
  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Wishing you all a lovely Christmas.

    We went to church last night for our first ever, "Blue Christmas" service.

    I wrote about it at length on my blog last night. I think that several of you might 'appreciate' reading along. I would be honored if you had a minute to read it there...... or I first wrote it for the thread here @ BCO on the Stage IV Forum -- the thread called "WOMEN OF FAITH."

    Here's the link to my blog. Look for the license plate: "SRVIVOR"


    I wish you all a full heart of wonder and joy.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    I just got home from church too.  Haven't been in over 35 years............cried like a baby through most of it.  But still, I'm so glad I went.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Merry Christmas Middies-Hope Santa treats you well!


  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    hey all, amazing Christmas so far, went caroling with a gospel choir, and they liked my singing so much they invited me to join!

    Crazy because my oncologist told me to join a choir!

    Little problem that I am not a Christian, but hey maybe nobody will notice.

    Cooked yummy pork loin and scalloped cauliflower, setting up breakfast cassarole for tomorrow and then off to Florida.

    We are keeping gifts tiny this year.

    Still this disease has taught me to make special occasions count.

    Cheers from NYC....ho ho ho

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    My new boyfriend


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    What an amazing day to be a "middie"

    Strike up the band.

    Light up the candles.

    Look at the twinkle.

    Savor the smells.

    Let the celebration begin.


    Wishing everyone a day filled to the brim with joy.

    May anyone in active treatment know that we are all cheering for you in the midst of the sparkle. May you have such happiness that your s.e. receed and your comfort be maximized. May the great angels of our sisterhood surround you with their compassion & mercy on this day and carry you gently forward.

    We are here for you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    What Faith said. Innocent
  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Thanks for the cheers and support.  You are amazing women.

    Merry Christmas to everyone and have a great day.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Cookiegal, I think cancer has taught us to make every day a  special ocasion that counts.

    Congratultons, Juanelle, onward!

    To all Middles, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a great day!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Stocking Bears_ani Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Hannahbearsmom
    Hannahbearsmom Member Posts: 266

    Merry Christmas to all!!

    Love, TCK

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Yay! We actually had a White Christmas here in scenic Mansfield - Juanelle, we were up to 76 the day before, too, but we got about an inch or two that managed to stick to the grass and bushes and rooftops. Blizzardy last night, but GORGEOUS and festive today. It's mostly gone by now, but it did the trick.

    Juanelle - congrats on completing chemo, and I hope your system starts to feel better soon!

    Smithime - before I was diagnosed, I didn't know if my cancer was breast cancer or if the lump was part of my rib, as my gynecologist seemed to think it was. I did some harrowing reading on bone cancer, and if you get that in your ribs, they often have to remove some of them and will put in a plate or mesh to protect your organs in your chest cavity. Serious stuff. Perhaps that's what she'd had.

    Cookiegal - I hear that the Cookie Monster now eats BROCCOLI instead of cookies, so YOUR cookies are safe with your new boyfriend. I always thought that if we ate cookies the way he did - chomping wildly, with pieces flying everywhere and very little being ingested - we could eat as many as we wanted to!!

    Merry Christmas!

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    Merry Christmas to all


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424
  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Kleenex, we finally did have some snow stick to the grass and bushes, it was pretty, something we don't see in Texas very often.

    Meece, thanks for the congrats.  It feels good.

    Elimar and Faithandfifty, love all the pictures.  It makes it very festive.

    Had a great day visiting with my DS and DIL's family.  We ate and then had a Chinese Christmas, it was fun.  The best was visiting with my grandbaby, she is so special.  Wouldn't take a nap too much going on.  She is a party animal.

    Hope everyone else had a good day too.


  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    I hope all you ladies were able to kick back and truly relax during the past couple of days.  My daughter helped me get through a frenzy of cooking this morning and we have been just chilling around the house today.  I'm grateful for my family and the many blessings I enjoy everyday.  Love to all of you!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, I ate too many goodies. Also, a great meal on top of that. Bright and early in the new year, this thread is going to feature some serious diet tips, I promise.  We could go into it now, but what's the point with all the leftovers and treats still at hand.  I'm still in guilt-free eating mode til the end of the year.

    I can't say too much about Xmas.  It was kind of like any other day, but in saying that it seems worse somehow.  Should Christmas still feel special to an adult?   Maybe not.  Today is a new day...Boxing Day to some, St. Stephen's Day to others and the start of Kwanzaa

    So, let the celebrating continue.

    We did have snow on Christmas too, which is more than the exception than the rule here.  The roads are still treacherous.  Did anyone get out early for the "after Christmas sales?"  I'm still in my jammies.


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I have been away from the boards for a couple of weeks but I hope everyone was able to find joy in this Holiday Season. I left 22" of snow in NY for a blizzard in Omaha. I did not make it to any family gatherings(all canceled, even church services) but spent the last several days with my parents who are 80. We had so much fun remembering when! I cooked and cleaned a little for them and we ate way to many sweets so I am looking forward to all of your Diet Tips.

    Take Care and have a Happy New Year

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    No snow anwhere around here.  We had a warm Christmas day.  With the over going, we had to open most of the windows to make the house tolerable.

    DS#3 has decided to ask his GF of 4 years to marry him.  The caviat is that the wedding will be at least 3 years down the line.  He wants to have a career set, and college behind them.  I think he wants a ring on her finger as she goes to a different college than he does. Anyway, she has really become a part of the family and we really enjoyed having her at the house with us.

    Got a nice call from DS#2 from Japan, and one from DS#1 and DIL.   So all in all it was a nice day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I, too, ate too much and am still eating too much of the wrong things!  So there!  I am going to start some serious nutrition management after New Year's. 

    I'm glad for all the ladies who had white Christmasses, sorry for anyone who had to cancel plans or was unable to make it to their destination.  I'm glad the big storms have continued to bypass my little area. 

    Meece--you have family all over the globe!  That must be interesting.  I'd love to travel the world, but I probably won't ever be able to afford that now.  Oh, well, I still enjoy hearing about far-off places. 

    Have a happy day, everyone!

  • worldturnedpink
    worldturnedpink Member Posts: 2

    Hi ladies,

    Newbie here - I am 47, was diagnosed in Oct. Being an overachiever, I have multifocal IDC, ILC and DCIS!

    I also had a child "late," so I have a 7yo who is dealing with this along with us. I also have a 19yo (both boys) who just started college this year, so he is having to deal with working, classes, homework, finals - oh, and mom having cancer! But they both seem to be handling it well.

    I am a full-time graphic designer, and was also doing home parties selling jewelry before the dx. I am the "breadwinner," since my husband was disabled after back surgery a little over a year ago. My employer is really working with me and being flexible - even brought my computer from work and set it up at home so I can work at home as I feel like it. My jewelry business is on hold til spring. I don't know what I would do if my employer actually expected me to show up every day - my first round of chemo was really rough, and with so many dr appts, I would be missing work all the time anyway!

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and add to the discussion of dealing with the big BC at this stage of our lives!

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    welcome worldturnedpink!  Have you read some of the previous posts?  Some of the ladies here have turned orange from cheetos.  You caught my eye because you are a graphic designer.  We are in desparate need of creating a virtual man and maybe you can help.  If you decide to help us we could fill you in with details.  Of course this idea could be rejected and of course we would understand. 

    Anyway, hope you are all enjoying the holidays, and I am still hoping for the man for New Years!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    worldturnedpink, love your screen name.  Like so many others, your plate was quite full even before you got served a large slice o' the cancer. Welcome to our group!
  • Hannahbearsmom
    Hannahbearsmom Member Posts: 266

    Worldturnedpink: Hi and welcome. I have to say that when I read your screen name a big smile immediately came across my face! We are here for you as you go through your journey.  We are a very supportive group with varied backgrounds and experiences so feel free to ask questions or just come by for moral support. Take care.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    World....I have 3 kids....11, 20 and 23.....when I was Dx I was 3 months shy of 50 (what a b'day present...chemo), youngest DD was in grade 2, son was junior in high school and DD #1 had just started 2nd semester of sophomore year in college.  Its amazing how relisiant our kids can be....

    I'm sorry that you have to go down this journey, but glad that you found this wonderful place.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome to Worldturned pink.  I spent the day deep cleaning, and am worn out now.  Thought I would just check in and catch up before there is too much to read!Wink

    NativeMainer, I have traveled quite a bit following my family.  I would love to go to Japan some day.  I have been to Texas, Nebraska, Idaho, Arizona, Hawaii and Guantanamo Bay all to visit my boys.  Although I love to travel, I would love to have them nearer.

  • eastender
    eastender Member Posts: 6

    What a wonderful thread.  I was dx at 49.  This was the same age as my mother, she unfortunately passed 21 years ago.  Two children 21 and 13.  Worked full-time through all of the treatments.  My children took everything in stride and are very supportive, I am very lucky.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    worldturnedpink and eastener--welcome to the club no one wants to have to join!  We have some fun here as well as deal with the serious stuff.  No question or topic is off limits, changing the subject is an expected event, joiniing in the fun and revelry when we get going is mandatory! 

    I'm siting here in central Maine watching the rain come down in buckets.  All the snow is melting away, and everything is going to ice over tonight when the temperature drops.  Typical winter in Maine!  I hope it doesn't get too icey, I have an appointment for a massage tomorrow morning, a little treat for myself that I'm really looking forward to.  

    I hope everyone is having a peaceful Sunday. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    NativeMainer, Even pouring rain sounds nice.  We have light fog this morning, but it will burn off in an hour or so, and then we'll have another sunny California winter day!

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Hi all, We have had a blizzard here in Northwest Missouri. Started Christmans Eve and finally stopped snowing @ 2:30 a.m. this morning. They were able to clear some of the roads yesterday. Maybe today they will be able to get to the rest of them. Would Love to go see my kids. We missed out on Christmas since NO ONE was able to travel (roads were closed). Gonna try to go see them today. Wish me luck. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmans and hope everyone has a wonderful New Years. I finally take my last chemo treatment New Years Eve. Then we get to discuss surgery for January. YeeeeHaaaa!!!!!