
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, I definitely spoke with a nurse.  The office has a "nurseline!"  Also, I know the nurse name from the previous office visits. 

    I just thought my reasons for wanting THOSE tests would be so obvious to the folks at the Med-Onc office, that I was surprised to even be questioned on it.  I sincerely hope I don't have issues with the insurance co. in getting these tests.  I have not had problems in that area so far.

    Some of you sing the high praises of your "B/C team" and to those that do I say you are very fortunate.  I'm jealous!   I only wish I had that level of satisfaction with mine.  Mine seem to be adequate, but not exceptional.  If it wasn't for the internet, Google, and BC.org, I would have only gotten the tip of the information iceberg from my various physicians.  Thanks to my BC.org sisters for all their first hand experiences that have helped me to be a better advocate for my own care!  (Now comes the part where I buy the next "round" of Cheetos for everyone in this joint -- figuratively, so don't get too excited -- I'd be left penniless by THIS cheese-crazed group!)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    elimar--I'm jealous of women who have a "team" too.  I've had to organize and coordinate everything myself, do all my own education and research, fight with insurance coverage and everything else without any help at all.  It's no wonder I drink way more now than I ever used to! 

    And you are right, those tests should have been no-brainers, except maybe for the Vit D test.  That info hasn't made it's way into mainstream medicine yet. 

    Thanks for the virtual Cheetos.  Join me in the hot tub?  The raspbetinis are especially tasty this morning! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Move over, NativeMainer, I'm in.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Watch it elimar! You almost sat on ME! Yell
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sorry, Barbe, I didn't see you there.  Distracted with thoughts of going out to shop on the Saturday Before Christmas.  Yikes, I've been able to avoid that most years, but I'm struggling a little this year.  Only six shopping days left.  But first things first...gotta deck these halls some more...

    string of lights banner Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar, please unplug he lights before you hop in, you could electrocute us all!!!

    I have to go shopping today as well.  I'd rather go wine tasting!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I get to go to work!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    Things have been so hectic this week.  I usually shop during my lunch hour, but my Mom wanted to have lunch, my DH, I mean Santa and I had a lunch date, had a funeral and a retirement lunch.  So, that ate up most of the chances at lunch.  I had an hour to burn after work before my Chiropractor appt. yesterday so I went by Best Buy.  I got my purchase to the check out and three guys cut in right in front of me and the line was already long.  I put everything back on the shelves and drove to the Chiro with 5 minutes to spare.  I hate stupid people that think they don't need to follow the rules.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good idea to head out to the stores early today, because the crowds were not bad. 

    Another of my Top 5 holiday offerings is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."  I go with the original cartoon version because the Boris Karloff narration just tips the scale.

    how the grinch stole christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

    [I'll have to throw in 2 honorable mentions here, cause one is the live-action "Grinch" movie with Jim Carrey, and the other is "Polar Express."  I like both of them fairly well...it just depends if I want to see cartoons act like real people or real people act like cartoons.]

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I thought they did a real good job with The Grinch with Jim Carey.  ExDH was a true grinch and got to the point he enjoyed being called that.  Since I have parted ways with him I don't really care for the grinch as an icon.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Ewwwwwww! Jim Carrey as the Grinch is kinda creepy. They made him look too much like some sort of half-naked man-thing. I much prefer the cartoon. We have already watched the first of the two movies that bring the whole range of Christmas feelings to the screen for us: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Next up: It's a Wonderful Life.

    Went to the mall today and it was extremely crowded and difficult to maneuver. On the bright side: perhaps this bodes well for the economy. And I certainly love it when the mall is so busy that the annoying little pushy kiosk workers can't ambush you...

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I love the Grinch!!!  It was my favorite, not the movie the book and original one!!  Egads I am getting old.  I don't know if PT is wearing me out, a little down about making Christams cookies becasue I eat too many,  or what.  Feel punky today but have manged to bake one batch of cookies, screw one batch up, wrap presents, and worked from home for a couple of hours.  All my shopping is done, my younest son is in Michigan but seeing his friends first, probably won't make it her until Wednsday. It really helps that BCO is posting everywhere being fat hampers our therapy, oh well thanks for listening just a littel down today.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    I think I am ready for Christmas, all presents bought and wrapped, maybe I can avoid the stores for the rest  of the holidays.  I don't have the energy to do any shopping anyway.  The fatigue is just not going away.  My blood was fine on Thursday, but this water retention is the pits.  My DH and I went to see the Blind Side today and I really liked it, he had rather see blood and guts, but I make him see a chick flick ever once in a while, just because I can.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  All  you ladies on the East Coast are you ready for the snow?  Enjoy it for me, we don't get enough snow in Texas to even know what it is.


  • susu1976
    susu1976 Member Posts: 94

    I have my first 3 month check up with the onc on Monday.  I had the bone density test (all good, only a tiny bit below normal on my spine) so she suggested Vit D (2,000 IU), and calcium (1200 mg).  I had my port removed just before Thanksgiving and the incision is almost healed.  Hair is growing slowly--lots in the back and not too bad on the sides, but the top is sparse.  My eyelashes are coming back in, but my eyebrows are still thin.  Got the hair back on my legs, under arms and "private" area (naturally, those areas would come back the soonest!).  So tired of wearing a wig but can't quite bring myself to go topless yet.  Talked to my PS about reconstruction.  I think I'll plan that for March or April (implants).  Can't wait for this year to end and hopefully have a much better one in 2010.

    Got the shopping done for my son.  Can't think of anything to buy my husband, so he probably isn't getting anything this year.  I haven't asked for anything nor made a list, so I doubt I'll be getting anything either, so I guess that makes us even.

    Hope to bake some cookies tomorrow.  I go to the doctor and work on Monday, then off until the 28th (my 18 year wedding anniversary).  No snow here yet, but I guess there is some coming...but we're used to it so nothing to get excited about.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, susu1976, to this thread although we've already met on that Memories thread.  All my cancer trauma took place this year too and still seems pretty fresh, but I am trying to get ready to enjoy the holidays. Sounds like you have a Med-Onc who is sensible about testing, that's a plus.

    Kleenex, would you like the Grinch any better if he had a dark chocolate coating?  It worked for that other half-naked man-thing we had on here a while back.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar, I think the Grinch probably smells bad, so although choclate might mask it, he is still not our chocolate covered Chester "Shee tois"

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Good Sunday afternoon fellow middles.

    I'm doing my good deed and being grandma -- so the parents to my wonders could spend the day together. My SIL is being deployed the Monday after Christmas. So this is a very bittersweet holiday for them -- for us. This is to be a 3 month activation, into the heart of things across the ocean. He is a pilot, so our prayer is that he is always safe up in the highest heavens -- above the confrontation. It makes me so keenly aware of our families in the service & the sacrifices made on our behalf. Prayers to all who are separated from family. 

    They had made cookies and iced them and added sprinkles and I have not eaten every single one, so I am claiming a moral victory of sorts. 

    Welcome to our new 'middles'...... new to BC, new to BCO, new to the middles. 

    This is a lovely spot to rest and receive the occaisional giggle or two. 

    May everyone receive strength from the season as you move forward on your own journey. 

    A very warm hug to our founding mother and  to all of the other delightful, creative brood that have gathered round the warmth here. 

    May we continue to welcome every new individual in an effort to divide the fear and carry the weight, assuring every newcomer that they need never be alone on this journey.

    The holidays always make me rather pensive. 

    Hoping for the very best week possible, for anyone reading along here.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sounds like you had a great day, Faith.  DS2 is stationed in Japan and DS1 and DIL live in another state.  That leave just one child home for the holidays.  Makes it a little blue.

    I am feeling pretty old this weekend.  I ran into my first boyfriend yesterday while Christmas shopping.  He was my brother's best friend, and I last saw him at my SILs funeral 6 years ago.  When I said hello, he looked at me with a blank stare and said, he was not sure who I was.  I must have aged alot since I saw him last, it was a month before I started chemo.  I have never had that happen before.  It made me sad.  Not that I expected a joyous reunion, just the fact that I have changed too much.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    faith, you didn't eat them because they didn't have Cheetos on them.  Now you could  sprinkle some crumbled Cheetos...well you know what I mean.  I will keep your family in my prayers, to arrive back safely and keep the ones at home safe also.

    Meece, I know what you mean, I feel so worn out, I just want this fatigue to go away and it is just hanging in there.  Maybe you haven't aged so much it is just that the guy is losing his memory.   Maybe he has "Old Timers" disease.  That could be it.

    Good evening to all you lovely ladies, I am too tired to post much more.  Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and is ready to start the new week.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Thank you for your encouragement, Juanelle.  I posted this  reply last night but it disappered over night.  Weird.

    I got to thinking that maybe he didn't want his wife to know that he recognized me. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Meece I posted last night too. Its not here. I really think Im hitting the ABC icon instead of submit. Any way this was the post I wrote to you.

    " Maybe he wasnt wearing his glasses"


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Meece, don't be surprised when you see him again in ten years, and he's friendly and starts to reminisce with you.  I've seen it happen before--just selective amnesia for his wife's benefit. 

    Men's memories aren't that bad.  Look at George Bailey...even in his alternate life after some years had passed, he remembered Violet (and she had changed her girlish look into a woman of ill-repute by then.) 


    That bring me to my final Top 5 Christmas movie, "It's a Wonderful Life."

    My Top 5 were not in a particular order.  Sometimes I even have trouble with this movie.  George takes so freakin' long to figure out what's important and what he really wants that it gets on my nerves, and Mary puts up with that for way too long, don't you think?   Still, it's a holiday classic, I've seen it a million times, and I love Clarence.

    [Our family has seen this so much, when my youngest was in Eighth Grade, he wrote a three act parody called "It's a Wonderful Death," in which Clarence convinces George to become a martyr for Islamic jihad.  Well, he had just seen a "20/20" episode that interviewed a "failed" Islamic martyr, so his play was a combination of the two.  In the new version, George and Clarence both get not only wings but the promised "72 virgins." My son's teacher had a problem with him writing about virgins, so on his master copy the word virgins was redacted, and substituted with the word penguins.  This story is 100% true; and it IS a wonderful life!!!]

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sheila, I don't have an ABC icon.  But I feel better that I wasn't the only one.  I always post, then double check to look at my spelling etc.  I know it was there.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    You must have one Meece. Its the last one on the top of the post that you are writing in.

    ABC in black letters and underneath there is a blue checked sign.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Oh, the spell check icon.  Yes, I have that.  You should be able to tell that I rarely use it! Laughing
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Hi ladies,

    I am new to this group and have enjoyed reading your posts.  It has helped me feel a bit better about being so fatigued reading that some of you are having issues with the fatigue too (although I truly wish none of us were dealing with this).  My fatigue has caused me to cut back on our usual Christmas activities.  I'm working today, tomorrow and Wednesday and don't have a single gift wrapped for my Hubby, four children, two in laws, or three grandchildren!!  At least the gifts are purchased and we'll enjoy each others company and they'll enjoy their gifts even if I don't get them wrapped!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi, suzwes.  Have you tried B-12 tablets for your fatigue?  Nothing takes the place of quality sleep, but I think the B-12 did help me bounce back from rads.  How is your rads cough?  (I met you on another thread, remember, but my cough was virus-related so I am doing better now.) 

    I always forget to use spell check.  It's not the spelling that is the problem so much, but the clumbsy typing.  The type is smaller in the composing box too, so when I do look it over before posting, I can't even see the letters that well, then I spot my errors in the larger type on the thread.  I am constantly having to go back in and edit for a typo or two.  Sorry about that.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Suzette, welcome.

    Have someone go and purchase gift bags for your gifts. That and some plain white gift wrap will make do just fine.  They usually come with blank tags to use.  Figure out some basic dimentions for what you have, make a count and let them have at it.  You don't need to stress out over this one.

    Merry Christmas,


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Happy Monday Middies! I am back from a fabulous weekend away from home, spending time with family and friends. Friday evening I spent with my bestest friend of 46 years, meeting her new boyfriend.

    Saturday afternoon my oldest daughter and I Christmas shopped for her adoptive family...16 year old triplets! What a blast! That night she and I went to San Francisco to see The Nutcracker Ballet. It's a tradition I started with my girls years ago. One word...fabulous!

    Sunday I met with 5 women I use to work with, for lunch. We each had a drink in memory of our dear friend who died suddenly the week before Thanksgiving from complications of pneumonia, at 53. What a bittersweet get-together.

    I am home again and need to kick my shopping into high gear. Tomorrow, after Yoga, I am off to town and I will NOT come home until ALL my shopping is complete. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have been changing that graphic at the top of the page a lot during the holiday season since there are so many nice designs to choose from.  Picked the current snowy scene since it IS the first day of Winter, but I am going to look for a NUTCRACKER design next cause I like that ballet too and you just reminded me.