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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jen:Yes....the round implants will settle into the pockets and will eventually not have that permanent "Barbie" upper pole fullness.  But talk with your PS about all of this. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Speaking of "settling" process: when do you start seeing difference (days or weeks) and weeks/months to complete? Want to have some realistic timeline.

    Also, have that blasted excruciating arm pit pain at times. For those of you that also have this, does it go away after exchange or does it remain?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jen: PM me for my email address, in the event you want to send me photos.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    2ndtimearound: Settling - can take weeks for some - typically two weeks.  With anatomicals - Allergan 410s - very little settling can be expected.  They generally are what they are, right out of the box, although some women have reported that they experience some changes months or up to a year after the exchange. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    waterpolomom:  Can you obtain the information found in #3 in the header to this thread above?  I would like to know about your tissue expanders - the style and volume.  You might have been given a card with this information.  If you want to send me photos, please PM me and I will give you my email address.  Alternatively, you have been on long enough and have posted sufficiently to gain entrance to the pictures forum.  Contact either Lilah or nowheregirl for that entrance info.  Please do not go through another surgery until we work on this further and determine what will work best to get you to the results you desire.


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks Whippetmom...just want to have an idea what's reasonable. PS only uses Mentor, so no issue there. About "drop and fluff": PS doesn't advise massage. What's your opinion about massage? Yay or nay?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    "Yay" on massage, as long as they are smooth rounds.  My personal opinion though, as my PS said it was not necessary that I massage them.  But I also lay on my stomach a lot - in working out and sometimes sleeping - so that is the equivalent of "massage" in my book.  My smooth silicone round implants are uber, uber soft, but they are four years old....

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Yup, they will be Mentor smooth rounds. That's all I know for sure. If you doesn't believe in massage, where do I go to learn the correct way? I'm squeamish - how is it the first time? How long after exchange to start? Thanks again!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    2nd time - did a quick search on google and found this:

    It's for augmentation but how it described to massage is what my PS told me: up, down, right, left. I can't remember now how soon after my exchange I was supposed to do it, ask your PS. I do remember that when I started he wanted me to do it 10 times each side, three times a day for the first three months. Then, twice a day. Six months after, once a day. Like whippetmom, I lay on my stomach and am on my tummy a lot in yoga class so I count that as massage. :) I've seen some links on here the last couple of years...some different ways on doing the massage...the key is to move the implant around in the pocket. No specific right or wrong way, I think.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks DH, will save for future reference. Again, PS doesn't think this is necessary and I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Just getting excited and anxious!

  • Thanks Deborah nice to know they will settle in and not look so much like Barbie boobies! Lol

    I will pm you to get your email address. Still taking some pics today to upload to picture forum now that I have access. Thanks so much for your help! It is most appreciated :)

    Hmm my PS has not mentioned massage yet. I'll have to ask her if she wants me to do that or not.


  • monicaelise
    monicaelise Member Posts: 23

    Hi All,

    Whippetmom, you mentioned going with smooth PS is pretty emphatic about going with textured.  He said that the textured is a better bet for someone with my lifestyle (I have a heavily muscled upper body and my pecs tend to push even the TEs all over the place) because the textured surface helps keep the implants in place.  Both of my TEs have moved significantly over the course of my expansion and he's concerned the permanents will do the same. He's also using Alloderm "slings" to hold everything in place.

    What is the disadvantage of textured implants?  Is there some reason I should avoid them?

  • Poke
    Poke Member Posts: 4

    Hi ladies ... I'm sure you get a lot of posts like this. I had my exchange on Tuesday and I am so worried about being disappointed! I hope I did not go through all this nonsense for nothing! The expanders were at 450 when removed and they were HUGE and I felt awkward and I didn't want anything nearly that big, but now I have 375 cc Allergan 410s and when I peek into my surgical bra I feel like there is nothing there :(  I am determined to be happy no matter what the outcome but I am finding that difficult after all I've been through. Can I expect any changes once some time passes?

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Jen and waterpolo- I would definitely suggest you send Whippetmom your info. She is definitely our "breast God".

    Po-ke- don't give up yet. It takes at least 6-8 weeks for everything to settle and fall into place. I was not very happy with mine at first but now I like them. I still want bigger though. I have 650 cc mentor smooth round HP and 800 cc mentor smooth round HP. When I lose the weight I need to they will stick out further.

  • chawkins
    chawkins Member Posts: 38

    monicaelise,  I have textured also (siltex).  Whippetmom told me they were a no no.  My PS insisted and it was hard to say"no, my friend on the internet said no" so I left it up to him.  So far, no problems.  I'll be interested to hear what Whippetmom says.  I think she is wonderful but I know she totally dislikes textured implants.

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    Thank you all for your helpful responses. I see my PS THIS coming Friday & it is supposedly my LAST fill taking me to 330 cc's...I am going to ask her about which brands of implants she uses...IF I can get "bigger" by using smooth round (higher profile)silicone implants instead of whippetmom suggested: Allergan Style 20 in 425 cc's...(are those extra high profile, BTW?)

    BUT, I STILL don't know WHY I can't get more over-filled!!! The only reason she said last week was she didn't want my sides by my armpits to get too-too full/wide & you can't know if that is where the fullness of more fills would go...Is that correct? Has anyone else been told that?

    I'm wondering if she'd be willing to fill me more IF I was going w/ the round implants instead...I'm telling ya, I seem way small--even for ME...All of my fill-fullness is in the lower 1/2 shell of the half-moons...IF I don't think I'm big enough now, how in the heck am I going to be ok w/ the dang implants Yell!!!!?????

    She's just so dang hard to talk to! I'll probably end up crying in her office...Cry Am I being unreasonable here? I thought we could fill until "I" was ready to stop....should I PUSH this issue? HELP!!!!!

    And thank you...P.S. - Had my boyfriend (going thru a divorce/26 yrs. marriage) take pics today of me...I'll work on getting more posts in so I can access the photo page..but can I PM you, whippetmom & send you my going crazy over here...:(


  • mamatwinz
    mamatwinz Member Posts: 193

    yes 20s are high profile.  :)  so i had my ps appt today and prepped by writing questions, printed photos, had booklets they gave me at last this am i get the kids off to school, shower, have coffee and get a call..15 min call..i had to call her back to find something which i had left in my car..prob is..couldnt find my keys..searched 15+mins..found them called her back, then saw that dog peed on the floor..cleaned that all my stuff together for the workday, and ran out the door to ps appt...FORGOT IT ALL!!!!#$%&#&??!!#%&! i mean really????!??  almost in tears.  he was super nice tho and got everything answered!  i may still send pics to him or bring to pre op next week.  plan remains style 45s varying sizes just above and below 500cc, or sientra anatomical 425cc. he stated if i did anatomical, i would be a cup smaller than i am now, but is the only anatomical he would recommend for me.  he said either 45s or sientra anatomical would work, up to me to decide what is most important.  he said there are numbers surgeons and volume surgeons, he is a volume surgeon..likes some room in the pocket..i will think about the two..pros n cons.. likely will be the 45s..:)

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Violet_1: You are NOT being unreasonable at all.  My PS was not very conversational at first, and I'm a big question asker.  At one of my follow-ups with my BS, I asked her about it and her exact words to me were that I should absolutely be demanding!  It's your body and you have to live with the results (or go through revision surgery at some point).

    As far as over-filling goes, my TEs are a moderate profile 600cc capacity.  Whippetmom recommends no less than a 750cc high profile Allergan Style 20 for me.  When I got to 600cc I knew I wasn't happy with the size/profile/projection.  I shared Whippetmom's recommendations with my PS and started over-filling.  I'm currently at 750cc in 600cc TEs and have no problem other than they're very firm. My TEs are very round.  I have good fullness in upper and lower poles as well as sides, and cleavage is beautiful.  As I continue with overfills I notice the 'armpit fluff' I was so unhappy with at first has diminished quite a bit.  I see PS again on May 2.  When I asked him if we would be filling again he said 'We'll see'.  He agrees that I'm definitely going to want high profile implants, I think it's just a matter of deciding the cc size to meet my expectations.

    Try doing what I did and tell your PS that you want to be her finest masterpiece ever and that a year from now you want her to look at you and say 'Yup, that's my best one yet!'.  After I said that to my PS is when I really felt that he got on board with my wants/needs/expectations. 

    Bottom line, you've got to be your own best advocate.  Don't be afraid to ask questions and demand the answers be something you understand.  Bring someone with you as a 2nd set of ears and to write things down so you can concentrate on the discussion without having to take notes too.

    Get a 2nd opinion before committing to a surgery date.  It would be better to have a delay in exchange surgery than to go ahead with a plan your're not entirely comfortable with.  I thought I'd be having surgery later this month, but with the overfill process and vacations (mine and PSs) it probably won't be until at least mid-August now.  I can live with that.

    You can do this!

  • nesw
    nesw Member Posts: 24

    I just found out that my exchange has been pushed to 5/17 from 5/10. There is a "hold" on the implants I'm getting and my PS does not want to go to a different implant, so we're going to wait. It has something to do with the FDA and the clinical trial, but I don't have the details. He expects things to get resolved within 2 weeks. I'm exchanging to Allergan 410 MX style and I was wondering why I was still going to be part of a trial after hearing about FDA approval of the cohesive gels. I just saw the information on a link provided on another forum:

    "FDA only approved four of the twelve different shapes of 410 implants. This was not a safety issue, but rather at the time the study began only those four shapes were available. To receive any of the other eight shapes, a patient must see a surgeon who can offer these implants as part of the clinical trial."

    I'm curious what the current hold is on the 410 MX implants, if anyone knows. In any case, I'll continue to wait. Just thought the info was interesting.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    monicaelise: The textured implants tend to nearly always cause traction rippling. But perhaps they will be the best option for you, with your concerns as aforementioned. I agree that there are some conditions under which a textured surface might weigh out as a better option. Perhaps with your taut musculature, implant migration and displacement is more of a problem than would be traction rippling. Your doctor is the one who would know best in this case.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Violet: I will PM you my email address. Lots of photos coming my way this week, so make sure you include your TE style and volume or implant style and volume, whichever applies....

  • coffee4me
    coffee4me Member Posts: 23

    I am suppose to have my exchange May 9th. I have stated before in previous post that my PS never really gave me a choice on size. He did overfill my 425cc Te's to 475cc. He said that was it. I am not happy at all with the size I am right now with these expanders. He keeps saying when I question my size "oh don't worry you will be a victoria secret D". How can I look bigger with the implant than I can with these expanders?? I am very concerned about projection also. Whippetmom has my stats from before. Does anyone know of a great PS in Albany or Syracuse area? I found one in Syracuse, but did not take Empire ins. I feel I need to see another PS before my surgery I am just struggling with this!!

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Coffee4me- I your PS planning on bringing more than one size implant into the OR? My PS brought in every 1/2 size from 600c-800cc. I was very surprised to find out that my implant size varied so much. My lt implant was 650 cc and rt was 800cc. When I asked my PS the day after surgery he said that I had my skin than he planned on, so my lt side needed the smaller size. He said most implants have a 50-75 ccs difference. He said I was special. Ha I would definitely question what size implant he plans on bringing and if he has a higher implant back up plan.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Coffee4me: I'm not anywhere near Albany or Syracuse but I support you in getting a 2nd opinion if at all possible.  You need to feel comfortable with the plan going in to this surgery and it sounds like that's definitely NOT the case right now.

    MMTOMH Member Posts: 17

    whippetmom-I am about a week post-exchange.  I ended up with a 700cc smooth round HP mentor on the left and 650cc on the right.  Looks so much better than I even thought!  I was expecting maybe 600-650 at the most, but my PS said this is what looked best.  They look pretty even, though I had my port removed at the same time, so am more swollen on the left.  I had a capsular contracture on the right from rads, so she had to do quite a bit of work on that side, but she brought the implant down nicely and I'm even!  Had my f/u appt today and she was as pleased as I am...will give it a few months and see where we're at as far as revision.  Just wanted to check in!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    MMTOMH:  I cannot ask for any better report than that!  I am always relieved when a plastic surgeon does not remain fixated on a specific volume, and instead, can observe that another size might look "best".  That is called ARTISTRY. Your PS rallied to the challenge!  Congratulations!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    coffee4me:  I sent you a private message with a referral PS in Albany.

    MMTOMH Member Posts: 17

    Thanks, whippetmom.  It means a lot to get your approval! Kiss

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335

    whippetmom: I sent you my TE pics & info...:)

    coffee4me: I'm feeling the SAME way...PS needs to fill me more...and she's hard-as-heck to talk to...I have a feeling we're going to have a tough talk on Friday...I might just lose it w/ her...

    Hope YOU can get another opinion...;)Did your PS say WHY he can't/doesn't want to fill you more?


  • peanutsgal
    peanutsgal Member Posts: 64


    Just wanted to say thanks again for your help. I had my exchange surgery Monday and I really think the 450cc hp mentors are going to look very nice. I really wanted 475, but I probably wouldn't have noticed a difference. May the good Lord bless you for all the time and energy you put into helping us ladies!