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  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Uh oh. 11 days better be enough for me :-p. I work 4 miles from home in a desk job so I'll schlep myself there. 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    This is no way to spend a vacation...  I would much like to be at work and leave the vacation for fun fun and fun

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    11 days seems adequate.. unless you have more than normal swelling may be tired though. But you can do long as your off narcotics... which you should be at that timeSmile

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    thanks, Olaf!  I've been surprised how little the nipple asymmetry bothers me. When I look at photos, I think, "Oh my, that one is really higher," but in everyday life I think, "eh."  You just never know what will matter to you!

    I also need them closer to the middle and out of my armpits. Hmmm. The surgeon's PA told me that one week, or even a little less should be fine for time off from work.  I suppose we'll see!

  • Camillia
    Camillia Member Posts: 34

    Whippetmom-Deborah- Hi! 

    I realize you are super busy and I would post my questions here to make it easier fro you but I sent you a private message with some details and pics and was wondering if you had had a chance to see it? I am sorry, I am being very selfish but I do hope to hear from you so I can get back to my surgeon. THANK YOU!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Camillia: sorry....I have had over twenty something messages in the past few I am not surprised I missed one!  I found it and I will go read it now, since it looks like a novelette!  Winking

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    Whippetmom this is a full time job for you! Don't know how you do it, but thanks!

  • Camillia
    Camillia Member Posts: 34

    Thank you SOOO much Whippetmom, I value your opinion a lot and was glad to read your reply!! I will let you know what happens! Big hug!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I have 333 pages of private messages....have kept everything for 5.5 years!  Singing

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    I have not been online to this site for several weeks.  Besides getting pneumonia and waiting on my exchange, traveling etc; I feel that I have missed out on so much!  Anyhoo...... I did finally have my exchange, felt like a blur, and I know I have the card somewhere but the surgery went well.  The pain was almost absent and nothing compared to my journey with the expanders.  I now await my nipples? what should I expect?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Stix - well, at least now you know. I wore a shelf-bra camisole out in the yard the summer I had my TEs. I slathered sunscreen all over my body, except, of course, under my clothes. Well, that sun came right through the knit fabric, and since after BMX I had NO fatty tissue under the skin, it caused the WORST sunburn ever, all across my foobs.

    I did put ice packs on them at first, but when my PS heard that, he went ballistic! He said it is too easy to get frostbite on a reconstructed breast due to the lack of underlying tissue, and I could use cool compresses if I liked, but never, ever, ice on The Girls. Luckily, no permanent damage done.

    ~ ~ ~ 

    RE: Pocket Work.... yes, very common. I had extensive pocket work done, after my PS first told me he doesn't do it because it causes more pain, more restrictions, and a longer recuperation time. He was right on all three counts. But once he got in there at Exchange, he went ahead and did it. But I am SO GLAD.... and don't regret any of the extra hassles it caused, as it made so much of a difference in the final outcome. Just keep in mind, you could have a tiny bit of pocket work with not many complications, or a lot, which would take more recovery time. We are all different.

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Hi Whippetmom - As you know, I have IMF issues with my TE's. Is fixing this issue considered pocket work? Or is it something that would need to be done in addition to pocket work? I've done some reading about it but I'm still not clear. Thanks in advance...I'm just trying to have a better understanding so when I talk with my PS I'm prepared. 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    blessings- yep.  I now have second degree burn... as noted by the blistering.  I put Neosporin on it and am keeping it covered.  I feel the pain- so that's a good sign. I refilled my antibiotics an am going to take 5 more days. I see my physician on Monday. She will be surprised. 

    Unfort. my D/C instruct. said ice 4 times a day for 20 minutes...  well I had not iced In a while and was getting some pain. so I iced in one of those bags you get at the hospital... so it wasn't even directly on my skin-  Hmmm. I will ask her about the d/c instructions. I know they were taken over the phone.... and documented by a nurse.   So, I will find them and bring them with me. truthfully I have never had any surgeries where they told me to use ice unless in was my native breast after a biopsy


    thanks for the info

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    ojoyjoy:  Yes, IMF revision/repair is considered breast pocket correction. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    What does IMF stand for and where is it???

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96

    I believe it is inframammary fold. The under part of your breast or crease where your breast and tummy meet. I could be way off as I just sort of assumed that was what the term referred to .


  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    Ally2345 is correct:

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Thanks ally! Why do some drs cut vertical and some horizontal? My incisions are vertical, how about yours?

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96

    Good question.  I wondered why some were done one way versus another. I thought it might be dependent  on where the tumor is located but not sure. Mine are horizontal.  My tumor was just to the right of my nipple. My surgeon would not do nipple sparing for me and I don't know if that factored into her decision to go horizontal or if that is just her preference/habit.


  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    Mine are vertical. My PS said he likes to do them vertical because it helps reduce the occurance of the dogs ears, and if you wear very low cut tops (I dont lol) they would be less likely to show. I would be very interested to hear other reasons that have been given, as I have not seen many vertical incisions. Though I am only in the TE phase, mine are almost invisible (6 weeks out). If I can ever figure out how to work my hubbys camera, I will take pics. Why do men think they need the most complicated peice of electronic equipment available?

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    Mine are vertical I think because there were originally scars from the lx that was done (the anchor shape), so when I needed the bmx he went in those same scars. Tho they are longer now than before. He did the xchange thru the imf scars.

  • 3littlebirds
    3littlebirds Member Posts: 54

    Mine go around the bottom of the nipple in a semi-circle and horizontally out about 2 inches toward my underarm. I had NS, and my BS did not want to do an IMF incision because she thought my breasts were too large to remove all the tissue that way. They were 800 grams on the left (biopsy side) and 900 grams on the right. I am filled to 450cc right now, and they look pretty good, even with the TEs. One is a smidge lower, which my PS says she will fix at exchange. Enjoying being smaller breasted! I just wear a cami, no bra. 

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Thanks for clarifying Whippetmom! 

    Ally - thanks for posting the link...very informative. It is mind boggling on how much we have to educate ourselves with all these moving parts of BC. 

    My incisions are horizontal as well. I didn't have a nipple sparing BMX by choice. I thought they would have done a better job at stitching me up. It looks a little sloppy to me. The NP said not to worry that they will be putting the implant in through the same incision. That is why it's not as good of a stitch job because they are going to open it back up. At the time of exchange the PS will do a intricate stitch job. 

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    My incisions are horizontal, I had NSBMX in May and they look really good.  I almost hate for them to go back in at exchange, I hope they heal as well as they did the first time.

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    Mine look really good too and I hate to think of them being cut again...sigh

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    linda - lefty was also slightly higher for me and PS corrected it at exchange.  Mine was a bit more noticeable than yours though I think, maybe more like 3/8 to 1/2 inch.  What he did to correct it was to release a bit more muscle from the chest wall at the bottom of the pocket to allow the implant  to rest a little lower than the TE had rested.  I had just a little discomfort from that but did not need pain reliever at all.  It really felt like just a little internal bruising and pretty much resolved within a week.  I did not lose any range of motion with the exchange.  I think you'll do fine - keep us posted Smile

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    linda505 - lefty was also slightly higher for me and PS corrected it at exchange. Mine was a bit more noticeable than yours though I think, maybe more like 3/8 to 1/2 inch. What he did to correct it was to release a bit more muscle from the chest wall at the bottom of the pocket to allow the implant to rest a little lower than the TE had rested. I had just a little discomfort from that but did not need pain reliever at all. It really felt like just a little internal bruising and pretty much resolved within a week. I did not lose any range of motion with the exchange. I think you'll do fine - keep us posted Smile

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    My ps explained to me that she would do the incisions horizontally because it allows more blood flow to the nipples, thus improving chances of them (the nipples that is) surviving.  

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    thanks sweetandspecial!!  Glad to hear that you had little issue with this - will let you know when I have it and how it goes.

  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    Hi!  I have my consult in the morning with the PS.  I feel that I do not need implants and am hoping she can correct the lumpectomy breast and add some volume to that wishful thinking?  I am 50 now so we all know what can happen as we age - sadly, if I had to give an example via "cup sizing" visual; my lumpectomy breast is an A or AA and my normal breast is a B so while it doesn't seem like much of a difference, the volume is certainly noticeable.  I am overweight.....and sure there is plenty of fat in the cupboard!  PS - I am not being mean or hard on myself; I am about 40lbs over weight so there are plenty of areas for FG!!!! Happy  Never thought I would be happy to have 40 extra pounds!!!!!!!

    I plan to post on the pictures site if I move forward - membership accepted but just didn't want to post before photos if there are not going to be any after photos!!!!!!

    I will post tomorrow and let you know how it goes.  Do you guys think FG can give me volume as well?  I don't really care how "big" well, I shouldn't say that, I don't want to go BIG, just fuller.  I have been small or smaller for all my life so I would probably feel a little awkward if all of sudden I had PRESTO beautiful breasts!!!!!

    Also wondering if PS would only try to repair damaged breast.....would be interested in hearing your FG stories - I know my insurance covers reconstruction but am wondering if that is ONLY for the damaged breast or will they consider both so the PS can make them as equal as I rambling? Smile
