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  • ZukiCat
    ZukiCat Member Posts: 18

    hi CaliRN - congrats on your exchange!

    My pecs are always clamping up on me, especially after fills and heavy use. I hope for your sake your pecs calm down soon. It's annoying and uncomfortably weird, isn't it. Are you still feeling like you don't have enough projection? May I ask what height your TEs were? Mine are short height and I have no idea if that makes any kind of difference. As well, which projection did you get in your 410's as I believe that is what my PS will be using too. Thanks!!

  • CaliRN
    CaliRN Member Posts: 28


    I'm not sure about the height of my TE'S but I think I have full height full projection implants based on the 595 grams. I will ask at my post op appointment. My plastic surgeon said he would use the implant with the largest projection. I've seen extra projection implants on the 410 websites but not sure if those are available. My projection is getting better as the surrounding swelling goes down. The pectoralis muscles don't hurt or feel tight Iike after fills it's more like they are squishing and flattening the implant. They are definitely looking better and more natural than the TE'S. They are also soft. When is your exchange?

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89

    Good to hear Zukicat! I know you said your exchange will be in apx. 4 months but did they give you a date yet? I'm sure you're excited to get to the squishy side as I am too!

    Dogsneverlie- You look great!

    CaliRN- Good to hear the implants feel soft! I see we both had DCIS Grade 3. Can't wait for my exchange.

    Thank you to ALL the ladies that have reported on their implants and experiences!

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    dogs - Congratulations!!  I hope all you hear from now on is "nice rack"!!!!

  • ZukiCat
    ZukiCat Member Posts: 18

    well CaliRN that is good news that things are settling down and look nice an natural! I don't have my next appointment with my PS for another 3 months!! He likes to do the exchange 4-6 months after the last fill, but since I haven't had any complications I may be able to do it in 4 months. But I do worry about the projection lol!!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Zukicat - Anatomicals will settle, but not in the same way as rounds. Mine have dropped, smoothed out, and filled out even in the 4 weeks since surgery. In a different way than my rounds did, but it has happened. When I saw my PS on Wednesday he also said they will continue to settle in a bit more for the next couple of months. I've heard women with anatomicals say they did see changes over first year, it's just not as dramatic as with rounds. I bet if you take regular photos you will easily see differences though!

    By the way, in response to trailrose's question, I am a runner and overall very physically active in several activities, which my PS was fully aware of especially as we have talked a lot about my activity over the last year+. He had no concerns with using anatomicals. The important part, he said, was getting a tight and secure fit, and minimizing movement for first 4-6 weeks at minimum to allow them to adhere(in other words, follow your PS's directions for bras, activity levels, etc!). Most rotation, he explained, is due to improper adherence in these early stages or an improper sized pocket. Once you get that adherence/proper fit, there should be minimal risk of rotation even with running or other activity. You should still of course wear a supportive sports bra when running and such.

    I am by the wayvery, very pleased with my anatomicals and very glad I switched! They are definitely a better fit/look for my own body, in addition to really doing a lot for my own rippling issue.

  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    WOW - you all made me feel so great!  THANK YOU very much!

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89

    Divecat- I was hoping you would respond! Thank you for clearing up the anatomical implant question. That all makes sense in the waiting and allowing them to adhere! I know you're a super active woman so you'll lead by example. One thing I forgot to ask my PS was whether or not he was placing rounds or anatomicals on May 1st. I do know that they will be high projection and a cohesive gel. My TE's actually look amazing. I'll have to call on Monday. Once again thank you as you are a wealth of knowledge!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    DiveCat...I will post updated pics in the picture forum tomorrow. It has been 8 weeks and I'm still not liking them. They are very squish factor at all. They are anatomicals but you could have fooled me. They're quite square-ish, no projection, and what bothers me the most is the feeling of them moving under my muscle. I am very active and cannot stand this feeling!

    I read here somewhere of a women that actually had hers placed over the muscle, with fat-grafting and plenty of Alloderm at the same time.. She is quite happy with them. Anyone else out there had over the muscle?

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    I will make sure to take a look tomorrow jilly. I am so behind on the picture forum..I took some photos at 2 weeks but never posted them (and should do that), and am now at 4 1/2 weeks and have not taken any further photos. Too much going on really on my end to have made it a priority.

    I am really sorry you are having you know (I think) I am very active too but don't get any weird feelings of them moving around...for the most part I forget about them except when I try and open a tight jar lid! I do get the occassional pinchy feeling on the outer edge but this happened with my rounds too and it did dissipate in time as things settled.

    Yes, there are some who have them over the muscle, and I have seen a handful on these forums. You might be thinking of bc101, as hers is fairly recent. Honestly, that would not be my preference for many reasons even with Alloderm and fat grafting (though hers do look good from what I can recall) but if they really bother you it might be worth discussing with a PS willing to do that.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    DiveCat - opening the tight jar sensation? That's exactly it - except it's all the time...turning over in bed, picking up thing's, turning this way and that, etc..

    Post your updates in the pic forum!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    jilly: Anatomicals are not for everyone. They can look squarish or even oval on some women. They might not be for you. Regarding the over the muscle placement though...this is risky, in my humble opinion. It makes detection of a recurrence harder to detect or it might delay detection, expecially if it is a recurrence against the chest wall. The pectoral animation sensations do abate over time. I hardly notice it, six years out.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Thanks, WhippetMom - It never occurred to me re: surveillance. That's an awful thought.

    It's great to hear that this sensation is temporary. I want to stay active, and even simple chores (loading the dishwasher) can be annoying.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    I will post Jilly when I get to it...

    Just has not been very good timing right mum's not doing very well (she has BC mets and is having complications with her chemo on top of it) and work is insanely busy with lots of long hours, so just not been a priority to take more photos and/or post them. I will get to it when things settle down a bit, and I will check for your photos tomorrow!

    Deborah did point out the surveillance concern, but there also cosmetic concerns and "stability" concerns. Alloderm does add support, but I can say as someone who has Alloderm as well it does get stretchier over time as your own tissue integrates with it, and it is a lot to ask it to support and cover an implant all on it's own. You also have less coverage meaning...higher risk of rippling etc

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    Divecat - sorry to hear that your mum is not doing well at the moment.  Just wanted to reach out and say I'm right there with you and can totally relate.  I thought it was bad enough that I had BC and then to have my mom be diagnosed with BC mets also threw me for a loop.  She jus finished chemo and is supposed to start rads but they want to do a PET scan first cause her markers are up.  Sending positive energy to your mum!!!!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    DiveCat - So sorry to hear your mum isn't doing well. :(  You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Divecat: Oh my....had no idea your mother has bc with mets. I am so, so sorry. I am praying that she gets through this awful time....

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    My exchange is scheduled for July 2nd, the ps wants to do 1 more fill before the surgery. Is it better to do it sooner rather than later, or does it not matter. As I had a reduction it isn't really stretching the skin as there is still room and of course there will be lots of pocket work at exchange, as my left has detached from the sternum area tab and migrating under my armpit... The date in July is because my insurance required the hospital and that was the earliest his schedule there allowed. Also, he's hoping maybe some new implants will be released between now and then, but who ever knows when the FDA is involved... yep, I live in the DC area and know people who work there... these things do not always make any sense.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    knmtwins - I hope the new Inspira's will be available for you by then.  still waiting here in NY for the supply or maybe we should ask Divecat to send us some from Canada since they get all the good stuff before

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Thanks all for the kind words.

    I went and saw her over Easter (I am about a 12-13 hour drive away) and she was doing okay aside from some side effects, but she took a turn this last few days and has had a "rare" reaction to Xeloda...she has been in the hospital for the last 5 days. They may keep her another day or two to get things under control. Hard when I am not there, but my sister/stepfather/stepbrother are there and my brother who lives in B.C. flew in Sunday. Now waiting to find out what is next...she has no more AI options left and the Xeloda is now out. She only got to get through one cycle of that so its a bit stressful knowing she is having progression and that option is now out

  • bbbbun
    bbbbun Member Posts: 24

    Dearest Divecat~ You have no idea how much you have helped me and countless others during their BC journey!!!

    You and your Mom are in my prayers.....brings back memories of me and my Mom's experience back in '94.

    Hope it helps to know that there many many Sisters sending love and gentle hugs to you, a true Warrior !!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    knmtwins: The latest implants to be FDA approved are the Allergan "Inspira" implants which are really nice options for you. Ask your PS to requisition the Inspira implants for you. The fill timing would probably not be of any issue with your skin flap status.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    From this point forward, let's vow to ONLY donate monies to breast cancer organizations that are putting the majority of their funds towards research and a CURE, rather than more races for awareness!!! Grrrrr.....

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Deborah, I can cosign that!

    Don't get me started on the "early detection is the cure", "breast cancer awareness", "pink-washing", and etcetera stuff! Devil

  • Armineh
    Armineh Member Posts: 1

    This is really, really helpful, thank you. I am planning reconstruction with an anatomical implant on my left breast and a small implant on the right to replace tissue removed there in a lumpectomy.

    It's early, I know, but if someone could give me a ballpark figure relating cc's to cup size, I'd be better able to understand posts about tissue expanders, implants, etc.

    Thanks all for sharing.

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Deborah - thanks... and my PS's nurse agreed, so I cancelled the appointment, only to notice today, that my right side is much smaller than it had been, much more mushy, lots of extra skin... I think it has sprung a leak... so fortunately they had a slot open tomorrow... yep, my old time. I don't look at myself much and I use a scrubby in the shower, so not sure when this happened, but I have noticed the last few days my seatbelt has been bothering me, and not staying in the center. Now that I realize my right side is getting smaller, I realize this is why.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    Armineh - Welcome. If you read through the entire header, you'll see what info you need to provide for Whippetmom to talk about your sizes. Also, there is no way to discuss cup sizes with any meaning since there is no standard. Width & projection are much more useful measurements which she'll be able to discuss when you send your measurements and TE information.

  • lulu2533
    lulu2533 Member Posts: 15

    If this has already been asked I apologize. If you get silicone implants and need MRI's every however many years...does your insurance usually cover the scans? I know for a "regular" boob job they don't.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    knmtwins - now how the heck did you manage to spring a leak??  Hope it will be rectified tomorrow.  Good luck!!

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    lulu - my PS and BS both told me insurance would cover it from now on but I can't vouch for that as I'm not at that point yet.