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  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    I've been deported!!  Yeah!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Don't know if she can get it but it is a real medication. Marinol is brand name. Nausea relief/appetite stimulant. Only saw it twice while working hospice. And never long enough with pt to know how successful it was.

    Hope mouth soreness is improving. Sounds like you've got a little handle on it with your intake yesterday. Better luck with today's. When is next chemo scheduled?

    Yeah Dechi for being "deported", in a good way!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Congrats, Dechi!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congrats Dechi!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Marinol is a derivative of Marijuana and I think is was developed for people who had a loss of appetite due to AIDS.  I am not sure of the pain releif benefits of it.  It sound like Eli~ is hungry, but the pain of eating has decreased her intake...Is that correct?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I was being facetious!  She's already said wherever she lives is not a "pot" friendly place.  You can get medical marijuana Rx here in Oregon & with the new laws Washington & Colorado you can openly smoke.  I just thought perchance a good high would help her not care about a sore mouth~~~poor girl!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Ah, got it.  I was being too analytical.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    That's the number cruncher in you!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Yep! Undecided

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I find that smoking pot actually exacerbates my pain!! It's like it's highlighted or something. I don't care as much about it, but it is really prevalent!! HATE that feeling.

    As for my over-reaction to a cold sore; it was because I had NEVER EVER had one in my life so my body fought SO hard to get rid of it. They told me that it would get slightly less bad every time I experienced a "flare". It's been about 28 years and I can still tell when I'm going to get a Fibromyalgia flare when I start to feel that lumpy area in my lip!! Does anyone else get a sign they are about to get a Fibro flare?? The cold sore and FM are both linked to the immune system so it makes sense. The resulting cold sore didn't even show up for about 2 weeks! It was quite ugly as you can imagine....Yell I now use Abrevia if I feel one coming on and it's been years since I have had one break the skin. Two years of peridontal work to help my tongue recover from the sores in my mouth. It was quite a trip! Not one I'd wish on anyone.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Oh, I'm HUNGRY all right.  Can you imagine me on the medicinal herb?  I get the munchies and then what

    Chach,  Avocado still too stingy.  May give that recipe a try later.  I can't really imagine the taste of it.  Found some other good ones in Eating Well Through Cancer.  Of course I am dying for some pizza, although tomato sauce would be like torture right now.


    Dechi,  Big high five on getting the port out.  Mine still hurts, but not as much.  I bet I have to keep mine in until after surgery and there's still a chance they will want to poison me some more with some adjuvant chemo.  It is very liberating to get rid of one of the vestiges of cancer.  I can't wait.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Love the high-five picture!  

    It would be terrible to have the munchies and not be able to actually eat anything munchable!  I doubt if too many stoners crave mashed up hard-boiled eggs.... maybe you should try that, Elimar.  Blend a couple of hard-boiled eggs and then add some mayonnaise for fat.  Anything to stay out of the hospital!  I hope you are about to turn the corner on this.

    Yes, my gastro did say they don't like to see anything over 1 cm so I am sooooo grateful I made it in there yesterday!  And it really wasn't bad at all.  Nothing like what I had built up in my head!  The propofol was the weirdest stuff.  One minute I was talking to the tech and the next minute I was talking to him, just in another room.  I don't even remember opening my eyes - I was just there.  Freaky!  My first time with propofol, I guess.  I'm used to people standing around screaming at me, "Wake up!!"

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Heartnsoul - My same exprience with propofol. Saw syringe of milky stuff; knew what it was. Gone, then next thing I knew there was DH sitting beside me and I was wide awake again. Versed I had trouble waking up from.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    luvmygoats - did your husband say what you were doing before you woke up? Not that you were dancing on the table or anything... Wink

    Seriously, I guess your eyes were closed and all...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    DH said he had just sat down. I opened my eyes and it was wide awake time. They asked me to put my clothes as much as I could without standing up which I did then up to wheelchair. Let me go to RR by myself then rolled me out the door.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Thank you! So now I know my eyes were closed - haha.  That's been bothering me...

    I've always wanted goats.  I live on a lot of wooded acreage (not all mine) that has ivy growing in the trees, so it was always my plan to get goats to keep the ivy in check. But, then the coyotes moved in and ruined everything.  I wanted chickens, too, and a chicken coop.  There still may be some way to outsmart the coyotes, I don't know.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eli- are you still getting radiation while you are waiting to heal before starting the chemo again? I have done a lot of research on Emu oil and I have been using it each day. So far, so good. I will keep you posted on how it is working.  After tomorrow I will have 19 to go. I had to be seen on Monday. Doc said I was suffering from exhaustion and doesn't want me to work over 30 hrs. I took today off from work and I really needed just to stay home. I hope you start to feel better soon.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Heartnsoul - I have Nigerian dwarf dairy goats about 17 I think. I prefer not to count too close 'cause then the cost of hay begins to bother me. I have very little acreage so feed lots of hay in square bales. Texas is in perpetual drought these days and hay though easy enough to buy at the feed store is pricey. I think I might try milking a doe in the spring. DH will just have to get used to the taste, but it means keeping her feed separate somewhat (a new adventure awaits!). In Texas you can't sell raw milk (or give it away) without an awesome grade A dairy permit which means water/electricity/separate milking room, etc. But personal use is different. I have 2 females probably bred, been to see Mr. Buck. I've had goats since 2001. Love them. Knock on wood no coyote problems. Have 6 foot no climb horse fencing with barbed wire on outside. I too would like chickens but have great horned owls and red tailed hawks. Need to get DH a picture of a chicken tractor, kinda like a portable coop on wheels. I think it would answer that problem but then getting DH to build it.  Goats love ivy but they really do not eat just anything. Will not eat the stinging nettle but loves trees and dead leaves. I understand they like poison ivy as well. Mine are on what was grass, pretty bare.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Heart, in my pre-BC days I had goats.  The high five pic brought back memories when an old bobcat decided to have goat for dinner each week.  He was relentless until I showed him who was boss.  He wasn't giving any high fives.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    marlegal rads killed half of my left underarm and I did not do chemo but with the repoistioning of pec muscle for reconstruction it makes shaving difficult.  My laser hair removal tech said she sees this quiet often.

    Joanne and momto7 good luck with your chemo

    heartnsould welcome to the three year club.  Not a great club to be in but better than the alternative.  I had my colonoscopy in Aug and they found several pre-cancer polpys in my colon and a couple of ok polpys in my stomach so I am on the three year plan as well.

    dechi congrats on getting deported.

    Eli I hope your mouth is getting better.  I have always fought fever blisters.  I now take acyclovir daily to try to keep them away.  I still get them anyway but they do not get as bad.  I know that when my dad was on chemo and he got mouth sores they had him on acyclovir as well.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    When we grow garden tomatoes, I mark my calendar when I eat my first one. I have them for NO more than one month (& usually I only allow myself three weeks) or I will get a cold sore. If they are on the vine too long, they become too acidic for me. I will slice them for the DH, & I resort to store bought. I will not buy/eat tomatoes "on the vine" that you can buy in the store either. When I used to fix orange juice from concentrate from the can, if it was anymore than two days old & not finished yet, I pitched it, otherwise I would get a cold sore if I drank it.

    Once I had a Cottage Inn pizza two days in a row. (Yeah, I know, naughty, naughty!!) Major cold sore from the pizza sauce. Never did that again.

    I do not take vitamin C supplements. My Aunt suggested it one winter - tried it - omg, major cold sore! And, this is hard to believe but happened none-the-less: I used to buy an organic face cream, and for the life of me, I can't remember the name right now, that had orange extract or whatever it was, in it. When the store didn't have the one I always bought, I bought the one that was extra fortified. Good lordie, cold sore time.

    So, I watch what I eat & check labels on products. I have never had a reaction like you did, barbe, not even the first time I had developed a cold sore.

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    Valjean - I have the same issue with acidic fruits!  I can't eat fresh tomatos at all.  I can handle a piece of pizza or two especially if there is lots of cheese, but too much pizza, canker sore time.  Too much cirtrus, more than one orange or a couple of glasses of juice and bang.  Don't touch grape fruit...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My DH's cold sores occur in relationship to stress.  I can ALWAYS tell when he is stressing about something either at work or home.  They also always occur in the same spot.  He takes Acyclovir as soon as one shows up.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Oh, now I can relate.  I think I might be having a failure in terminology.  When you say "cold sore" I think of big, brown, scabby thing on the lips.  But Barbe said hers was in the mouth, and Val is saying get them in mouth after citrus do you mean those horrible mouth ulcerations that spring up from time to time.  I get those once in a while but always just called them "canker sores."  I don't think of them as the same.  I don't get the ones on lips.  When Val mentioned her tomato crop, I remembered that we grew strawberries and it is so easy to gluttonize those when everything is going ripe.  But yowza, after a couple days it was too much of a good thing and I'd be hurting from all the acid.

    My mouth sure is healing slowly now.  I'm still very bad but I am having some water-y, milky tea right now, somethig I could not do for the past four days.  Dinner last night was 2 oz. of pureed lentil soup with a 6 oz. side of milky mashed potatoes that I could drink down.  Should be able to force down more pureed stuff today, but really must keep it smooth.  Lost a good six lbs., and look just like a wrinkly, cancer-y supermodel.  Last summer, I was riding my bike about five days a week to stay fit and keep the middle-aged belly fat off.  Well, who knew?  To really whittle my waistline, all I needed was a couple weeks of horrendous mouth sores.  Amazingly effective, but I would not recommend it.

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    Ok I'm laughing loud now thanks to you Eli!!! That's me, not going to worry about my extra pounds now! You sound beautiful! Nothin wrong with wrinkles, I like em, specially the live ones lol!

    So happy to hear you are on the mend....jeez...the things we do to look gorgeous! Xoxo

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    You look the same to me, Eli~   Wink

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    And probably always will!!!!

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    I always called the sores in the mouth canker sores (that's what I get when I eat tomatoes) and the ones outside, those scabby things, cold sores. (I've never had one of those)

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Yes, Cindyl, I have always called the sores in the mouth Canker Sores & the ones I get, on the lips on the outside, Cold Sores. They get firm & eventually develop a scab which if one is not extremely careful, can be knocked off & will bleed & bleed. And then you develop another scab & start all over. I have had a scab come off just bumping my lip while pulling a shirt on over my head. I keep Herpecin L HL 30 on it as much as possible. It keeps it moist & eventually dries it up. I've had two at one time. Yell I've never had a canker sore.

    A pain in the wa-zoo!!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Glad you are feeling better, Eli! FYI you don't taste avocado in the pudding recipe....just smooth chocolate....yum