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  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Just want to say that I sent my TE pics to whippetmom and she thinks my PS has done a great job & totally agrees w/ PS that I do NOT need any more fills after Friday...AND, she explained WHY! I feel soooooooo much better & can now SLEEP at night! YAY!!!!!! Cool

    I'd advise anyone who was feeling like I did--unsure about my seemingly too low fill-volume, to get whippetmom's opinion by sending her pics/info on your TE's before you freak out too much--rotfl! She graciously took the time to explain things to me in an email...

    coffee4me: Have you done this w/ whippetmom yet? Might help...;)

    I'm doing the HAPPY & GRATEFUL DANCE!

    Now, I just have to ask PS on Friday IF she thinks I can have the 425cc volume implants...Please, Lord..let it be YES...;) I shall report back to Y'all Friday afternoon!

    I can't wait to be able to get into the picture board...I'll work on that I'm totally willing to show you all MY TE pics...;) Hope I can help someone by sharing...xoxoxoxo

    violet-1...Ann Marie

    NOW, I really need to go to BED!!!!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Just saying, where would we be without Whippetmom, BCO and other great ladies who share their experience, advice, and support? Lost, unaware, fearful....

    So grateful for all of you!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    OK I was directed to this thread to read but now seeing how many post it has it would take me days to read!! I am literally in tears and losing sleep on what to do! My PS wants to do the new Allergan410, but with my chest measurement I wont be able to go very large at all. 5.3 cm, which is only a little over a 2" projection. HE said they are best with the thin skin I have and no breast tissue left and also the Rads I have to have. I watched a Utube video of them testing them with 975degee and they don't melt. They even took a hammer to them. Anyway If I go with them I stop my fills now as I am 475. If I don't use them I have to overfill so I need to make a decision soon. I have a friend who got a teardrop silicone 6 months ago.(not gummy) Although she is happy she said she wishes she had a little more upper pole fullness and she also is seeing rippling already. So do I go with size and have rippling, or do I go with the doc recommended and not have the rippling and risk not having upper pole fullness, but know they are better for me with having rads and no breast tissue. Im driving myself crazy with all this..........

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Coffee4me -- ask your PS if he plans to place larger volume implants (if you continue with him).  It may be that he intends to put implants in that are bigger than the 475 cc volume you currently have.  (Though you may be right to simply look elsewhere).

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Tangles I had Rads and Lat Flap surgery on my cancer side.  The skin on my rad side determined how much fill I could have in my TE's...Once the skin got really shiny PS said you are done, the skin can't handle any more stretching.  I had a modified radical non skin sparing mastectomy on that side.  I ended up with 400 and 480CC's in my implants and am now a full C cup, was a very saggy B cut before.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I am wondering how much more my skin can be stretched!! Well after my post I had a 30 min phone conversation with my PS assistant and now have a better understanding. I have decided to NOT get the gummy implants. She said if I do expect them to probably be smaller then you think as this is what lots of their patients are saying. I had 450 cc of breast tissue removed and that is what I am filled to now. She said due to my chest measurement of 13 I can not go larger then 450-475. If I will look smaller and also be firmer I dont think its worth the risk. She said if I have rippling they Will fat graft and fix it. I feel relieved that I have just made a decision........

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Tangles... So relate - felt huge relief when decision was made and expressed to PS! One less thing to think/worry about. Especially since I had Whippetmom's recommendation and had done my research, PLUS, that was in line with what PS was thinking. Feel like, ok, now on to the next milestone. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    tangles....You will be happier with the smooth silicone rounds. The anatomical 410s would have been impossibly rigid on your chest wall, with your scarcity of skin flaps. Read #3 in the header to this thread though, if you want to discuss sizing....

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    tangles: HI! I'm sorta going through the same dilemma/decision making process as you are right now...;)

    Today I go to my PS for my LAST FILL/I'll be @ 330cc's. I'm going to ask her if they even use Sientra...AND if she thinks the silicone round Allergan 20-425 cc's would be okay for me (as whippetmom suggested)...I shall NOT take a notepad, as that really throws the PS over-the-edge! Huge eyeroll...She is not one to want to answer very many ?'s...She prob. thinks that the time for that is more for the pre-op discussion...oy!

    We shall see. Pray I don't get into it w/ her...she has le short fuse...and prefers to answer ?'s WHILE she's filling me, as to not waste time!!!!!.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!...;) Surprised

    I AM getting rather excited about getting my surgery date soon! Hope you ALL have a good day/weekend!!! I plan to post my own pics in the pic site in the next few days---I'm not shy about that at all...;)

    In fact, if I can figure it out, I'll prob. post a REAL profile pic of me on my dashboard site here...;)


  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    Yes he did say he would put larger than 475cc implant in. He said between 500-575cc. What will that me in projection and size??? I thought you look smaller in the implants than you did in the TE's?? Advice please.

  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    Violet1: No  I have not sent pics. Maybe I should.  What size do you want to be?

  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    Am I eligiable to obtain access to see the reconstruction pictures?

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Yes where do we look at photos on this site?? I couldnt find anywhere..........

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    You need to PM either Lilah or nowheregirl for access to the pictures forum...

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232

    To get to the site, you need to PM nowheregirl and explain that you'd like access to the photo site.  She set it up (it's separate from BCO), and she makes sure that only people who belong there get access to it.

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    coffee4me: I am very petite/tiny boned. I wanted to be a med. "C"...but implants don't really translate to cup size...;) I am only filled to 330 cc's in my TE's...but the PS can put larger implants in me than amount in implants depends upon which type implant you want (among tons of other things)--cc's translate less for teardrop shaped...but teardrop shaped can have more projection...I think...;)

    I have to decide If I want the teardrop shaped (& found out today my PS uses Sientra-- 370cc would fit me... & she also uses the 410's/Gummies)...OR if I want the Allergan 20 smooth round silicone iplants-- 425 ish cc's. AND, I have 1 month or so to research all of this and other possible implants, look at pics, etc.Cool

    It would be helpful for you to send all your info. to whippetmom in a PM, as per the instructions, and include a pic of your TE's--you can leave your head/face out of pic if you'd like...;) Also, include your height, weight, body type, age...& if you've had rads/chemo...just some extra suggestions. You might be filled to a perfectly good size right now &/or there may be a few reasons your PS doesn't want to fill further...;)

    So, before you get a 2nd professional opinion, I'd get some input from wippetmom. She might be able to give you helpful insight/explanations like she did for me. The, you can always go get a 2nd opinion after you gather a bit more info.

    I finally get WHY my PS didn't want to fill me any more Surprised--becasue she doesn't want me to get any more fullness on the sides of my breasts, mainly. And I also have 1 side that has much thinner skin at my scar/my problem foob...;)

    Even though my PS told me this stuff last week, whippetmom EXPLAINED it to me in a much more detailed way & from seeing my TE pics, confirmed that my PS did a great job & was right-on-the-$ w/ no-more-fills! WHEW! I feel 100 % better now.

    Hope this helps encourage you some...:) Let us know how it goes!


  • Leahv
    Leahv Member Posts: 32

    Hi ladies. I'm new to this and so thankful to read/see that there are several others freaking out about TE exchange and implant decisions. Yikes! As if I wasn't unstable enough with all the hormone issues.

    My exchange surgery is scheduled for May 28. I see PS on Monday for possibly my next to last fill. He is soooo not into answering any questions. When I tried to discuss final size with him I was told to let it go and trust him. I am determined to get ALL the info I want/need at this next appt. so I'm preparing a list of q's and concerns.

    My stats are : 47 yrs old. 5' 31/2". 120 lbs. 29" rib cage

    TE info: Allergen 133SX-12-T.

    So far I think I'm filled to 300cc. Not certain, he would't tell me how much he put in last time because he thought I was being a wimp and filling too slow. He said he does overfill and is planning on using a textured implant. When I asked why? he said it gives a better aesthetic look. Not sure that trumps how it feels to me, but who am I?:)

    He is also doing an implant and lift on my left side for balance. Planning on a lollipop incision. I have to say, I am very worried about this part of the whole thing. Nerve damage/permanent loss of feeling.

    I'd so appreciate any thoughts from you wonderful women!


  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    I did send my pictures to whippetmom waiting to hear from her.  I sound very negative about my PS, but the truth is I really really like him!! I am just hung up on the final result! This is it!!  He did say at my last fill about my skin being thin.  He waits 3 mos. from the time of last fill to perform the exchange. He gives them time to settle, which they have.  I have less tight skin now and they are alittle lower. I agree with letting them settle. I am 5'2" 130lbs, around ribs 31" and I am at 475cc's.  I will feel better when I talk to whippetmom. I believe I am getting high profile round implants.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    coffee4me- I felt so MUCH BETTER after whippetmom looked at my pics. I sent her Pre BMX, TE and final exchange pics. I love my PS and thought that mine were not sufficient for my size/frame. She looked at them and said that she agreed with what my PS placed in me. Whippetmom made me feel more confident in myself. Whippetmom will arm you with the information you need. Stay positive. Smile

  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    Thank you!! I think some feel anxious when we get towards the finale. 

  • monicaelise
    monicaelise Member Posts: 23

    I'm home, what a morning.  I'm not sure why, but I didn't get out of surgery until 12:30 (we started shorltly after 7:30) and I have drains again. The surgeon also went with 440 ccs instead of 500 cc.  Oddly, though I have cleavage even with this size. I know theres' got to be fair bit of swelling and fluid (I wouldn't have drains otherwise), but they seem cute and I can finally put my arms down.

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Love hearing from all of you...:) We ALL worry about the end-result...are we filled enough, are we going to choose/get the right kind of implant, etc...;) Welcome to Leahv & other Newbies, like myself.

    Leahv: Not sure why your PS won't tell you your fill amount & you make him fill you as slowly as you need...*I* could only do 30cc's at a time cuz my L Foobie has always been tender.

    REPORTING BACK for Today:

    My PS was actually pretty nice today...:) And now that I just got my last 30cc fill (total 330cc's), I can tell you that my foobs are just starting to get close to my armpits--so my PS was so right & knows what the heck she is doing about not wanting to fill me any more...;) HA! She did patiently answer ?'s about different implant types Surprised & uses/likes the 410 Gummies, also. She also uses Sientra & others.

    My huge dilemma is that I have 2 weddings to attend end of June & more importantly, my daughter's, on July 10th (both in S. Calif). So. IF I go w/ the round implants, I'll have a much easier & less painful drain-free recovery. If I go w/ any teardrop shape, she'll have to cut tons of scar tissue out for that shape & it will be a more painful, longer recovery with drains. Has anyone else had this issue of deciding about the recovery time/pain when trying to choose between implant types?  My PS thinks I'll look fine w/ either but thinks the teardrop would look more natural on me. However, she thinks that IF I'm on a time-line for the weddings, I should probably go w/ rounds. Decisions-Decisions! ACK!

    Meantime, I'm going to wait to hear for the soonest surgery date--earliest would be end of May, as she has her patients wait 1 month before the swap. AND, I'm going to do more research & looking at pics when I get around to signing into the picture forum;) Right now, I'm in pain, cuz my L Foobie does NOT like fills AT ALL.Cry It takes me about 3-4 days to recover from my fills.

    BUT. I am soooooo dang excited to know I'll get my surgery date SOON!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cool


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Leah:  What TYPE of textured implant? I do not advise using a textured silicone round for someone with your body type.  Traction rippling is an almost guaranteed complication with a textured implant on a small frame.  So you need to find out if he means the anatomical Allergan 410 or a Sientra textured implant.  If it is a shaped or anatomical implant, it does need to have a textured surface, to help prevent implant rotation. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    coffee4me: Check your email...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Whippetmom... Another success for you! My PS uses only Mentor implants (Allergan TE's'), my implants are Mentor 750 HP's both sides. She gave my DH implant info card immediately yesterday. I'll get more details at Monday's post-op appt as well as original and pre-exchange photos. We are so lucky to have you share your expertise with us!

  • monicaelise
    monicaelise Member Posts: 23

    I just posted in the Exchange City thread, but I wanted to drop by here and give you all the skinny. I talked to my surgeon after my last post, he explained that the 500cc were too big so he went with the Allergan Natrelle Biocell (120-440). My mid torso/rib cage is actually on the small side it seems.  As it turns out my original PS did place the appropriate TE (the 133FV-12-T), it just had wandered so far over it was hard to tell.  The new girls look amazing and match my body perfectly (I wish the originals had been half as good lol!). I couldn't have asked for better.

  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    Very happy for you!!:)

  • swalking
    swalking Member Posts: 3

    Hi All, I'm looking for some input for my exchange surgery in June.  I'm 5'4, 150#. I have Natrelle TEs 650 ccs (133FX-14-T), which are full height and extra projection.  I am currently expanded to 660 ccs. I think the size and shape look pretty good. My natural breasts were a C cup (slightly droopy from nursing) and I guess I am perky C cup now.  I would like my final silicone implants to look similar in shape and size.  I've heard the silicone implants look smaller than the TEs. Should I consider going up to a 700 cc silicone implant?  Should I get any more fills?  After my last fill, my PS suggested we stop filling, because he said at this point I may be a good candidate to use a 650 Allergan 410 implant. Up until that conversation, I never even considered gummies because I knew they were not yet approved.  Do I understand correctly that only certain models of the 410 gummies are now approved (and that the FX models (full height xtra projection) are not yet approved)? I wonder if I could get the projection I would want from the FF model?  

    Any input would be much appreciated!

    Kind regards,


  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Wow you are expanded to 660 and are a C right now? We are about the same height and weight and I am at 500 expanded and think I look like I am a C cup. I tried on my C bras and they fit pretty good if not even a bit snug. I was all set to go with this 500cc until today I asked 3 people what size do they think I look and they all said B!!Cry  Now with you saying the silicone look smaller after they are in then the TE make you look maybe I should go larger. Gosh I just had a friend who had 475 and she said she is a large C. This is all SO CONFUSING!!!!!

  • swalking
    swalking Member Posts: 3

    It is confusing!  And just so individual!  I originally had direct-to-implant reconstruction with 500cc moderate profile implants and they looked smaller to me - probably about a B cup.  My sister, who is 2 inches shorter than me and (ahem) about 20 pounds lighter has 550 cc high profile and she wears a D cup.  I had to have a revision due to complications on one side, so I decided to go ahead and go larger since I was having surgery anyway.  If not for the complications, I think I would have been able to live with the 500s.  While definitely smaller than my natural breasts, I don't think they looked too small and I could push them up in a bra to make nice cleavage. As I'm writing this, I think I may be talking myself into going with the 650 ccs and not larger.  I see my PS again next week, so I hope to talk to him about all the options.