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  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    stix, go read the TE for beginners. Talks about ice and sun. Be careful. Lots of things the docs don't say. Applies to TE and implants.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    smarty- I  knew that... ha ha. I won't tell you what I do for a living.... Shocked  I made it a point to tell people because sometimes we get distracted- Ie) I was on the computer and literally got so focused  that I forgot I had ice on the breast..but it was only on for 15 to 20 minutes like instructed... I can't over emphasize how important it is to have a cloth over it.  Mine was in a protected manufactured bag.....obviously it wasn't protected. My intention was to have it on for only 5 minutes... well - I got into  a focused trance ... which made me lose track of the time ..i think it was around 15 minutes) I don't feel the foobs.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Elizabethaw:  Let's assume that your TEs are Mentor moderate profile, 350 ccs, which is the most common style used.  They could be low height or full height....but let's assume they are moderates.  If so, you would need Mentor Moderate Plus Profile smooth silicone rounds, 275 ccs, or Mentor High Profile rounds,  350 ccs.  Depends on what you think of the size currently.  Are you too large, too small or just right.  You will not have the projection of your TEs, no matter which style of implant you have, so just imagine the volume, without the exaggerated projection.  You can always PM me photos...


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    CUP SIZE....Echoing what Divecat said above....Plastic surgeons cannot accurately predict cup size....




  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    iwannacookie:  You will have some skin flap reduction with the mastectomy.  Hopefully your PS will use Alloderm or a dermal matrix sling, because it really does help support the TE and implant, and is especially useful for the significantly ptotic/droopy breast.  I feel that Sientra is a very good new viable option for someone with considerable droop, where there is a need for upper pole fullness, and Sientra silicone rounds are designed for this purpose.  It just depends on how large you need to be though, because Sientra is a bit limited in the upper volume ranges.  If the right TE is chosen, i.e, one with projection less than 6.0 cm, a shaped/anatomical implant could be used, and the more rigid structure of these implants often allows for more upright adherence on the chest wall.  

    Of course, all of this is in the event you live in the U.S.  If you live in Canada or elsewhere, you have other options.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    iwannacookie:  I went back and saw that your PS is considering the Allergan 410.  It is exactly as twoam stated, in that it is absolutely essential that the tissue expander is chosen with the dimensions of the future implant in mind.  Please read the section regarding anatomicals in the header to this thread.  


  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Thank you to everyone who answered my questions.  

    Deborah--my surgeon mentioned using pig skin for the matrix.  (lol-I just realized that she didn't ask if I keep kosher.  I don't,  but I wonder what she would have used instead.) 

    As for proper sizing--a friend of mine just received a sizing kit from Jockey Bras.  They supply you with a measuring tape to size your rib cage, and an array of "cups" to size your breasts.  Their sizing has nothing to do with the alphabet we normally use.  I recall being told that most women don't actually know their correct bra size.  This kit reminded me of that fact.  Even though my projection looks like the equavalent of a large A-small B, my "spread" is enough to bring my size up a couple notches (more like a B-C). And my back is much smaller than I've been buying my whole life.  I always thought I was a 36, but turns out I'm a 32.  So, instead of wearing a 36B, perhaps I should be wearing a 32C.  

    In any case, I told the doc I wanted to be a B.  So I'm wondering what that really translates to in the doctor's mind.

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    My PS speaks in cc's. He did say, that for my size and body makeup, I could roughly translate 200cc per cup size.

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Hi Whippetmom/Deborah,  Thanks for thinking of me!  I would definitely love to email you photos, and I'm still hoping to get the actual TE info from the hospital. Perhaps if I kick up enough of a fuss it will become standard practice to give future patients their cards--or at least make it easier to find on their records. I was planning to send you a PM to get your email once I have more information and photos. I don't meet with the PS until the 21st, so I have some time to gather my info. I really want to go into that meeting well-informed and prepared--and that will be heavily based on your opinion!  (I can say that my PS only uses high profile, so that probably limits the choices to some extent.)  It's too bad you can't get the projection of the TE's--I'm actually liking it!  I'm small rib-caged--5'4", ~118, rib circumference of 28", and I suppose I'll be limited as to how large I can go (projection-wise) by the size of my base.

    I am looking forward to being in touch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's amazing to find an advocate!

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Hi Baby,  I just described my body size in the post above to Whippetmom. I have also said that I want the look of a C, so probably measuring a D. Right now I have 375cc, and the plan is to expand to 450. I measured myself last night and found that I had a rib cage of 28" and a bust (fullest part) of 33.5."  Apparently my PS always overfills--and I am anxiously looking forward to talking to him about what the overall plan is. I'm very worried about ending up too small.  What's your build like?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Elizabeth:  You are probably going to then be happy with a HP implant with a volume of 450 ccs.  

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Well I have a first degree burn for the ice pack I used on the side of my breast.  Pretty  sure it's not a 2nd degree. I went out and got some aloe vera.... it is helping the discomfort.

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Whippetmom, thanks!  Now my question to the PS is if he'll be willing to do the exchange if the TEs are only expanded to 450. I suspect he's thinking smaller than 450.  I do plan to send you photos and more info. Thanks so much!!!

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    whippetmom... is the best . Thank you for helping us..

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Stix - I'm so sorry about your burn!!!  Good lesson for all of to hear about and be more conscious of.  Ice packs and heating pads and leaning over candles or hot stoves.  DH and I have a friend who nearly lost his right hand in a lawn mower mishap this summer (rolled a riding mower while mowing a hill.....stupid, stupid, stupid!!).  Anyway, he has a LOT of numbness in his hand right now and burned his thumb very badly while grilling.  Lifted the lid off the charcoal grill and didn't realize his thumb was touching it.  A large chunk of it was stuck to the lid and sizzling merrily away when he put the lid back on.  Fortunately it healed well.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Elizabeth - i was expanded to 750cc and did an even exchange to 750cc implants.  I think I would have achieved a bit more ptosis (don't have much at all) if I had expanded another 50cc prior to exchange, but I'm happy with them as is.

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92

    Elizabeth I am about the same size I'm 5'4" 130 pounds now although my usual is 120 pounds with a rib cage of 33 inches at least measuring right under my bra. I have a 350 mentor right now that's filled to 425 I was debating on getting 25 more as I like the projection now but it's kind confusing when I go to the mentor site and I read the table and it says 12.5cm diameter and 5.0cm projection if i keep the same size implant. which doesn't seem like a lot to me. Visually I want I be a full C but feel I have to go to a D to do that but does that mean more fills.  

    Whippetmom are you recommending Elizabeth go to 450 only with a 450 exchange because her rib age is smaller than mine? Just curious as reading the sizes in the chart know he will most likely go with high profile it doesn't seem like staying with 450 or me would be enough. I like the projection now although a little more would be good but want them to look more natural than justo mounds so wondering if stretching the skin more is good? 

    Whippetmom how much over can they fill the expanders? Is it necessary when there will be a smaller base with more projection? 

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92

    is there a way to post a file on the site so everyone can log in their stats from start to finish to help with future comparisons so we can sort body size or similar fields? Kinda document everything especially final size so we can compare ourselves based on body size to see if there is a trend and to better anticipate what the final result will be if we choose expansion based on thAt?  It would sure be great to have that! Kinda like the information we share here but all in one place with easy to read columns containing onl necessary information.

    It could contain all the required info whippetmom needs, what implant size was was chosen, how much we were expanded to, any other factors that influenced the size such as having a deep pockets or grafting done or having  a narrow chest so we can see how those factors impact final size? 

    I need to decide by Monday so it won't help me much but it will help others who will have to make that decision!

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92

    whippetmom is it good to know how much tissue they took from each side or does that not play apartin all of this as far as implant size? Would knowing that help us determine how much more to add to to the implant size to be extended further?

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    my plastic surgeon decided for me (i no longer go to him- not b/c of that). He did not include me in any of that... truthfully he likes to make all those decisions by himself.  And, that  is why I have a nipple slightly higher and more lateral than it is suppose to be. I mentioned it to him when he was doing placement and he ignored me. He was so confident it was correct- that i believed him. I have seen his other work from people on this site- and he placed someone elses nipple that way..  When I got to Vinnie for a correction of the PS nurse bad job with the tattoo- he also said it was off a bit. 

    It would have been nice if he would have included me. I probably would have picked a tiny snige more narrow and about 100 cc smaller.  But, fairly close in size to what I would have picked 

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    I am wondering how common a little pocket work is during the exchange.  I will be deciding what implants at my next appt and scheduling the exchange date.  I already have whippetmom's suggestion and appreciate that and it is what I am going with but will be confirming that with my PS at my next appt - I had already mentioned what I thought and he said he was thinking the same.  At my last appt he said that he would be doing a little pocket work on the left side as it is slightly higher than the right.  Funny until he mentioned it I hadn't noticed and it really is just slightly higher - less than 1/4 inch.  So my question is how common is that and does it slow down the healing process or add any complications to the surgery?  I am going with his gut on this cause he has been wonderful this whole process and is a very caring PS and I know that he just wants the very best results for me that he can achieve but I am just curious about the process of pocket work.  Thanks!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    linda505:  It is not uncommon at all.  I had "pocket work" done at the time of my exchange also.

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    My right breast is higher (I had nipple-sparing, so it's really noticeable), and I'm hoping "pocket work" resolves that, although my PS told me that aligning nipples is really hard with nipple-sparing mastectomies, so I'm not expecting perfection! 

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Elizabethaw - I have no nips but i bet if I did that 1/4" would be much more noticeable. I hope that pocket work helps with yours too.  My real breast weren't really even either - if fact I think far more lopsided than these.  If I just lean slightly I am perfectly straight LOL

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    I'll definitely be getting pocket work since my PS plans to bring them a little closer together. 

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    Me too Juliecc and I think she said that meant more recovery time? 

  • Olaf
    Olaf Member Posts: 133

    Elizabeth, I had NSBMX and on my exchange my PS did some pocket work to get more symmetry for my nipples and for cleavage 😉. I would say he did a good job. They are further south and later I could have them moved but I am not really interested in doing so. 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    its amazing what aloe vera does for an ice burn to the surgical site.  NerdyHappySmileHeadphones

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Bethq, I'm sure there will be more soreness involved but my PS seemed ok about me returning to work 11 days after surgery. 

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    Glad it helps Stix!

    Julie my PS said 2-3 weeks which just so happens to coincide with my vacation I was trying to get so hey it works for me!