I don't think the problem is that she does cosmetics/cosmetic reconstruction....there are many PS who do cosmetic work who have excellent bedside manner and care for their patients. And while there are some PS's who do only breast reconstruction, this does not by default make them automatically "better" or more compassionate that someone with a more varied practice.
It just seems like she is not a good fit for you and I am concerned she does not answer your questions or concerns.
I am surprised your cards were blank or needed filling in...mine were pre-printed as they came with the implants themselves (with model#, serial #, etc)
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drjaymie: Fabulous! You have the right implant!!!Now it is just a waiting game for everything to settle!!!!
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DiveCat...they were truly blank.
My PS (female) lacks compassion and patience; something a breast cancer reconstruction patient needs. I sit in the waiting room while the cosmetic patients primp and giggle. I don't want to be treated like a cosmetic patient - I have cancer.
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whippet mom,
Can a round implant flip? How would you know?
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mommyathome- yes it can flip. I know this first hand because mine did that. I had a revision done 2 weeks ago because we (my PS and I) thought it had just rotated. Turns out it had rotated AND flipped/bunched up. My PS said he has never seen it happen in all his years of doing implants. We suspected something was wrong with mine when I laid down my breast were two different sizes and it was hard as a rock. Christy
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yes mine ripples when I lay down- even though I just had fG march 23. It also kind of has a pointy spot where my nipple would be. What else did your bs/ps say? Is it something I can wait to address
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I was going in to be marked for fG and the ps says I think your implant flipped! I was like what?!? What does that mean? They're round?!?! I asked if she needed to fix it. She said not now let's do fG and we will see what happens... How did they determine yours flipped
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I had initially had issues last summer when I found another lump in my breast and I was sent for a breast MRI. When my PS looked at the images he determined it had started to rotate. He said that it would need to be fixed sooner rather than later. I work at a hospital and trying to take time off during holidays just doesn't happen. So I put it off until 2 weeks ago. I wish I had taken care of it sooner because the last month had been hell because it hurt so bad when I laid down on my back or on my side. I decided to replace them both and replace them with the ultra high profile implants. I feel better look wise with the new ones. I sent whippetmom pics of before and after and she agreed that they look better now than before.
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I think Chrisrenee was qualified to answer that question!
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fat grafting and see what happens ??? I don't like that answer...!!!!!
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I have to agree with Stix.
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I just attempted to update my thread header by adding a link to Inspira implants, and in doing so, my entire thread, save that new link, completely disappeared. I am just horrified and.
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whippetmom, if you don't have a recent copy of all your info, I'm sure the bco mods can open a ticket for their IT folks to retrieve it from a backup copy. I would expect that these discussion forums are backed up for disaster recovery, whether it be corruption or other IT issues. This thread is invaluable to the members here and I am sure they would be more than happy to restore it for you, even if it isn't done immediately.
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Someone posted not too long ago that they had an Allergan Style 10 implant. I don't think that I responded to your post. The Style 10 implant is rarely used any longer for breast reconstruction. Please PM me or post your question again on this thread.
I found it...
kmahalick: Please let me know why your PS used this style of implant. If you have lost projection, it is because this implant style has no projection.
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WhippetMom - here's hoping the MODS can come up with the header from a back up. I'm not a tech guru but it would make sense they would keep at least a 24 hour back up. Your research & advice are invaluable.
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Maybe it was meant to be MinusTwo. That header was sooooo long...and so few newbies read it anyway.....
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WippetMom - I read it as a newbie.
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Oh no Whippetmom - LOTS of people read it, even if we had to remind them sometimes to go back & read the details. And there are always so many referrals from other threads. I myself wish I'd copied it into a word document or something for future reference. Sigh. Sorry for all the extra work.
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I say we bombard the mods with PM's and say we all want whippetmom's header back. she is an invaluable source to all of us and we would be lost without her.
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What DID the Mods say about a backup, Deborah? They must have one... I know I copied and pasted pieces and parts of that header into posts to newbies on this thread. I could go back and see what I can salvage if that would help....
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Hello - I am new to this - I've read posts from back in 2008/9 and didn't realize you were still current. I finally had the courage to post my information....I'm currently reading the medical report which states "expander 354-8213 450 cc" and am currently filled at 480 cc. I've been devouring all the information you have posted but really don't have a clue. I know the plastic surgeon (PS) is going to use the tear drop (which I agreed) with ultra high projection (which I don't see ultra high projection in a teardrop). I am 5'6" 130 lbs with 29.5 ribcage. He told me I was a full C before surgery and took measurements but it was so much information I really don't remember the before but want to be prepared for the after. I think he mentioned in the beginning about a 450 or 500 cc (but I don't know if that was for the tissue expander or the implant). Since reading all this information I'm trying to figure it all out. I go back to see the PS in a couple weeks and don't know what to ask besides I want to be the size that I am looking at right now. I am happy with the way my clothes look and from what I hear the implants appear smaller than the TE so that concerns me because I do want projection (from what I read) - I just started wearing clothes that make me feel good again.
I commend all the women and the courage and appreciate all that they have shared and hope you know how comforting it is to know how helpful these posts are.
With that I will await to hear about any insight you may have. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day
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- Good morning Whippetmom. I was adviced to ask for your professional and personal opinion regarding the type of implant I should be asking my PS during my exchange consultation. I had bmx 4/2/2015, and currently have Natrelle style 133MV size 400cc, filled up to 380 at this time but my ps wants to fill up to 450cc. I have pictures up on picture forum. I am 5'3", 110#, 29" rib. Thank you in advance.
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Thanks girls...just have not had a chance to ask the mods about the lost thread. But I feel like once my schedule clears up I can recreate it, update it and do it differently. It was a novel of a header....
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So your 450 cc tissue expander has the following dimensions: 12.7 cm width, 10.8 cm height and 7.0 cm projection. Here are your options:
Smooth round ultra high profile Style 45 - 600 ccs. 12.8 cm wide and 6.1 cm projection
410 anatomicals:
410 gms 13.0 cm wide and 12.1 cm height and 6.1 cm projection
445 gms 13.5 cm wide and 12.5 cm height and 6.2 cm projection
Memoryshape anatomicals: 495 ccs - 13.0 cm wide and 12.2 cm height and 6.5 cm projection
Perhaps also, depending on the degree of overfill and your skin envelope:
Memoryshape anatomicals 555 ccs - 13.5 cm wide and 12.7 cm height and 6.7 cm projection
If Mentor rounds,
Smooth round ultra high projection: 650 ccs - 12.9 cm wide and 6.4 cm projection
I prefer the Mentor anatomicals vs the Allergan anatomicals as far as dimensions. I also like the ultra rounds.
I like Sientra implants but there is nothing in that line up that has sufficient projection, if you like what you are seeing with your TEs.
Now you have something to discuss with your PS. You want to come as close as possible to the dimensions of your TEs, most specifically gaining sufficient projection.
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mared4: I will take a look at your pics and get back to you.....
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Thank you so much!!!!
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Completely agree! Breast augmentation patients have totally different needs than BC patients. Many PS are not good with the latter.
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Anyone out there have anatomical direct-to-implant and have a later revision to another implant? Did you go larger?
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Hi whippet mom,
Thank you for all you do for us! I'm sorry you lost your thread intro, all such great information. I wonder if anyone screen-captured it as a reference and can get it back to you.
I would like your advice on implant choice. My exchange is scheduled for 6/5 and I will be finalizing all details with my surgeon on 5/21. I am a unilateral, so symmetry trumps all, and I will have a lift/reduction (but hopefully not much) on my healthy right side.
My info:
5'5", current weight 175, which is 10 pounds over normal, ribcage is 34".
Pre-mastectomy bra size was a full 36D, I'm still wearing these bras and hope to continue.
My TE is Natrelle Style 133FV-13, volume is 500 cc, I am currently filled to 700 and done with expansions.
I believe I will go with silicone cohesive gel / gummy bear anatomicals and my surgeon seems to prefer Sientra.
I appreciate your insight, thank you!
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Your TE dimensions: 13.0 cm width x 13.5 cm height x 5.7 cm projection.
The Sientra implant which comes the closest to those dimensions:
Textured Shaped Classic Base Moderate Projection - 450 ccs:
13.0 cm width x 14.0 cm height x 5.0 cm projection.
The goal in overfilling in your case is to create sufficient ptosis to match the native breast. You might also ask your PS about a smooth silicone round 500 ccs, Allergan Style 20 or 421 ccs, Allergan Style 15.
I do not know if you will still wear the same bra size, since you are having a reduction on the native side. As you stated, the goal is symmetry and so the implant choice will be selected, based upon the end cosmetic result after the mastopexy/reduction.
Hope this gives you something to discuss with your PS!Deborah