Jo - just checking in with you - please check in with us!
Hi Val - thanks for asking about me - I'm doing okay. On my 25th rads treatment and just worn out. Mentally and physically. Hope all is well with you. Worried about starting Tamox soon.
Teal3Pink1 - great you have a plan, that makes all the difference in the world - once the plan is set. Good luck.
HUGE fan of American Idol. I love the new judging panel. I've been to two live shows - amazing. And to two of the summer concert tours (which I normally wouldn't go to, but we are able to attend a meet and greet and schmooze with the idols - I have some great pictures with him!).
To everyone else who needs some hugs - here you go ((((BIG HUGS)))) - I don't know how to do the cute pictures!
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I was so excited to have a plan, that I didn't even ask about how frequent the herceptin would be! Either way, I'm glad that it sounds easy to tolerate and I will plan to take it nice and easy the first time. Ladies, I have to admit that with all the chemo I've been on, the thought of ACT scares the pants off me! I really admire everyone who has gotten through that!
Oh, I hope we hear from Jo soon!
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JO, you need to come out right now young lady! There are people who care about you that need to know what you found out. Pretty please?
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Granny - also checking in on your SIL and are they doing?
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Maybe she is out celebrating.
Right jo??????????????????????????
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Thank you Nancy.
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Everything is still the same.Thanks for asking.They stopped the bleeding and the meds but she is still hooked up to lots of tubes and still in a coma.I dont know who im more worried about him or her.
I think we should do a group prayer for JO...this is so not like her.Im sooo worried about her.lets take a minute and say a prayer.ok?
Dear GOD.Please let our sista JO be Ok...AMEN....I dont know what else to do or say....
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I just got a PM from her.she will post shortly.if you ask me what she said i dont remember but she will tell you.Thank GOD she is ok.she really scared me.Im sure she will be on shortly
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Sorry it has taken me so long to get here but it has been one hell of a day. Had an ice storm last night (in deep South Texas) - unheard of. No power for 16 hours - just about froze in my own house. Went to the surgeon - got back still no power for a couple of hours. Now back in business but had to go get some dinner.
On to the results. CT & Bone Scans were clear - no signs of new tumors. Burning sensation is a result of lung changes due to radiation. Surgeon is sending me to a pulmonolgist on Feb 15th to assess the extent of the damage and then I see him again on Mar 4th.
Needless to say I am really pissed out all this. I do have an answer to the problem but still does not make me feel any better. I am going to call the RO on Monday and tell him what I am having to go through. He told me there would be no damage and would not even talk to me about it when I voiced my concerns before treatment started. Things move so fast with BC, I just wanted to get treatments done so I could move on with my life. Well, here is another problem. That has been the story of my life since surgery and I don't see an end in sight.
I am not going to worry about this or think about it much. I will just wait and see what happens. I really need to yell at the RO to really make me feel better at this point. I hate doctors who lie to me to don't tell me everything. He has done pissed off the wrong person and I will let him know that.
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jo....First I'm glad you are home safely. You gave us a big scare.
Its not perfect news but its good new no BC involvement.
Yes you can deal with that with the specialist.
Sending you a big hug my friend.
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granny thanks for posting.
Another big hug comes your way wherever you are.
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On top of having to deal with the ice storm, having no power and no internet was really frustrating. Then the results - UGH!
As Scarlett O'Hara said in "Gone With The Wind" Tomorrow is another day. And it will be better than today.
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jo...Lets start thinking about Cozumel sunny, warm................♥
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Big Thanks to all my Sisters
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oakley...So nice another AI fan.
Which concert did you go?
And were you in the audience on top 10 this year/
Please Pm me. Tell me everything.
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Thank God we have each other to laugh and cry with.And thank GOD the scare Jo gave us is not our worst nightmare the bc beast.dont get me wrong what she has is no scared shit myself as monday is my last tx.this damn bc gift suks.
huggggggggggggs to all my sistas.did i tell you today is world cancer day????well it is.please pray for a cure.luv all of you.K in my own place like home.
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Good Night Sisters.
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Jo - so glad to hear that it is not more BC and I hope the lung damage is not significant. It will make you feel better to yell at the RO and so you should. All of us here could come up with things you could say to him to help you get through the weekend and/or until you get to speak with him.
Who wants to start?
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whew Jo! Tomorrow has to be better; it's Saturday!
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Jo ~ First off, I am SO happy there is no sign of bc anywhere. Whew! I agree with raincg, I hope whatever damage there is is not significant. (prayers being sent as we speak). I thought about you throughout the day & was very happy to hear from you. What an absolute bummer for not having power for 16 hours. We went 26 hours once before a summer storm hit, (yeah, it was black off to the west, the wind came up & before the sprinkles turned into big raindrops, the power was gone. Crazy!) We still laugh about that.
((hugs K)) - so glad you are finally in your own apt. That is great! I'm so glad you are a 'sister' of mine, I love reading your posts.
oakley~ I didn't get physically worn out from Rads, but I did mentally near the end. Actually, not to scare myself, but I'm more mentally worn out now than when I ended that tx..... I'll get through it. Sometime. Soon. I hope. I'm praying your road will be easier. You are almost finished & that is a good thing!! I still worry about taking Aromasin every day that I pop that little white pill. But I will continue to take it. Come Feb 20 it will be 2 years already. Doesn't seem possible.
Sheila ~ I think I am one of the very few that does not watch AI. Never have. I do like Kelly Pickler (?) She came through there, didn't she? Really love her voice. Carrie Underwood is okay. Wouldn't buy any of her cd's tho.
raincg ~ Don't know if you mentioned jury duty here or on another thread, but wanted to tell you, I've had two jury summons - one the year I was dx'd & one the year before that. Both times it came right up to the night before when I had to call to check the court calendar one more time before the next morning that I was to go to the courthouse: One time the (okay, I have lost the word- darn it!) anyHOO, the person on trial pled quilty & the next time it was settled out of court. So, I didn't have to serve. And I'd bought new clothes - returned one of the dress suits & kept the rest.
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{{{Granny}}} are you done with rads? If so, YAY! There is no place like home.
{{{JO}}} Tear your RO a new one.
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Thanks Val. I also think my immunity is down possibly, and I just can't get rid of this "sick" feeling - it comes and goes - headaches, sinus, throat, etc. Oh well - weather can't be helping either.
Sheila - I will PM you later - I can try to show you some pics!
Jo - so happy you got good news on the BC front, and sorry for your lung issues. I'm almost done with rads (6 more boosts to go) and I always think about lung/heart damage (left side for me). RO tries to tell me there's no way about the heart, but...
Also Jo - yell at your RO to make you feel better! But...did you throw him already into the bonfire??
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Oakley - I threw my RO and his nurse in the bonfire long time ago. I think they were the first to fuel the fire in fact.
I don't suspect the lung issue is all that bad. I am feeling really good these days. Now I know what is causing the burning sensation and can deal with that. I have found that massaging the area when the burning comes up helps alot. It is slowing going away.
Sending (((HUGS))) out to everyone and a big thanks for your caring.
Have a Great Day Everyone.
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WhoooHoo. We'll be at the line holding the ribbon!!!
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hello all well I have my second surgery booked its on the 18th of Feb. I am so scared that i am going to have this second lumpectomy and the margins still wont be clear and I will end up having to have a masectomy anyhow. I hope they go through the same incision my boob is going to look like a road map other wise.DAMN I hate this.
Teal3pink glad you have a plan in place. I think I will be happy to have one too except that means I have to go through it. I keep looking at myself in the mirror trying to imagine what is going to be looking back at me in a couple of months. Feels like the calm before the storm right now.
sheila and Oakley I agree the panel rocks this year
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Got a call today from the surgeon to further explain my results from yesterday. He knew I was upset and had brain shut down - done that before with him. Anyway, he said the lung changes are mild and are to be expected. Everyone going through rads will have some lung changes - these can not be prevented and are not cause for concern. Also, he can't figure out how the burning is related to the lung issue and wants me to see the specialist to see what he has to say. Surgeon is not one to over test but does not want to leave this where it is at. Wants to find an answer. He has always been thorough and I like that about him. Can't believe he took the time on a Sat to call me.
Sure wish the moron RO would have told me this from the beginning - that is the kind of information every patient needs - don't you think?
Still not going to stress about this - gonna go with the flow.
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Jo - So glad to hear it's not BC. Hopefully the lung issue will clear up quickly. I too asked my RO about the effects (especially due to the fact it was my left breast) and he said that's why they have the physicists. He really did not explain anything to me. Every time I saw him it was for just a minute or so. I was so overwhelmed with the whole process I just wanted to get it over with. So sorry to hear you are having to continue to deal with these issues.