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  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685
    Got my implant todaySmile Happy it is done.. had a reduction on the :good: boob.. Nice and perky for summer
  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846

    congrats Ossa!  I am so ready for my summer with optional bras and strappy/strapless sun dresses.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846

    carrol,  I had fat grafting for extra fullness above implants, probably could have done without, but I am so pleased with the results.  I think I am about your size, maybe alittle smaller, I am not on the picture forum, but  will email pictures if you would like, private message me if you want. I deceided to get all a could out of this breast cancer deal, thanks goodness my PS wants to please.  My fatgrafting has made difference from good to great.

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Whippetmom I have info on my TE height 5'2 weigh 200 40 chest size below bra line . Dermaspan low pole plus-full height TE vol 600cc-720cc. Dim 15.0x13.8x6.4cm I Have 630cc expansion already in should I expand any farther. My doctor took out 30cc a few days ago I was uncomfortable with 660cc.

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Whippet Mom ref.Lpp-FH15 lot 11j264 thank you for your support


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sleep: Excellent! You will need at least 750 ccs in a smooth, round silicone implant. Your current fill level is likely sufficient to get you there. This is the style you need, as a midrange/ moderate plus profile will not have adequate projection on your frame.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Carroll2 - I postponed my exchange for many of the reasons you mentioned.

    My TEs are big, and I am filled to 620ccs. But you really couldn't tell, because the rest of me was so big.

    For that reason, I postponed my exchange until the fall, when I hope to have met my goal of losing another 35 pounds. (I'm already down 35 pounds from my all-time high...)

    With every pound I lose, the TE's seem much bigger, and the shape improves. I mentioned to my PS that some ladies had complimented his work over on the picture forum, and he said "Wait til you see the finished product!" and laughed. We are both excited about my weight loss.

    So hang in there...losing the weight (and exercising and toning up) may make a big difference in how your implants look.

    I wouldn't have any more procedures done until you are at your goal weight.

  • darlam
    darlam Member Posts: 24

    Whippetmom and others;

    Please help! I really don't know where to begin. I had UMX in 10/12 without reconstruction. This was not my choice, but I was unable to have immediate reconstruction due to questions/confusion about my conflicting biopsy reports and whether or not I was going to need radiation (In the end, I didn't). Having finally survived a horrible chemo experience with constant uncontrollable nausea, diarrhea, followed by hospitalization for dehydration and blood transfusion mostly due to unresponsive providers........uh, yeah...that's another story....anyway.....that's over and ready to move on. I'm two months PFC.

    So......saw the PS this week. I guess he wanted me not to have unrealistic expectations; but he was very negative about the results I could expect. "You'll look ok with clothes on," was the exact quote. Wellllllll......I have a very nice prothesis and I think I look ok with clothes on now! So why would I go through surgery for that? I realize that some women do elect not to reconstruct, but I don't feel quite satisfied with that either. I might have been more ok with that if I had had a BMX, but the lopsided look ain't cuttin' it!  I said that to the MO. His comment was, "Well, that is one choice, and then you wouldn't have nearly as much concern about reoccurance." BTW, my insurance gives me the choice of this or only one other PS. As a hospital employee, my friends who work in surgery tell me that this one does the better work. 

    So I have toyed with the idea of everything from just remaining as I am to prophylactic MX on the other side with bilateral reconstruction. There are so many decisions that seem to never end; and you never know what the right thing is because you just don't know how things will turn out or how you'll feel until a choice is made. 

    There are some time and financial constraints to whatever decision I make. I am the primary breadwinner and insurance carrier for our family. I am 49, DH is 64 and semi-retired. I cannot afford to have unpaid time off work or to fall into a no pay status, which will make me uninsured and unable to afford COBRA coverage. I have only about 2 weeks of personal paid time off left in this calendar year. If I wait till next year, I will pay my $3000 out of pocket deductible over again, whereas that's already happened for 2012. If I'm having implants, I need to get started SOON or the exchange surgery will carry over into 2013. I obviously can't afford time off work for TRAM/DIEP, and while I could use the tummy tuck, I don't think I'd make that choice anyway due to the invasiveness/recovery time/potential future mobility issues associated with that anyhow. The PS strongly suggests a Lat flap. I am reluctant on that as well due to being a nurse midwife. I really need my hands, arm and shoulder strength when delivering babies and working with women in labor. 

     All of which brings us back to implants and the fact that the PS doesn't seem to think he can achieve very much symmetry; even with a recommended lift to the other side. This is apparently due to the amount of ptosis on the natural side. I am concerned about pain, mobility, and possible infection with TE's. I am concerned about how implants will age with me, especially with UMX. I am concerned that the more surgeries I have, the more likely I am to have trouble with arm strength, which is fortunately not much affected from the MX.

    Having surgery on the other side is not out of the question, but does concern me also, as the PS says that there is a good chance of losing sensation on that side as a result. Keeping that sensation was a major reason for keeping that breast in the first place! That being said, DH denies being "turned off" by my body changes but avoids sexual contact like the plague. He is very loving and supportive in all other ways. I'm not sure if he thinks I'll break, or is lying about his true feelings or what. He says he consciously decided not to think about sex while I was so ill, and now can't seem to reverse that. (Anybody want to jump in there on this one???) ANYHOW...........I digress!

    I am 5' 2", 149 lbs, and have a 34 in. rib cage at bottom bra line. I'm a C cup now. I would be ok with being a little smaller for better symmetry. PS said he would use a "keyhole" incision to do the lift on the natural breast. He also said he uses Alloderm and silicone implants. I didn't really know what else to ask at the time. He also said I could have lift of the natural breast done when the TE's are placed or at the time of exchange. Any experiences or thoughts about this? On one hand, I could do the reconstruction and see how much symmetry I do get and then decide about lift of the natural breast. On the other hand, if I do the lift with TE placement, there is the opportunity for further work at the time of exchange. Does insurance generally cover revisions or fat transplant used for "touch up" cosmetic effect? 

    As you can see, my thoughts are all over the place and there is no one clear best answer; like so many things on this journey. I appreciate any thoughts, advice, input or sharing of experiences from those of you who have been through this already or are deciding now. What worked, what didn't, what do you regret, and what do you wish you'd asked? Whippetmom, what else do I need to ask about TE's as far as shape and size? My prosthetic is sort of a sideways oval shape vs. teardrop or round; which seemed to match the other side best. 

    Thanks so much; I'm anxious to hear what others will say. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Darlam: well, isn't your PS one cheerful, positive, confident fellow? Sheesh!

    You need to PM me and tell me where you live and the names of the two plastics surgeons you have at your disposal, so that I can research them. Frankly, your body type, current breast size and no rads hx, tell me you have every reason to expect a pretty good you can be happy with. I do not see any reason for a flap procedure. PM me,


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Darlam -- Perhaps the PS was just trying to convey for you the fact that it won't be perfect.  I'm a uni and I had a lift/reduction on my droopy native breast (and wow it looks so fantastic compared to the "before"); there IS a risk of losing feeling, my PS also told me that, but for me it was absolutely necessary that I do the lift and reduction.  And I still have feeling... tons of it!  My PS says the increased feeling is most likely due to the shortening of the nerves (due to the lift).

    My match is not perfect -- my natural breast still hangs lower than the implant -- but it is a very pleasing looking pair nonetheless.  I certainly feel better having something there (as opposed to a prosthesis).  This is a very personal choice, though, and I can completely understand your hesitation.  I should think that the fact that your surgeon wants to use Alloderm may be very helpful in getting you more ptosis on your implant side than mine achieved (my PS doesn't use it).  Feel free to PM me if you have more questions about the uni experience.

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    whippet mom thank you for your timely reply. I have a ? About the style you were talking about not having adequate projection. Please explain again is the t.e. midrange moderate not adequate? GOD BLESS sleep

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sleep:  Oops.  Sorry!  A high profile smooth round silicone implant is what you need.  High profile - not midrange, moderate plus or moderate.  I think you could use 750 ccs or 800 ccs in a HP style implant. 

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    darlam - You asked for our opinions and i would definitely get a second opinion on PS's.  

    Because of your job i think I would be a little reluctant.  The TE's hurt and there are risks of complications and because you need your hands and you need your strength ... the TE's and implant might hinder that.  I wish we could wave our wands and know which one of us will have complications and rarely, develop lymphedema *sigh* but we can't.  I regret losing the strength that I've lost in my pecs ... I am pleased with my overall result and maybe I would be really, really depressed if I hadn't had reconstruction (I had a bi-lateral).  But I miss being able to lift weights, I cannot do routine things like vacuuming and mopping my floors and cleaning and scrubbing the toilet ... I can do those things but not all on the same day because of the lymphedema.  

    Whippetmom can help you get a great PS and I think you can get a great result.  Know though, that even though there are slight risks of complications ... there is a risk.  Your pec muscle is cut to get the TE's in there and at least for a while, you're not going to have the strength you have now.  For most, it comes back.  For some of us, it doesn't and you alone have to weigh the pros and cons.  There are no 'right' answers here ... only what is best and 'right' for you.  Praying that you will have wisdom.   

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Got your message thanks again. I will be losing at least 25 lb before surgery that much is realistic , my goal is 25 lb more. I started working out two weeks ago at the gym love the water aerobics use to swim a lot having a problem extending the arm over my head with TE in place. Sleep to whippetmom.

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Deb got your reply the PS filled that day with 160cc that's why I felted so bad had one of the PE in office to take out 30cc I feel much better we are going to 700cc if I can stand it. Signed sleep

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sleep: Losing weight is such a win/win when it comes to having breast reconstruction! So we are here to cheer you on! 160 ccs for an in-office fill is far too much. About 100 ccs too much, IMHO.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Dawne-Hope & darlam I have bilateral implants and LE in my left arm. Not all of us have LE so bad that they hinder us from doing things. I know I vacuum, lift weights, carry bags, clean house etc. I don't strength train my pec muscles though although I know a few exercises do use them so I can't totally avoid them. Right now the highest weight I'm using is 10 lbs… but that was what I was up to before all this breast cancer. I will admit my left arm is a little weak than my right, but I'm also a righty so that makes sense. I worked up gradually. But I do agree with Dawne… get a 2nd opinion.

    Dawne I hope you are under good care for your LE. Sounds like you have a tough case.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    I'm late here but..... congratulations Ossa! hope you're feeling well :)

    Christine, tell me more about the fat grafting! sounds exciting.

    I get a bit jealous when I hear people praise their PS. Less now that I have a new PS. I am hopeful that my new PS will be wonderful - patient, skilled, compassionate. Time will tell :)  

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Is it normal for an implant to "burp"? Was streaching to grab my coffee and heard a burping sound.. Hope this is normal when you first get your implant

  • Iz_and_Lys_Mum
    Iz_and_Lys_Mum Member Posts: 34

    Hey Ossa

    Not sure about the regular implants, but my TE used to squeak at times. Another one of those conversations I couldn't have imagined having before BC! Talking implants...

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Ossa - Hasn't happened to me, but I read some similar comments on one of the threads within the past few weeks.  So, apparently some women do get some sound effects when the implants are new Surprised.  The fun never ends, right?

    Have a great day!

  • Iz_and_Lys_Mum
    Iz_and_Lys_Mum Member Posts: 34

    Perhaps one day there will be some kind of iPod implant so we can play the selection we prefer ;-)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    lz&lysMum that would be some kind of download

  • Shachar
    Shachar Member Posts: 7
    Hello Whippetmom!  I told the PS I want to be a C/D (currently a small C).  My measurements are 5'6", 125 lbs, 32 inch chest.  It will be a saline implant, the spectrum adjustable that is a TE and permanent implant in one but there are still different sizes.  He was thinking 690 cc, but I'm wondering if that is too much to be a "full c"?  Just wanting to see what you think.  Smile  I still have time to request a smaller implant before surgery.  Thanks!!
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Ossa - it didn't happen to me either but I can remember many reporting similar sound effects :)  It goes away, apparently (this phenomenon).

  • Sleep
    Sleep Member Posts: 19

    Whippetmom sleep again it was 120cc fill not 160cc. Had the other PS take out. 30cc , all and all it still is a bit uncomfortable for me my fill is up to 630cc that has to be enough maybe if ps next visit put in 30cc I would feel better. I just want this to be over starting to get to me. Iam allergic to something my lips are swollen been that way for two weeks. I pray it is not the neuropathy acting up again in a different place last month it was in lower back and right side. Took them forever to figure where pain was coming from exercise helps for a lot of the pain.

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496

    Just adding to the convo.

    Loosing weight will make all the difference. It did for me I was so funny shaped after my initial surgery that it forced me to do something. I ate right, walked, and got some lipo done in my tummy region. Now I feel and look somewhat normal...

  • Cjn5274
    Cjn5274 Member Posts: 10

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I had my exchange one week ago today and have a question. I am 5'7, 147 lbs and carry my weight in my butt/thighs. (Had lipo on my inner and outer thighs during my exchange, fwiw!) Was a small A cup before BMX. Ribcage measures 31". I had allergan 133mv tissue expanders filled to 500ccs. I liked the projection of those even though the width was narrow for my frame. For the exchange, PS placed mentor 475cc smooth round high profile. (He said he tried using 500ccs) The width and symmetry are good, but I feel like I am flat chested and lost a ton of projection. Is this my imagination? Is it too soon for me to worry about it? I am wondering if a Natrelle style 45 would be noticeably different?

    Thanks again for your awesomeness.

  • Cjn5274
    Cjn5274 Member Posts: 10

    Kayb- Thank you for your thoughtful response! I tend to wear loose clothing because as I said I carry my weight down low, and I have never felt balanced. I have always worn blousy tops with skinnier bottoms to fool the eye. My hips measure 38" and my butt is 41". Ugh. Anyway, how long is this whole "drop and fluff" process? And does that change projection at all, or is it more width/fullness related? Thanks again for your help.


  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685
    Thank you kayb.. Thought I was going crazy hearing my foob burp.... Getting my drain out today.. Wa told by PS.. NO underwire ever.. best thing is sportsbra or spankx top with bra built in  or no bra.. ( I opted to go smaller as I had unimx and had a reduction/lift to left breast o went from a D to probably a B/C  They look pretty tiny and my nipple is not pointing down any moreLaughing)