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  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    ReneeJean, pardon me if this is a dumb question as it is only 6:30 AM on the East Coast. Why did you need chemo? Maybe I should have another cup of coffee. Sue

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    I wanted to aske Renee that too.  I'm guessig her cancer was aggresive.  Curious to know.

    Hope your son is Okay.  WHat a day you had!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    good morning everyone.......... we are finally having a bit of cooler weather and it will be so nice for walking.

    wishing everyone a great day!


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Good morning everyone, seyla, makraz, hmm. Nice to meet you denverdiva, swimangel72, reneejean. Meece, where abouts in So Cal are you? I grew up out near Palm Springs. Hi sue-61, how ya doing gurl? Deborye thank you for the welcome back, to me! A warm welcome to kal52! Sorry if I missed anyone; that first cup of coffee hasn't hit yet, still bleary eyed.

    I'm just sitting down at the computer for a few minutes with very hot, strong coffee, and a piece of fresh pumpkin pie. Hard to resist that pie when it's on the kitchen counter calling my name! We're heading out in a few minutes to haul horses and gather cows to give fall vaccines for the rest of the day.

    I'm so happy to see all of you here, and thank you for making this a wonderful place to chat! Have a great day and talk again soon!


  • ChemoSobby38
    ChemoSobby38 Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone!  I was stage I in 2006 with my first cancer and then stage IA for my second cancer earlier this year.  I love that you created a thread just for us and it was started on my birthday too!  Tongue out 

    I had both cancers before age 39.  Too young for all this.  It feels like I've done everything. 

    Chemo 1 [2006]: lumpectomy, chemo port, A-C-T chemo, herceptin, radiation and Tamoxifen [for 5 years]. 

    Chemo 2 [2009]: stopped tamoxifen, mastectomies, C-T chemo, breast reconstruction and Arimidex [for 5 years]. 

    This all depresses me because it all came at a time that I wanted to have children and now I can no longer entertain that idea.  I feel like a 90 year old woman.  My joints and bnoes ache day and night and I wont even get into the topic of my weight gain.

    I love my doc, but he doesn't understand the angst that comes after the chemo and reconstruction is over.  I use sleeping pills to sleep otherwise, my mind would go all night about minutia things or death or simply because I hurt too much to sleep - especially in my collarbone, shoulders, hips and knees.  What else could hurt you might ask???  How about the three joints in every finger.  URGH!  I called their office in tears and wanted to take a medical leave from work for a year because I couldn't handle the stress of work and the pain.  They are more than happy to do so and have wondered why I haven't requested that earlier -- but in addition to helping me with this my ONC wants me to see a shrink that can medicate me!  Really?  Part of the problem is that i pop so many pills on a daily basis and I should take more????

    Anyway, I could go on and on ... but I am glad this forum was opened because sometimes I feel like because it was stage I it wasn't so bad -- as someone at work stupidly said to me.   

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Sue61...Rule # 1, never post before coffee.  LOL

    Makraz- Linda I see you're confused too

    DebbieSawyer you are doing the right thing by having coffee while you're posting and of course your body needs nourishment go get a slice or more of that pie, and check to see if my name is on it too.

    Good Morning friends!

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Hiya, chemosobby!  I am so sorry you had to go through all that!  Once is more than enough, but twice SUCKS.  I am (just turned) 38 years old and had no symptoms...just took a baseline mammo because gyn said "why not."  Thank GOD!  But I also had a melanoma 4 years ago, so I know what it's like to hear "cancer" twice.  I also HATE when people downplay stage 1 cancer because HELLO...any cancer stinks!  We have to take drugs, go through surgery, do chemo (for some like you), give up dreams, and deal with the fear of it going mets just like other people with other types of cancers.  It stinks all the way around. 

    Can you tell that today I'm having an "it's not fair" day...I just got my double mx and DIEP recon date officially set for Feb 17, 2010.  So, I'm thinking, "I'm only freakin 38, why do I have to deal with this!"  But I know this feeling will pass, and I'll deal, just like we all do.  It still sucks.  I feel so abnormal.  Where's the cake...I need chocolate. Smile

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Hi All,

    Cakeisgreat, and Chemosobby, I'm with you, the whole thing sucks!  I have gotten that response too, that stage on is no big deal.  But, I have had bilat, reconstruction, chemo, I'll be on drugs for 5 more years, and there is always fear.  I hate it all too, and I have to go get chemo today, yuck!  Cake, I am glad you have a date for your recon. it will be good to get that done.  I had immediate TRAM with skin sparing bmx, mine turned out beyond great.  I really love how I look, and yes they stick way out past my belly :-) I have an appointment with my PS about nipple reconstruction later this month, but that will have to wait until March.  Enjoy the chocolate cake.

    Shelia, and everyone else, I hope you have a lovely day.  You are all so good to share your thoughts.  Can we have cookies on this thread.  I'll bake.  Would you like chocolate chip, oatmeal cranberry, or low-fat brownies?  Oh and I agree, posting without coffee is a bad idea.

    Love & Hugs,


  • teracole
    teracole Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Me too.  Had a lumpectomy then a re-excision and YEAH, all is clear.

    What an un-nerving journey but has put so much in perspective.  All I know now is for our other"sister" no matter what stage, keep those positive thoughts and prayers from others to give you all the strength you need.

  • debnyc
    debnyc Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2009

    hi everyone,

    i'm deb. i had a lumpectomy in august followed by a re-excision and snb in september. i started tamoxifen 3 weeks ago and just started radiation on tuesday. wow. what a year it's been and i really can't even express how much i'm looking forward to 20l0.

    nice to meet you all.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Cakeisgreatyes I hear you. Some people believe being Stage I is like having a flu or something. I went through the whole 9 yard from chemo to Herceptin radiation well maybe the outcome was different but I still had cancer. Thank you for listening. I take anti anxiety pill, I love your screen name. Lets have some chocolate <I'm addicted to it>

    chemoSobby.. Glad you found this thread and Welcome. Please try not to pop too many pills.

    Its easy to say. But with the right prescription you will do better.

    Susan...If you are willing to bake I'll eat and love everything. Just reading about it makes me happy.

    Have a good day ladies

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Deb, just curious, why didn't you have the SNB done at the time of the lumpectomy?  It's funny how different doctors do thing differently.  We can all learn from each other!  I hope 2010 is an awesome year for you!
    Cake - we all have days like that.  It isn't fair!!!  Just be glad we're alive and truckin' on!

    Susan, the cookies sound great - all of them!  We discuss a lot of pie on another thread!  Yummy!

    Hope everyone else is doing great. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009
    Welcome debnyc...I had the same procedures also +Chemo. 2010 is around the corner. You should be finished by the Holidays. Right?
  • debnyc
    debnyc Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2009

    hi linda,

    my whole diagnosis was kind of confusing. my first biopsy, an fna came back positive. my subsequent stereotactic bx, mri and bsgi came back negative. so in effect, i went from... you have cancer (on 7/l3), to maybe you don't have cancer. the only way to know for sure what it was, was to have surgery. since the dx was questionable, i didn't have the snb because of the se's and risk. when i went in to get my results on september lst, i expected to hear that everything was fine--come back in 6 months. instead, i heard it is cancer and we didn't get it all. that's the day everything changed.

    to be honest, i still have days where i can't believe this is really happening to me. stage I or not, it still sucks.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Wow I really do fit in here :)  Sorry we all have to be here but it is nice for people to understand.  I am 33 years old diagnosed at 32 went thru bi-lat. mastectomies, TCH (chemo), still on herceptin, 2 sets of implants fail and I am now looking at GAP surgery in 2010.  Ticks me off :( 

    Did I mention I hate Cancer ???

    Oh and I am another person really looking forward to 2010 :)  New year, new boobs and it's just going to be awesome!!!  but until then I am going to enjoy the rest of 2009 :)

  • ADK
    ADK Member Posts: 752
    edited November 2009


    Can I join?  I was dxed in March of 06 - IDC/DCIS (forgot the size) two excisions and SNB followed by rads.  I did the same thing Deb did - I had an excision to remove a very visible lump and both the surgeon and I were shocked to learn that it was cancer - then I had the second excision and SNB.  The lump first showed up after a really nasty mammogram - it was too tight and I tried to pull out.  Six months later, the lump showed up in the same spot.  I assumed it was an injury and went a few years without mammos with the lump.  The breast surgeon knew if she required a mammo before surgery it wouldn't happen, so she just did the excision.  I know, pretty irresponsible on my part.  By the end of it all, I was set at stage 1b.  One thing I really like about this thread is all the ladies that are more than 5 years out joining. 

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone.  I was diagnosed April of 2008 and had lumpectomy  with SNB 6 weeks later, no chemo, radiation finished over a year ago.  Now on tamoxifen about a year, but stopped it for 6 weeks over the summer (my own decision) due to the intense hot flashes and sexual side effects.  I'm now back on it for the past 3 months, much to my Onc's relief.  A couple of months ago, my hot flashes just started to die down and now they are almost nonexistent.  I no longer have any side effects worth mentioning, just little annoying things that cyclically pop up here and there.  My 1st transvaginal sono was 6 weeks ago and so far, no ovarian or uterine problems.

    My last period was 8 months ago and my Onc wants me to switch to AIs once I'm completely postmenopausal, but I have no desire to take meds that completely stop my body from making any estrogen.  I feel that with such an early stage cancer that I do have a choice.  Anybody else feel as I do?

  • bluewillow
    bluewillow Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone! 

    I haven't been on the forums in a while until the other day and that was to ask for recommendations for a good makeup for my tired, dry skin. (anyone here have ideas?) 

    I found this great new topic for early stagers and just thought I'd chime in here and say "there IS life after chemo, rads, Herceptin, stool softeners Embarassed, steroids, endless dr. appointments, etc., and YES, there are thoughts that DON'T include breast cancer.  And hair DOES grow back (I am back to hating mine again Laughing

    If I may, I'd like to recommend a book that really helped me, and it was written especially for Stage 1 and 2 ladies:  the title is Just Get Me Through This!: The Practical Guide to Breast Cancer, by Deborah A. Cohen. (forgive me if someone has already mentioned it). has it and it is well worth the price. 

    I am a Stage 1 survivor of 2 years.  Yes my boob still hurts and my scars still itch, but life does get better.  And to prove that life gets back to "normal"-- my forgetful mind just realized today that exactly one year ago, I had my final Herceptin treatment. I'm doing great and living life even better than before my dx.  Hopefully this is some encouragement for you ladies currently going thru treatment and I hope I have helped someone in some small way.

    Those of you who are still in treatment-- HANG IN THERE and to those of you who are done-- CONGRATULATIONS!

    Hugs and best wishes to everyone!!!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Deb so sorry you had to go through all of that!  I'm glad you found us!

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Bluewillow - I read that book as well and thought that it was great. 

    And I had to laugh at your comment about hating your hair again.  Five months post-chemo, mine is about two inches long and very curly.  I have days where I think about how easy it was to slip on a wig or scarf and head out the door!

  • bluewillow
    bluewillow Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2009

    Hi carolinachick, lucky you to have curls!  You look great in your avatar pic!  

    Mine was straight before chemo, and it is still straight-- I was hoping for different hair once it came back, but alas, no, same ol' stuff!  Yell

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Welcome to our little corner...bluewillow, rgiuff and ADK.

    If I'm forgetting anybody who just joined our group. Sorry. Please PM me.

    teracole....I see you joined us too. Just one reminder you can only post 4 times in 24 hour period until you reach 50 posts. You can PM me or anybody else there is no limit on that.

    Wink Sheila 

  • arby
    arby Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2009

    Hi, I'm new here but granny caught my eye with her lotion ?.  I've been using a swedish formula drug store fragrance since my mast in Aug...which was a recurrence less than 2 yrs out.  ANy way this lotion has made my face stay soft and sorta fills in the wrinkles as soon as I wake up and put it on.  I don't use foundation and its good all thru the day.  I think we can find good inexpensive products just by experienmenting.  I've had a rough 6 days with stomach issues.  Not much of a chemo fan/ TCH./  I get sick within 2 days of each weekly herceptin treatment, but the med staff say "everyone tolerates H really well".  Now they think the side effects meds have caused more of my dizziness and nausea so I'm NOT to take them.  Anyone else ever feel jerked around and weird??? I like to color in pictures in a little Abbey Press stress therapy book!!!!  too dizzy to read.  But this too shall pass in another day or 2, it always has.  I'm 3 down and 3 chemo sessions to go.  I'm counting on 2010 being WAAAAAYYYYYYY better than 09.   WHere are those fly fishing events held?  Is it nationwide for the Cure?  I could use something outdoorsy to look forward to in 2010.  Dreamt of horseback riding last night.  I'd enjoy that too.  Thanks for starting a new thread and rolling around new questions to help us all feel better about ourselves. arby

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    SHEILA, again, thanks for this site. I absolutely LOVE it. I have missed several posts today and will have to re read tomorrow. Was babysitting for the grandkids today for awhile so GRAMMY might be in jammies real soon.

    I am so saddened by all the young ladies who are diagnosed with br ca.( Refuse to use capitals.)

    I don't mean to be a "downer", but I am 62 , altho very immature for my age (or so my dtrs tell me) and am not SO  upset about all of this crap. I have been relatively healthy all my life, even tho I did not take the best care of myself. Love  TWINKIES and junk like that, meat, ham (love salt), despise all fruit except watermelon in the summer, smoked, you name it, I am one big candidate for this. And I have a BELLY, but attribute that to having twins. Yea, like 36 yrs ago. Would chose a couple sausages in the A M over a pear or some other fruit. But do love veggies.

    I was never sick one day in my life since I cared for my husband. Not ONE day! Stayed thin due to all the lifting I had to do (cardiac disease ...heart attack at age 46 when I was only 44....with eventual....hate to say this....bilateral amputation of both lower extremities due to severe vascular disease.......gosh, that really sucked), stress from the job as a nurse casemanager, just the general stuff.

    I often apologize to my 3 dtrs for passing on that BAD protoplasm, as one of my medical directors used to call it.  Cardiac and cancer. The gift that keeps on giving. 

    My girls all have really healthy life styles and I hope that somehow protects them. They are gym nuts. One even ran in the Boston marathon, while I get tired just driving 26 miles. 

    I am thinking of you all, young and old, and so glad to meet you here, but HATE the circumstances. 

    Just my thought for the day. WIsh we could find the cause and then the freaking cure.

    Love to all, Sue

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Granny and Arby, Have you ever heard of the "Look Good Feel Better" seminars?  I attended one during rads.  This stuff is really not my cup of tea and I have to tell you I loved it.  It is free to BC patients, they teach you how to care for your skin, hair, etc.  They also have wigs you can borrow or buy.  Google it and see if there is one in your area.  I left that night with at least 500.00 worth of free makeup, moisturizers etc.  It was fun.  You can also bring a friend with you.


    You have had a hard life but you have a great sense of humor!

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    HEY MAKRAZ, If i could look as good as you or the babe in the sunglasses. I AM IN for the Looking Good seminar.........thanks for your response. Obviously you are as beautiful on the inside as the outside...............Sue

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Aww, thanks so much!  You're so sweet!  Below is the address!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    Meece did you see this part of the BCO webpage?

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    I can't keep up, I'm missing too much.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited November 2009


    So far so good.  I haven't craved sweets at all and have been good about exercising unless my work schedule is crazy.  I also crave fruit which I seldom ate.  She gave me a tape to listen to when I felt I needed it. It cost me $100 but it was worth it!

    This Arimidex makes it difficult to lose weight whatever I do but I'm giving it my best shot.  What I hate most is the moodiness.  My poor husband is living with my permanent PMS symptoms.  I'm past memopause so that's not fair at all.   

    Good luck!