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  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45

    Does anyone know if the use of stattis or alloderm (botched the spelling- the pig tissue stuff) is a pretty normal thing? At my last appointment my PS said that this may be used, but he won't know until the exchange. Does this seem right?

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    I did a lit search on suturing to the periosteom of the rib cage.  There are only two articles- I will read later and update everyone. 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    this is not part of my lit. search... yet some interesting comments on how to fix bottoming out

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    I was wrong, stattice was if doing a reduction on good breast to match a lumpectomy on cancer breast. I'm not going that direction, I will be doing a BMx, so it will only be Alloderm. As to apt today, my husband scheduled it, and there was a mix-up. It wasn't with the surgeon, only his Nurse Practitioner to go over pre and post surgical info. So, we will see the surgeon next Friday.

  • sunny8
    sunny8 Member Posts: 4

    Dear Whippetmom,

    I just PM you and I can't wait to hear from you. Everyone here is so happy about your advice so I will definitely take your suggestions as to what size to use.

    I'm very petite and don't want to go too big.

    Thank you!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    sahar: What style and volume are your tissue expanders? I need to know the brand, style and actual recommended volume. Also, which anatomicals? It sounds like Sientra possibly. I do think that 425 ccs sounds like a bit on the small side, based on your normal height to weight stats. I just need more information

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Happy Teacher my PS said he had used Alloderm Sp? on me he said it was to rebuild the area and make a sling kinda so the implant would not slip out of pocket . I went in for revision on 10/22 and so far it looks okay except for this big dent on my side


  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Final (I hope) pre-surgery meeting tomorrow morning.

    Are there specific TEs for "The new Mentor CPG style anatomical. If so, is that information I can find online and ask my PS if he will be using it?

    Also, WhippetMom had asked if immediate implant. We are discussing TEs with exchange later, so I'm guessing no. He wants it to go behind my pec. and use Alloderm to assist with the pocket.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    WHICH "new" Mentor CPG style anatomical are you referring to? Four new Mentor CPG anatomical styles were approved in September of this year. If you are referring to the higher projection style of Mentor CPG (cannot remember which number that is, offhand) but I believe it is a "MF" style implant,the Mentor medium height tissue expander or the Allergan MX style tissue expander seem to be good choices. It is up to your plastic surgeon to determine if this is the right implant for your frame and to determine which style of TE would help him achieve that end result.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi Deborah, saw my ps today for preop. She says they have the new CPG Implants and I'll probably will get the 323 615 cc mod high profile. And she'll take care of the booblets. Yeah! Can't wait for this to be over. Thanks again for your help. I'll send pics when I'm done

    This is a link to more info on CPG implants my doc gave me.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sounds great Smaarty! Looking forward to hearing from you after the exchange

  • jj3221
    jj3221 Member Posts: 10

    Hi there - exchange tomorrow at 8:45am.  Been a long time coming as I finished my unexpected radiation 8/2013.  I was originally hoping for a small c.  I am 5'6" and 115 lbs - size 32 band.  Surgeon was trying to put in 375cc round most likely high profile but mentioned he could try to make me a full C cup if the skin was not too bad.  Could try to 425cc with a small amount of fat grafting.  Seeing everyones comments about the implants being smaller than the expanders - I am wondering if I should go for it if they can do it.  The expander is filled to 330cc right now and I like the size of it - of course its not that natural looking but really does not look that bad.  Any thoughts or recommendations?!

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    So, he is doing a post mastectomy reduction with a T scar to get rid of all the excess skin. He says he normally uses the Anatomical TEs as he likes the more natural shape they create. He also says, he does more round implants, as there have been so few options with the anatomicals, but we will see as we go along with the filling. He told his nurse to write down 9000 for TEs, but I don't see a catelog number for 9000. Should I ask about that on the 1st, when I go in for my markings?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    jj3221: If he can do it, certainly, 425 ccs in a HP style implant would be nice on your frame.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    knmtwins: Yes, find out which mfr, style and volume of TE he wil be using. This is helpful information

  • DeeRig
    DeeRig Member Posts: 1

    Hi Whippetmom-

    New to the board and would like to get your recommendations on fill volume for permanent implants? I currently have Natrelle 133mv -13 expanders. Ideally, I would like a naturally sloping breast of around a full B or small C. I am 48, 5'3", 175lbs (hoping to lose the 50 lbs I've gained in the last 2 years). My rib cage is 35". At my preferred weight, I was about that same cup size but had grown into a D cup after gaining weight. Can you make some suggestions for my situation? Thanks in advance

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253

    Happy Thanksgiving1 Just thought this would give all you ladies a chuckle



  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    I'm thankful for Wippetmom, who gives us her time and knowledge.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Love the quadruple breasted turkey!


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!  It is 80 degrees here in California!! Winking

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    DeeRig:  It is going to depend upon a number of factors, what size implants you will end up with, based primarily on your skin laxity and skin availability.  I would say at least 500 ccs or 550 ccs in a high profile smooth round silicone implant, if you do plan on losing 50 pounds, but you do want to "fill out" the skin envelope and not have too much ptosis (droop).  You might require a larger implant...perhaps going even to an ultra full projection style implant with a volume of 650 ccs.  Discuss this further with your PS....


  • sunandsnow
    sunandsnow Member Posts: 17

    Wow. Going for my third fill tomorrow and have ALOT of questions to ask now. I know he said gummy bears, i know originally he wanted to do an immediate exchange but there was "one little area" that blood flow didn't look great so i am now in TE. Not sure what brand or how big. I did do nipple sparing. I was a small C before, he said i had "no sag" and he told me he couldn't make me all that much bigger but a full C he could do? Thats when he was thinking he was doing an immediate switch out though i think? Im 5'2. 135lbs, was working out a ton and had kind of a "lifestyle change" before my DX and was losing weight so hope to get back on the band wagon after this. Im happiest about 128-130lbs. Not sure on ribcage? Bra was 36 around. If that is what you mean? Can you help or do you need more info? I really like this doc and completely trust him but would love a size opinion. And maybe all he can do is a full C which on my frame might be ok? Ive just worn a padded push up bra since i can remember and dont want to have to do that anymore!

  • mwalker78
    mwalker78 Member Posts: 1

    Hi. Need help!

    I had my exchange surgery 11/25 and am very saddened with the amount of rippling I have on the top of my breast.

    The size and shape I am ok with. He did go smaller than discussed. I know have:

    445cc mentor memory shape. Teardrop. 13cm width (max i could go) 13.5 height/5.5 projection. Textured.

    I am 5.4 and weigh 122 lbs. My natural breast were a 34D.

    I am concerned if the wrong implant was selected? Would the next size up created less rippling:

    495cc mentor memory shape. Teardrop. 13cm width (max i could go) 12.2 height/6.5 projection. Textured.

    The majority of my rippling is on the top part, right about the nipple. I see him wed for post op.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    The info whippetmom needs is in the header.

    For your ribcage - take a soft tape measure and measure right around your ribcage, right around under where your IMF is (or is abouts with the TEs). It should be held snug after breathing out. If you are around 5'2" and 135 lbs. This is your ribcage measurement (and should, when you wear bras, be the band size you start at). Do not give your band size because in my experience most women are NOT wearing a band size that is closest to their actual ribcage measurement.

    Whippetmom will also need your TE information. Contact your doctor's office and ask. They have to have this information as TEs are medical devices.

    We do NOT talk cup sizes here and there is good reason for that. There is no universal cup size, for one thing, and many women have a very, very skewed sense of what cup sizes are what, especially as 80%+ are in wrong bra size to begin with. I actually have a hard time with your height and weight imagining you were a 36-band in actuality so likely you were one of those in the wrong bra size. I am surprised your PS even talks in cup sizes.

  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    Hi Whippetmom and all the amazing women out here!

    I just posted on the Breast Reconstruction board.

    Whippetmom - I think you have responded to my previous posts on insurance declining FG. I met with the Chief of PS and he said due to volume loss and radiation FG would not take on my breast. He recommends a lift and reduction to my right. Of course I cringed because I am small, barely a B cup and I am not petite so I think ending up with about an A cup would make me very unhappy. He said he could do two small implants if I like.

    I don't know what to do - I always thought I would save that implant option in case I ever needed a mastectomy but feel like I would go thru the lift procedure and be happy with the results but not the size. I think I am looking for your words of wisdom and what your thoughts and anyone else's are.

    My husband is nervous about implants because me and my big mouth has told him about the struggles women have with fills, multiple procedures, etc. He would be happy if I did no further surgeries but that sweet man is not the one trying to fit into a bra! LOVE that man.

    I am looking for comments/thoughts on this - any words of wisdom greatly appreciated.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Dogsneverlie- I went through delayed reconstruction back in 2012.  I haven't had FG but thinking I might when I have to go back next year for a turning implant. When I had my TE's and started doing my fills, really just the first 2, was the most uncomfortable.  You really get used to the fills, it just really depends on your pain/discomfort level.  Towards the end of my fill appointments, I had requested to do "larger" fills 100 cc's, standard is between 25-50 cc's.  I'm stubborn and very hard headed when I put a timeline in place.  When it comes to multiple procedures, I think a lot of it has to do with spacing out your surgeries. I had a surgery every 3 months for the first 6 months of my diagnosis, then I went almost a year once I had my nipples reconstructed.  You have to make the decision that is best for you and that makes you happy.  I am so very pleased with my results and have literally placed my boobs in my PS's hands.  LOL! So here is my question to you, What is it that you want to do and what will make you feel comfortable with your decision? Whippetmom is an ANGEL and we all love her and her suggestions.  I know she has helped me and pointed me in the right direction more than once. 



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mwalker: Could you private message me and link some photos depicting the rippling? Typically the anatomicals are supposed to ameliorate or reduce the chance of rippling, but so many thing come into play when you compare the dimensions of your TEs to the anatomicals used. I will need your TE info. Please read #3 in the thread header

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I am sorry....I do not know why your plastic surgeon has told you this. I know that there are many other plastic surgeons who believe differently about fat graft transfer and previously irradiated breasts. Please read the thread, "Fat Graft Transfer and the Radiated Breast", and you can see that a number of other women (also who had radiation) have had this procedure performed with excellent results. Perhaps you would want to seek consultation in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, I do not have any plastic surgeon names on my list for NH.


  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    Hi Christy,

    I think in order to be happy with the shape and size, I will need to do implants. We are similar in planning, etc and now I need to process and rethink my whole "moving forward" steps because in my "mind", FG was the way to go. I feel more trust and confidence with the PS I met with yesterday than the first PS so I am very happy I went in. I need to reprogram myself and doing some research/digging on implants, read posts on the implant board here - I did not spend time out here because I did not think implants were the way to go for me. I need to make a list of questions for my PS - we did not speak a lot about implant procedure, more the lift (and I watched videos.....YIKES).

    I was speaking with my boss and I think I just need to wrap my head around it. I don't do things for myself (I have spa gift cards that have been sitting around for a few years!!!!) and feel like that is what I am doing with this step - I was raised by my dad and he brought up 6 kids on his own and was self employed so I have that good old fashion Catholic guilt going on - don't be extravagent on yourself, be thankful - and I am very thankful for my outcome. I am also rambling, sorry!!!!!

    I think I will NOT be happy with a lift and reduction.............I will be too small for my frame........

    Yes, Whippetmom is amazing. She is very much appreciated and loved out here.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Dogsneverlie: So refresh my memory here. Is the new PS going to start with tissue expanders and then go to implants? Y

  • worryocd
    worryocd Member Posts: 9

    Hi! I wanted to thank you whippetmom for your advice about the sizing of implants. Initially, I was nervous about going bigger because I did not want to be too big. I just completed my exchange last week. I had a prophylactic bmx after testing braca+, this passed June. I am so glad I posted my measurements and received your advice. After reading your response I realized I needed to go a little bigger. So happy I did. I am very happy with my results. My PS gave me MENTOR smooth round high profile Gel 350-5504BC. Your awesome! Thanks again! :)