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  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    luvmygoats-I was deep in the doo doo alright to the point where I had severe dehydration. I was putting on mascara when I realized I couldn't see what I was doing. Then the room started spinning and I was seeing double and tripple vision. I was hitting the floor fast. I thought my sugar was low so I managed to get a sugar tablet in my mouth. My son knows how to ck my sugar and it was 144 so I spit that out. The doc at the ER wanted nothing to do with me. Suggested brain mets. What an ass. My urine looked like mud.  Since I have been on the antibiotics my sugar levels have been normal. Imagine that. All this has been going on for 3 months and everything was overlooked. Need to have one doctor  who knows nothing about my cancer so they are open minded.

    Mameme-just don't get why some people need to have the power and control over another human being.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, good for you for starting the exit plan. What will you do for living arrangements?? Sounds like you are in "fight" mode and not "flight" mode, so stay healthy and take care of you! Don't give in or you condone his behaviour!! It took me months to figure out what this guy was doing to me - cutting me off slowly from the world, really.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Dianarose - what's the saying "when you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras". ER docs are just different. Patch 'em up, send 'em on, next patient. Sounds like you need a terrific primary care doc. Dizziness has soooo many other causes beyond mets; he just didn't look. Unfortunately I don't think you can get a doc who will not or should not know about you CA. But you can train him/her from day one that even though you know you are stage IV you are also smart enough to know that other things beyond CA happen - treatable things. And if you go to a new primary (or if you don't have one now) that's just about how I would put it. Straightforward statement. I've said this b4 maybe not here but surely on other threads that I often write out in advance and practice things that are difficult. Words/phrases will come easier - not that you can't/won't be emotional - but your basic tx plan will come thru stronger. That's the most time a doc will ever spend with you so make the most of it. Nothing wrong with telling doc what has pi**ed you off about your care and you've got legit reason. Medicine should be a partnership - not a parent/child relationship. Good docs take suggestions with grace and know when to say yes let's try that or conversely no I truly think this is the way to go and will tell you why.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dianarose, Oh darlin'-what a pisser!  Glad you are making the moves necessary for your safety!


    On a completely different note:  Go Deandre!!!!!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    barb-the house is mine. I sent him packing. One thing I have learned is to keep my house in my name only.My mortgage is low and I get my disability so I will be fine. He tries to buy me, but I am not for sale. Money doesn't mean that much to give up who I am. I am however going to ask the court that he keep me on his health insurance for as long as the law allows .

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good for you Dianarose!!!!! Smile

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Dianarose! sorry it ended (is ending badly) but glad you are ok! and smart! (keeping your house in yr name, keeping his medical!) . ok you guys, i am having a bit of a problem here. they are watching me closely for some abberational things . is aberational a word?  anyway, i did write about it under the heading  'local recurrence'.  if any of you are interested, or could help enlighten me as to what might be going on, i am kinda stupid as far as figuring out how to copy and paste the same thing here. could you please click on my name and read there about what is happening? thanks, then maybe i can relax..

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Hi Kathec - I went and read your post and I can understand your frustration and fear.  Who gets the MRI results?  Your MO or BS or both?  I would definitely place a call and request an appt to discuss the discrepancies in the report as it relates to things you know are there that weren't mentioned and also why the labeling on the wrist band, but I think that could have just been a clerical thing.

    Treatment #4 in the books for me - two more to go. MO reduced my taxotere since my liver enzymes are still going up - my alk phos was almost 400 - the upper limit of normal on that test is 140 - the other two were also above normal.  He is sure that it is the chemo causing this.  I told him that if they continue to rise after this reduction that we may call it quits after this one - he says he agrees to an extent as he feels that the most important things I can do is the surgery, which I have done, and the herceptin. He also is skipping the neulasta shot this go around as my WBC's got very high with the last one and really didn't ever come down to normal so he isn't sure I need it - he said if I start to go low that he will give me a few neupogen shots to boost me back up.  In the meantime he wants me to watch my temperature closely.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    kathec, I know you want to hear about how everything you described can be from a non-cancer source and it probably can be, but rather than guesses you really need to get the answers from the doc's office.  You should have explained to you everything that showed up on the MRI, even if benign.  What are the lumps you feel?  Why are they there?  How will they be monitored?  Even why your bracelet used the "recurring" label. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    linda505,  It was very hard for me to take the chemo as "insurance" against maybe having some cancer cells in circulation.  If you have done 4 treatments, the major damage to any remaining cancer(*) has already been done.  With Herceptin and (insert your choice here) an anti-hormonal waiting in the wings, I thing you have got it covered pretty good.

    D-rose,  Glad to hear that you have an exit strategy and do not have to live like that.  Please be careful that his jealous insecurities don't take any additional weird, creepy turns.

    (*)  The kind of cancer that would respond to it, I mean.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    thanks linda505, and elimar. those are both valid things you said. the discrepancies are the things that are really bothering me, and i feel like they are all just sick of me, and i have actually been told there in the past that i ask too many questions.. yeah. elimar, i like the way you put that ,what,why, & how.. that bracelet is freakin me out, more than a little.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,955

    Dianarose--glad to
    see you, sorry to hear you have been under the weather and that hubby is so
    controlling and jealous.Why will docs
    not listen to us?We live in our bodies
    and know something about it, even if we don't have medical degrees.I agree with El, tracking devices, a list of
    dos and don'ts is not insecurity, it's abusive and controlling behavior.Does he have a psychiatric diagnosis?Has he been evaluated for mental health
    issues?Any weapons in the home?If so, get them out, right now.Look up the number for a local abused women's
    shelter and keep it with you.Just in
    case.OK, now I see you have filed for divorce,
    GOOD!As to your little sister's
    mammogram, a tech does not have the training or knowledge to read and diagnose
    the findings, they are only qualified to perform the test.Get the mammogram read by a DOCTOR.

    info.I found out that the BRCA1 & 2
    mutations associated with breast and ovarian cancer also increases the rate of
    pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, among others.

    Luvmygoats--AMEN!Very well said!

    Kathec--who cares
    how they feel about answering your questions, they are being paid by you to
    serve you, so they need to talk to you.Call your docs and keep calling until you get a detailed explanation.Call who ever ordered the MRI and scheduled
    an appointment to discuss the MRI in detail.Don't let the receptionist talk you into just getting a phone call from
    the doc.Schedule some time when he/she
    is all yours, take your copy of the report with you, and go over it line by

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    lbrewer,  Isn't that what they call Lynch's Syndrome?  Were you found to have that?

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    hi all!

    Round 4 over and done. First of 3 started with herceptin for 90 min, then Benadryl and another antihistamine then taxotere for an hour. The ice packs nearly froze my fingers and toes off!! Lol. So far I'm just tired

    Came home and had a salami sandwich. Lol

    I hope that all are well!!



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    F-nut,  I think the Taxotere won't bother your stomach as much as the fluorouracil.  Hope those ice packs can keep you free of the neuropathy.  Is your blood work showing any signs of the poisoning yet?

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    elimar I haven't asked for copies of my bloodwork but have yet to have any infusions delayed. Last night I developed abdominal pains and woke up with them this morning in addition to a funny taste

    But I did poop today!!  Lol

    Now I'm waiting for my nurse to show up to give me my neulasta shot. Hope that she shows up soon!

    Further to this I've had a line down my nail for the past 6 months or so prior to my diagnosis. I recall catching the nail and it felt like it partially lifted. There was blood all around the nail including under the front of it. Since that time I could feel water going under the nail whenever I washed my hair. Further to this I would feel hair go under the nail at times. I don't know if this is when the line appeared but I do know that it's been there for atleast 6 months

    So this past Monday I searched dr google and found subungal melanoma. Sure there are other things but of course I focused on this and self diagnosed myself with this condition

    So when I met with my onc I told him all about this he told me that it is not subungal melanoma before I could even tell him what my self diagnosis was. I told him that my nail was freaking me out a few times so he said that he would send me to a dermatology. He took a picture of it and sent it off and told me again that it's not cancer

    Yet I still can't relax!!!

    Funny how we tend to go to dark places just as I was beginning to be at peace with my bc diagnosis. Funny that after thinking that I might die within a year I now feel that I'll be fine but that the nail will get me!!  Lol


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I'm thinking about it now and who knows how I will get diverted tomorrow, so...   

    Here it is just a little early, Eph.  Baked you a cake.



    Have A Happy Day and Many More of Them!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Happy Birthday Eph...

    Maxine Cake for 60th Birthday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,955

    Footballnut--OUCH!Looks like you injured the nail bed.Oh, wait, you said you caught it and
    partially lifted the nail, that would do it!I hear what you mean about the mind going to dark places.I remember freaking out when my PCP mentioned
    swollen nodes in my neck when I had a sinus infection.My mind went to "mets" .Let us know what the dermatologist

    Happy Birthday,

    Happy Birthday,

  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    Happy Birthday Eph! Ignore those jokers with the burning cakes and multitalented little old ladies, 60 is MUCH more fun than that!! Wear it with pride. Have great year!

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    happy birthday eph and all the best to my friends in the US!!!!

    I suspect that the line on my nail is due to the trauma several months ago. I never thought anything of it until I started surfing this past Monday

    I know that it takes 6 months for a nail to grow but also understand that if it's a trauma it can take much longer

    Hoping to get an appt shortly. My hubby said that they are obviously not overly concerned because they aren't rushing. If I hear a nothing by early next week I'll call my nurse

    Have a great day all!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Happy 4th of July all!  Wherever you are.


    I feel bad for missing Canada Day.  Someone has to remind me about that one.


    Is Canada Day getting more extravagant in recent years, or has it always had fireworks and such?  The images I saw while Googling looked a lot more like the ones for our Independence Day.  Are they basically the same now?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Canada Day is fairly new up here and we make an attempt to celebrate with fireworks and a day off work for some lucky people in retail and banking, etc. I think it was done to coordinate  the July 4th long weekend in the US...otherwise, why July 1st?? I dunno, I'm just Canadian....

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Thanks all!  I'm chilling here at the house (isn't that what 60 yr olds do?)  Gonna go to lunch at Olive Garden (isn't that what 60 yr olds do?) and then a movie.  Then come home and nap (isn't that what 60 yr olds do?) Then go to another movie with DD.  Then will come home and comfort the dogs while all the #$%^#$% idiots go nuts with their fireworks for HOURS on end! (isn't that what 60 yr olds do-RANT & RAVE?)  You all have a great day/weekend too.  Glad I was born so you could celebrate.Winking

    And for the Canadians :

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    i think i might be 60, as i do all those things you mentioned Eph3! Hope you have a good one!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Happy Birthday Eph - sounds like you are easing into 60 just fine!


    The beer fridge video is great - the majority of us may be tone deaf (going by the video) but we will do just about anything for a beer - lol

    Happy Fourth of July to our American sisters!


  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    eph tx for the laff!  I'd love to be at the Olive Garden with you - none in ontario anymore!  And I've been bitching about the kids and their fireworks since this past weekend. Apparently canada day goes on for a week!

    Little bastards!!  Lol

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Happy Birthday Eph. Have fun!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Happy, happy day, Eph!!! I was 60 WAY before you if that is what a 60 year old does all day! I remember turning 50 and thinking I would get more respect and the world would cut me more slack....sigh. How is that working for you at 60????