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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Huz....I searched and found your TE information.  

    Your TEs match the dimensions pretty closely of th 425 HP shaped your PS has in mind.  There is also a Sientra round shaped HP implant with a volume of 480 ccs which I think might be preferable.  

  • Jenneri
    Jenneri Member Posts: 3

    Hi Wippet mom!  Thanks for this board.  I have my last AC treatment next week then off to my BS 3weeks later.  I'm fairly sure I am going to opt for double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and implants.  I'm hoping he will be able to do skin conservation on both breasts.  I am very small right now, like a AA!  I would be happy with A! I just don't want little "ball boobs"!  So I'm thinking maybe teardrop shape implants? I am 5' 2", my ribcage measures 34 and I must have a wide chest because I've always had trouble finding a bra with the cups being far enough apart. I would like to understand this better so when I meet with the reconstruction surgeon I'll feel more knowledgeable.  Thanks for you help.  

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    avaia, you said you switched out to the Allergan 15. I didn't catch why you had the switch. I'm glad you are happier. Encouraging to me since those are the ones I have

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Simple, some of us have changed implants for various reasons. Some hope to be bigger or smaller. Some had revisions because the first PS just did a crappy job and/or put the wrong ones in.

    I had a BMX with Direct to Implants and started our with Allergan Style 20 800 cc rounds. They were just fine. After a "scenic detour" dealing with infection, another surgery and one TE, the swelling and bruising went down and the large divots in my chest were more obvious. (My breast surgeon really scraped out everything under the skin, leaving several areas that were just skin over bone and quite sore even months later.) Since my TE had to be exchanged for a new implant anyway, my PS suggested we change both sides to the much taller Allergan 410 Style FF 740 cc anatomical gummy bears. They are over 6" tall so they covered up some of the really big divots on my chest. I have lingering problems from my infection that required repairs on the remaining left side muscles. It's better but not great. They still pull on the pecs and distort the left side.The implant was pushed down so the PS went back in and adjusted the pocket, putting in another suture line. Now that left implant has moved up and tilted enough for one edge to stick up near my sternum. It's not the failure of the implant because the other side is perfect. It's my altered anatomy and damaged muscles. Damn infection. In my next surgery in September for the final (I hope) phase of "fixing", I'm thinking I'll just go back to Allergan Style 20 rounds. They can migrate all they want but should only go in circles. Loopy

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    wanted smaller and the gummie shape not great for me. Am happy, feel less tight too.

  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19

    Whippetmom, I was wondering if you could give me some advice on implants.

    I am 5'3"  180lbs. 41" under TE's.

    TE's are mentor medium height contour profile 550cc style 6200 ref 354#6214.

    I am having one more fill to bring me to 700cc. I feel they are too wide. I have posted pictures on the picture forum. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    jenneri: How much do you weigh?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    stfne... I will look at your photos later when I get to my computer. 

  • Jenneri
    Jenneri Member Posts: 3

    I'm 146# and carry most of it in my hips!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jennari:  I would prefer a Sientra shaped over an Allergan 410 - and something in the 300 cc range, which is likely the largest volume you could achieve with a one-step.  Implants with a width of around 13.0 cm to 14.0 cm quite possibly....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    stfne:  I saw your photos and commented on the Pic Forum.  If you have any follow up questions, please pose them here.

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    Sandra, yikes you have had quite the journey!! Sounds miserable. When the PS asked what I was looking to be I told him I just wanted to look like myself which was a 36c and I wanted the easiest least complicated procedure, I was so scared of everything ahead of me. He told me silicone rounds would be what he thought was best then. He offered the gummy bears, but I told him I didn't really care of I was anatomically correct looking, but that's just me. It wasn't important. I like the fact that if the rounds turn, they are still round. I notice when I lean forward a bit my right side had like a ripple look, at least that's what I think people mean when they say ripples. Or is that just my pectoral muscle? I'm only a week out today, so know things can change a lot yet. I don't think they look bad though, just a bit flattened and have dog ears both sides now. I was wondering if the dog ears sometimes change as, the swelling goes away? It's so wonderful to be able to ask questions here and know that you ladies know what it's about!  I have learned so much from you ladies who have been ahead of me!! Thank you for your info and for sharing your journey too. You rock!! 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    Aviva, so happy for you I think I'm really going to like how these fit me also. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Happy 1 week my friend!!!!! Question, what are dog ears? Where are they, what do they look like? 

    Glad to hear you've been doing good! I feel much better just a weird sensation in my hands... Like little pricking needles all the time!!!! Or quite often I should say. I've tried not to look too much, as suggested. I just check to make sure my incisions are closed. I'm off all pain meds and not taking more than 1 ibuprofen if that during the day. Tomorrow I go for my consultation for the hysterectomy w bilateral oophorectomy. Nervous about that, I won't lie

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74


    Thank you!! We've made it ok with all the support from each other on this forum:))  Dog ears are flaps of skin folded over on the sides of my breasts. They look ugly to me. Hoping they will resolve but it kind of sounds like it might be another procedure (rats anyway)  

    I wonder what your tingling could be from? Nerves that were cut?? Hope it goes away!! Yikes another surgery quite soon for you!! I will be praying for you , and I think it's so normal for you to be nervous, I sure would be. I'm so wimpy when it comes to surgery period! 

    I haven't taken any pain med since Friday at bedtime. Took Tylenol yesterday. I didn't feel too good all day yesterday, so tired and my head felt funny. I slept a lot and this morning seems better. I hate that weak feeling. Maybe it was a little bug or something. 

    You sound so much better! Wish I could give you a big hug! Good luck on your consultation tomorrow, God will give the strength that you need to get throughthis. Let me know how it goes. Take care of yourself. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Thanks simple!!! Yup we r making it through together!!! :) I feel exhausted sometimes! This morning I got up at 7 to get kids off to school. At 930 I was back in bed w my 4 year old!!! Laid there thinking about next surgery, consultation, cleaning out my old classroom, setting up my new classroom, finances, on and on!!! Finally fell asleep w my daughter and woke up at 1215!!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Lots of us have "mud flaps" or "dog ears" after mastectomy. When the PS stitches up the incision that goes onto your side under your arm pit, the end of the stitch line sticks out. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes not so much. Swelling certainly plays a part so you need to wait a few months to see what it's going to do. I've had one side fixed. The PS did liposuction on it two months ago to reduce the size. The other side is much too big for liposuction (I call it a mini-boob) due to several other surgeries to repair damage done in an infection on that side. It will get fixed in September when I have the final repairs in surgery #5.



  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19

    whippetmom thank you so much for your help.  I am going to cancel my fill appointment.  I was thinking that They were filled enough too but  I guess I needed backup. My husband seems afraid to offer any opinion what so ever. Thanks for giving that support i needed. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Do dog ears and mud flaps only occur if the incision is horizontal? 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    All - I had the incredibly wonderful experience of meeting Whippetmom face-to-face last Monday at the California Dreaming group lunch in Long Beach CA (check out the 'Let's post our daily exercise' thread).  I bawled like a baby as soon as I heard she had arrived.  She's a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart and soul.  I exchanged last August to the implants she recommended and I couldn't be happier with them, and I thank God for placing Whippetmom in the right place at the right time for me.  Love you Deborah!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sweetandspecial, and you are just as sweet and special face-to-face too!

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96


    Thank you so much for sharing such great information.  It has been a whirlwind since I received a phone call after a routine mammogram requesting additional pictures and a biopsy of some calcifications.  I had the SNB done on April 28, 2014, which was negative and BMX on May 5, 2014.  I just finished with my last fill (150 ccs at surgery then weekly fills of 60 ccs to reach 450 ccs).  My exchange surgery is scheduled for August 11th.  I was hoping I could give you enough information to provide a recommendation so here goes:  5'4", 118 lbs, 31 inch just under the breasts.  I am shortwaisted. The PA said that I was "small frame."  I have natrelle expanders (133FV-12 with 12 width, 12.5 height and 5.3 projection).  I was a 34B prior to the surgery.  I would not mind a larger size, as in C and having a bit more higher pole fullness as I felt like my original breasts were a bit low/saggy.  



  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Ally2345 - Hi and welcome!  Whippetmom will be along soon to give you her expertise, but I just wanted to congratulate you on being the first person I've seen (especially on their very first post) who gave whippetmom all of the information she needs right out of the chute!  Best of luck to you!


  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96

    Thanks!  I wish I had found the site earlier.  It seemed that there were so many doc appts and things to try and figure out that I was a bit slow to realize that it is helpful to know what you want/hope to look like at the end when making those decisions.  There is so much information on these discussion boards and no question is considered ignorant.  It has helped me so much!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    sweetandspecial.....YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Ally: If upper pole fullness is a goal, you could go with Sientra Smooth Round High Profile implants, 435 ccs or 465 ccs, or one of the shaped implants in Sientra, same volume approximately. However, if you  are short waisted, too much HEIGHT on the chest wall looks unnatural. So I personally feel that around 450 ccs or even 475 ccs in Allergan Style 20 would be preferable.  Nothing smaller than 425 ccs though. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Vertical dog ears? No idea.  I didn't have them on the vertical incisions from nipple area down to IMF. Also no problem with the IMF horizontal incisions closest to my sternum. No puffiness. Perfectly smooth. On the other end of that same incision (on my side below the arm pit) I had mini-boob style dog ears.

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96


    If I had not mentioned upper pole fullness, would your recommendation change?  Sometimes I think that I want something that might not look good.  My goal is to look natural/proportionate and by asking for something without really understanding implants, I may have put in a request for an implant that would not look natural.  The more educated I am becoming, the more confused I seem to be.  There are so many options and I don't always understand the distinction between them.  For instance, round vs teardrop...sometimes I think that the teardrop would be perfect for a small frame then later I find information that the round would be better.  It is very confusing.

    Thanks for your help and guidance!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Ally: If you had not mentioned upper pole fulness, I would have recommended Allergan Style 20.  I PREFER this for you over the Sientra product.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Someone either PM'd me or emailed me about problems they are having with their PS... stating you "had to beg to see the PS" and I just do not recall who it is or IF I responded to you.  Please message me if you are the gal and you are reading this post!!