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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    GreenMonkey:  I feel the love!!!!!!Embarassed
  • maria_8
    maria_8 Member Posts: 14

    Deborah, tons of love from me as well! I am so grateful for your input and advice. And yes, I will try to give it some time. Sometimes I wonder if my self image is completely off. I just feel so trapped behind those big round implants...

    About the profile: yes, I got ID cards that state the size 375cc and style (Mentor smooth round high profile gel - style 4000).

    I would really appreciate if you would take a look at some photos. I will try to take some tomorrow and send you (will PM you about the address).  Again, thank you so much!!

  • tenaj
    tenaj Member Posts: 365

    Whippetmom, you helped me around my exchange which was 1/17. I have given it time to settle & recently they have gotten a bit softer but now I have quite a bit of rippling. Could that be because my implants are smaller than you suggested? Can this be fixed with at grafting or would larger implants be better?

    BTW......I am also extremely grateful to your dedication to helping women during there journey to recover. Thank you!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    maria: You need to go to Nordstroms in D.C. for a proper bra fitting.  A Freya or Chantelle bra.  Go visit the Bras 101 thread for more information.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    tenaj:  Rippling is one of the risks inherent with implant-based reconstruction.  But the pocket to implant ratio does have some bearing.  I think that fat graft transfer can help to some extent.  In my case, there was a satisfactory reduction and even resolution of rippling for the first year or two.  But I lost a little weight and my skin is very elastic and has stretched and so I am seeing some rippling.  Not to the extent that I would do anything about it right now.  I am at the point, three years down the road, where it does not matter much to me.  As long as I look haute in a bra and clothing, I'm good.Wink But I would like to see photos.  If any of us stand in certain positions, bending over, relaxing our shoulders while we look in the mirror - I mean, we can find imperfections.  But because it is less invasive than implant exchange, and if you can go to someone who is good at lipofilling, that would be the first course of action.


  • traceyb
    traceyb Member Posts: 9

    Hi Whippetmom, First thank you for being such a resource...Here is my information, it's my first attempt so bear with me....5'5'', 168 lbs (muscular, and pear shaped), 36 " ribcage. BMX 3/20 Allergan Natrelle Style 133

    I was a full D and hope to be a straight C. My PS does overexpand, wanting a little drop after the implants are put in. She said something once about using a "high profile" ?? I haven't looked in to what that is yet. Anyway, I had 300cc immediatly, then an additional 20cc, and 30cc, for a total now of 350cc.

    I had an infection from my biobsy so on my right side I have some wrinkling and it is not a normal looking shape at this point. My PS says I need more fills to help fill in the shape. She will also do some lipo grafting with my exchange. This right breast TE sits way higher than the left. ?? I like the size of the left breast and really don't want to be a D cup again.

    Any advice is appreciated. Also if you can direct me to where the info on implants- High profile etc? or advice on that. I sure hope the implants are more confortable. I am a swimmer so my ps says my pectoral muscles were pretty big. My muscles seem to have spasms where the TE feels like it is moving- crazy!

    Thanks again for your help. I am happy to send you pm with photos if this would help.

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Whippetmom: I woke up this morning and rushed to my computer to receive this gift from you whippetmomInnocent-Thank you!

    After getting ove being speechless (!) I got out my tape measure & realised that I think this PS really listened to me... and I am so much more clear (and feeling more empowered)  from your response. 

    Thanks from the bottom of my heart,



  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Whippetmom: Also a thanks for the PMPS - wasnt aware that it was this commom... oh the (crucially important !) things that are omitted when you are being pushed to select a recon, hey? I have been in pain for so long, thinking it was just my dodgy PS expereince... I will look on the other threads now...

  • lawyerrunnergirl
    lawyerrunnergirl Member Posts: 11

    BuddhaWolf:  This info might be on another thread, but I read a very good book by a woman who had trouble with PMPS and was a psychotherapist and nurse.  It was called Living in the Postmastectomy Body: Learning to Live in and Love Your Body Again by Zuckweiler.  She resolved her pain syndrome with visualization work.  I have not had PMPS but read the book prior to my surgery and loved it. I think it was the best book I read in my research phase. You can get it on Amazon!

  • debb
    debb Member Posts: 12

    Whippetmom - Thanks for your response, I double checked my rib cage measurement 34.5" was snug, of course doing it by myself I couldn't raise my arms above my head but tmr I can get my daughter to measure. How long do you recommend having the TE fully expanded before having exchange surgery? My PS seems to be OK with a month or so but I have read at least 8 weeks. Do I need to be overfilled in order to accomodate that size of silicone implant, can you estimate a cup size? My PS is so evasive when I ask questions, it scares me to not be well informed about my recon. outcome. I've been thru alot this past year is it too much to ask that I can come thru this with a nice perky C ???? I really appreciate your time and wisdom !!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    traceyb:  I need to know the style and volume of your TEs.  I essentially need to know the width of your TEs. You need to call your doctor's office for this info - or you might have a little card given to you at the hospital with this information. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    debb:  I think I would wait at least two months between the last fill and the exchange.  I don't know what style/volume TEs you have so I cannot comment regarding overfill.  Be brave and call the office tomorrow for this info!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    debb:  I think I would wait at least two months between the last fill and the exchange.  I don't know what style/volume TEs you have so I cannot comment regarding overfill. But if you have the style/volume of TEs I mentioned, there should be no problem getting you to the size implants I suggested. I think that 550 ccs would be preferable - moderate plus profile.  Don't forget the PLUS" in that profile. You probably could use high profile implants as well - but you would likely need 600 ccs in that style.  You have some options and your PS will hopefully bring a couple of sizes into the OR to see what works best.  But be brave and call the office tomorrow for this missing info re: your TEs.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Debb.. I had to laugh at your comment regarding the picture. I worried that someone might think they needed to have their arms above their heads and sure enough, it happened! You can take your own measurements. Arms raised not required.

  • janiceg415
    janiceg415 Member Posts: 66

    whippetmom  and Debb

    Why do you think the PS sometimes like to wait 2 months from last fill before surgery? I have another fill on May 21 and not sure if there will be another one after that.   My PS says a month is enough time, I am scheduled for July 5 exchange. 

    Each time he also still reminds me to watch for any infections as to how critical that is even now that everything is healed and they use sterile instruments when filling, how would that be likely?  And also there is the remote possiblity of the tissue expander mal-functioning and starting to leak, then surgery would need to be moved up. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    janiceg there is always the possibility of complications including malfunctioning TEs or implants as well as infection. I know after every surgery I had to take antibiotics. The first PS I saw seemed so paranoid about infection he scared the hell out of me (as well as telling me how much pain I would be in after bmx because of the TEs… I laugh about that one now since I never took any pain meds). It can happen but more often doesn't.

    My PS usually likes to wait 3 months but since I had 3 expansions before chemo, then none during chemo he said 2 months was fine. I had    10 expansions all together. I did end up waiting much longer because I got shingles and had to postpone for another 6 weeks.

  • debb
    debb Member Posts: 12

    janiceg415 - I'm not sure why the 8 week wait between last fill and exchange surgery, just what I have read I have also heard from others that some wait 3-4 months. My tentative surgery date is July 3, if I have 1 more fill (which I'm not sure I could tolerate 1 more) it would be 7 weeks til surgery. I find my TE's very uncomfortable and can't wait to have implants. It is mostly painful under my arm(pit) and I've been sleeping in a recliner. The sooner the better but I do want to do what is best for a good outcome....

  • debb
    debb Member Posts: 12

    whippitmom - I spoke with the PS office today and she is ging to mail the implant info that she had to obtain from the hospital because it was not in my chart (?) Do you know if there is any problems flying with TE's? I have put my surgery off til July 3 so I can chaparone my daughters school trip. What is your opinion on how long between last fill and exchange surgery? Is it odd my rib cage measurement is 34.5-35" ? I have double checked it. I will have the TE info on Monday. Thanks

  • Mooleen
    Mooleen Member Posts: 63

    I just flew today. Didn't set off any alarms but I was prepared with a letter from my PS. I wish my doctors would have told me how much pain I would be in. It scared me as I was totally unprepared for it. I only had UMX. I guess everyone's pain tolerance is different.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    debb: Just in case, get a letter from your PS.  That little card we are all SUPPOSED to receive after surgery, is to be given to us for the purpose of identification of the device if ever we have a situation which might require the ID.

  • traceyb
    traceyb Member Posts: 9

    I do have the card but it only says Natrelle Style 133 and then a catalog number on the back of the card. I will see the ps on Wednesday next week and ask, or call prior to my visit. Does the style number help? Thanks

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    What is the catalogue number tracey?

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Sleep needs help reply ASAP...had last TE expansion yesterday...left me feeling terrible, lightheaded and feels harder to breathe...arm and breast ache very much...up most of the night...PS left this a.m. For Hawaii vacation...don't know that I can handle this up to 600 this normal...took extra pain meds but insufficient...previous expansions not like this one...

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Sleep needs help reply ASAP...had last TE expansion yesterday...left me feeling terrible, lightheaded and feels harder to breathe...arm and breast ache very much...up most of the night...PS left this a.m. For Hawaii vacation...don't know that I can handle this up to 600 this normal...took extra pain meds but insufficient...previous expansions not like this one...

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Sleep needs help reply ASAP...had last TE expansion yesterday...left me feeling terrible, lightheaded and feels harder to breathe...arm and breast ache very much...up most of the night...PS left this a.m. For Hawaii vacation...don't know that I can handle this up to 600 this normal...took extra pain meds but insufficient...previous expansions not like this one...

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    See if you can get a massage to the shoulder blade area, Sleep.   That always helped me.   Also call your doctor's office on Monday if you are still hurting.  I'm sure there is someone in the office who could remove some of the fluid (and ease your pain) if you are still suffering.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    Sleep - There is someone in the office, a PA or someone who could help.  Like Lilah said they can take fluid out.  If you do not have a muscle relaxer like Flexeril or Valium call the office and ask.  My last couple of expansions were extremely painful and the only thing that helped was a muscle relaxer.  Call your PS's office!  xo

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sleep: we are here for support but you need to call a doctor or go to the ER of your hospital if you are experiencing these symptoms as you describe. Tissue expansion can compress the ribcage to the extent that there is significant pain and can impact breathing. You need to be evaluated. Please let us know how you are doing and update us after you see a doctor. Praying for you darlin'...


  • debb
    debb Member Posts: 12

    whippetmom - I finally have the info of my TE's Mentor Siltex medium height contour profile xpndr 450cc 12.7 x 10.8 x 7.0cm  ref # 354-6213 before radiation I had ~ 400cc each, after being deflated to 200cc for rads tx I'm currently at 520cc each and don't think I can tolerate another fill. I'm 5'4" 135 lbs with 34.5-35" rib circ. Thanks for your help.

  • debb
    debb Member Posts: 12

    Sleep, I hope you have been able to get checked to make sure you are OK. I feel your pain (literally) altho' my symptoms have not been that severe, but the pain has been. Last Monday I had a 50cc fill/ea bil TE = 520cc each side and it was excruciating for the 1st few days and is still very uncomfortable. Since this last fill I have been sleeping in a recliner as it is too uncomfortable to sleep on my side. I hope you are doing OK and please let us know we are here for you.