidents to protect the good cells) and I might have mentioned enjoying a certain snack with that wine.  Turns out almost everyone loves their orange-y-liciousness, so the topic can pop up at any time. 



  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dreyers doesn't make a Cheeto ice cream.  I checked.  but the S'More's flavor would go great with smithlme's bonfire!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Elimar, thank you for your welcome and Yes I know what Cheetos are and I'm agreat big fan. Love...love...love ém.  Cultural exchange question, we have four semesters each approx 8 weeks long.  A break of 2 wks for 3 semesters and the end of the 4th is 6 wks. This includes our Christmas/New Year.  School resumes usually last Tuesday of January or first Tuesday of February.  This depends on what day Christmas occurs.  The first break alway includes Easter. It works out that the kids get a break for each season of the year. Parents hate this system but the Kids love it.  I'm not sure what type of cancer I was dx'd with I was told but can't remember. I only remember the details that I put in.  The only thing that wasn't in was I had 3 tumors not 1.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks for the thought that maybe my lower rib pain could be from the rad. I hadn't thought of that, I hope you are right.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    In Cookie's defense, she is very Wise.  Those things were (and still are) Cheesedoodles in the New York area long before anyone heard of Cheetos.  Personally, I still prefer the Cheesedoodle's more intense cheesy taste, although they are not as easy to find, and don't come in as many fun shapes. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    question ladies.  What is 'report this post' and where do you find it.  Sorry, I'm not terribly computor savy.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    I'm not either but if you look right above where you just posted it says Report this Post and +Post a Reply. If I'm not mistaked it is for when someone posts something on here they should not have. There are rules to follow on here and if you break them someone can report you. Like No Selling of Products, etc...I'm sure someone will come on here who knows more and tell you. But that's what I believe it is. Hope that helps. Leisa

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Leisa, you are correct - I reported a post once and that's exactly what I did.  I believe then the moderators check into it and then delete the post if appropriate to delete (which is what they did with the post I reported).  Chrissy, you can IM me if you have more questions about it and it's probably listed in the rules too.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    meese, am going to 2, not one but two july 4th parties, and im bringing cheese doodles to both, in your name. trying to carry on a tradition. im party-ing hardy, cause i have surgery scheduled for july 6th.. PS is going in to clean up a year after surgery. gonna take these "bat wings"  dog ears , what ever you guys call them on the sides by the under arms. please say a prayer then for me. have NM's problems w/ iv, and taking a chance with le even having it in 2nd arm...and, then surgery COULD cause truncal LE. im just asking the Lord to spare me from MORE side effect nonsense,. sigh, i just want to get back to wherever it was i was... no recon for me, PS said no HELL no, with all side effects, ms, and diebetes. to be hionest, im pretty used to it now.. do miss that lovely tissue on the side in front of cleavage..SIGH  oh well, leaving it to you lucky ones who have recon. am scared, from lots of failures, too. seems this is the road the  ood Lord wants me on, so im trudging along...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    3jaysmom: I'll send up extra prayer for you on the 6th!  Be strong.

    For those interested, I am, as we speak eating a small bag of crunchy Cheetos @ my desk, wiping my fingers after each one in an effort not to get cheese crust on computer keysTongue out They are very yummy today!  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Just tip-toe-ing through to let everyone know that our very own Eph_ girlfriend is having her very own, real live birthday on the fourth of July.

    I think there should be some big time fireworks or something to celebrate such an occaision.

    Bring all the Cheetos ya want.

    She'll be pleased as punch.


    PS I rode 16.2 miles on my bike this morning. Whoohooooo.

    No hills yet, but mileage counts even if it's flat!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    faith, Good for you!  Are you working up to a certain distance or have a bike trek in your future?
  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Well last summer. Before the BILAT. Before the infection. Before the LE.

    I rode 52 miles on Labor Day in honor of my being 52 that summer.

    I rode 50 miles on Labor Day the summer I was 50.

    (The summer I was 51 I rode no miles at all, as my back was a mess from a wrangle with my angry two year old grandson on a set of stairs.)

    Last summer I was looking forward to riding 53 miles on Labor Day this summer.

    I think it's kinda, sorta a nonsensical goal, but with some wee bit of promise.

    Today's 16 miles were actually two chunks of 8 miles at a time and a swing by homebase to decompress for a bit in between segment 1 & segment 2. Hmmmmmm. 53 divided by 8 is 6+++.

    July 1st that seems like a tall order. Twill keep ya posted.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    I know it's early, but fireworks went on sale here today, and I thought we'd give Eph a pre-birthday salute.

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Hi, ladies -

    Haven't checked in here in quite a while now.  Been unemployed almost a year and got pretty caught up in the whole thing.

    Had my yearly today and they found a tiny mass in my "good" breast.  Radiologist thinks it may be a lymph node - there are a few new microcalcs within the mass.  Won't be able to schedule an appointment with surgeon until Tuesday because I got home after they had closed.

    Not really all that scared, but a little concerned that he thinks there could possibly be cancer in a lymph node.  Oh well, now isn't the time to press the panic button.  Besides, I am in God's hands.

    Hope everyone is doing well.  Happy July 4!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611