The dumbest things people have said to you/about you
Lol, you just reminded me of my one aunt who came to see me 3 days post BMX, she said to me, and I am 100% sure she was serious..... "if you don't NEED the vicodin I'll gladly buy it off you!!"
Um, ok....first off, pretty sure I'm gonna need it, seeing as I just had my breasts and nipples removed and 2) I didn't know getting cancer made me a fricken drug dealer????0 -
thats how i feel! lol!! people at work get wind of what i have at home for drugs, and they think they can buy them off me or "borrow" some!!
how crazy!!
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thats something i've had to deal with for yrs with my ms.. i just tell them the truth.. the "dr only gives me the amount I NEED, and no extras" it amazes me what people will do: ask for drugs you're taking for serious ilnesses....!!! lol 3jays
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Hi Angel----besides this idiot --how are you doing? Rads should be totally done ?
Rule of thumb don't tell people what your meds your on--it's none of their business---------and beleive it or not could set you up for robbery /break-in. Always full of legal news LOL. L&H's sas
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I was the HR person at work. We offered AFLAC to our employees. One of the policies was a cancer policy. Unfortunately, I did not take it. I had another employee who got breast cancer a few years ago. Unfortunately, she did not take it either. When the AFLAC rep came back the following year, I asked about her getting the cancer policy. He said that once she was 5 years without cancer she would be eligible to get it. The same for the disability policy they had, she had to be 5 years without cancer before she could get it. I think actually he might have said she could get the disability policy right away, but it wouldn't cover her for any kind of cancer though. Just fyi that is what I was told.
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Regarding people's comments and meds -- I had one co-worker say, "oohh, at least you're going to get good painkillers." I replied, "Umm...yeah...I would rather not be facing surgery AT ALL...and I don't think painkillers are fun..they make me nauseous....and constipation is one of the side effects." Nothing like poop (or lack of) talk to shut someone up ! Ha ha !
Oh, and I just remembered this one. Another co-worker, the day before I was leaving work for surgery said this, "you're not nervous are you?" Me: "I'm having a 7 hour surgery to remove all my breast tissue and then immediately reconstruct two new breasts, of course I'm nervous. I'm scared of so many things regarding surgery, one of them being that I'm going to be sick from the anesthesia or painkillers." Her reply? "Oh, you're going to be sick all right ! How could you not be?"
Gee, thanks. One minute you're implying I shouldn't be minute you're encouraging me to feel that way. And I ended up vomiting the whole night after my surgery, every 20 minutes, until 3 am. It was horrific. So one of my fears became reality, thank you very much.
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Oh Jen!!! Why didn't they give you anything??? I always mention nauseau to the anesthetist and they give me something before I even wake up so I don't get woozy at all. Didn't the nurses want to help you????? You can rip and destroy internal stitches when you vomit....
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They supposedly gave me anti-nausea stuff during surgery. Then, once I started vomiting afterward, nurse tried FOUR different kinds of anti-nausea pills thru the night -- nothing worked. I kept asking her if it was the morphine making me sick, she kept saying more likely after-effects of anesthesia. Well, at 3am I stopped pushing the morphine button and stopped vomiting. But then was told nurse wasn't allowed to give me anything else for pain except Tylenol until doctor rounds at 8am. (Which I don't think is true but what do I know?) So I had Tylenol...which didn't do too much for my pain levels, but at least I didn't get sick anymore. That was worst part of my whole experience, so I count myself lucky overall. It doesn't appear I did any damage (like ripping stitches), I have had no complications during recovery. So now it's just a horrible memory. But believe me, I now have it written down on my "meds list" in my wallet that I cannot take morphine. Don't ever want to go thru that again !
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Well, you were most CERTAINLY right in that situation, eh? The nurse should have been more aware, as a drug allergy could be dangerous. Sounds more like a drug intolerance. At least you know now.
I take synthetic morphine twice a day, I'd be bed-ridden without it. I can't imagine not being able to take it!
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Hadley my avatar is 2 weeks after my 4th treament. I don't look that good. The small avatar pictures hides all the wrinkles. I look barely 30 in that photo.
This is my transistion photos from 1 week prior to my BMX (on right) to 3 weeks ago (on left). Dates in the lower left. As you can see I don't look 30: linky
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Lago your beautiful smile is unchanged through all of those photos0
Funny new statement : Since scary news 10 months ago, my women friends have been dreamily supportive. But one of them recently told me, some people wonder why you're not getting thin.
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Thanks…A little creepy though. My wedding album is the same way. My husband thought we shouldn't have bothered since I look the same in ever picture (Kidding of course. The 1st thing my husband noticed about me was my smile. Have to thanks mom & dad for fixing my teeth).0
Hadley, zoom up and crop your photo so we can really see you!!! I like you better than the ladybug! This way you are real.
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I can't figure out how to put an avatar on here, I'm usually pretty computer savvy but I'm stumped? BOO!!!!
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Go to "My Home" at the top of the page and work through it. You got your tag line done, now do the pic!!
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When I go to there and choose "add a photo" the dumb line to choose a file is blacked out and wont let me, could it be b/c I'm on an i pad and not a full desktop??? I can try from my home pc instead if that'll work?
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YAY, it worked on my regular PC.... me....the day i was diagnosed.... bye bye long hair!!
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Hadley, I didn't upset you cuz I was having trounle seeing did I--------eyes are just getting awful
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Hadley- so good to see you- literally- I am thinking of retiring flying goat for awhile to put my old mug up- i like "seeing" who i am talking to
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Hadley, you have to zoom on it before you pick it for your avatar. So wherever you have the picture stored, there is probably a zoom and crop button....
I'll miss the flying LAMB Annette, but it'll be nice to see you again!
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How about a post on Facebook asking people not to contribute to cancer research because there's already a cure that's being kept from us because of the lucrativeness of the cancer industry. I'm gobsmacked.
The only reason I'm still here is because of research that has improved treatments. Between posts like that and people who have recently "faked" cancer in order to fleece people of money, I worry about people not contributing.
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BMac-I agree!
anettek-I LOVE the goat! Janice
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ok - so this is not a dumb thing to say but..... when i went back to work, folks looked at me and said 'which one was it?' - that was fine when i had my foob in, but i got the same question today and i went in without a foob.... guess my 'almost As' were bigger in my mind than theirs! lol.... as my husband says, they shouldn't be looking at my boobs anyway!
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One of the most offensive things anybody ever said to me was when I went to NJ to see my relatives after 2 lumpectomies, a mastectomy, before chemo, hair loss, radiation and recon was to begin. My niece, who is 28 and well educated said, "Which one is it? Really? Which one?" I went there in a car from NH with a seatbelt strapped across my painful chest to reassure my family that I was okay (while I still LOOKED okay) and there I stood, agog, like I was one of the cheap games in a carnival. I know that she "didn't mean it', but I get tired of giving people passes when I'm the one that needed TLC. Just sayin.... Janice
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Just saying------Cluck'em-janice--------Rude , crude and thoughtless, They will never "get it" until they go through it. L&H&P"s sheila
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I would love to relate a story that my my aunt, whom I adore, told me when I was going thru my BC. It happened when she was going thru her BC in 1981 and people didn't talk about BC...kept it real hush, hush. She had a mastectomy and there wasn't reconstruction at the time. After her MX, my aunt and uncle went to their monthly bridge club get-together. She said the minute they walked in the house it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She said that she just KNEW everyone was dying to know which boob it was so she just piped up and said "Ok everyone, it's the LEFT one! Now let's get to playing to bridge!" I laughed so hard when she told me and loved her even more. She said that the men in the men and women looked mortified but it definitely broke the ice! She's one hell of gal.
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The rad onc I saw said when I visited him after rads "aren't you glad to be finished all this?" At that point I was still on Herceptin and Femara - and it was my second run with BC. I told him I was not finished. It isn't just relatives.