Please someone help me to how resize my pictures.
I really need details
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Macademia Tree ♥
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Seyla when you post the pic you will see a box like around the picture. You can click and hold it as you make it smaller using you mouse. Hope that helps
And by the way they are beautiful flowers.
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Hope you had a wonderful vacation!
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Sherry....The only way I can post here copy from my FB and paste it here.
I can make it smaller but how do you keep it small when you are tranferring them?
Thank You my sisters I had a great time.
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I agree with everyone, until your plan is in place try not to get too overwelmed. I bawled at my first apt meeting the oncologist. He patiently waited for me to get it together so he could discuss options with me. Herceptin is a part of the plan, all of us who are on it, I am sure are glad for it. There is an awesome movie called "Living Prooof" all about the discovery of herceptin, and how it has saved so many lives., ,, very worth watching :O)
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zumbagirl...That was a good movie.
i was also one of the first early stage patients to get Herceptin.
they stop the trial April 2005 and in July I got it.
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Living proof, not so many o's. I get type happy.
seyla888, I am so glad you got the herceptin. I cried through the whole movie. It really touched me and made me appreciate having the herceptin.
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How often do you get it?
I got mine weekly for 1 year.
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I get mine weekly for a year as well. My last one will be some time in June 2012 :O) Thanks for the hugs. I love these threads. Every day being on here off and on brings a smile to my face
(((((HUGS)))))) to all
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Shelia - love the pictures!
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seyla....................I heard the weight is difficult to lose once you put it on..............and I'm not a lightweight before Femara..............G
Glad you had a fun grandaugher gets married next Saturday, and she is going there for her honeymoon for 2 weeks.................she is very excited.
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Sheila - The pictures are beautiful.
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Thanks chabba..It was a beautiful trip. More memories are made.
ducky...I wasn't a lightweight either. Again I cant blame all on Femara. i love to it really
I was 170 pounds before I left and in 3 weeks I lost 4 pounds. It's not how I look it makes me uncomfortable.
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You know when Sheila is back - All those beautiful pictures...I still haven't figured out how to post a picture .
Well I am still walking 3 to 4 times a week with the ladies, trying to work at the fabric store... I find I'm getting real tired and cranky... think the issues with my AI's haven't helped much... I am loving this 3 week break from them... the headache has finally eased up too... 11/2 weeks left and we start over again....Just wish I could get-r done!!!
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Im still away...on a crappy puter that keeps shutting down......gonna try to catch up tomorrow when I get home...miss you gals.huggggggggggs K
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Hi Maryclair!
I am getting the same chemo as Zumba girl. I just had BMX last Thursday and 2 lumpectomies before that. They told me HER2 is very agressive, it is why we are getting a whole package even it is stage 1.I start my chemo september 15,Herceptin and hormonal treatment for 5 years...When do you start chemo?
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You do have the same treatment plan, I also had two lumpectomies. I will be thinking of you on Sept. 15 as you start your treatment. Do you have a port and if so how did you do healing up from it? I found it very bothersome the first week or so, but I am some what use to it now. I have my final chemo #6 on Sept. 21st. I hope you have smooth sailing, and minimal side effects :O)
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Flowers from Hawaii.
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Welcome Olgah..........Wishing you as little SE as possible.
Dont worry about Herceptin. Hardly has any side effects. They will check your heart (muga Test)
before they start.
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granny.....I missed you too.
Hugs to you
Hugs to all my sisters
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Sheila - Beautiful pictures.
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Oh Sheila those flowers are makes you wanna move there.
The boards are not the same when you are gone....hugggggggs K
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Yes it does granny. I love the warm climat.
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k....nerves are ramping a bit (ha...A LOT) for the fat grafting in the morning...i am gonna o try to lay down and let this m ind rest.....i will be back undoubtedly- woke up at 230 this morning ACK
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Hi Annette♥
Do you need pocket friends for tomorrow?
I'll be thinking of you
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Annette I'll be jumping in your pocket in the morning.
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Save room for me in Annette's pocket. (((HUGS))). Annette is going to do great