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  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    You were  spot on once again!!! My ps surgeon used allergan style 20 750 cc, just like you suggested! The great thing is I never mentioned it to my ps- I wanted to see what she chose and it was exactly like you suggested!! Thanks

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    whippetmom, I ended up with Allergan 15 495cc. I feel better already without the hard TEs! :). Some adhesions loosened on right side. Are these implants pretty close to the Allergan 20 500cc? Also lowered bil. Looks better already without softballs sitting on my chest:). Soft to touch on top. Covered in abd's n soft compression bra. Can shower after 24 hrs 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    I have post op tomorrow!!!! Not sure I'm ready for the unveiling!!!! I have an ace bandage on. After the surgery I didn't get to talk to dr. Guess I'll find out tomorrow if she ran into any issues and what I have to look forward to. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    dorthi:  Actually, you are the first person who has reported that her PS has been given this directive by the radiation oncologist.  As Sandra states, this represents approximately two inches, but does this also mean that the PS will err on the wider side of 5 cm?  There is no evidence of  the efficacy of a one-step over a two-stage reconstruction, as it relates to radiation.  A two stage approach would enable the PS to manipulate the pocket and, at the time of the exchange, reduce that gap a bit, if necessary.  Are you a good candidate for a one-step?  What is your breast size currently?  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Huz...I prefer the idea of a Sientra shaped over the Allergan 410 for you, yes.  As far as the volume is concerned, as long as you want to be smaller than your TEs....and as long as the width of the Sientra shaped matches the width of your TEs...that sounds fine. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome: I am so glad it all worked out for you!  Happy that you are happy! ThumbsUp

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    simplelife: The volume of your Style 15  is equivalent in volume to the Style 20, but it just is a bit wider and has a lower profile.  It is a very useful style for breast reconstruction.  Styles 15 and 20 are the two most popular and most commonly used styles for breast reconstruction.  I think you will be happy with this style!

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    Mommyathome, good luck this morning!! I don't have postop until a week ( next tues) but can shower will see then. Exciting and nervous at the same time:). Hope you feel better today!! My pain isn't too bad this a.m. And I slept fairly well. Can see there is swelling though from topside into the ABDs. Let me  know how it goes.......happy squishes Happy

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    whippetmom, thanks for your input! I appreciate your advice and comments. You are the best! Unveiling tonight when I get to shower .... But I can tell there's a little swelling from the top right now 

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    I just swapped from the gummies to the 15s, 286cc (down from about 400). Its been about 10 days, so early still, but Im happy. They are smaller for sure, which Im happy about, and I think the shape is better for me. He did alot (I think) of lipo as well, so am overall smaller on the sides.  Vastly less bruising the last few days, I return to work Thursday.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Simple life,

    Thanks. Ya I was surprised she wanted to see me today... Hope ur doesn't mean there was a problem!!!! I feel better today. Nausea is a lot less and pain is about a 1-2. I didn't fall asleep until 3am!!! I can't flipping sleep!!!! I go on about 3 hours a day, it's crazy!!! My mind is racing! Between the big unveiling today, my upcoming hysterectomy and my new position I'm going nuts!!!! 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74


    You have a lot going on in a very short time, no wonder you are on overload. It's terrible when you can't sleep! I take Trazadone for sleep and it helps tremendously. I hate taking more pills but sometimes it's just necessary to keep our sanity! Does your doc know you are not sleeping? You might want to check in and see if they have any suggestions! Today was a better day for me.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Ah, shower. What can possibly feel better after a surgery and days of waiting? Enjoy!



  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Yes, sometimes the simple things are the best things Smile.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Well I had my unveiling today and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. I feel the te looked better. When I saw myself in the mirror for the first time at he ps office, I cried. Can you tell me if they will change? They seem pretty flat. They're off my chest like breast but look kinda like smoothed hamburger buns. Is this normal? The ps said I had quite a bit of swelling on the top part and sides of my breast. When that goes down will it make a difference? 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    mommyathome - Directly from the header of this thread:


    Many of us and I mean MANY of us go through a period of sadness and depression after the exchange. It is an emotional journey we have been on since diagnosis and we suddenly seem to start experiencing all of the emotions we have placed on hold throughout the mastectomy and TE expansion process. So just rest in knowing that we have been there and we know what you are going through right now. Try to avoid obsessing over the appearance of your new breasts. Feel free to ask any questions or voice your concerns, but it is quite normal as this point in your journey.

    Trust us, they will change, but you've got to give it some time... Winking

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Thanks AZ!!

  • Brinkleysmom
    Brinkleysmom Member Posts: 2

    I had bilatIeral masectomy on 1/14/14.  On 3/27/14, I was fitted with Natrelle Style 133LV-14 tissue expanders in both breasts and have been expanded to the maximum of 350 ccs..  I am 5'5" and 150 lbs.  My rib cage measures 36".  Before my masectomy, I was a large B.  I would like to get to the same size or even a small "C".  My next appointment with my PS is coming up and I think he mentioned that we can expand an additional 50 ccs?  Do you think I can get to my desired size at 400 ccs?

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Though you were expanded, your pectoral muscles are going to compress the implants all over again which are much softer than the TEs which were hard and whose purpose was to work against compression, and thus much more compressible. This leaves them looking high and flat. Give it time for your muscles and skin to relax again. The implants will drop and fluff, meaning silicone will shift from the upper pole to fill out the lower pole and give more of a slope. This process takes weeks or months, not just a day or two! I have seen remarkable changes in the 5 weeks since my own surgery, but there still is a long, long way for me to go (I was direct to implant, so a bit different but the drop and fluff idea still applies!)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome:  This is from the thread header above!


    Just remember that just after the exchange, the implants can look misshapen and flattened out and sometimes downright bizarre! You need to give it two weeks - sometimes much longer. DON'T OBSESS ABOUT THE SIZE OR SHAPE RIGHT AFTER THE EXCHANGE! STEP AWAY FROM THE MIRROR!

    Yes...the most common impression for many women is that they look like "hamburger buns"....and they will settle and change.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    You need Allergan Style 20, 600 ccs.  Your TEs are sufficient to get you to this particular implant.  You could use the same volume or 533 ccs minimally, in Allergan Style 15, which would give you more width, a little less projection, but more fullness overall.  Either style would be fine, but I would prefer your PS try Style 20.


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Divecat and Whippetmom,

    Thanks! I knew from other posts that I read that it takes time, don't look for awhile etc. the anticipation was killing me and I just had to see. I will take your advice and just wait. I'll let my body "adjust" and try to be kinder to myself. I just felt like it was Christmas morning and I had a gift in mind and when I opened it up it just wasn't what I thought/hoped it would be. 

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Yup, like wanting a new bike and getting socks. Only in this case you DID get a bike, but you have to wait for it to be put together.

    I am a bit different in that I liked looking at my chest after. I am a curious sort and just find the healing process quite interesting. One thing that I am glad I did was to take pictures on a regular basis. You might not "think" they have changed all that much 2-4 weeks from now, but being able to compare photos will show they most definitively have!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Divecat... Yes u get it!!! I know I just need time, I just wasn't prepared at that moment. I wish my big unveiling could've been at home in private rather than in front of everyone and so dramatic. I have been taking pics as well. Actually got a few from the or during the exchange. Thanks for understanding and being there 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    Mommyathome, hang in there friend, we are all in this together!!! What a wonderful sisterhood that gives us so much support no matter what our doubts and fears are!! Hugs and love to you. I think when we have been waiting for the exchange, it feels like there is somewhat of an end in sight when we get there, but we still need patience (which I'm so bad at), and its hard to remember that. I have been trying to prepare myself by repeating the mantra the ladies here mention so often "step away from the mirror" . Good idea to take pics! I will do that too. 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    Divecat , What a great analogy. That does explain it well! Sad

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    yeah thats a great analogy !  I knew that I shouldnt judge right away, but it was so hard not to...this time, after the swap out, Im initially happier, and also know to wait awhile to see how they end up.

  • Brinkleysmom
    Brinkleysmom Member Posts: 2


    Thank you for the info - I will speak to my PS.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Mommyathome - I was one of the lucky ones and for whatever reason things looked pretty good right out of the chute.  Still, things changed and moved and settled in as healing took place.  It's sometimes hard to remember that most of the work has been done on the inside and healing takes time.  As everyone else has written try to be patient as changes are ahead.  Hang in there!!!

  • Huz
    Huz Member Posts: 8

    Hi Whippetmom,

    My TEs are 400cc, the Sientra will be 425cc. How much smaller should I expect to be compared to the TEs? Should I push for a bigger implant with these TEs?

    Thanks again and be assured I was very glad to hear you think the Sientra are a good choice.