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  • lilmsSunshine
    lilmsSunshine Member Posts: 3


    ok, i know how to copy on my tablet but, can't figure out how to paste lol... so took a photo of my post... my implants in now are allergan natrelle silicone filled. Thought they were saline, I was wrong. Stle #20 filled to 325cc again thought they were 350... I swear I remember Dr. telling me she put in 350...  
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    lilmssunshine: Look at the header to this thread and read #3 "Implant Sizing Information".  Provide me with that information.

    There is no 320 cc implant in Allergan Style 20.  It would likely be 350 ccs.  Were you given a card or anything with this information?  Can you find out about the style and volume of your tissue expanders?  The information will be in your chart, and you could call your doctor's office and ask them to check for you.  


  • DQ77
    DQ77 Member Posts: 17

    Thank you Whippetmom!  You are have a plethora of knowledge :)  Do you think that it's worthwhile to show my PS pictures of what I'd like my breasts to look like?  Or is that not really how the reconstruction process works?  

    Hope everyone is having a happy Friday!

  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19

    Whippetmom, I may have been the one who said that I had to beg to see my ps. I was told that he would poke his head in at my last fill. I asked if an apointment would be made before exchachange and the gate keeper said "no, we do enough of them that we know what we are going to do".  I insisted on an appointment and have one on the 24th. I cancelled my last fill but found out that he wasn't there to poke his head in anyway. My PS has not talked to me about anything!! I guess he thinks that I should just trust him since he is at Mass General and went to Harvard...and I might but I don't like being left in the dark. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Did u have hysterectomy and ovaries removed?

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    DQ77, I based my comparison of the two kinds of implants I've had (Style 20 800 cc rounds and 410 gummy bears) on only one side of my body. The right side has never given me one second of trouble, no matter which kind of implant was in there. There's been no rippling. It looks fine with either kind of implant and doesn't feel any different to have one over the other.

    The left side is a different story because I acquired a gram positive bacterial infection in the hospital which caused a lot of damage to the muscles and soft tissue on the side of the implant and under my arm. (I'd just had a BMX & Direct to Implants.) Since then the left side has had several more operations, a TE & new implant, a boat load of pocket work, and another new implant. It's still not right. It still ripples a bit and has migrated in the pocket twice. BUT, chalk all that up to my altered left side anatomy and much thinner skin on that side. The right side is just fine.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    stfne:  Yes, it was YOU!  Oh my gosh...what has happened to healthcare in the U.S.?  That is just insane.  My PS is the one who did all of my fills!  That was five years ago though, and I am sure that has all changed. I am sorry, but that is not right.  I am glad that you are a squeaky wheel and insisted that you see him before the exchange.  The "pre-op" is the time to go over all of your concerns and I would hope you are given that opportunity. 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    I think that is the way that particular PS runs his practice and is not indicative of how most are now run in the US. My PS personally did all of my fills except for one, but he still stopped in to see me. He still sees me personally at every visit. I was so pleased with the work he did on my reconstruction that I returned for some cosmetic work. I am always amazed when women on this board have to fight to see their own PS in person.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    DLL66:  So good to hear and so reassuring.  Thank you for sharing.  

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619

    Stfne-That is just so unreal.  My PS did my fills and has been there for me 100% of the way.  I used to work for a PS who was also 100% there for all of his patients- that's their job!!!!!  I could not imagine it any other way!!!!  The PS must meet with the patient for the pre-op so he/she can discuss what your expectations are for the surgery and what can realistically be done.  I guess I'm just shocked by some PS's behavior since I only know PS's that are patient involved.


  • Olaf
    Olaf Member Posts: 133

    I too had all my fills done by my PS and he would sit there patiently while I asked all my questions that I had written down. Also had a scheduled appointment to go over type of implant and schedule exchange date. I certainly am feeling reassured now. My original breast doctor treated me the same way Stfne PS. I say put your foot down, you're paying the bills.

  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19

    Mommyathome, I had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed but not a hysterectomy.  I am brca gene negative but not taking any chances now that I have had bc. MY mother had bc and ovarian cancer. I see that you just had yours done a few days ago. Did you have a hysterectomy too? Hope your feeling well.

    I'm glad to hear that you guys agree that I should be able to meet with my PS. The guy who makes all of the appointments seems annoyed that I want to see him. The real problem might be this secretary. we will see how my appointment goes on the 24'th when I bring my questions to the PS.

  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    Stfne-I agree with the PS has always seen me at every appointment. I love her and she is always attentive with all my questions.  I hope your next appointment goes well.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you for these encouraging reports of plastic surgeon involvement in the reconstruction journey!  

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    I have my hysterectomy July 1. My exchange was June 2. I have bc and ovarian in my family as well. Since iud and ablation failed for heavy periods and adenomyosis, we are mOving forward w hysterectomy. Bs suggested ovaries out soon anyway...

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Just want to add I have seen my PS at every appt - he fills one side and his nurse fills the other - he spends at least 30 minutes with me at each appt - I always have to wait at least 30 minutes later than my appt to see him but I don't care because I know he is spending time with someone else.  He talks to me about me the whole time - asks me about SE from chemo - asks about my emotions, asks about home life - it is kind of like seeing a counselor - I will really really miss him and his staff when I move on from this part of my journey.  Anyone in the Sarasota area of Florida want a recommendation for a great one let me know LOL.  He cares and it is obvious.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    PS does the first fill or two to alleviate anxiety and nervousness of the patient, then the Nurse does them.  He did the last one though.  I must say that I wound up bruised compared to the other times.  He had numbed me up though, since we knew that one side wasn't filling well and he expected it would hurt me.  Thankfully, it didn't even afterward.

  • PinkWalker
    PinkWalker Member Posts: 12

    stfne....I am appalled and amazed that your PS would treat you this way.  Mine has seen me at every visit, did all of my fills, and always allows time to address any concerns.  The first time I met him, HE seemed a little nervous.  I guess he thought I was going to fall apart, but once he saw that I was all pulled together, he relaxed and we've been great together ever since.  I love a doctor who believes that I'm a member of the team, and treats me that way.   I've been known to fire a few who didn't see it that way!  Good luck with your upcoming visit.  Please make him aware of your problems with the "gatekeeper".  Some people let a little power go to their heads!....and often the doctor doesn't know this.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Stfne, pls keep trying to see your Ps, mine was like that and I ended up having terrible results, I am glad you are here and ladies here can encourage you. I now changed Ps, hoping to get better results.

    take all the notes and concerns and discuss it with him.

    Best of luck

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    I feel I have to chime in here as well.  My PS has been wonderful, has answered all my bazillions of questions with great patience, and outside of one fill visit when he was out of town he either did my fill or came in to talk before and/or after.  He and PA have both been great about quick responses to emails.  I recently told him that one of the greatest things he did for me was to ask me at my very first visit, "If I could wave a magic wand over you, what would you wish for?"  That made me feel like I was going to have a little bit of control over a seemingly uncontrollable situation and convinced me that he was the right guy for the job.  I was in a total fog in the beginning, but I instantly liked him and knew I could work with him.

    Bottom line is that there are wonderful plastic surgeons out there who have both great technical skills and empathy.  If your gut tells you that you're in the wrong office.....move on! 

  • DQ77
    DQ77 Member Posts: 17

    stfne--I feel like what your ps is doing is unacceptable!  Especially since you requested to see him multiple times.  If you are not comfortable with your ps maybe it's worthwhile to get a second opinion?  My ps did all my fills and I feel comfortable asking him all my questions--but even so I'm almost considering a second opinion just to get another perspective.

    Sandra--again thank you for sharing your experience!  It seems like compromised skin causes a lot of complications--I hope your left side has now settled and not caused you any more issues!  Did you do far grafting on either sides?

  • budrfligal
    budrfligal Member Posts: 2

    Hi ladies. I hope you are all well. I'm okay, although my left side keeps "deflating" after a fill. The PS said it is a "sweating" effect. So she will continue to fill the left side right up until the exchange (7/25). I'm concerned about this. Will I have enough room for the 700-750's? She said she is anticipating using that for my frame and size. And because I would like the equivalent of a full C. The expanders are 550. The right side is finished filling.  I expected to look huge, but I don't. It seems like she should keep filling both sides a bit more. Then again, I do not know what to expect about ANYTHING yet. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105

    Hi ladies!  I hope you are all enjoying this gorgeous weather, East-Coasters.

    I asked for advice a while back and I cannot find the post to follow up.  I'm 5'6", 150lbs, just chemo-belly fat, rib cage 36 inches around just under expanders. My expanders are Mentor low-high contour profile, style 6100 at 550ccs.  Exchange 7/25.  I have not had the pre-op appointment yet. My PS mentioned she would probably use 750's. And she uses Mentor MemoryGel silicone High profiles. My goal is to be bigger than before surgery. I was a B cup and always thought my frame could hold up for bigger breasts.  I am not fat, nor petite boned. I would say on the broader side. I would like cleavage finally.  

    I have an issue with my left expander. It seems to not hold the fill anymore. My PS said it is not leaking, rather producing a "sweating" effect. She said she will probably keep filling it right up until the exchange.  

    Do I have any options besides what my PS uses? I trust in her,  as I've heard many raves from nurses and patients.  I am concerned that I am not stretched enough. I mean, the right side is done, but as I said, leftie hasn't gotten bigger anymore and it's not because it is filled to maximum capacity. I don't know how she's going to make this work.  Is this familiar to anyone?

    I don't want to be disappointed in my results. I mean, I didn't go through 6 months of weekly fills for nothing!  I have 6wks until the exchange and I'm getting anxious.....

     Any thoughts? Suggestions for the right implants? 

    Thanks so much! Have a great day!

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    Hi Whippetmom,

    Thank you so much for this thread--it's really helpful. I wish I had looked for it a couple of months ago!  I was wondering if you have any guidance for me?

    I just had delayed reconstruction on the left side and a prophylactic MX with immediate reconstruction on the right.  I'm not very big 5'3"  and 120 pounds with a 28 3/4 inch rib cage.  My PS placed Mentor CPX 4 T/Es  Low height, 350 cc Style 9100. And we've filled them to the 350 cc capacity.  

    Right after my first surgery, which was a lumpectomy (I subsequently needed a mastectomy), I measured at a 34 C (modestly filled) and would like to see that general size back.  My PS says that the final decision regarding implant will be made at the pre-Op appointment before the exchange.  I'm scheduled for the exchange in 8 weeks.    He says that at this juncture either a shaped or round implant is possible though we have both agreed that I will have a silicone implant.  Do you know what implants are compatible with these TEs?  I'm just concerned about not having a good sense of what is likely to be used until right before the exchange.  I trust my PS because things have gone extremely well thus far, I just feel like I want some idea of what the choices might be. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    budrflygal: I honestly do not know what is going on with that TE.  I have never heard of the "sweating" effect.  It sounds more like a defect in the TE.  I presume that you tell your PS that unless she is confident that she can get at least 700 ccs in that pocket, to delay the exchange until you can figure out how to get sufficient expansion on that side.  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028



    I would suggest Allegan or Mentor high profile smooth round silicone implants with a volume of 450 ccs or Sientra smooth round HP - 465 ccs.  It depends on the look you want to achieve as well, because the Sientra implants provide a lot of upper pole fullness.  I personally prefer Allergan or Mentor HPs as far as silicone rounds are concerned.

    Sientra Shaped:  Another consideration....

    Textured shaped classic base moderate projection, 450 ccs, or 

    Textured shaped round base high projection, 425 cs.

    Discuss with your PS!


  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105

    whipmom, thanks. I am getting very concerned about this. I hope this all works out. I don't see my PS until Thursday and the day can't come any quicker. 

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    Wow, thanks Whippetmom!

    These give me a lot to look at and talk to my PS about.  I feel like I can get a handle on the conversation now.  

    Thank you so much!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Pilates4Me, this is a bit of a sidetrack since obviously you are looking for advice on implant sizing (which Whippetmom is the guru of!) and not bra sizing, but it strikes me that if you have a 28 3/4 inch ribcage and wore a 34C before surgery, you were in way too big of a band would have been more like a 30DD or maybe a 32D (assuming the 34C cups fit). After your reconstruction is healed, please make sure you go for a proper fitting at Nordstrom's with a surgical fitter, or a bra boutique :) A good fitting bra makes a world of difference in comfort, whether you are dealing with natural or reconstructed breasts and will provide better support and shaping. When you are ready, you can even go look at the Bras 101 thread for good advice on fitting and what kind of bras work best with reconstruction.

    I am sure you will look great with any of Whippetmom's recommendations! For reference as our stats are pretty close, I have just over a 29" ribcage, am 5'4", 120lbs, and have 435 cc Allergan high profile smooth rounds....I wore either a 30DDD(F) or 32DD(E) before surgery depending on the brand and wanted to be a bit smaller afterward, I probably LOOK to be about a 32D or so now (or sister size 34C), though I still seem to in some brands need to wear a 32DD bra to accomodate the width/shape of my implants. I am very, very happy with the size! One of Whippetmom's recommendations for me based on my measurements and goals had been 450 cc high profile smooth rounds and that is pretty close to what I got.

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38


    Thanks so much for your input. This is going to make you laugh, but I did get fitted at Nordstrom's and a bra boutique in the area that specializes in post surgical fitting!  I tend to develop muscle pretty easily and it is quite possible that after two years of surgery and chemo and radiation that I had significant atrophy of my back muscles over that time. Add in that my surgeon did a TDAP  flap (i.e. a lat flap that uses no muscle--it's an unusual choice of surgeries, but I use my lat muscle quite a bit) so the circumference might have changed a bit. But, yes, I have no interest in getting bras without a good fitting--just not worth it.