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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Lovemysons:  It all depends on the actual width and projection of the DIEP side (which you cannot just measure with a measuring tape), but with smooth siicone rounds if would be probably a moderate plus profile implant around 600 ccs and if an Allergan anatomical, around 580 gms, MF style.  Sientra might be a good option also, and what you have to consider is the softness and feel o the DIEP side vs the prophy side.  I think the anatomical by Allergan might be much firmer than the DIEP side, and if shaped is the goal, Sientra or Mentor might be less rigid.  You will be in the same size range with either of these options.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Blessings...You are one of the 10 to 20 percent for whom saline was used and was appropriate. I was thinking of Kaiser when I mentioned that certain doctors only had privileges for use of saline vs silicone implants.  When I had my fat graft transfer at Kaiser San Diego, the PS there mentioned that I had silicone implants, but they only used saline in San Diego,  He said, "none of us are approved for using silicone, but I am getting credentialed to use them next month."  Kaiser required certain credentialing for siiicone implants over saline. 

    I KNOW there are that percentage of women here who have saline and they work for them.  It has to do with the amount of body tissue also....and skin thickness.  It is not a one size fits all issue and so for the entire plastic surgery practice to only use saline...I just wonder why.  If someone told me they only use silicone in a practice and if someone wanted saline, they would not do it....well, I would have a problem with that also.  

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Interesting about the Kaiser saline thing. I have Kaiser and was asked what I would prefer, Saline or Silicone.  I told him Silicone and he said it will softer.  But, I haven't even felt the sample implants yet!  Guess that's what we do at exchange pre-op...

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Whippetmom  I have  had my implant 's since August of of 2013 the PS did a direct implant under the muscle. Oct 10th of this year I went back in for revision on the right side because it had moved over some . they look good  but now I have this big dent on the side of my breast where he said he had to pull it over and tuck it. I know i have a lot of skin from losing weight   but it looks terrible  I told  my  PS i was not harpy with this and I  asked  him  if it would go away or smooth out .he said give it a month or so or they can do fat grafting  if needed, . Another problem is he is retiring  and his partner is taking over and when I saw his partner he did not leave a good  impression SadMy implants are saline Natrelle  Allergan  800cc it says on the card  I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem with dents on the side after surgery ? Any suggestions ?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    momto7:  Since your current PS is retiring, perhaps this would be a good time to get a second opinion.  I have a list of plastic surgeons and I would be happy to share the names of other plastic surgeons in your area.  PM me if you would like that information.


  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    I sent you a message thanks again 


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Has anybodys surgeon used Strattice for reconstruction? If so, How did it change the feel to the breast. I have heard different stories about this


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    What is strattice? How is it different from alloderm?
  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    From what I've read, they are both a type of regenerative structural matrix. Alloderm is human tissue with all the cellular material removed so it's just a kind of scaffolding that can be built upon. Strattice does the same thing but it's pig tissue.


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Yuck! I think I only have alloderm... Is one used for something? Do they feel different? Is one better than the other? Does this need to be replaced over time?
  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    strattice is suppose to be a bit more stiff-   I have had alloderm and now suggesting is strattice

  • Hi Whippetmom,,,,, I am curious to make sure I have the right implant .I am a Uni, and my UMX was done 1 year ago on December 20,2013. My implant looks like a hamburger bun, very round and full upper pole area, my exchange was July 17,2014. I am 5'6, 187 lbs,my ribcage is 42, my TE was Mentor, med ht,550 millimeters. My current implant is Naturelle Allegen 25/800 style 45. This implant is very heavy. I have had no fat grafting. We are now waiting for my lifted side to heal so we can put a small implant in the natural side. I am not expecting go perfection but i would liked a litle better symmetry. Thank you for you help,,,,,healing HUGZ to al,,,

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    jeanibeani: Can you send me a private message and link a photo? It might be that a Style 20, around 700 ccs,would give you more of a natural shape, for symmetry with your native side.

  • lulivesay
    lulivesay Member Posts: 30

    Whippetmom you give such great advice and I was hoping that if I can get a picture sent in a PM you might give me a final recommendation for me.  My exchange is on December 17 and I will be meeting with my PS on December 1. I want to go in with some ideas of my own.  I already know he will take in several types of implants into the OR.  My tissue expanders are Allergen 133MV-12 and my PS overfills so I am filled to 475cc's  which now actually seems like a pretty good size so I hope to not lose too much in the exchange.  I am 5'2" 112lbs and my ribcage is about 29 1/2.  I am not a big person but have an athletic sturdy build even at 112 lbs.  I will get those pics to you!  Thank you so much for all that you do!  lulivesay

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Mommyathome- Maybe I will come out oinking after the put the pig skin strattice in me.  ha ha

  • Kaelia
    Kaelia Member Posts: 13

    Hi Whippetmom, I couldn't go into my final exchange without consulting your expertise first. I actually found my PS while reading your many recommendations. I inboxed you. Many thanks in advance for your help.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Is your PS wanting to use Strattice for your repair? It may be preferred in that case over Allodeerm due to it's firmness over Alloderm...Alloderm can be a bit stretchier which is great, but may not be suitable for repairs where more firmness is needed to support the implant. Though made of different sources (human cadaver versus pig cadaver) they both are stripped of DNA, etc and both allow the integration of your own tissue with them. Strattice is also more affordable than Alloderm, which can be a concern if you need a lot of it. Some PSs just prefer one over the other.

    Mommyathome, neither Alloderm nor Strattice need to be "replaced" as your own tissues integrate with them. It does not expire or go bad or anything! But, sometimes a PS needs to add more in the future for repairs or support as your now integrated tissues/Strattice or Alloderm stretch out and sometimes for whatever reason the body tissues do not integrate with it.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    luvivesay and Kaelia....responded via private message

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Stix lol
  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Dive cat,
  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Has anyone ever had suturing to the rib cage (periosteum) to try to correct bottoming out? How common is this?

    And your results?


  • redheeledwomen
    redheeledwomen Member Posts: 74

    Many pages ago, like a lot of you, I to added my diminsions and info for whippetmom's advice.  I took a print out of whippetmom's recommendations with me to my last consultation with my PS.  The consultation went well and I believe he understood my vision. 

    Well, the time has come for my exchange which is tomorrow 11/11.  I am very excited and am curious about the final results.  I'll have my TE;s exchanged for silicon implants along with fat graphing.  I appreciate this forum and bco for all the knowledge I've gained and support. 

    Thank you.  

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Stix, yes. Don't know if it's common. I doubt it because I haven't read posts about it. Whippetmom will know.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    redheeledwoman: Cannot wait to hear back from you after the exchange! ThumbsUp

  • redheeledwomen
    redheeledwomen Member Posts: 74

    I'm finally home and my Exchange surgery is complete!!    Originally, my 650 cc TE's were overfilled to 700ccs.  Whippetmom recommended 750 ccs, Allergan style 20 or if PS did a little pocket narrowing then the recommendation was 800 ccs, style 45 for best extra full projection.

    As mentioned earlier, I brought this info to my PS back in September.  Well, I ended up with 800 cc round style 45 Allergan silicon breast implants.  I am very pleased that my PS went with the max size.  I'll get a sneak peak tomorrow at my post office visit.  Currently, the only pain I'm experiencing is on my stomach, specifically the sides were my PS did liposuction for the fat grafting. 

    I know it will take weeks for the swelling to go down so I'll keep an objective mind when I look at them tomorrow.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Oh, redheeledwomen, I think you are going to be one happy camper! And kudos to your PS for for being self-assured enough and not egocentric to the extent that he was not put off by your specific requests! I admire doctors with that ability to allow the patient to partner in this process! Cannot wait to hear about the unveiling

  • sahars
    sahars Member Posts: 2
    1. hi whippetmom, I've been reading some of your posts and I am in awe of your generosity with your time and expertise to the women on this site. I had a visit with my PS today to discuss my exchange surgery. Idon't really care for him, he is supposed to be highly skilled but he has poor social and communication skills. I'm never satisfied with our discussions because he never gives me enough information. He just told me I should get the silicone anatomicals 425 cc because they ll look good on me. I'm 5 5 and 128lbs. I used to be a 38 C. I lost weight from the chemo and surgeries, about 25 lbs. I don't want to gain the weight back, but being on tomaxifen for the next 10 years, I have a feeling ill be fighting hard to keep the weight off. I'm worried that the size the PS is recommending will not be proportionate if i do gain some weight back. What do you think? Thank you so much for being such a valuable resource during what is probably the worst time of my life. Thank you!
  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Whippetmom - I pm'd 2 photos, in 2 seperate messages, then it said I'd reached my limit for the day. Maybe because I have been pm'ing back and forth with some of the December surgery sisters today.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    knmtwins: I will respond as soon as I can find the power cord to my laptop! Anyone else waiting for a PM response, also it will be later before I can get to the power cord. I just had the carpeting replaced upstairs and everything is packed away in boxes.

    The mobile site has not been working for days - or it is just using my iPad somehow on the site. Is anyone else experiencing problems? It seems to be more when answering private messages.

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    whippetmom - thank you, I would reply to your pm but I've met my limit for pm's today. In our earlier meetings with the PS he has mentioned TEs, with both strattice and alloderm. I'm not sure he does the anatomical (does everyone?) but I know from others who have used him he normally does fat grafting when he swaps to implants to gently slope from collar bone area to implant. Would that be called the 'upper pole'? Also, you said to ask about 'reducing the size of the skin flaps, which essentially is like a post mastectomy reduction.' I'm confused. Would this mean removing the extra skin, as my implants will be smaller than all the skin I currently have? Thank you so much, we all are so lucky to have you.

    Everyone, here is the background ... I sent whippetmom my measurements and photos today, stating:

    "I'm 5'2", 175lbs, ribs under breasts 36", max breast in a bra 43.5", waist 35", hips 47". I have quite wide breasts and I would like to have breasts that no longer rub the inside of my upper arms, giving me a rash. I also would like breast that don't sag and rub my ribs and give me a heat rash. And I included all the body info and photos, as I've always been responsibly 'balanced' so I'm not ready to turn into a complete pear shape, but would love to not be carrying so much weight around on my shoulders.

    Her response was:

    "You will want to find out if your PS intends to reduce the size of the skin flaps, which essentially is like a post-mastectomy reduction. Will you have tissue expanders or will this be a one-step with Alloderm? The new Mentor CPG style anatomical in a moderate height full projection might be a good option, although it only goes to 685 ccs, or something around that range. The largest silicone round is 800 ccs, which I think would probably be about the volume you want, but I still would not rule out the new Mentor CPG style. It might be that an anatomical will be more adherent to the chest wall and give you more of a lift. Discuss all of this with your PS tomorrow! Let me know how it goes!"