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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    My old fridge is 80's almond.  I still like that color better than stainless (fingerprints!) or black (more fingerprints!!)  When you are lazy, those fingerprint hiding exteriors mean so much.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    2nd time - I drank apple cider for some of my liquid prep. Now I had mine in Dec. last year so didn't want cold stuff and I could drink it straight from the bottle - or you could even warm it up. Really at the rate you have to drink it I don't think I could have taken either cold or even sl. warmed stuff. Actually cut the taste of my nasty prep - I did not luck into the Gatorade/Miralax that Eli had. I had something called Suprep nasty stuff. Once I gagged my way thru that stuff the rest was a piece of cake. DH and I did some shopping after - knowing us prob.  was Lowes.

    Mine is plain old white though I do think it has that pebbly surface. Funny how we look at stuff repeatedly and still can't say yes or no and I'm resisting the urge to get up and look.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    eli, I love, love, love the Peter Max topper! (of course, doesn't measure up to the tits on a plate, but close)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks Elimar and LuvMG, for the info! Totally not looking forward to this. My prep is called Movi-prep (it was free so I wonder about it), I was told no red, purple or orange drinks. Have  been drinking lots of white tea or warm water with ginger, lemon and honey for my sore throat lately, hoping I can do one of those. Lost the paperwork for what I should/shouldn't eat the days before. I'll know more after tomorrow appt. Can hardly wait to meet the aliens!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm late on the convo-guess I didn't come here yesterday.  E -did you purposefully schedule your c-scopy for the day after the dreaded time change?  Well, I wanted to bring in a late night snack in celebration of your clear scope.  Can you say WHOOPIE Pie? 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    May last scope (I've had 3) the pre-treat seemed a bit lighter, but I had poorer results with cleansing. The best one was when I was fasting for 3 days prior to get really clean. The cleanse was more like dry-heaves but was much better than my first one. That time I actually wrote up a blog to describe the feelings - like - do NOT use your favourite drink to mix the crap in (pun intended) as it will no longer BE your favourite drink!! And, do NOT wear your best underwear when prepping as that won't last either. 

    I get scoped down my throat at the same time as I had stomach surgery at 10 days old and they are always fascinated to see it all (I'm part of the oldest generation that actually survived this surgery for Pyloric Stenosis in the '50's). I always tell them to do the throat scope FIRST Winking

    So GLAD to hear that you have no issues in that field anymore e!!! I'm in the process of getting my liver checked out...sigh.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    got instructions today. 1st dose is 5 PM the previous night. 2nd dose is 3-5 hours before procedure (which is 10 AM). A Xanax to sleep and one in the morning before procedure. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for the encouragement!  LuvMG, apple cider sounds great (and yummy green jello). 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    2TA,  Haven't heard of Moviprep, so give us a review on it afterward.  

    I think most all of the prescription preps are based around polyethylene glycol.  Miralax is that too, but no prescription needed.  All I know is the one called GoLytely tasted and had a back vapor of mothballs.  Came with a flavor packet, so I should say flavored mothballs.  EeeeYuk!  If yours turns out nasty, hold nose while chugging it down, finish with a swallow or two of non-prep liquid, then release nose.  That helped me.

    I know this is going to sound judgemental but I am not trying to be, I am just wondering.  Are you really that anxious to need the Xanax?  Besides the prep, which you at least do in the comfort of your own home, the procedure is really not bad.  I've been through a lot right?  So, trust me when I say it was one of the easiest actual procedures, just a little nap really, and you don't wake up with drains or scars like the other procedures we all have in common.  Is it the fear of the unknown making you anxious?  Is it needle anxiety?   

    Good Luck!  Come back and tell us something good (like you don't need to go back for 10 years.)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hi all - it's been a while since checking in. Had a bit of a mental slump a few weeks ago and just decided that I really needed a break from the site. Have scanned the last few pages to try and catch up.

    Want to say a big congrats to DianaRose - have been thinking about you and your wedding. The pics are wonderful. So very happy for you. Wishing you better, pain free days ahead in regards to your health.

    Eli - So AWESOME to hear that there are NO signs of CRC from your latest test. Keep on keeping on.

    Welcome to any newbies and wishing everyone happy days!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - I looked up Moviprep and sure enough it is polyethylene glycol and so is GoLytely. Suprep is a sodium/potassium/magnesium sulfate solution. I'm surprised finding that out about the GoLytely. You'd think it would be close to the same taste as your last prep. I can tell you the Suprep is nasty tasting stuff for sure. Most pts I gave GoLytely to could not finish I think even 1/2 of it. The thing that surprised me was no cramping - just the "gotta go now" urge. I believe they use some gas in the colon so some may get cramps from that gas trapped.

    You are absolutely right though about the actual test. You've had much more than me but I've had 2 nuclear stress tests. I'd take another colo. over another one of those including going thru the prep.

    Hi Back Barsco. Been missing you. We're here for support if you feel you want to share. (((BIG HUGS)))

    imageCool I would wear this (if it actually came big enough). Well not sure about two faces sitting just below my tatas?? Had fun looking at Peter Max stuff. Don't think I ever had any though I did have some wild print jeans - remember I'm more in the "ish" age range lol.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Barsco- so great to note your return.  I too have had spotty attendance lately, and noticed that you had not made comments for a while.  Nice to see your cute little avatar self again!  I hope you are coming out of your slump like a spring bulb bursting through the frozen tundra!

    Eli- thanks for sharing your wonderful news!  It's about time for me to receive my mailer containing my "poop on a stick" test.  I've never had a colonoscopy, but then I've never had known issues indicating one, either.  But I'll be double nickels on Friday and am wondering if it is time for me to have the more thorough check.  Anybody have knowledge or a recommendation about that?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    luv, I'd wear that dress too (except those puff sleeves look freakish on me.)  I'm going to get some wearable Max one of these days. 

    image  Can someone loan me $1,000 for these sneaks?


    HI BARSCO, Sorry to hear about the slump.  Breaks are needed every now and then.  When the mind starts to get cancer filled you either need to come here more often to unload or take a break entirely.  And finding some Peter Max shoes at an estate sale for a few bucks could also help.  (Insert Antiques Roadshow dream here.)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    SnS,  Are you 50 yet?  If yes, then that is enough reason to book some time with the aliens.  By age 50, you don't have to have family history.  It's as random as BC is, but the better part is that the evil can be easily snipped off before becoming cancer.  With family history, usually people get probed in their 40s or earlier even.

    I'm sorry I did not bookmark the article, but I have read that getting the one time poo-smear (done at doc's office) is NOT very accurate at all.  The home test "poo-on-a-stick" (usually a series of three smear cards) is a little better.  Both of those tests can be early (but is it early enough?) indicators that something is wrong if occult blood is found.  Or you might just have a bleeding hemorrhoid but you will have to find out via colonoscopy at that point.

    But the main point is this:  If you wait until you have occult blood to get a colonoscopy, you already MAY have a full blown cancer in there.  I did.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    BTW, I no longer feel guilty about going on about CRC on this BCO thread.  Even tho' it is not on topic for BC, it is a Mid-Age topic.  If my saga gets even one person's pre-cancerous polyp snipped off in time, then the whole CRC tangent is well worth it.  

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Right on Eli. Cancer is cancer.

    Oh looking at those EBay prices for Peter Max stuff. Is MegaMillions tonight?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957

    Eli, I finally took myself in hand and had my first colonoscopy this last summer.  15 polyps removed, some were the "bad" kind, so I'm on the 5 year plan.  I finally pulled together enough courage to deal with the whole IV stick nightmare 'cause I didn't want to go through what you have.  So I'm probably one save in your account. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm another save.  I'd been putting it off & finally had it done due to your experience.  I was fortunate-no polyps so I'm on the 10 yr plan.  Yippee!  And since you are the fearless leader, you can tangent anything you want.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    I need to have it done, I'm 52....Had 2 Cat Scans pelvic and abdomen,they show some diverticula and ovarian cyst but no masses. MO was happy, me too.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Yeah, I heard about that Loral.  The Cats told me.  Congrats!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    NativeMainer, really?  That is AWESOME that my CRC prompted you to get beamed up to get the baddies out in time.  I don't even remember you mentioning it over the summer, but I did have a slight case of chemo fog going on.  Well, maybe I earned a bit of good karma for my outreach efforts.  I could use some.

    And Eph, I know you will enjoy the peace of mind about that over the next 10 year interval.  However, if anything so much as resembles a symptom of CRC before then, do not wait to get it checked out.

    While the c-scope exam is the gold standard, it has a 5% miss rate.  I learned that the hard way.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    How did some of you get a 5 year plan!! I was put on a 2 year plan for my first 3 scopes!! NOW I'm on a 5-year....

    As for anxiety. None. Never even knew someone had touched my body!! I expected to have a sore bum, but not a twiggle!! Very impressed.  The prep is the worst. 

    My only panic was when they tried to put the scope down my mouth but I wasn't asleep yet...remember, I get a stomach scope at the same time, just so I don't scare anyone!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416

    I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy every 3 years due to previous polyps.  Right now I'm 4 months over due but MO said to wait until I was through with rads since my blood counts are still low from chemo.  Getting anxious to get it done.  If I remember correctly, MoviPrep was the one I decided I liked best.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Elimar, I don't consider it judgmental when you been through it and you're only speaking your feelings. Glad we can talk about anything here, not true in the real world. (And I lurk a lot even though I may not post often. Feel comfortable with this group, just don't always have some to say or contribute. Live the change in your headers!) 

    My anxiety is 95% IV (I freaked out before MRI, had no clue about the noise) and 5% procedure. Mom had to give me shots starting when I was an infant thru age 6 (she was a pediatric nurse in the nursery before I was born), she had anxiety GIVING them to me, so I'm sure that's where I picked it up because logically, it's not a problem. What I have is a down-right phobia, not helped by the fact that blood tests are a torture too (requires multiple sticks and then the bold flow comes to a grinding halt, only a small few have been successful the first time try without causing me pain). And I love the cats, are they yours?

    LuvMG, thanks for researching the MoviPrep. Not looking forward to, we'll just see how it goes. Love the shirt btw, but the placement of faces under the boobs is a bit different. I wouldn't want to draw attention to that area.

    Minus Two, hoping the stuff is drinkable, your comment makes it better.

    I think I heard mega-millions is Tuesdays and Fridays and no big winners last night.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Barsco, we missed ya!!!! I get the taking a break business, tho!

    So I have a Peter Max towel. How cool is that? I've had it for many years, it even has a hole in it, but I can't let it go. Whooeee, those prices for his paintings are sure amazing. 

    I had my 2nd c-scope last spring. I'm on the 5 year plan. I agree it is not too bad. Sounds like the prep is changing a bit. I got halflyte (sp?) to drink. I always joke if they are going to give me some drug to make me forget, how bout the year 1978? lol I remember picking my Dad up one time from getting his c-scope. He was eating cookies happily in the waiting room, he said I don't think they did the procedure, I feel fine!!!!!!

    edited to add 2TA, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get through the things we gotta get through! You know yourself best!

    I don't have trouble with needles. I had to give my DD shots in the stomach after her last surgery. (Luvnox.  we called it hatenox) It was to prevent blood clots. Of course it produced anxiety!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    2TA,  Have to keep it real and tell you that the last two IV experiences I had, they made a pincushion outta me.  Did chemo change my veins or something?  This is a brand new problem for me.  Luckily, I have no fear or phobia of needles.


    I don't know why some of you (Barbe, others) are getting invited back after 2-3 years, even if there was a polyp removed.  On the one hand, in the slim chance that something was missed, it would kind of be like getting a second chance to find it and get it removed in time.  On that same hand, some rare CRCs are on the aggressive side.  Maybe your docs look at your Grade of BC and if it was a Grade 3 they might suspect you could develop an aggressive CRC.  (Note:  I don't know if it would even work that way, I am just guessing why they want to scope you that often)

    On the other hand, this I can tell you...and this is straight off the The American Society of Clinical Oncologist website:  The guidelines(*) are that I don't need to go back now for another 5 years.  Me, who had full-blown freakin' CRC.  Check it out on there for yourself. 

    My surgeon scoped me before surgery (no additional cancer was seen) and now again one year after my surgery (clear.)  That is as per ASCO guidelines.  He wants me to come back in one year for another one, even tho' I was clear.  ASCO guidelines say that if nothing was found, I can go directly to the 5-year plan from this point on.  FYI: The garden variety of CRC takes about 7-8 years, minimum, to go
    from a polyp to cancer.  So that is why, if (and maybe it is a BIG IF) I
    am truly clear now, even I should be o.k. on the 5-year plan.

    So WTH?  Why does my surgeon want me back in just a year?  My thinking now is that I would feel comfortable splitting the
    difference and getting another in about three years. Can't wait to see
    how that goes over with him.

    *These guidelines are current as of Fall 2013 (and Barbe, they were derived from Cancer Care Ontario guidelines, btw.)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Momine, I think that's where I learned how much Valium helped (I think that's what it was back in 1996). Was like a puddle of jello, my DH would rub my neck or shoulders to get me to sleep back then. Now for IV's my good luck charm is a J-pen (what they use on kids).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957

    2nd time--I have the
    IV phobia, too.It usually takes
    multiple sticks in one arm before they will consider using my feet, and using
    my feet hurts even when they get it the first time.I found a place where they would use my feet
    without going through the arm thing, actually got the IV on the first try, but
    it still hurt.At least I know it can
    be done that way now, and that will help in the future!

    Barbe--I have the
    stomach one done at the same time, too.I can remember having one of those when they tried to put down the tube
    before I was asleep,apparently I put up
    a fight at the time, and then woke up from the sedation trying to fight them
    off.I'm supposed to have that done
    every 3 years or so, but don’t, also due to the IV phobia thing.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Native, I almost wish I had the same excuse. I have marvelous veins. I would make a great junkie. There is no problem sticking me, it is pure irrational phobia. Shocked

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My first two scopes were before breast cancer. If CRC is so "aggressive" why do they say it is there for 7-8 years minimum??? I don't get it. My sister has had many polyps removed and she's on a much shorter plan than 5 years, but I'd be guessing if I said what it was. (She lives in Oregon.)