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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I would vote for either Allergan Style 20, which is a high profile implant, 600 ccs or Allergan Inspira - an extra full projection style implant - SRX or SSX, 610 gms.

    There is always a MX style anatomical also, probably in the 500 gm range, but with "very uneven" breasts, anatomicals are not as "forgiving" as smooth rounds when you are trying to get the best symmetry possible.Now that you have posted.....and you have that fear out of the way, you can go crazy with posting! Winking

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9


    I am currently waiting to schedule/confirm my exchange (tentatively middle of November). I feel like my surgeon has made up his mind on what he is going to use (shaped ones, he likes them for recon, and I have one on left side already) but I don't . I just had last fill on Tuesday, and he was in and out of the room in like 3 minutes, said to his PA "Yes, she is ready, this is the last one" and that was it. I am thinking I need to schedule a consult with him before the surgery, just to discuss what is going to be done and used.

    He did Lat Dorsi on the right side at the end of July for me, it went great, I trust him completely, but it is my body at the end of the day, right?

    So, I would greatly appreciate your input and wisdom :

    1. I am 5.7, currently 133 lb, rib cage is 29

    2. My right expander is Allergan 133FX-11 350cc, I think it is filled to it's capacity . Not overfilled though .

    On my left I have Sientra textured shaped implant, ref 20646-370RB, so 370 cc.

    It looks good, but I think I would like something softer? That is what I am not sure about, should I exchange it for a round one? Also I do and will have to much space between them, he said he will do fat grafting at the revision stage to fill in space around new implant, as I have "bony" chest . He likes using shaped ones for reconstruction, but wouldn't mind exchanging them for me too.

    Pre MX I was an A cup .

    Also, I am afraid that the muscle that was put over the right breast is going to shift implant/breast to my underarm area. I can see that most of the skin expansion is happening on the side of the breast that is closer to the of middle of the chest, not from the nipple to the right, if it makes sense? That muscle if tight and I feel its tugging.

    I wish I could email you my pics? and do want them to be rounder and softer and may be a tad bit bigger :-) may be.

    Thank you for taking time!

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48

    Thank you so much, Whippet mom! That is sort of what my gut was telling me - but it was great to bounce it off someone such as yourself that really knows what she is talking about. I know I'm not alone when I say that what you do on this site is much appreciated!!! xoxox Georgie

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89

    whippetmom- I want to thank you for recommending my new PS to me for a second opinion! He took the time to listen to my concerns. Today was my revision surgery and he put in the Inspira high profile rounds. He showed me the ones he removed which were the Mentor gel round moderate plus profile and the ones he put in. The moderate plus were wide, flat and literally looked like hamburger buns! The Inspiras are perkier with less rippling. I got to see the results and can already tell they look great! Your advice and the time you take to do this for all of us is priceless!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    lharry: Sorry...I know of SSP but not the "Allo" line. Yo are the first to report having them. I will need to look them up.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Zenlt: I will send you my email address via private message I need to see photos

  • katykids
    katykids Member Posts: 44

    Thank you! I appreciate the wisdom you share!

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9

    Wippetmom, I went to check my messages and while looking for place to do it I found out mine were not even turned on. They are now.

    I will check again tomorrow. Thank you for helping me.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    lharry: Found the information on your TEs. So your TE dimensions are:
    13.0 cm wide, 11.9 cm height and 5.4-6.3 cm in projection (variable with fill levels). So if anatomicals are used, you would be a candidate for Allergan 410 - MX 445 gms and perhaps the next size up. Other options would be Allergan Style 45, 600 ccs ro 650 ccs (have the same dimensions as your TEs at maximum projection), Allergan Inspira SRX or SSX 520 gms or 550 gms.

    You list your ribcage as 37, but want to make sure you are measuring correctly. Are you measuring UNDER the TEs, snugly around the ribcage?

  • Lharry
    Lharry Member Posts: 37

    Deborah, I just had my husband help me to measure, and he said it is a 36.5 snug.

    Do you recommend anatomicals over rounds then?

  • Sunkissed
    Sunkissed Member Posts: 12

    just had my exchange surgery October 21 and would like to know if you can tell me about the inspira srf 695 implants i now have. They feel wonderful compared to my te's!! So glad to be done with that surgery.

    But i cannot find any info online about them.

    Thank you!

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9

    Going to see my doctor tomorrow, just got a call from his office . I take it as a good sign as I was just about to call myself for a consultation. I was really put off by him swinging by on last visit, and giving green light to schedule a surgery.

    Deborah: I sent you pictures. Just wanted to let you know, in case I messed it up somehow :-)

    Hope everybody is having a great Monday!

  • CatsRus
    CatsRus Member Posts: 98

    I have a first consult with a PS on Wednesday. I had a UMX in March and am hoping to have a PMX of the other breast with reconstruction for both. I have always had small breasts (I used to be thin too). Before gaining weight I was a 34A (barely) and now I wear a 38B but can't say I fill my bras out. I'd like to be a full B, or possibly small C, after recon. I am desperately trying to lose weight and am eating as healthily as I can plus exercising, but don't seem to be losing. I was doing well (with weight loss) before BC struck and I gained weight on chemo!!

    Whippetmom, any advice please? I am 61 years old, 5’ 8” tall, 190 lbs, 34.5 rib cage.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Lharry: I would actually recommend Allergan Style 45. I feel you could use the volume and the projection afforded by that style. Are you happy with the size you are in your tissue expanders

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Sunkissed. They are smooth responsive touch full height implants. A very good choice. Although they must be 675 gms.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Zenlt: I am so, so sorry! Yikes! I saw your photos (I think you look great, by the way) yesterday and was on my cellphone, and could not concentrate enough to respond on that tiny device. So you have the best shaped implant, in my opinion....However, they are firm. I think for bony chested gals, they feel even firmer. If you feel that you want to be a little larger, smooth rounds in Allergan or Mentor might be better. I say make the right choice now, because I don't think you should be toying around with that flap side more than necessary. So get it right the first time. I think you look really good (I do feel you might need one more fill though) and fat grafting will indeed be a good idea to soften the edges and fill in the step-off on the flap side. But the reason to change would be the firmness factor. You will get used to them...over time. If you do want to go larger, you will indeed need further fills.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Lharry....there IS supposed to be a question mark at the end of my post. For some reason, and I have tried editing it three times, it will not accept a question mark

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Okay....crazy....I did NOT delete that post. I responded to Lharry that there was supposed to be a question mark at the end of my post above, but I was unable to do so.

  • Walkbyfaith2
    Walkbyfaith2 Member Posts: 1

    Hello Whippetmom,

    I enjoyed reading your discussions and would like to get your opinion on my upcoming reconstruction. I am status post BMX end of July. I have finished 3 out of 4 chemo. I am 5'6 and 152 (gained 15 lbs during chemo). Ribcage 31 inches. I used to be 36C bra size. My removed beasts were the left 615cc and the right was 660 cc. My cancer was on the right side and will need radiation on the right side. I have bilateral expanders. I have the 450cc medium height Mentor expanders. The left is expanded to 575 and the right to 600cc. My PS wants to exchange the right expander with Mentor round 650cc silicone implant before radiation and deflate left side expander. I would like to be close to what I was before. I want to be comfortable. Worried about being too large.If you can give me your thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9

    Thank you, Deborah! I appreciate it very much. Needed another set of eyes to look at it.

    The rads did a number on my right side. I actually went with expander they put in after MX for 3 years before I attempted reconstruction. I was hoping to go without any flaps.That didn't go well. Had a new expander put in in November of last year, and it got infected, exchanged it for another one and it was getting infections (not as bed as first one) regularly. Had to surrender to LD and I am happy I did, my only regret is that I didn't do it right from the beginning.

    The current PS is the one who was at my MX and he was telling me after rads that it would be the way to go, but NOOO, I had to go find somebody else to try and go straight to implant. Needless to say I went back to him with my tail between my legs :-) when it didn't work out. He is great, my body just needs to cooperate. It's really interesting how I felt much much better just after 3 weeks post LD with him, then after 7 months (!) of having the expander with prior PS! Huge difference. At my initial consultation he couldn't even touch it in places without me hurting. After 7 months!

    I will update after tomorrow. Don't think it's smart to expand more, my muscle is getting tight in there, and pulls to the right, agrr.

  • Sunkissed
    Sunkissed Member Posts: 12

    Hmmm. Strange.

    Yeah my id card says SRF-695 Natrelle Inspira breast implant. I cant find base or projection numbers anywhere.

    Nope they apparently are not 675.

    Ps opened up pockets to accommodate these. I have 31" ribcage. 5'3", 143 lbs.

    They feel wide with so much less projection than te's. Will a certain bra help w projection? I do have cleavage now tho which is a nice plus!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Walkbyfaith2: You will not be too large with 650 cc implants. That sounds like a very good size for you. Just make sure they are high profile implants.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sunkissed: Go to the Bras 101 thread. If you have a Nordstroms nearby, get professionally fitted. Try these bras: Freya, Chantelle, Natori, Anita, Panache

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Zenlt: Will wait for your update tomorrow

  • Lharry
    Lharry Member Posts: 37

    Thank you Deborah!

    Right now I am not happy with the current size of my TE's. I was just filled again today, another 50cc's each side, making 450 on left and 400 on the right. I was a D/DD before BC, and I feel like I still look small chested for my frame.

    I also feel like there is a large gap between my TE's, but it may be because I used to wear bras that lifted the girls and gave me some cleavage. Not sure if I'll get the cleavage back.

    Do youstill recommend Allergan Style 45?

  • Sunkissed
    Sunkissed Member Posts: 12

    Wow. Thank you. Lots of info on that thread!

    If you ever come across any info on srf695 inspira will you let me know?

    Thanks for everything you do!!!!!

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9

    Well, I am back from the doctors office and I am not happy with my current situation.

    He said he wanted to see me to discuss a possibility of my right side not matching in size my left implant at the time of surgery. He said I will try to put in the implant with biggest projection, I don't remember the number, but something around 7.?? cm, and right now he measured me and I need 8cm to match. So, his question was what I want him to do in case he sees too big of a difference at the time of surgery. Should he proceed with finishing just this side and leave for me to see and decide later whether I want to leave it like that, do some fat grafting, or exchange left for smaller one. OR he should swap my left implant for a smaller one right then and there, if it's not close enough match.


    Not at all what I wanted to hear, like at all. I know, it's not worth worrying and getting upset about, but somehow it brought me down anyway. I don't think I am big in size to go even smaller.

    And to add to that when he saw that I have Seintra in, he said that there is some recall on those, and even though he thinks it's for the new ones, not for those who already have them in, he will check, and possibly will exchange it if needed. Kind of like perfect opportunity to do it.

    He uses Mentor and Allergan implants.

    So, surgery is on 11/10 and I have to let him know a week before what I want him to do.

    I guess what I would like to hear him say is we will not match exactly, but it's okay, I will work on it later, add some fat and whatnot and it will great! Loopy You know, like magician.

    We didn't even discuss round ones, I forgot all about them.

    Sorry for the novel. I think that I am upset because I know I have to let it be up to him, if not I most likely be having one more surgery down just to do what can be done at this one.

    It's right thing to do, only I don't want to be smaller. I know, very superficial of me.

    Do they have fuller but not as projected implants may be?

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178

    Zen--For me, symmetry was the goal in my breast reconstruction. I would think it would be very difficult to achieve symmetry in your case without replacing your current left implant with something that will more closely match your right implant. However, I will defer to Deborah who is the expert here! The pro side of the argument here is that both implants can be done now during one surgery/one anesthesia which will probably result in less and/or shorter surgeries later on.

    Think about it this way--you are making a cake to match the cake you made last week. If you had only made a double batch of cake last week, both cakes would match but because you were unable to make a double batch, you now must try to replicate the cake you made last week with the cake you make this week. The cake you make this week does not match closely enough to the cake you made last week so you have to keep tweaking and adjusting the cake you made this week. By the time you are done, you have really worked twice as hard on the cake you made this week so that it would match last week's cake!

    Since your PS has experience in this area and he is already telling you that he foresees issues with symmetry, he is probably a pretty good judge of what will match and what will not match. If I were in your shoes, I would tell him that symmetry is my goal and give him permission to exchange the left implant so that both sides are symmetrical.

  • zenit
    zenit Member Posts: 9

    Thank you, Lori! I agree. In my mind I do "know" he is right, and I will give him my permission to make that call. In my case there is not much tissue on my MX side, just thin skin, so he does have challenges to overcome as it is, no need to be stubborn and add to that, I guess.

    Love your cake example! Now I need it Smile

  • Nigelsmom
    Nigelsmom Member Posts: 3

    Greetings Whippetmom:

    I have been trolling this thread for some time now and this is my very first post! I will have to go back and update my specifics in my signature.

    First, thank you on behalf of everyone who's ever written & asked a question & for those who just trolled like me. Your time, effort & info are priceless.

    So, I had a lumpectomy in March 2015 on the left breast with 2 sentinol node removal (benign) After Chemo (April thru June) I decided to have a bilateral mastectomy on 8/18/15 due to my Triple Negative diagnosis. I have not had radiation.

    On 8/18/15 I had bi lat mx with immediate reconstruction. Implants are: right and left Allergen MX-16 TE's with 850ML capacity.

    A 6x16 cm Alloderm sling was used on both left & right sides. Mastectomy specimen weights were approx 1200 grams. A significant skin trimming was performed because of excess breast skin and pre op ptosis. Prior to surgery my right breast was 36F and left was 36DDD

    I am 5 feet 9 inches, 180 pds and have measured my rib cage (using metal one I wrapped under my breast and it measured 32inches). I know....bad girl...probably a tad smaller.

    I was filled at time of surgery to 450. Slow inflation in left TE compared to the Right. Lost plastic surgeon and found a another one who will do the transfer. Long Story. But lucky to find qualified surgeon & view his work live with women who are his patients. (Whew)In the interim a PS stepped in to provide fills only on left side to provide symmetry.

    I am now at approx 700cc and happy with size. Fullness & no real major rippling. Currently I am wearing a Warner's 36D bra and fill it out nicely. I like being smaller and like the fullness I have now. I can send you pictures.

    I am scheduled for my exchange surgery on 11/10. Should I be looking to stick with rounds (I'm not trying to go for the implant showgirl look) more natural. Any suggestions. Thanks in advance😊