
  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957

    Right now I am eating Quaker's mini delights......the "chocolatey mint" ones,,,,,,very good and if you like GS mints you just may like these. A serving size is one bag and has 90 calories......... not bad! Well, at least not bad for 90 calories!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Pat, if you can put them all in your mouth at once and empty the bag, they don't count! Surprised

    Cookie, acupuncture in a lymphadema arm is contraindicated! I wouldn't do that study (though I only have truncal lymphadema anway....)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    bbd, Good Luck with your first chemo tomorrow.  Maybe you are getting the same chemo cocktail that one-L just finished with?  She said the time went by pretty quick.  Don't have any first hand advice to give you as that was one treatment that I did not have to have.

    A cookie binge sounds good right now, but that is just the anxiety building about my first mammo check tomorrow.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    E: while you're having your mamo tomorrow, I'll be having preAdmit-testing.

    We can keep each other company...... with good thoughts....... all around, for bbd, too.......

    and any and all who read along and are going thru treatment or recovery, or cheeto binging, despite their new year's resolutions.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Bbd, Ginger snaps are great for nausea.  I kept some in my freezer during chemo.  When I couldn't eat anything else, I could always gnaw on ginger snaps.

    Faithy, I will be sending up extra prayers for you as you go through this stressful time.  

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Faithy, just got back on the boards since I was out in Omaha seeing my family and just want to say that this gets a big That sux's, wrapping you up in positive thoughts.

    I just want you all to know that when I was pregnant 33 years ago I hid thin mint cookies in several different places and usually only ate them in the middle of the night so I wouldn't have to share! I don't know why but I only gained 16lbs during my whole pregnancy. I gained 50 just hitting menopause Cry

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I was thinking this week, that if I shared, it would benefit me because I'd get to have some of my favorite goodies, but not the calories of the whole package.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    ok if you like gingersnaps the new paul newman ginger snap creme cookies are insane...the creme is the middle is ginger.

    Had korean food tonite, all those fermented flavors are bound to be cancer fighting!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-I like the top photo, snow covered bridge-very nice.

    Kleenex, I really like the broccoli bag disguise!  I am fortunate in that my DD doesn't particularly like Thin Mints; she's a Samoa gal, but I can use that idea for a few other things she has a tendancy to chow down on before I can get to it.

    Elimar, Faith, bbd-hugs & prayers covering you tomorrow!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, it's a slow morning on the thread, I see.  You were all holding your breath about my 6 mo. screening, right?  Well, it was CLEAR, for whatever that is worth.  (Last time my tumor successfully hid in my dense tissue through two different digital mammos, so I hope nothing is hiding in there this time.) 

    Things I now know...A) What a boring way to spend two and a half hours of my morning, and I know it was only the first of many; B) It did NOT hurt me.  I am kind of surprised.  Not that I was a sensitive Sally before the Dx, but I just figured flattening out the scar tissue would not be pleasant.  It was very tolerable; and C) In six mos., I will get an US along with the mammo at that time. 

    The radiologist did agree that an US would be a good supplemental imaging for me, cause I don't have that much "breastage" (thanks, Faith) and it could penetrate to my chest wall for a good look-see next time.  Next time will be when I would normally be due for both breasts to be screened, so it works out fine that way.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Forgot.  My late night anxiety was so bad last night that I only got three hours of sleep.  You know how when your body gets tense that the muscles contract and actually affect the circulation to your hands and feet, making them go icy cold?  I had that.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I'm so glad for you elimar!  I totally understand the night anxiety!  May you have a more restful sleep tonight.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Woo Hoo Elimar! Hapy Dance and all that. Yep, I just got back from Yoga with waaay too much energy and the house is f-f-freeeezing! I'm trying to coax the fire into a raging inferno but it's not co-operating...

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Good afternoon, ladies!

    Well, we got b-b size snow and everyone's freaking out here in the Atlanta area.  Ranger, the little schnauzer in the photo, does not like it one bit.

  •   Does anyone know anything about megace or know someone who has been on it.  The aromasin did not work for me this time around and things are going downhill.  Megace was the next one of the list that the onco at MDAnderson recommended.  It is a very old treatment and I guess the reason they took it off the market as a cancer treatment was women hated it because you gain weight on it....a lot from what I understand.  My onco here does not think it will work just as he did not feel the aromasin would work and I have to admit he was right on that one.  Since megace increases your appetite (not that mine needed any help), I plan on starting WW the same time I start the megace.  If I am starving I can eat a head of cabbage instead of a carton of ice cream.  I don't mind gaining weight as much if it is my fault from pigging out and eating poor choices, but I know it is going to be frustrating if I gain and I am trying really hard not to.  Anyone familiar with this treatment? 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I'm familiar with Megace as an adjunct treatment for people during chemo.  It's the ingredient in marijuana that causes the muchies, so it is used to increase appetite in people who are not eating well due to chemo induced nausea or the effects of HIV Infections/AIDS. It's also used for palliative treatment of endometrial cancer.   I'm not familiar with it;s use in breast cancer.  Serious side effects are diabetes, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), congestive heart failure, heart muscle damage.  Common side effects are rash, high blood pressure, insomnia, diarrhea, flatulance, weight gain, chest pain, constipation, hot flashes, hair loss.  Anti-cancer effect mechanism is unknown.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    It is so hard to keep up with this thread and work.  I may just have to quit by job, just so I can post on BCO.  I don't know how I would pay for my tx, but this would be more fun.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I am with you, I'd much rather be here on BC.org than working.  And some says the threads get so busy, I can't read them all to catch up.  I just have to skip to the end.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Marybe, I also found this little blurb on the ACS website...

    Megestrol acetate: Megestrol acetate (Megace®) is a progesterone-like drug used as a hormone treatment of advanced breast cancer, usually for women whose cancers do not respond to the other hormone treatments.(Goes on about the weight gain effect)

    None of the chemo drugs or hormonals are without their nasty side effects, so there's no getting around that.  I must have seen the expression "cancer is a crap-shoot" on these threads about 100 times so far, but I'm thinking so are cancer treatments. You just never can tell what might be the most effective for the individual.  Report back if you end up trying this therapy, others might be interested since it is not so common.

                                      Rolling Dice Pictures, Images and Photos

  •   Nativemainer,  Wow, no one mentioned all those other SEs to me. Pharmacist told me it was originally used as a cancer treatment, but now is used for AIDS patients and seriously ill patients so they want to eat as you said.  Gives you the munchies, huh......do you get any other pot like SEs I wonder?   I rather enjoyed the Flower Child era.......elephant bells, no bra, peace signs.  Little did I know I would be wearing bandanas again in my late 50s...not to be hip, but to cover my bald head.  Sigh.....  

    Elimar,   You have some of the greatest pics! 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    meece, I got behind on all the threads that I post to over the holidays and I am just now catching up.   I think I am officially caught up now, wooohooo.  It has taken me about 5 days.  I was really behind.  I too have skipped  to the end, but I don't want to miss anything funny or important. 

    All you ladies crack me up so much, my DH thinks I am crazy when I just burst out laughing while I am reading about my BC friends.  I have tried to read some of the really funny stuff to him, but he just doesn't get it.  I don't think he has a sense of humor.

    Well, now that I have finally caught up on all the threads, I think I will go to bed.  Long days, short  nights.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Juanelle, maybe you just "have to be there" to really appreciate our humor.  Besides, he's a man.  Eating Cheetos just isn't anything more to him than filling his stomach!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Marybe-let us know about any other cannabis side effects if you go that Megace route.  Oregon has medical marijuana; I thought about asking my doctor, but my 15 yr old freaked out-said something about tainting her for life.  I told her that she was already going to be in therapy for so many other things, what did it matter if her mom smoked a little pot for cancer symptoms. Oh well, I've sacrificed so much for already, what's a little more?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Isn't Marinol as pill form of marijuana?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Meece....Marinol is the pill form of marijuana....my onc gave it to me for nausea during chemo...it really didn't help with the nausea though so didn't use it again...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I used Zofran when the nausea got too bad.  It worked.  I even had the disolving type so I could "keep it down".

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Meece and Juanelle, I'm with both of you and would rather read the posts than work.  However, work does pay the bills and the health insurance so guess I'll have to keep on working.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Marinol and Megace are compounds found in marijuana that have specific effects (nausea control and appetite increase) but come without the other compounds that cause other "undesirable" effects. Personally, I'm not sure it's "undesireable" for someone with cancer to feel and little giddy or happy or even stoned occasionally. . . Is it really such a crime to use something that makes you feel good, or is it a crime to use something that doesn't make a profit for a phama company?

    I could have used a little of that yesterday when they took me out back for more mammo views becuase they "saw something" that they later said "was nothing."  So did they see something or not? How do they see something that isn't there? I saw upon the stair a man who wasn't there. .. .   Had me sobbing and hysterical in the hallway outside the exam room.  Why do these radiologists hide in back rooms and send out techs that can't answer questions to deal with us?  The radiologist wouldn't come out and talk to me-"he doesn't see paitients."  I am sooooo glad this was mhy very last mammogram ever. Don't think I could ever go through this again. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Joni - don't you love the dramatic perceptions of teenagers? "Tainted for Life." Maybe we can take our similarly-aged daughters on Montel or Jerry Springer together in a few years to air out all of this tainting and such we're doing to them... "My Mom's Breast Cancer Behavior Ruined Me for Life!!!!"

    NativeMainer - that sort of thing makes me crazy! "He doesn't see patients"!?? Completely inappropriate if he doesn't have well-trained staff who can avoid freaking out patients. Although I'm sure it's a stressful job - we're usually pretty tightly wound when having a mammogram after all the fun we've already had - I think that it should be SOMEONE'S job to deal with patients in an intelligent and compassionate manner.

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Kleenex - I've got a 15 year old daughter that could join the "drama-thon."  My favorite thing to do these days is to embarass her...that's why we all had kids, so that we could embarass them like our moms did to us, right?

    Well, I celebrated my one year diagnosis anniversary yesterday by having my mammogram and checkup with my surgeon.  Everything is all clear, so I practically skipped out of there when I was done.  DH and I are going to celebrate this weekend!