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  • mamatwinz
    mamatwinz Member Posts: 193

    tina..u needed to do what was best for u..such a tough decisuon...wishing u well!!

  • cheryl_e
    cheryl_e Member Posts: 111

    Tina, I have been checking the forums, hoping to hear from you. It is wonderful to get your update, and I pray everything will turn out beautifully and that you will be pleased. You so deserve it!

    Cheryl :)

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Tina:  I think you made the right decision.  As many procedures and surgeries as we have collectively had it IS difficult to make the decision to voluntarily submit to yet another.  But YOU are the one that needs to be happy and at ease with the results.  I'm sure the extra size, even though only half an ounce, will smooth out the ripples and soon you're going to be extremely happy with your decision Smile

    I don't know about y'all but I HAVE to convert cc's to ounces in my head to get a visual of the volume in a measurement that makes sense to me.  Is that weird?  Now, I know I have approximately 24 fluid ounces in each of my TE's but when I look down at them it sure doesn't seem like I've got a total of 6 cups of water sitting on my chest Surprised!  I can't help it, that's just the way my mind/brain

    Here's wishing a wonderful, blessed day for everyone!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    btw:  30cc = approximately half an ounce for anyone interested.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Good to know S&S!

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Hope some of you can chime in here...I'm NEW...& need advice. I'm trying to be patient for your replies...I have a few more things to add to my post/?'s from yesterday...

    I ended up having a major meltdown today after I saw my PS Cry. I know it really bothers her that I always ask so many ?'s/research stuff...just her personality...she thinks I over-think/worry about everything. Anyway, she said she doesn't measure my ribcage Surprised...measures a bunch of other stuff (I forget it all now).

    She only wants to fill me one more time which will be a total of 330cc's in my 200 TE expanders Surprised... their width is 12 I believe (I stated the style #'s, etc. in my last post--they are low height). My TE's look good so far, but I want to go bigger. She said that she doesn't want to fill me any more because she doesn't want any more fullness on my sides by my arm pits...which sort of makes sense to me, I guess...??? But this is new info. to me. 330 just seems soooo small...(I can email Whippetmom a photo if it would help...).

    ALSO, she said that since we are going to put the teardrop shape in me, that the actual surgery/recovery will be harder/longer because she has to cut out all of the capsular tissue/scar tissue...cut muscle, etc. to make room for the anatomical shape...and because of this, I will need drains, afterall.

    I believe she said she would be placing around a 300-some-odd-range (can't remember) implants in me...of course, taking a few diff. ones in to see what fits/looks best.  I am NOT sure which brand--we didn't get that far...sigh. I know she is a perfectionist...and I think she just thinks I'm very tiny & I shouldn't be filled any more because of the problem of getting too wide on the sides...but I'm disappointed because I thought/assumed I could get filled to the 400 range...Frown.

    Can someone make sense of this for me, please...? She went with small width expanders because I'm tiny...I am very tight in my Left expander--it has always been my problem boob...The PS knew my ideal was a small or med C cup...I don't think this is gonna get me anywhere beyond a possible "B-looking cup"...HELP! Maybe I should've had a taller height TE?

    Anxiously awaiting some input/wisdom here...;)

  • cheryl_e
    cheryl_e Member Posts: 111

    Violet1, I know how you just want to make sure you and your PS are on the same page and have the same goals. I had 275 cc medium height TEs, 10.7 width, and filled to only 300. I could never find anyone else on here with that small amount, and I was worried. I had my exchange 3 weeks ago and received Mentor 480 cc ultra high profile, and I am a 34 DD now. I was fitted at Nordstrom for my new bras. So, I hope that makes you feel better to know that you can be a little bigger than your TEs and be happy with your size. I have smooth round so have quite a bit of upper pole, but it looks pretty natural, and I love them! Whippetmom will be able to help more with her recommendations for you. I got the size she thought would be best for me. You might want to also join the forum called Exchange City to hear the various discussions about TEs and exchange surgery that might be helpful to you. I wish you the best!!

    Cheryl :)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Tina:  Cannot wait to hear what you think after all of the settling and healing takes place! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Violet:  You are so tiny....and I think that your TE volume is sufficient to get you to a perfectly nice size for your frame. I would personally not go with anatomicals and stay with smooth silicone rounds.  I think you are too thin and your skin is probably quite thin and I can tell you that the anatomicals are going to feel very firm against your chest wall.  I think you could go a bit larger with smooth silicone rounds.  I would recommend 425 ccs in Allergan Style 20.  It should be completely within reason, based on the dimensions of your TEs vs. dimensions of this implant.

    Your TEs.....

    12.0 cm wide and 5.3 cm projection

    Allergan Style 20 - 425 ccs

    12.0 cm wide and 5.2 cm projection

    Discuss this with your PS. 


  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    cheryl e & whippetmom,

    Thank you soooo much for responding...I'm a "hot mess" today...and I soooo need the support of you wise & compassionate women! Am getting teary again...sigh. The truth is, my female PS is just kind of a hard-ass & doesn't like to be asked very many ?'s--the TOTAL opposite in personality/patience of my wonderful male MX surgeon (even though they work together to do MX/Recon). I could tell you some inappropriate comments she's made to me & about other patients complaining, but don't want to waste my/your time. She also is a suck-it-up! & put-your-big-girl-panties-on! when it comes to ANY TE pain or discomfort or complaints Yell. I DEAL w/ that part by just having my reg. wonderful family doc. prescribe me pain meds/muscle relaxers since she just doesn't want to be bothered about it...;)  ROTFL!!! What I DO love is that she's a self-proclaimed perfectionist about her work. But, she seems to take it personally that I  want to research all this recon. info. & question her thinking/planning for me. I'm not going to change her--trust me...;) She actually asked me today WHY the heck I'd care about what TE's I had since they'll be gone anyway!!!!! YellOY! But, alas, I have finally learned in my 47 years that *I* am NOT the Jack-Ass Whisperer--lol! Love that line/need the T-shirt.

    cheryl e: It's good to know I'm not the only one who is tiny around here! You are giving me hope...:)

    whippetmom: My PS said IF I have the round implants, my surgery would be much, much easier--recoverywise, because she wouldn't have to do so much cutting, etc. and that choice was mine (bearing in mind that I have TWO weddings to attend June 28th & July 10-14/my daughter's)...and if my exchange date is end of May or beginning of June, I'd hopefully be in ok shape to fly to L.A. for both. However, she thinks I'll have a more natural look if I use teardrop shape. I know there are some women on here who switched from round to anatomical once they became available. I don't think my PS does any fat grafting either & I have little body fat to graft from anyway. I'm worried about the weird drop-off or stuck-on look cuz I'm so thin in my upper chest area. I THOUGHT teardrop shapes were often better for petite women...?

    May I humbly ask WHY you seem to greatly favor the round implants (I've read tons of posts on this forum--lol!...;) Also, are you thinking/knowing I could use a bigger round implant than an anatomical one because of my TE size/shape? Should I get/want super high projection implants? I've just started looking at the implant info. sites--so far I've just read about the Allergan/Natrelle teardrop shaped info.

    I will definitely ask my charming PS next week about the Allergan 20 & IF she could put in 425 cc implants...THAT ought to throw her into a brand new defensive tissy...Tongue Out     Thank you sooooo much for the input, Ladies...I KNOW I've asked lots of ?'s...hope I'm not overwhelming you with them all, but can't wait to hear back from you AND anyone else who can chime in...;)

    Bless Your Sox...


  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335


    cheryl e: YOU must be tinier than me, huh?

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    violet - my mother's oncologist sounds like your PS. She was a great doc but not a conversationalist and didn't deal well with questions. :/

    Anyway, no, you're not the only small framed woman here. I'm 5'5" 106#. I have 325cc implants, 28 inch rib cage circumference. I would have liked to have gone bigger but my skin was stretched to the max. I wear a 30D bra but look like a "B" cup in my clothes. My implants are style 20 regular silicone and yes, I have a bony chest with a step off, didn't have fat grafting and I'm happy. Took some time and some getting used to...but I'm happy.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Violet1... so sorry about your PITA PS!! Sucks! It's your body, you should have a right to know what's going on and ask Q's so you'll be informed to make the best decision for YOU! About asking for TE size - you should have been given a card with all the details. What's her dam attitude for? BIG buck$ are being paid to her to care for you, so WTH, you deserve answers! As to answers about specifics, I count on Whippetmom and others because, frankly, I don't understand all the numbers, styles & other such stuff and by the time I would, the TE's will be gone! Geez, dealing with BC: all these health care professionals ought to be at their best to be compassionate, caring and understanding.  We're not talking about sore throats, cuts or bruises. This is an important, sensitive undertaking (scuze that word) to RESTORE us to as much NORMALCY as possible, this isn't cosmetic or frivolous! It affects our entire well being  

    Hang in there - at least you can find support here. Sorry for my rant. My first surgeon was too big for his small britches....  I don't want to remember that experience. 

    PS Everyone else must be sleeping. We on the West Coast are still awake!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    violet...I think that the closest teardrop shaped implant would be Sientra's shaped round base implant, with a width of 11.9 and projection of 5.7. The volume would be 370 ccs. I have seen the results of a lot of tiny, bony-chested gals with smooth silicone rounds, and they have excellent results.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    ....yes, and Dawne-Hope is one of the gals I was referring to above....

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Love you grateful for this site! I REALLY need to go to sleep!!!!!



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Violet, I am not very tiny, so can't help you on that front. But I had short height expanders and my implants are much (much!!!) bigger cc-wise than my expanders. And bigger than my overfill by quite a bit too. But my skin was not too thin, so that was not an issue for me.

    I had my freaking out moments before exchange too. And no matter WHAT you end up with it still takes time to adjust to them emotionally. But you'll be ok!! :-)

  • cheryl_e
    cheryl_e Member Posts: 111

    Violet, so sorry your PS is so unapproachable. I am not that tiny, so I would think you will look really nice and be happy with the implant size Whippetmom suggested. I do have a narrow chest, but it isn't bony. I would think a bony chest would look better with round implants rather than anatomicals since you would want to fluff that up a bit, but that is just my unprofessional opinion. I wanted that upper pole fullness myself. I have a 30 ribcage, am 5'6, and 125 pounds. I wouldn't think you would need too big of an implant to look pretty big since you are so tiny. Keep us posted. We really care about you and that you get what you need and want! :)

  • Hi Whippetmom:

    Not sure if you saw my response I posted the other day (there have been a lot of posts since then and figured it may have gotten missed).

    Can you see my last below and advise what you would recommond? I am getting slightly nervous now that my exchange date is fastly approaching and am worried by your last comment that maybe the TE I have in place are not right for me! Please help if you can and thank you so much!! :)

    Hi Whippetmom:

    I got a response back from my PS today on my TE. I had the brand correct, just not the fill size.

    This is what she told me:

    Right breast: Sientra model 20799-310ACX (serial # 3984742)

    Left breast: Sientra model 20799-310ACX (serial # 4021794)

    I do have Alloderm slings placed at time of BMX. Not sure if that makes a difference? Also, does the Alloderm come out at time of exchange with the TE? Or do they stay in with the implants?

    Thank you for any advice/insight you can give in regards to implants!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jen: I did respond to your post, but I just looked for it and see it never posted.

    Yes, your TEs are the ones I felt you probably had and stated that they have a width of 10.9 cm and projection of 5.1 cm. I feel you need implants which have a wider base than your TEs, and so I honestly do not think that you would be happy with shaped implants. I am not as clear regarding the need to be exacting with the width of "shaped" Sientra implants, as is mandated by the Allergan "anatomicals". But shaped implants or anatomical implants have a risk of rotation, not a risk with round implants. So if the shaped implant is wider than the pocket created, does that pose a risk for implant distortion? A question for your PS. I would instead recommend the Sientra ROUND implants. I would recommend something with a width of at least 12.0 cm, and high enough in profile to give you projection to come close to what you have with your TEs. This would place you in the 400 plus cc range.

    The Alloderm slings remain for the long term - not removed.


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574

    2ndtimearound-You mentioned your PS might go smaller because of scar tissue,I never heard that before. I thought they could cut all of it out. Did she elaborate?  

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Undercover.... That's a great question. No she didn't elaborate. I know that both sides look so very different even though they are both the same size TE's (700 cc's) and are filled to 720 cc's. Lefty, 16-year delayed recon (is there an abbreviation for that?) was done by a GS (always wondered about the quality of his work but was afraid to ask current BS or PS) and is much wider and flatter with little projection, shaped like the top of a hamburger bun. Righty was done w/mx and best described, has more the shape of a native boob with great projection. The skin is tighter on the left and it feels like there's more "padding" between the TE and skin on the right. Asked PS early on if they could be more symmetrical with exchange and she said that it could absolutely be done. That's why it's my highest priority for desired outcome as I've had to supplement left side with padding to look similar to right side in some of my tops. She agreed that I shouldn't have to continue doing that after squishies are in. One of the reasons I can hardly wait for exchange. Will ask her about that at post-op appt. Hope this explanation has helped a bit.

    By the way, am planning to get copies of pre-2nd-mx, post-2nd-mx and post-exchange photos to try to post since my situation isn't typical.

  • Hi Deborah,

    Thanks so much for your insight! I was afraid you were going to say based on the TE I have, shaped implants are not recommended for me. Sigh not what I was hoping for as I prefer the shaped implants to get a more natural look. Totally makes sense though that if my TE are that narrow and you put a wider implant in its place, it will make the pocket bigger and more risk of rotation. Not what I want either. I got the feeling my PS was leaning more towards wanting to use gummy round implants but was trying to show me other tear drop options. She knows I don't like my current upper pole fullness I have right now with my TE. I guess that is what I'm most afraid of with the rounds-the upper pole fullness and the implants looking like 2 stuck on melons on my chest. Not the look I was desiring. She did tell me with the rounds they would drop down into the pocket over time.

    I will put in a call to my PS office for another consultation before exchange to ask her these questions and see which implants she recommends. I will tell her your recommendations for me with the Sientra rounds 400 cc rounds with a 12 cm width as a minimum.

    Thanks as always for your feedback and advice! :)


  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    Just wanted to say that I had the same fear. I wanted a natural slope.

    I have round implants and the left has already dropped nicely with no "circle" on top. Righty is almost there. It can be done! You CAN have a natural slope with rounds.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    ThirdGeneration -- the rounds will ultimately be natural looking if sized right (i.e. not too big and, of course, not too small ;) -- the thing about the shaped implants as you call them - the anatomicals (the gummies) - is that they HOLD THEIR SHAPE so they don't move much and are quite firm.  Much firmer than silicone rounds but not as firm as TEs.   The only question I have and don't know the answer to is whether you would have less rippling (if think skinned) with a firmer implant (you might) -- and I don't know if that's an issue/question for you.

    Also -- and I think this was a question from 2nd Time Around, re: capsulectomy at exchange (removing scar tissue inside the pocket) it's my understanding that this is normal/standard procedure at exchange... what is less normal is "pocket work" that changes the size and shape of the capsule.

  • Dulcigirl and Lilah:

    Thank you for the feedback and giving me some hope about round vs.shaped implants! It's all so overwhelming and confusing to say the least.

    My PS showed me both Sientra textured tear drop shape and Mentor smooth round implants at last visit. She said both were gummy implants. I was very concerned about how firm is firm too? It's hard to tell when you are squishing them in your hand to how they will feel once placed inside your body.

    I can say that since I'm finished with fills and my TE have "evened out" some, the upper pole fullness is not so noticeable anymore. I just don't like that round stuck on look so am glad to hear you can obtain a natural look with rounds as well!

    Do you still run into the rippling issue if you have the cohesive gummy round implants? I thought the rippling issue was only a problem with regular silicone implants?

    Sigh so many decisions....know I know why this thread is called breast implants 101 because there is so much to learn! :)



  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Hi Ladies! This deciding about implant type stuff is mind-blowing..making me loo-loo! I think I need to show whippetmom in an email or the pic board HOW I look right now in my TE's...I hear I need to get on the list w/ Timtam about gaining acces to your pictures board? I need to look at some of you all to get a better idea of how diff. implants look before I can decide which way to go.

    My TE's seem to actually look GOOD...I have cleavage, they seem the perfect distance apart, they are NOT in my armpits--lol! My L side IS a bit lower (& the MX scar is pinker/more tender), but the PS will hike that L sucker up during the exchange...LOL! HOWEVER, I STILL think I'm not "big" enough...



  • Violet send a PM to Nowheregirl. She just gave me access to the picture forum. I wanted access for the same reasons. So I can see how others have turned out with different typed implants.

    Hope it helps you too!


  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    I am scheduled for my implant exchange May 9th. I am very anxious about it. I know I should be happy with any type of breast. I am very very unhappy with my TE size I had 425cc expanders overfilled to 475cc. I was a full saggy C before surgery. I don't feel my PS really ever gave me a option on size. I feel he gave me to tiny of expanders to begin with. Sorry I am sounding so selfish, but I have gone this far I really wanted to get something I would be happy with. Of course I am thankful for having any breast!!

  • waterpolomom
    waterpolomom Member Posts: 4

    Hi ladies,

    I sure wish I would of found this post before I got my exchange. I agree with coffee4me! I really want to have nice girls after all this and I really think its not an impossible thing. I had my implants placed on Feb. 27th and so far Im not in love with them. I got the Mentor smooth round moderate plus profile saline 350-2800. They are around but do not have a projection that I was hoping for. It is more like a hamberger bun projection(acutally a bun probably has more projection than I do). I know I shouldn't be so needy but I really wanted my girls to look nice. Also, when I wear a bra they just dont look nice. I would love to see what others are going through so I can compare or feel like Im not alone. I have an appt with my PS on Tuesday because I have felt like my implants are all over the place and have caused a little discomfort. I hope someone can give me some good words of wisdom to make me feel better Smile

    Thanks, Dawn