Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2021

    I love, love, love that picture of Bruno running. Oh, my heart!

    Martaj, your hair looks great!

    octogirl that is great news about your leg!

    karen1956, congrats on surviving the first week with the kids!

    edj3, I am thinking of you (I'm sure a bunch of us are) and hoping your recovery is going well!

    I'm just doing normal dog walks. I've been slacking, I'm afraid. Wanna place any bets on whether tomorrow is the same or I have some kind of burst of pre-op energy?

    Surgery Wednesday, which I am so excited about!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2021

    I went to Pound this morning & Dance2fit tonight. I had my annual eye exam in-between. They dilated my eyes & that made my eyes so sensitive that I spent most of the afternoon in the house wearing sunglasses. Ouch!

    Saltmarsh, here's a picture of the 'happy running' Bruno's evil twin, 'the 'I'm bored and unsupervised for 5 minutes' Bruno.......


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited August 2021

    DD#2 called me while I was at work. She decided yesterday to come to Denver for part of the holidays. For Israeli citizens vaccinated in Israel, after next week, they will only have to quarantine for 24 hours - till they get the results of PCR test upon arrival. She arrives in 2 weeks for a 3 week visit. Told older daughter and she said she was jealous and thinking of coming. The girls haven't seen each other in two years. I'm not sure about DD#1 coming as her husband is still in the hospital - she hopes he is discharged on Friday. Even if he's home would he be able to travel two weeks later. If she does come, all three of my kids will be here - one city, one state, one country and one continent!!! None of the kids have seen each other in 2 years due to Covid.

    Starting week 3. When I got in my car today, I said to myself, do I want to do this anymore after this year!!! The start of the school year is fine, but after this summer, I think I need to scale back. I"m on 3 committees in my department, have an intern and will have 2 mentees. I think the main reason I feel this way, is the second school I'm covering, the principal rubs me the wrong way - and its only short term. When she introduced herself to me, it was I'm Dr. X. Not even with her first name. She really is impressed with herself. She mentioned that she was 45 (whatever that means) so I said, I'm 65. Also, I don't. like the way she is thinking about 2 kids in special ed about changing placement. I hope I'm long gone when the re-evaluations come up. This is my last week at one school and I really enjoy the staff and the atmosphere at the school. I"m sure the gal coming back from maternity leave will be happy (new school for her). Mid September, I start covering another school while the SP is on maternity leave. I'm looking forward to that as I covered her first maternity leave a couple years ago.

    Weather continues to be hot (mid 90s), but at least it cools off at night and in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't walk before work as I have to be there by 7:15.

    Sweet dreams. Hope everyone in the path of Ida is safe and didn't have much if any damage/losses.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2021

    I sure hope that it will work for all your kids to be home at the same time, Karen. If her husband is on the mend by then, could DD #1 leave him at home and come by herself if he isn't up for travel? Yes, start getting off committees! Your job is stressful and busy enough in itself!

    Zumba in a few minutes.

  • Togethertolearn
    Togethertolearn Member Posts: 224
    edited August 2021

    either my newpill Abilify has made me gain weight in exactly a month, or else the severe humidity here has made be bloated . Anyone get bloated just because the humidity is a constant 90 something percent for weeks?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2021

    I get bloated just thinking about weeks of 90% humidity!! 🥵

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited September 2021

    Ruth - DD#1 would come alone - her husband would stay with his folks since he doesn't cook and not to be alone for holidays. Time will tell. She came in June for a long week-end. My SIL is a great guy and would tell her to come. Just need to see where he is at. He still is in the hospital after 12 days. Treating it as c-diff but no definitive diagnosis, and just changed antibiotics the other day. Now I haev to think about menus.

    Been waking up at 4 the past couple days but staying in bed till 4:30. Doing my Cubbi for an hour and hope to get in a short walk before I have to leave at 6:50.

    Have a great Wednesday/

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited September 2021

    gokale, 50s resting heart rate is pretty low!

    karen, you'll be in heaven when all 3 are home. Wow!

    octogirl, that was a long journey to get to where you are. Congrats!

    ruth, love the pic of Bruno, King of all he surveys.

    Had a so-so start to my 10K training with exactly a 2K run today (plus some weight training and bike sprints). I will shoot for 3K next time. Actually if I do 7K by the end of the year, I'll be happy. May have to download the couch to 10K app.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women picture for the week.


  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited September 2021

    Ruthbru, I just love your Wednesday Walking Women pictures!

    Heidihill, I think it's great that you have such clear goals. You are reminding me that I can start setting those now that my reconstructive surgery is done!

    Surgery was yesterday, so no exercise for me today. I am just here to live vicariously! :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Congratulations on having your surgery behind you, Saltmarsh! Now it's on to recovery!

    I am waking up to the sound of a rainy day, which is wonderful since we are 10 inches behind what we need for the year! I plan on Barre Sculpt and Dance2fit later.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 879
    edited September 2021

    beautiful picture Ruth...love the look of fall. Today is the first day in weeks without a heat index of 100...ugh, and yeah at the same time...although Ida did give us a big blow and tons of debris but nothiing serious.

    I hear you Karen re driving to school and wondering if you want to do this another year...I am committed to this year but already regretting I didn't retire as had been planned pre-pandemic in Aug 2021...It is only the third week and I am already having to give myself pep talks.

    The first two weeks of school were a blur with teacher training and then student orientation all at schedule times that made my exercise classes nearly impossible to get to...this week we are easing into our schedules more fully, so have only missed one class this week -- what a difference that makes to my psych balance.

    Good luck with the reconstruction recovery Saltmarsh. Tomorrow I have an MRI to check on my implant -- 3 years after implantation is the rule my PS uses.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    TT and Karen, I don't know if my experience will help but the last couple springs that I taught, (when I was contemplating retirement) I would ask myself, "Can I still give it my all, and do I want to?" The spring came when the balance tipped and the answer was no (I still could do the job, but I wanted the time for myself.) At the beginning of the next school year, I told my principal I'd be retiring at the end, turned in all the paperwork at the appropriate time, kept notes throughout the year of things that might be helpful for the next teacher etc. Doing all that as I went along made it a very good year. For the parts of the job I loved, I could really savor them even more. For the parts I didn't like (paperwork paperwork, paperwork, meetings, meetings, meetings), I enjoyed thinking "I NEVER have to this again!"

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 879
    edited September 2021

    Very wise Ruth. I love what I do, I am burdened by what I do...and the overarching reason for why I had planned to retire this past summer was I wanted to still be relatively young at retirement so I can do other things. So many at my school stay full time into their mid-70's...crazy...but COVID had made a lot of mid 50's to early 60's see the better way to "early retirement"

    My decision to stay this year has me thinking of Claire...one more year of my good salary...mainly put into savings, yeah!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Loving a rainy day and all the puddles!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited September 2021

    TrmTab - I too love what I do - my goal is 3 years including this year, unless at some point I no longer like the job and then I'll finish out the semester. There are so many things that I enjoy doing - mentoring, having an intern. the kids. I really enjoy helping new School Psychologists. I like working on special cases/legal cases. I think one of the reasons I'm thinking enough is that I worked so much this summer that I have 14 comp days. Also all the religious holidays are this month starting next week and that is 7 days! Once I get through September, I'll be just fine. One of the other floats is a first year SP. There are 8 of who float (cover FMLA, vacancies, maternity leaves) - I've been on the team the longest (my 6th year) - we keep expanding the team every year. I do like the 2 or 3 task force that I'm on. My teammates are fantastic - our central team is about 20 and everyone is great. They range in age from about 25 to me, 65.

    I've been waking up at 4 or 4:30 and getting our of bed at 4:30. I've had enough time to do an other on my Cubii and get a 15-20 minute walk before work.

    Sunday and Monday will be spent cooking and baking for Rosh Hashanna and also cooking ahead for holidays later this month. Of course, I want to cook the kids favorites or things they don't cook.

    Sweet dreams.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2021

    Thank you TrmTab. Yes, I am stuffing all sorts of accounts. Plus doing car repairs and a bit of wardrobe redo. Down to brake rotors which I understand are a hazard of being a skier. I will take that one.

    After catching up on a couple of work items, I am off in the AM to Naches Heights and my Assistant Winemaker gig. Will pitch my tent and help out in the wine-making and/or tasting room, wherever's needed. Lots of good times, good fun, good music. good food, and good wine. I will take that. Plus, I get to spend time with Rachel, the tasting room cat. She is so sweet, but somehow the mice don't agree?

    Love your pictures of Bruno, Ruth. He is quite the stud, though I understand he won't be doing any of that. Pity.

    Cool and delicious tonight. Expecting the same in my tent tomorrow. Bringing extra blankets just in case. Shivering the entire night is not my idea of fun.

    Life is good.

    BTW - I am not retiring completely. I will continue to do some market research project work. Just ditching the largest time investment and focusing on projects with pre-defined time boundaries. I want to be done when I submit the final deliverable.

    Only about 3 more months till I get there. Can't wait. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Too many homeless dogs in the world, so I am definitely glad that Bruno won't be adding to that problem.......plus, he is big enough, strong enough, and crazy enough without all the extra testosterone!!! Loopy

    I only had time for a short dog walk yesterday. This morning I went to Dance2fit & Pound, and am sure there will be more dag walking in the near future!

  • paknc
    paknc Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2021

    I'm starting to lose some enthusiasm doing my weights at home ALL of the time (sometimes is ok) so I have been testing out a few gyms with free trials. I did BodyPump this morning at a gym, it was great to have an instructor keep me working for the full hour. Not sure yet if I will join this particular gym, but I am enjoying my 21 day trial. Then, I may try another one out with similar classes.

    Love the dog pictures!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    PAKNC, one of the reasons I like taking classes is that I hate to do the toning part of my workout a home. I have many, many DVDs with every kind of exercise imaginable, so it's not that I sit here wondering what to do......it's making myself do it. When I'm in a class, they 'make' me do the work (and do it correctly) and the time goes by quickly.

    We are going out for Chinese tonight......thus blowing any sensible eating plans out of the water!

  • Togethertolearn
    Togethertolearn Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2021

    I tried to workout at my house Monday and i can tell i don't push myself like the gym class instructors do. Luckily for work I get to walk as much as I want, so weights work is easier at home than cardio at least.

  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2021

    I missed my morning strength training because our internet went out at 5 am and only came back as I was getting out the door for work. SO I did a little on my own, but there is a reason I pay for personal training!

    Friday was my birthday and DH and I went for a very short walk along the river before he took me out for dinner (outside seating).

    Yesterday went to visit friends and took a couple mile walk and I did ok. This morning DH and I went out for a brief row which was good. My balance is getting worse rapidly, though, which is scary. I can't get in to see a neurologist until November! I did ask onc for imaging but haven't heard back yet (I only asked on Friday and it is a bank holiday weekend here in the States)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited September 2021

    Yes - sorry to hear about your balance. Hope it is nothing serious.

    Claire - the 3 months will go by quickly.

    My SIL got out of the hospital after 2 weeks on Friday. He sounds great.

    Yesterday was our 44th wedding anniversary!

    Best get cooking and baking for Rosh Hashanna (and some things for the freezer for later holidays in 2 weeks. DH is smoking a brisket, chicken thighs and a small turkey breast. We will freeze half the brisket and all the thighs. We will eat the turkey breast Sunday night, brisket Tuesday and Salmon on Wednesday. I'm doing all the baking and sides. I've scaled back so much from what I used to cook. For RH there are 3 of us and for the other holidays 4 as DD#1 arrives the 13th for 3 weeks. Hoping DD#2 will come for a few days. DD#2 hasn't seen either of her siblings in 2 years.

    Have a great Sunday and Labor Day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Happy Anniversary, Karen & DH! Glad your SIL is doing better and hoping DD can make it home! If not, I will be happy to take her place as your menus sound delicious!

    Hope you can get the balance issues figured out ASAP, Yeslama!

    Another beautiful day here. DS & GF were busy so we dognapped their puppies and brought them with us on our praire hike/run (hike for the humans, run for the dogs).


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited September 2021

    DD#1 finally made a decision on when she was coming - she was going back and forth all day and making me crazy. It will be a shot visit, long week-end later this month. So I will have a full house the last week-end in October :). First time all 3 siblings have been together is a few years. My SIL is not traveling. We'll miss him, but its best he not travel with Covid etc. Basically DD#1 will have to get PCR test the same days she arrives Loopy

    Won't be on the computer the next couple days. Rosh Hashana starts tonight and ends Wednesday night.

    Have a great week.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited September 2021

    L'Shana Tova to those of you who observe! (My husband is Jewish)

    I did my first solo dog-walk post-op today. I just used my non-dominant side and it went okay. I've also been trying to get back into the groove with my PT exercises, and have not done all of them, but at least have been doing some, which is better than none!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Dog walked yesterday and today. Just got back from Barre Sculpt now.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited September 2021

    Walked the dog again today; seemed to go okay. If tomorrow feels fine, too, I'll feel like we're in the clear!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited September 2021

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women, we are getting to be quite a large crowd!


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited September 2021

    Returned home today from a 3 day trip to the NC mountains with my bil and sil. Dh and I hiked in 2 different state parks. The 4 of us went tubing for 4 hours on The New River near Jefferson, NC. Had a blast floating on the water!
