Thanks for the recommendation Jo!
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Sherryc, Thanks - I feel 200% better with my new plan; and can take some time to catch up on life after rads.
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Congrats to Sherry and Joan!!
Judy you like SciFi there is a wonderful series I discovered last summer that is called Falling Skies - produced and directed by Steven Spielberg. I only comes on in the Summer, they are filming in Canada right now. I became addicted to it. It stars Noah Wyle whom I love. If you haven't seen it definitely check it out this summer.
Hello Sheila!!! I'm counting down the days with you... I keep missing you over on the other site.
I have a Rad Onco appt. on Monday I pray all goes well. It always gives me the heebee jeebies when I have to go see him.
I think I am having some side effects from my Arimidex, the not so wonderful leg pains from the meds have started and been going on for several months. They get better as long as I take Vit D3 but when I got out and stopped taking it they came back. Also been having some night sweats but not every night, or head sweats as I call them. So I am going to talk to him and see what he thinks... he will probably tell me to go see my Med Onc. How I hate having a zillion docs. Having a heat wave now my ears are hot and burning. LOL I thought my hot flashing had stopped but I guess the Arimidex is bringing them back I've been on it over 9 months and this business started at about 7 months of being on the meds. I don't know if Wal Mart changed brands they were buying or not. I really hadn't thought about it till now. Hmm??? May have to check on that. or my thyroid is out whack. Never the less to the doc I will go.
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JOan- big hugs to you my friend - here is hoping you get some rest that rejuvenates you:)
Mimi- sorry you're going through that crap......i only took one damn pill of that stuff and it knocked me down for the i had to go for the alternative via DIM, grapeseed extract, vit d3 and some other stuff - but this is only what is right for ME and a gamble I was willing to take.....I am not a fan of telling others to do it. I get my blood and estrogen levels checked every three months....but you know what, honestly, even with all the tests and stuff....on so many levels it is just a crap shoot no matter which way we go....but I had deliberated before trying the AI after researching it but finally said, ok...just try the damn stuff....the next two weeks (yes, two weeks after one pill) were enough to scare me off
Hi Sheila:))))))
and everyone else:)
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Off to the pain Dr and MO today. Should just be a normal every 3 month visit with blood work. But then joining some friends for Happy Hour Yoga then dinner.
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wow----gotta catch overdue.
Sherry---im prayin for ya sista...ya need to catch a break.
Joan good luck with the new Dr. You made a nice trip from WHamptons to NJ.Im sure it was worth it.
Shiela---im gonna find you on fb......was havin problems with the puter.
Annette---big huggggggggggggggg
MIMI---good luck with the rads appt.
to all my other sistas.....huggggggggggggs.bc sure does suk!!!!!!
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thanks granny
WEnt to my two Dr appt yesterday and they were both really good. I don't have to go back to the pain doctor unless I need him. Even though I am having this severe neck pain he feels that my PCP is doing all the right things. He said if it does not get better with those things then to call him. Yah got to dump another Dr. My MO visit was good, all my blookwork was really good and I had several questions for him regarding new studies that I have read about. I think he really likes that I read up on stuff and gives him the chance to talk about new scientific stuff. Anyway he had put me on Fosomax a while back but a new study is out there for premenaupal ER+ women that Zometa helps to reduce recurrance rate. He said the problem is most insurance won't cover it unless you are doing chemo. But he said that reclast is very similar and there are studies to support that is helps to lower recurrance rates so he is going to see if my insurance will approve it and if so I'll get an infusion every three months when I go to see him. I told him I want all the help I can get since I did not do chemo and I was in a very gray area on my onco score. I should know something next week. After my last biopsy he is very supportive of my BMX that I am planning on having. He said that I have very unpredictable breast and he thinks it is a good idea. I think he was also happy that I switched BS as I always got the impression that he and my old BS are not on each others favorites list. Was also very glad to hear that my new BS wants an MRI on MOnday since my guide wire fell out at my last surgery. He was also supportive of me taking a TAmox holiday and doing the steroid pac again to try to get my neck pain under control. Said that if that and acupucture did not help to call him because he wants to get to the bottom of why I am in pain. Said I have been in too much pain with my breast and since that has resolve with PT does not want me feeling bad with my neck. AFter that meet some friends for yoga and then went to dinner with DH and friends and celebrated my two good Dr visits.
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Oh Sherry---finally something on the positive so happy for you...hoping now is the time for you to come back from that trip to hell.You go sista...Im walkin with you on this one.Been walkin all the time now...UPHILL!!!!!!huggggggggs k
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Mimi, I'll check it out when it comes back on, thanks! They've been having disaster shows on the scifi channel today. I've already seen them, but a new one comes on tonight.
I was getting so many bald spots and my head was so tender, I went ahead and let DH shave my head. I thought I would be sad, but it was a relief instead. I've been wearing a soft, warm hat around today. I'm just hanging out today because I'm having a lot of aches and pains, I guess from the Neulasta shot.
Sherry, sounds like you have an extremely supportive doctor. Glad you had good visits and I hope you are able to get rid of the neck pain. Yay for marking one doctor off the list.
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Judy67 - Been watchig scifi channel all day. Yes, I have seen them all too but love disaster movies. Watching the new movie right now.
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Did you see the cruise ship with 4000 people capsized in Italy/
Hi Ladies.
What type a disaster like dead people walking?
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shelia888: I just saw that on TV! How could something like that happen? Unbelieveable. Reminds me of our cruise back in September where we got stuck in a hurricane and 27 ft. seas for 12 hours. At least we didn't capsize! Both Costa and Princess are now owned by Carnival, and they have a very bad record when it comes to accidents at sea! I don't think I'll ever sail on one of their ships again!
For the ladies on here that were afraid to cruise...Ducky and Barbe....we'll never get you out there now!
Sherry: Happy for your good reports!
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Kaara...they want bring criminal charges against the captain.
At least hurricane is act of God. This one they are all saying that the ship was to close.....
I'm glad you are OK.....not a good experience.
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Good Night
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oh sheila= that is beautiful:)
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Kaara - I am sorry to hear that you had a bad cruise experience. What can you do about a hurricane. We have beenon 7 cruises on Carnival and never had a bad experience.
In reference to the Italian cruise ship, that was human error and I hope they go after the captain. He was the one who allowed the ship to run aground.
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Weird about not having a lifeboat drill. On every cruise I have done, they did the lifeboat drill right after leaving the pier.
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jo1955: We were very lucky and did ok in the was a very large boat, but, that said, the captain had the option of not sailing that way and he did anyway and we got caught in it. The storm stalled and we were right there. He battled it for 12 hours before turning around. I think this was an error on his part or whoever was giving him the orders. He knew well in advance that a hurricane was out there and had many options, but did not exercise them. I've always loved Princess cruises, but now that it's owned by Carnival, those kind of mistakes are being made. Carnival has had many mishaps at sea...fires, etc. Our last cruise, Celebrity, the captain heard of bad weather and went way out of his way to avoid it, thus keeping the passengers comfortable. My kind of cruise line!
0 - better believe my ass is not going on any ship, on any cruise...........Call me goofy, and I probably am, but I want my feet on land ...........I am trying to get the nerve to fly so I can go to Chicago to see my grandsons..............
My son just returned from a cruise with his whole family, and I was anxious the whole time......he sailed the exact same week you did..........I think.....he left NY's Eve, and came back the following Saturday............Loves it..........not for me.....................
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duckyb1...LOL...I thought about you when I saw that on TV! ducky's son will never get her on a cruise now...I said to myself!
Today is decision time for me...trying to decide whether to do rads or forego them and stick with my complementary treatments I'm doing which include large doses of antioxidants and vitamin infusion therapy. I would have to give these up during rads treatment and I don't want to do that. Giving me that much radiation for such a small stage cancer is like killling an ant with a sledgehammer IMO! I'm just not convinced it is the right thing to do. I see my BS again tomorrow, but I already know what he thinks.
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I need a warm place to visit. Only 18 and windy today.
Annette the time is getting closer.....
i have never been on a cruise. and i love the ocean.
Boring day. nothing to report or even vent about.
I will sit on my butt and be a perfect couch potato today.....with no guilt.
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I love cruises but both times we went on one, I got seasick. I was able to take medication but it made me sleepy for the first day. Then after I got off the ship at the end of the week and went home, I was dizzy for about a week.
So I haven't been on one in 25 years but I would love to try again sometime...
I don't like to fly either but I saved the xanax that my MO gave me when I was first diagnosed and never used and thought that maybe I could take one the next time I have to fly...hehe...
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Sheila - You can come visit me - it is 71 degrees and cloudy. With the temp difference you could bring the shorts - LOL!
Cruise ships are required by maritime law to have a lifeboat drill before sailing.
Kaara - It does sound like the captain made a bad decision - sorry you had to go through that. It would scare the crap out of me and I live in an area that can be prone to hurricanes.
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71 degrees sounds heavenly!!
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I didn't have a problem flying until about 20 years ago but now the mere thought of getting on an airplane terrifies me. About 6 years ago I went on cruise to Alaska and loved it. We did encounter a bit over 36 hours of rough water that sent half the crew below decks and 3/4ths the passengers to their cabins. That night was my best sleep on the trip and I spent almost all my waking hours on the top deck in passenger territory enjoying the motion and the sea.
Wondered why I didn't get seasick until I remembered my Father's family tree which goes back to the 14th century. His was the first generation where none of the males went to sea. His Father had been a fisherman on the North Sea before emigrating and settling in ND. I decided it must be genetic.
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I have always wanted to go on a Cruise but DH does not want to. sigh
A guy from my hometown here was on that ship and was on the today show this morning. I missed it as I was still in bed asleep
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Sherry, I went with a group because my DH won't go on a cruise. The poor man has to take showers because he is so prone to seasickness that he gets sick in a bathtub. Actually, I have seen him get sick standing on a floating dock and watching the ripples of a row boat.0
chabba poor guy. I think I can get DH to do the Alaska cruise if DS and DIL will go but will have to wait a few years as I have too many medical bills and DS started his own business a year ago and they are tight for money. But I have hopes for one day
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I could get seasick in dock! The patch that you put behind your ear solved that problem for me, and I cut it into quarters and only wear a quarter at a time. Works perfect and doesn't make me sleepy. I think they are called Transderm Scope patches. The Alaska cruise is wonderful...also Hawaii. Those were my favorite so far. I would love to do Australia/New Zealand, but that takes time, money, and a long flight! Thought the Mediterranean would be great, but not on a Costa ship!!