onestep...Sorry i wasnt ignoring you i had a lumpectomy and didnt know how to answer your question.
I could at least said HI. Sorry again
Hugs to you
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Hi Ladies,
This is my first post. I just had a core sample that was DCIS non invasive Is that stage one or zero?. its half way from the nipple to the chest wall, on the inside. I'm hoping that the scar won't show and praying I won't lose sensation. My GP is urging me to get a lumpectomy; she also said I likely will not have to have radiation.
ps any one out there from ritish Columia canada. Sorry for the typos, ut the necessary key is stuck
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Hi stormsmith....if you only have DCIS that makes you stage0
I had a lumpectomy. yes it will leave a scar. I had IDC.
Just check with your DR again about your staging.
We have couple sisters from Canada,
Best of luck to you.
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thank you sistas for all your posts.if it wasnt for you girls I would never have known anything about this nightmare that i went through
if you didnt tell me go for a 2nd opinion or take a tape recorder with me i would have stayed with that stupid dr.#1 who now sent a amended path report to my BS.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your good advice.
God bless all of you.huggggggggggs
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Onestep, I wasn't ignoring you either. Like Sheila and several of the others I only had a partial mastectomy, not a total so I haven't experienced what you are about to. I really didn't have much advice to offer in that respect with the exception of the same thing the others had told you about taking someone with you to take notes or a recorder so you could go back and listen. Sorry...
Stormsmith - Welcome! feel free to ask questions all you want. Some doctors do recommend a lumpectomy for DCIS, and some women feel so strongly about their breast cancer diagnosis that they decide to go ahead and have a mastectomy. It's a very individual decision that only you can make. I hope everything works out for you.
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Hi ladies - I am back from holiday - glad to see everyone is well and posting up a storm!
onestep - I am sorry I missed your post re questions to ask your surgeon. I had double mx with immediate recon with anatomically shaped, double skinned, saline filled implants which were inflated through ports which were later removed so my experience is essentially the same as you will have, except that I didn't have to have exchange surgery. If you have any specific questions about what to expect or how to prepare for the post op time please feel free to Private message me.
Granny - yay, yay, YAY!!!! NED. You have had such a challenging journey but you are one tough lady and you have made it! We have learnt from you too - thank you for your friendship and care for us.
stormsmith - welcome. As Renee says it is your decision and there is no 'right' decision. For every women that chooses lumpectomy after their BC dx there is a woman that chooses more invasive surgery. And every woman has reasons that differ from others because of their particular life situation. I was advised to have a lumpectomy by my surgeon but chose a double mx and I have never regretted the decision. Read as much as you can about your particular type of cancer, read info on these boards and listen to that little voice inside you, then you will make the right choice for you. Best of luck at this difficult time.
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Rae, hope you had a great holiday. stormsmith, I chose lumpectomy and it was the right choice for me.
Gals, I am having anxiety attacks becuase Thursday is my 6 month post surgery mammo and US. Deep breaths, deep breaths. I wish I had a xanax.
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barbaraA - Don't hypo ventilate or you may pass out and miss the appointment. Seriously, ugh - it just brings it all back doesn't it? Sending you calm thoughts for Thursday. I have a check with my surgeon coming up this month but it is a waste of time really because there is nothing to check - no boobs, no blood tests, no scans - just a good way of him making $$$ I reckon and parting with hard earned money for no good reason gets my stress levels up - deep breaths for me too.
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Saw my surgeon yesterday. Six month mammo would be this month. I just finished my rads last week. I winced a bit when he checked me--and he is the gentlest of all my Docs--and my skin is still in bad shape. He said we can wait till April for the next. I didn't even have to ask for a postponement. Made me very happy. He is a fantastic surgeon and a wonderful person. Like everyone else on the harbor [the new emergency wing of our hospital is even dedicated to and named after him] I just love him. I sure hope he dosen't retire for at least a couple of years. No one seems to know just how old he is but he's at least eighty though he could pass for mid fifties.
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Rae - thanks for the atta girl. I'll try to to bust a gut worrying.
Chabba - lucky you! You can wait til April. And you have a nice doc. I tolerate my onc, love my surgeon, can't stand the rad onc (but he is really good).
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Hi all, catching up.
BarbaraA--hope things go well for you tomorrow.
Granny--so GLAD you're doing well!
Sheila--love the balloons and nips!! Also that moon pic was awesome!
stormsmith--welcome!! you've come to the right place. When I had my initial path report from my biopsy, it was DCIS stage 0. Then when it all came in they found microinvasion, so I was bumped up to stage 1. I hope all your report is in! And, yes, if it's just DCIS, it's stage 0. I ended up going with a BMX. But, family history played a huge role in my decision. For years, I've had very dense, fibrocystic boobs. Lot's of biopsies. So when I got my dx, it was a no brainer for me. So happy I went with my decision, turns out the non-cancer boob had a 4mm DCIS, too! No telling when that would have manifested itself. IMHO, I think it's just a matter of time before it comes back, whether in the other breast or the same one. I have a friend who is really young. Her BC is back for the 3rd time!! She's already been on tamoxifen for years. I think it's time for a BMX. But she's going to have to decide that for herself, just like you. Read up. Do your research. Find out family history. It all comes into play to help you make an informed decision for YOU! Whatever you decide, we're here for you!
Val--have a great time with the grands! What a blessing they are!
As usual, girls, so good to read all the updates. Those losing their hair....may you all find a wonderful hair fairy to help you... *sigh*
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Barbara good luck tomorrow.
Hi Ladies♥
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You will do fine tomorrow, Barbara. Just relax. (I know, easier said than done)
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Hi Patoo-just finished chemo today.
Doc told me to start armidex in three weeks not before
vitiams and vigrous excersie do you know why that is so beneficial
thank you
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YAY for Renee!! No more chemo!! YAY!!! Happy dance time!!
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Barb, seems I just had my 6 month one-boob mammo/us, it was very nerve-racking..I almost didn't believe the mammo/us tech when she told me that it was clear, so they had the Radiologist come in to verify, when he told me it was all clear, I cried.....(I am not a cryer, it just came out)....Monday is my 1 year two-boob mammo/us, I do have Xanax!!..Best to you and keep us posted.....
Hey Renee and Raeinnz and all above the best to all of us....
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Since it wasn't a mammo that found my BC, I don't stress too much over the mammos. (Note I said "too much") Now, doing my monthly SBE...I hate it.
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Hey renee - congrats on getting through chemo. I didn't have to do it but from reading know it's no picnic so you did good!
Regarding the vitamins and exercise, the arimidex (or generic) strips your body of all estrogen. Estorgen feeds our cancer tumors so we need to get rid of it but it also feeds other things, notably our bones and energy. You should check out the Arimidex threads, the exercise threads, and the alternative threads because there's just too much information we need to know and the stuff these sisters (and brothers) have researched and shared are invaluable. Take it slowly though, don't overload, and also don't let any negative posts deter you. Yes, there are negatives to anything but lots of positives as well and what works or doesn't work for some may or may not work for you.
Please continue to let us know how you are coming along.
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Folks, the one boob mammo was CLEAR!!!! Wah HOOOO! Having a fruit juice with a splash of vodka. I will sleep great tonight.
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((((Barbara))))) ((((Hugs))))
♥ ♥ ♥
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Congratulations Renee
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THANKS!! What a relief!
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Yeah BarbaraA doing a happy dance for you!!
Renee congrats on finishing chemo!!! Been there and done that when I was 16, just not with BC, but I do know what you and many others have gone through and it's NO picnic.
BarbaraA - I am right there with you... I'm o.k. with my Onc, love my breast surgeon (he is sooo HOT!) and can't stand my Rad Onc (he is a good doc, but I really wish I never had to see him again). I find that rather strange that there are many of us that feel that way. LOL!
Val I still hope you are having a great time with the grand babies.
Sheila I keep missing you...
Love to all of you!!!
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Hey Renee Im following you but this site is so slow the last 2 days. Did you notice that?
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Thanks Sheila, Patoo and Mimi. What a strain. But now I have a lovely glass of vodka with a splash of juice and I am ready to face the last workday of this week.
Thanks for all the 'atta girls'. Whew.
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I should have a glass of wine to join you.0
Seyla, Do you mean slow as in posting or going from page to page takes forever, or that women are not posting a lot. I actually have noticed both.
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Meece...slow posting and page to page.
Good Morning
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Stage one over here. Scared but ready to FIGHT.