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  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    How many Debs do we have in here?

    LOVE IT.

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Deb, I noticed there are a few Debs and Linda's too!

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    deborye--LOLOLOL  awesome picture!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Good Morning Ladies!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2009

    Good Morning!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Wow!  The first good mornings were from the east coast to the west coast!  You get up as early as I do!

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Good Morning,

    You ladies all make me laugh, and smile.  Thank you, that is just what I needed this morning.  I had my final chemo yesterday, and so now I just have to get through a few weeks of feeling yucky, and I am onward and upward.  I start Tamoxifen in Dec, so I am sure you will all have some thoughts for me about that. 

    Have a happy, peaceful, Friday the 13th.

    Love, and Hugs,


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Yahoo for DenverDiva finishing chemo!  Never again!!!

    My coffeemaker broke today, so I had to drive 10 minutes to grab a Starbucks (I"m picky).  Now off to paint my bedroom ceiling!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Big day for DenverDiva. When you feel better don't forget your promise about baking yummy things for us  lol

    cakeisgreat...I feel your pain. Actually when we had that black out in East Coast FEW YEARS BACK I found a way to make fresh brewed coffee. If you wish Pm me I tell you how I did it.   


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Good morning! Can someone please hand me a cup of coffee off the breakfast cart?  

    deborye, I too feel I'm missing alot by being gone off the forum for a day or two!

    makraz, where is the pie forum??!

    denverdiva, congratulations on finishing up chemo! You're awesome!

    Hi Sheila, cakeisgreat,meese, sue-61, and other early risers on both coasts. What's up for everyone's weekend?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    DebbieSawyer   If you have a certain urge to talk about pie. I'm listening.


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Pumpkin, cherry, olallieberry. I'm not a chocolate person, but give me a pie with a flaky crust, yum. My husband does a fabulous grand marnier souffle.

    What's your fav, Sheila?

    (sorry I know it's off Stage 1 topic)

    Edited because some of the sentences didn't make sense!

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Has anyone had Mondors Cording? I now have that, along with seroma and infection in my armpit. It was suggested to me by another poster to do a search on BCO, and I will, but would like to hear first hand experience from any sisters. Although I'm reading it needs to be gently exercised, my bc surgeon said no exercise until the seroma and infection are gone. I'm also reading conflicting information about it: one outside website says it's an irritated blood vessel, another says it's lymphatic fluid. One says it's not a precurser to lymphadema, another says it is. Very confusing.

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Oops, gotta go. Husband is tapping me on the shoulder, he needs the computer for work. Everyone have a good weekend, stay safe.


  • bluewillow
    bluewillow Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2009


    Do you happen to know if the Look Good seminars are only for those in active treatment-- since I am done with treatment and have hair, etc., would I be eligible?  Actually, my aunt who is also a bc survivor and just finished her treatment this summer, went to one and has begged me to go.  She said it was wonderful!!

    I hope everyone is having a pleasant Friday!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    cake. pie is a subject  most of us can relate. Anything with chocolate and everything without it,

    cheese cake and a rich pecan pie.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    half way through painting!

    I LOVE cake, pie, sugar by-products.   It's the only thing I can think of that would be a "risk" in getting bc...which SUCKS (not like lollipops, ha ha!)

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Denver Diva  Yahoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Congrats!!!

    Debbiesawyer, there is no pie forum LOL!!!  We talk about pie alot on another thread.  Just kind of a joke!!

    Bluewillow, I believe you will qualify.  To qualify you have had to have cancer.  It doesn't matter if you are in active treatment.  Go to their website and check it out.  I believe everyone can attended for free once.  Have fun!!

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited November 2009


    Try the Lymphedema forum - there's a topic on cording.



  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2009

    Greetings Lovelies,

    Been gone s few days because I felt crappy after my second chemo tx on Friday (T/C), but wanted to chime in and say Hello.  I also wanted to mention the LGFB sessions because you get a lot of great stuff, just be prepared because when I went to mine I was a good 20 years younger than everyone else there (including the make-up ladies) and the make-up ladies were really focused on making everyone stick to the schedule (so much so they finished early). I would recommend talking to others who have done the ones near you because I've heard that they are usually womderful.  I didn't think 42 was so terribly young to have cancer (though I'm very immature for my age), but I felt like I was in a room full of of disapproving maiden aunts.

    Re: Reconstruction:  If I don't have a bi-lateral mast based on my BRCA status (which I'm supposed to hear about any day), I'm going to have the PS "balance me out" from the lumpectomy ftaer radiation.  Instead of filling in the gap, I want him to make the lump side even the other side reduced to match.  I've been a D or DD my entire adult life so being smaller would be amazing for me. Has anyone else here gone smaller rather than bigger?

    Be well, Sido

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    When I went to the LGFB seminar, I was 41.  There were others there my age and then there were ladies that could have been my grandmother. My instructor was probaly 40ish too. It made it fun and interesting (all the age differences) to see just who the crappy disease effects.  It's also a good way to meet other with BC in your area. 

  • MarciaGoudie
    MarciaGoudie Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Hello all,

    I am new to the forum but wanted to check in, I had my lumpectomy and SNB on 9/30. I am currently #11 of 30 rads treatments. Few side effects but I've noticed my rad breast has shrunken noticeably. I sure hope it "relaxes" after treatments.

    I am worried about any compromise in my immune system. I haven't been able to get either flu shots. My Kaiser is "all out". I am currently on medical leave but have to return to my second grade classroom in Jan.

    Does anyone know if this puts me at greater risk..? I do want to get the flu shots....


  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2009

    This is for DebbieSawyer--

    You were asking about "Mondor's cording" a few posts back in this thread.  You might find more information on Mondor's over on the "Lymphedema after Surgery" forum, which is farther up the list of forums on the BCO discussion boards.  There is an active thread on that Lymphedema forum right now, discussing "truncal cording."

    If you do a search of these boards with the keyword, "Mondor's", there will be plenty of hits.  They'll be distributed fairly evenly between that Lymphadema forum and the "Reconstruction" forum.


  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    DenverDiva - Hooray for you!  We'll all be eating cake and pie this weekend to celebrate. 

    My favorite pies are apple and pecan - but only if the crust is homemade.  My MIL just emailed me to ask if I liked coconut cake.  She's wanting to bring one for Thanksgiving.  I told her YES! and my mouth has been watering ever since.

    Just got back from my onc check-up and he sent me for an x-ray to ease my mind about some leg pains that I've been having.  I'm sure it's nothing, but am looking forward to actually hearing "all clear" from his mouth.  Hopefully I'll hear something later today.

    Have a great weekend, ladies!

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Hi carolinachick--let us know the results of your x-ray. Hopefully you won't have to wait through the weekend for the results. Seems like our time is filled with either Dr's appts or waiting for results, doesn't it.  And wow, coconut cake sounds decadent!

    otter, prayrv--thank you for the suggestions on cording, I'll go there.

    Welcome MarciaGoudie! I haven't started rads yet, so can't comment on your shrinking breast, but someone here might have answers for you. You've read through all the posts on the radiation threads? Hey, we're pretty close to each other, I'm in San Jose.

    bluewillow, sido, makraz--the LGFB sessions sound interesting. I've never heard of them before, and plan on checking out their website. 

    As for piecrust, if anyone has a good homemade recipe, please PM it to me. I can make good crust, but it seems the flour these days doesn't make the crust as flaky as decades ago. I thought it was my imagination until my mom said the same thing. I've resorted to Marie Callendar's frozen pie crusts (okay okay, I know that's cheating!)

  • arby
    arby Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2009

    Deborye, you are so savy with pictures. thanks for the humor.   I am signed up for LGFB next wed in Grand Island, NE.  really looking forward to playtime with the Beauty Counselor or Marikay parties of the 70's!   SHould be fun.  My energy is back and I'm having a much better day than the past 6.  a surprise visit from my 3 yr old neice bearing cookies might have helped!!!!   Hope you've all had a surprise or 2 today to bring a smile, too. arby

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone,

    Someone ( can not recall who) said that you can bring a friend to LGFB. If anyone did this .............. did you go with a breast cancer friend or non bc friend? I was not even aware this was out there and it sounds good. Possibly one of the doctors may have told me but in the beginning there is so much to deal with that I may not have even remembered or been interested at the time....who knows.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.


  • kira
    kira Member Posts: 659
    edited November 2009

    For Debbie Sawyer, Re: Mondor's--the usual recommendation is to gently stretch, but if you have an infected seroma, you would want to limit exercise--you want those lymph vessels to seal up and you don't want to irritate an infected area. 

    According to the International Best Practices, seroma and cording are risk factors for lymphedema, but just risk factors--it's not inevitable.

    Here are their risk factors for arm lymphedema:

    Upper limb/trunk lymphoedema
    ■ Surgery with axillary lymph node dissection,
    particularly if extensive breast or lymph node
    ■ Scar formation, fibrosis and radiodermatitis
    from postoperative axillary radiotherapy
    ■ Radiotherapy to the breast, or to the axillary,
    internal mammary or subclavicular lymph
    ■ Drain/wound complications or infection
    ■ Cording (axillary web syndrome)
    ■ Seroma formation
    ■ Advanced cancer
    ■ Obesity
    ■ Congenital predisposition
    ■ Trauma in an 'at risk' arm (venepuncture,
    blood pressure measurement, injection)
    ■ Chronic skin disorders and inflammation
    ■ Hypertension
    ■ Taxane chemotherapy
    ■ Insertion of pacemaker
    ■ Arteriovenous shunt for dialysis
    ■ Air travel
    ■ Living in or visiting a lymphatic
    filariasis endemic area

    Hope the infection clears up quickly--is your avatar your pinto? I lost my appaloosa a few months before diagnosis, and still miss him.


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Hi Kira; Thank you so much for the information. I am very fearful of getting lymphedema, so may be over reacting anytime I get a new symptom, such as three that are on the list you sent (infection, seroma, cording). I only had one node removed; the BS and onc said no way will I get lymphedema, but....I worry. Hence I wanted to get started on exercises as soon as possible, but I have a re-excision lumpectomy November 24, and have to start all over with the recovery process.

    Gosh I'm sorry to hear about your appaloosa. I've lost two in twenty years of owning horses, but the other four are still going strong. Yes, the avatar is my six year old gelding, Chip. He's a Paint Quarterhorse. Do you have other horses? Maybe PM me so we don't bore everyone else with horse chat.....?

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Debbie S,That Kira is one smart cookie.

    edited bec I thought I was in the HARVARD site.....been a long day for me but am fine and will have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow.